Friday, October 12, 2018

The Democrat Nominee Dark Horse Candidate for 2020 Presidential Election

     The 2018 midterms are nearly upon us and it doesn't seem too early to start looking at the potential Democrat candidates to make a run for the Presidency. So far, President Trump has been very successful at improving the economy, decreasing unemployment, getting rid of oppressive regulations and lowering taxes.  Internationally, he has renegotiated trade deals and gotten the US out of bad deals and agreements with the idea of negotiating better agreements and is working toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and Iran.  Whether he will be successful remains to be seen.  Even if he is successful, there are still some potential candidates who have begun obvious or weakly disguised messages that they are in the running.  The continuing Mueller investigation, the antifa, and other anti Trump organizations want us to think he is vulnerable while for some, 2020 is just a test  for 2024 but a last chance for others.  Young and old, liberal to ultraliberal, the entire gamut of potential candidates are in the running.  I will try to analyze the strong and weak points of each and at the end, list my "dark horse" to get the nomination.
      Lets start with some of the obvious.  Hillary Clinton just won't go away.  Despite the terrible campaign she ran and her dumb book she wrote afterward, she just won't face reality.  She is not a very likable person, has no message, in poor health, and would be in her 70s.  She and hubby Bill are hitting the road for some sort of tour, I think to criticize President Trump and all of us who voted for him. (I wonder if I could sue her  for libel for calling me deplorable.)  She certainly has a lot of money to wage a campaign, but I think that she does not have the ability to raise huge amounts of money anymore.  Her foreign sources have dried up and even most wealthy  Democrat donors in the know see her as a loser.  She lost in 2008 to Obama and then again to Trump in 2016.  She barely beat out socialist Bernie Sanders with the unethical help from the DNC, CNN, and super delegates. Maybe woman abuser Bill, who doesn't look so good himself, can kick some sense into her (after all, maybe she likes it rough).
     Next we have Bernie Sanders.  Many ultraliberal Democrats think he should have been the nominee in 2016 if it weren't for HRC's and the DNC's treachery and he remains with a large following as the head of the socialist movement (it is not progressive, but actually regressive).  I have to give Bernie credit, he waged a very active campaign for a man his age, but he will be 79 in 2020 and serving 4 years would put him at 83 if he won.  The main question is whether he can hold up to a vigorous campaign, both for the nomination and then for the presidency, if he should win.  Will he also be able to attract the money necessary to wage a successful campaign as there are certainly going to be much younger socialists and liberal Democrats in the running who would attract contributions,  In 2016, he was really the only alternative to HRC for Democrats.
      Other socialist candidates include Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory (Spartacus) Booker. Warren is the only one with some experience, (but Obama had no experience and became President).  She comes off as an angry person, who seems to be yelling and screaming at every demonstration in Washington, DC.  She seems even less likable than HRC. For now, all we know that she stands for are oppressive government regulations and much higher taxes.  I think it is safe to say that Harris and Booker, pretty much stand for the same, but they have done so little as senators that they would need to take the Obama route to the nomination. More than likely, except for Warren who is 69 years old, the others may look at this as a trial run for 2024.
      I can't leave out Joe Biden.  Biden, though 75, still seems to have some fight left in him.  He would like to take President Trump out behind the gym and duke it out.  It would make great par-for-view even better than a top UFC event.  Joe usually has a big mouth with little to back it up. Though laughable because of his many gaffs, it is doubtful that he would be able to raise enough money to run, but he might be considered more moderate than the previous candidates mentioned and would certainly draw support from the dwindling number of traditional Democrats.
      How about Tim Kaine, HRC's vice presidential running mate?  Naw.
      How about retiring Governor of California, Jerry Brown?  He destroyed a once great state and would probably do the same to America.  He is 80 years old. No way.
      Two left overs from the Obama regime that may throw their hats in the ring, include former Attorney General Eric Holder and all around Obama lackey Susan Rice.  Holder has a corrupt and/or  inept tenure as Attorney General with one scandal after another that he would have to answer for.  He is already trying for far left support with talk about getting violent with Trump supporters. And though the Democrat electorate would probably ignore it, His scandal plagued DOJ becomes an extreme liability during the presidential election.  Susan Rice also has too many problems, especially with lying, to make her a real candidate.
      There is one turncoat, Michael Bloomberg, former Republican mayor of New York City now a Democrat.  His politics line up a little more toward the left of center and he has enough money to fund his own campaign as one of the wealthiest Americans.  Though he lacks a national organization, he could certainly buy one and spend a billion of his own money and not really miss it.  I imagine he would have to contend with the puppet master, George Soros, for buying hearts and minds.  He is also no spring chicken and  will be 78 years old in 2020.  Might be fun to see Bloomberg and Sanders go at it.  Maybe Biden would take them behind the gym. Bloomberg could also launch a third party campaign, if a socialist winds up with the Democrat nomination.
      Before I give you my dark horse, I would like to say that all of the above have significant problems that could include age, experience, scandal, likability, and most importantly financial backing.  The more radical of the candidates may even choose the third party route.  Though any Democrat nominee will get some, the big donors may not want to go all in until 2024 after Trump finishes his second term and the Republican nomination will draw a large number of candidates.
      I think it is obvious who I have left out.  This dark horse was somewhat muted during the second Obama regime, but has begun to make more and more appearance.  She is very anti Trump and in fact states that the great economic recovery that we have made was begun by Obama and gives Trump little if any credit for it. It should be obvious by now that i am talking about Michelle Obama.  Her husband is still very popular among Democrats and would therefore have the ability to raise money. Many wealthy donors would contribute as they would consider her, like her husband, to favor  crony capitalism. Other factors in her favor are name recognition and the obvious platform of returning to her husband's agenda. That she lacks any experience could be totally ignored, as Barack would be her most influential advisor.  Finally she is also young enough to use 2020 as a stepping stone to 2024.
      2020 should be very interesting.  I suspect the Democrat Party will continue its self destructive journey to the left, especially as Trump continues to have one success after another.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Doc. Welcome back. And thanks for another informative and provocative column.
