Saturday, December 23, 2023

Two Failed Presidencies (Part 3)

      It is obvious why both Obama and Biden failed the American people, their anti America policies. The worst of which was the "green" agenda.  Obama got us into the Paris Climate Accord, a Marxist sheep in wolf's clothing agenda that used a lie started by a genuine WW2 Nazi who hated America and capitalism. Non renewables, that America has in abundance, enhance our economy and not taking advantages and attacking their use is responsible for inflation and its consequences.  Nearly every aspect of our economy depends on gas, oil, and to a lesser extent coal.  Manufacturing goods and growing food products depend on non renewables that could be relatively cheap in America, since we have some of the largest reserves in the world.  Leftists have always tried to bury our economy using lies about gas and oil.  For a time, a lie about oil called "peak oil" was touted to the point that even oil producers actually believed it.  "Peak oil" was the belief that essentially all of the oil reserves in the world had been discovered and so we needed to find its replacement. Using new technology, fracking was developed and that encouraged new exploration and the uncovering of centuries of new oil reserves.  The left couldn't stand for that, as oil is what drives the most successful economy in the world and capitalism.  So called global warming was located in a fictional novel by an Austrian Nazi, published in 1956.  The entire book, Dance with the Devil, attacks America and capitalism, as the author hated them for defeating and causing the suicide of his beloved Hitler.  Ironically, it is the Marxists and not the neo Nazis that picked up on this. 

      If you follow my blog, you know that i have discussed the various aspects of the demented and destructive policy many times, since I began publishing my blog a dozen years ago.  The Paris Climate Accord was primarily invented to attack America and our economy.  It necessarily avoids attacking the economy of OPEC nations, Russia, China, and Iran. It requires America to not only lower its use of oil, gas, and coal, but diminish production, certainly not decrease it.  Both Obama and Biden have done their best to meet this requirement.  When you add the harm that "green" policies have had not only to our economy, but our security, you will understand the harm that Obama and Biden have done.  Compare this to the Trump era.  The economy grew and unemployment diminished under Trump policies that not only withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, but resumed the development of pipelines and drilling.  America became energy independent and actually sold oil abroad, reducing our trade deficit.  Another important factor about oil is how much it costs to get it out of the ground and or ocean.  Saudi Arabia has the cheapest costs, but America is second and the costs came down as fracking technology improved.  Finally, oil quality is important as well, such as "dirty" oil from Venezuela or Canada, costs more to refine than clean oil such as light sweet crude from Texas to refine. Since oil prices are in dollars and based on supply and demand, oil sales by American companies were very profitable. Limiting access and delivery only hurts America like shutting down the construction of he XL Pipeline, or denying access to oil leases in Alaska and other government lands.  

      The alternatives to oil, gas, and coal are expensive and in some ways more destructive to the environment. Carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas. Obama, Biden, and so called environmentalists must have skipped forth grade the day it was taught that plants use carbon dioxide to make oxygen and without it in or atmosphere there would be no life. CO2 only represents a tiny aspect of our atmosphere.  it is solar activity that controls our climate.  

      The Trump years represented an improvement in our economy and returned the American dream to everyone who wanted to work.  Biden under the control of Obama stole the dream and forced Americans to get by paycheck to paycheck as the cost of fuel, rent, and food soared.  Biden called this devastating economic policy "Bidenomics" and tried to convince us that it was improving our lives.  Americans aren't that stupid.

      Though I don't usually believe in conspiracy theories, here is one that could be true. Obama was not stupid and realized that he needed someone to destroy America.  He got his good friend James Clyburn to back Biden's presidential campaign that had been failing in the first three primaries, and Biden won South Carolina.  With the Main stream media on his side, Obama managed to convince them to support Biden.  Why did he want Biden?  Obama was fully aware of Biden's and his families corruption.  The FBI reported on it regularly to him.  Rather than expose Biden and end his career, he was able to extort Biden, who badly wanted his corrupt career to continue, and force him to push Obama's anti America policies.  He was to hire Susan Rice as an advisor that would not require  congressional approval, so she could serve as a liaison. Biden then did anything Obama wanted him to do.  The worst of which were to attack oil, rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and nominate a whole group of cabinet level appointees most of who were either anti America themselves or just plain incompetent.  Merrick Garland and, Janet Yellen, Alajandro Mayorkas, Jennifer Granholm, Julie Su, and Deb Haaland,  are the former, and the later including vice president Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who are incompetent and chosen for their ability to check off boxes to give Obama-Biden a second term. His judicial nominees are the worst ever.  Some nominated for appeals court, can't answer basic Constitutional questions or define basic legal terms, all of which a first year law student could answer.  His supreme court nominees was unable to define a "woman".  His latest nominee to a Washington State circuit could not define the difference of a "stay" or "injunction".  Did she really graduate from law school?

      Lastly, both Obama and Biden were very timid in dealing with our enemies.  Whereas Trump would send a powerful message, Obama and Biden were slow to act and only showed weak support.  When Putin seized Crimea, Obama sent blankets and then when Putin attacked the rest of Ukraine, Biden did send arms, but very slowly and never enough to get the job done, even though Ukraine showed its ability and desire to fight the Russians.  Now during the Israel-Hamas War Biden has tried to slow Israel down and all but demand a cease fire. Iran surrogates in the Middle East, Syria, Hezbollah, and the Houtie Rebels have attacked our assets in the area over a hundred times yet Biden is afraid to react significantly fearing a war with Iran. Iran isn't stupid like Biden.  likewise Biden's weakness may force China to invade Taiwan in 2024, if it becomes evident that Trump will win the election.  In that regard, China will help Biden all it can to get elected so it doesn't have to worry.  Biden will abandon Taiwan, just ache abandoned Afghanistan.  

     In conclusion, Biden and Obama had no real foreign policy that favored American interests, but instead allowed American dominance worldwide to be replaced by China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, all of whom feared Trump.  They have all but abandoned our military, imposing a "woke" policy, that discourages new enlistments and reenlistments. and has hurt morale.  The twelve years of Obama-Biden have ruined America and their horrible policies must be ended.


What Did Obama know and When Did He Know it

               " Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"  Sun Tzu The Art of War 

    Those of you who follow my blog, know that I occasionally make a prediction that seems a little strange, but eventually comes true. My biggest prediction, that has not come to pass, is that I had predicted that there would be a contested 2020 Democrat Convention and Michelle Obama would be the presidential candidate. Obviously that didn't happen. This article is about Obama's awareness of the crimes of both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, mostly during, but also after his regime concluded and how he was able to use him to secretly continue his anti America policies without outwardly seeming responsible.

     In 2008, it was a surprise to some that Obama selected Joe Biden to run as his VP.  Biden was well known as a braggadocios liar and one of the least intelligent members of the US Senate.  His seconds long run for the Democrat nomination in 2008 allowed him to raise money and pay wife Jill $2 million as a campaign consultant. It was also surprising, since Biden was mentored by racist Senators James Eastland of Mississippi and Robert Byrd of West Virginia.  The claim was that Biden was selected for his foreign policy acumen was a joke, as Biden was usually wrong when it came to foreign policy.  Biden was actually selected as impeachment insurance as well as a concession to the few moderate Democrats that still existed.  Clinton was selected as Secretary of State to prevent her from running against him in 2012.  He could also keep an eye on her, if she did.  

    Obama had the perfect spy, Susan Rice.  At first as UN ambassador, Rice had access to leadership from every foreign country and served as eyes and ears on Clinton.  During Obama's second term Rice was posted to the NSA, that gave her access to thousands of FISA warrants that "coincidently"involved Biden or Clinton beside Republicans. The US Uranium deal that netted a million dollars to Bill and $145 million to the Clinton Foundation certainly raised eyebrows.  We all know now that Hillary broke the law and had a secret unprotected server, deleted thousands of incriminating emails, removed SIM cards, Bleach Bit hard drives, and destroyed cell phones.  Obama already had most if not all of the data so it didn't matter.  He then knew that when elected he could control Hillary Clinton by threatening the release of this information. He was certain that she would beat  Donald Trump, who he considered an amateur politician at best. Even though her criminal activity leaked out during the 2016 campaign, Obama used James Comey to save her,  by making the outrageous decision that her conduct did not raise to the level of criminality,  though it should have been the AG's responsibility. Finally, he buried Weiner's computer data until after the election. Because she was aware he saved her campaign, he could control Hillary and was certain she would get elected. As for Biden, his foreign dealing as well as those of his brother and son were followed closely. Even if they were not, Biden's bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired left him vulnerable to control.  Biden was more interested in money and power rather than any policy.  In addition, exposing his VP would not look very good for the Democrat Party, Obama chose to ignore Ukraine, as the Obama-Biden foreign policy only had one victory, the killing of Osama Bin Ladin. (Biden was against this.)

    With Trump's unexpected victory, Obama knew that Clinton was through as a presidential candidate for 2020 and he had to go elsewhere, if he were to continue his antiAmerica policy. The first two primaries went very badly for Biden,  He came in in forth in Iowa and third in New Hampshire with Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg a head of him.  Obama did not like or trust Sanders and felt he was too radical for America and Buttigieg was inexperienced being a small town mayor and openly gay, so he went to his former VP who wanted the job, could be disguised as a moderate, and most importantly be controlled by Obama. Kamala Harris was selected as Biden's VP candidate to secure the black and female vote and also serve as Biden's impeachment insurance.

     I was shocked when Obama ally James Clyburn supported racist Biden in the South Carolina primary that catapulted him to victory for the Democrat nomination. Using Covid-19 as an excuse, Biden was anchored to his basement, so he would not campaign and make his usual lies, gaffes, and memory losses, only edited videos.  Trump had survived all the lies and two ridiculous impeachments, but could not survive the illegal mail-in ballot fraud.  Now Obama was free to run the government and use Susan Rice, who was appointed to as Domestic Advisor, a position that did not require Senate confirmation.  Obama then had Biden nominate the worst set of cabinet members in history only using race, sex, and a neo Marxist background to be selected.  Some were left over from the Obama regime and others had long history of Marxist advocacy. All checked boxes. except competency.  Best of all, Obama could not be blamed for the destruction of American Democracy, as he was comfortably  situated at his compound on Martha's Vineyard.

     Now Obama has a real problem. Despite massive attempt to prevent Trump from running for President, he has gotten stronger and stronger for every obstacle that Biden-Obama has flung at him.  Worst of all, Biden continues to deteriorate mentally and physically, and as a result even his fellow Democrats consider him "too old" to run.  His approval has dropped to an all time low  of 33% as all of his policies have failed for Americans. The criminal activity of his family of which he was involved has hurt him as well.  Now Obama advisor, David Axelrod, has called for a replacement as the nominee.  Kamala Harris, who normally would be first in line has worse polling that Biden and has proven to be totally inept. Her only accomplishments as Democrat VP is breaking ties in the Senate.  Ignoring her might anger black women, the most reliable Democrat Party voting group, who might stay home.  So who might be next in line for the nomination.  Neo Marxist Gavin Newsom seems eager to run and is certainly a younger and more dynamic personality that Biden. Unfortunately he has run California into the ground and has indefensible record.  Michelle Obama becomes the dark horse again. 


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Two Failed Presidencies {Part 2)

      Obama was lucky, very lucky, when it comes to his failed economy.  He became President when the economy was at its low point over the bursting of the real estate bubble from sub prime mortgages. Sub prime mortgages are those that the lender has some doubt that the loan will ever be repaid.  In order to cut losses lenders invented creative mortgage gimmicks and sold these mortgages in packages to investors hidden among good mortgages to avoid or limit losses. Ironically, Obama was one of the attorneys whose action forced the use of subprime mortgages.  In 1995, Obama represented two of the three named plaintiffs, Brooks and Roberson, and was second named for Bucyks-Roberson against Citibank Federal Savings Bank, claiming that they didn't get a mortgage because they were black. In actuality, it was because the bank denied the mortgage based on economics.  Besides the three named plaintiffs, there were 183 that were unnamed.  In 1998 the law suit was settled for $1.3 million.  Each of the three named plaintiffs received $20K, Obama received  $23K from 360K awarded to his law firm. The remainder was to be distributed to the 183 unnamed plaintiffs, but few of the them got any part of the distribution.  The lawyers kept it.

      The bursting of the mortgage bubble resulted in a severe recession.  The Fed was forced to drop interest rates to practically zero. Normally low interest rates encourage employment and growth of the economy, but Obama's required some tricks to make the economy better than it really was.  First, he said that if someone was unemployed for more than 6 months, they were no longer counted in the unemployment statistics.  Even though they were considered unemployed, their unemployment benefits were increased from 26 weeks to 99 weeks.  Therefore he was paying many people who were unemployed not to work or those who worked off the books to double dip.  What was the result of this slight of hand was that the unemployment figures, that were announced on Thursday each week, almost always more than the new employment numbers given out on Friday, yet the unemployment rate appear to drop. Despite all of this, the economy grew at a seemingly positive, but very slow rate.  Obama always blamed his predecessor, Bush, when ever one of his economic policy failed and that occurred frequently.  Despite interest rates remaining near zero for his entire eight years of presidency, GDP grew only at less than 2% per year until the very end of his presidency. Obama hated capitalism, but did support one type of capitalism, crony capitalism, and this resulted in companies like Solyndra receiving hundreds of millions of dollars only to go bankrupt shortly after receiving the money and paying huge bonuses to its executives.  Obama even had a group of CEOs serve as advisors to try and present some favor to American Business.  His favorite CEO was Jeffery Immelt, who drove GE into the ground.  GE was one of the most popular stocks, held by many investors in 401Ks and IRAs for its robust dividend.  Under Immelt, GE crashed and its dividend went to $.01/share  If it weren't for a reverse stock split, the stock would still be in single digits.

      Despite the left's media attempts to favorably compare Obama's last three years to Trump's first three years, the economy was really in shambles.  More of this will be discussed when I talk about domestic policies and who really benefited.  Meanwhile, when Trump came into office, he reversed many of Obama's costly programs and real employment improved, especially limiting crony capitalism, lowering taxes, making America's partners pay their fair share, and getting out of costly agreements that didn't make sense like the Paris Climate Accord, that favored our enemy China.  Unemployment for various groups dropped to record lows and people had more money in their pockets to spend.  The Fed began raising its rates, but inflation stayed very low.

      Then Biden took office and immediately reversed many of the policies that Trump had initiated, restored Obama's terrible economic policies,  and sowed the seeds of inflation.  The Covid pandemic was essentially over, but Biden realized he could still use it to control Americans and the economy.  States that emerged early from the lockdowns did well, and those that stayed locked down did poorly, not only economically, but educationally.  So poorly, that some of these states changed graduation requirements from high schools and that that forced colleges and universities to lower their entrance requirements. (This supports my arguments that China exported Covid-19 from its Wuhan Lab on purpose.)

      Most importantly, Biden's actions forced inflation, supported crony capitalism, and spent money wildly, money that we did not have, so we had to print it. Interest rates soared to the highest they have been since Jimmy Carter.  Instead of trying to help Americans, Biden continued to support more wasteful spending and tried to place a positive spin on his economic disaster, by lying that it was working and called it "Bidenomics", a term to most that had a very negative rather than positive ring to it.  Like Obama, he tried to blame his preecessor Trump for his failures, but this was so ridiculous to everyone that it didn't work. People realized his economic policies were a failure and his approval ratings plunged, even among non NeoMarxist Democrats who had seized control of the Democrat Party.  The thing that most destroyed the economy was climate change, green politics, and the attack on fossil fuels that began during the Obama regime and resumed under Biden. In Part 3, I will offer more specifics about actual programs and policies to show why Biden and Obama were failures.   

Sunday, November 5, 2023

I'm Scared


        We can forgive (the Arabs) for killing our children.  We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with (the Arabs) when they love their children more than they hate us.  Gold Meir

       I'm scared. Yes, I'm scared. As a Jew, for the first time in my life, I'm scared. I'm an early "Baby Boomer," born nine months after the end of World War II, in University City, Missouri, a suburb just west of St. Louis.  U. City, or Jew City, as it was called, was a predominantly Jewish suburb.  During the Jewish high holidays, 85-90 per cent of the grade school students were absent. At the time, that public school system was also the best in Missouri.  Both sides of my family had immigrated to America in the 1800's, with a portion of my mother's family arriving in St. Louis from Austria in 1850.  They open a used furniture store in St. Louis and sold furniture to the pioneers heading out on the Oregon Trail.  The business grew and eventually became a new furniture store.  My mother  was born and grew up down the street from the house where William Clark lived as governor of the Missouri Territory a century earlier.  Obviously, I grew up in a safe area that was experiencing a growth spurt fueled by veterans returning from World War II, making use of the GI Bill. 

      Though I had no encounters with antisemitism growing up that were personally directed at me, I did begin to learn about the Holocaust was when I was seven years old.  My parents, who were Reformed Jews, decided to send me to an Orthodox Jewish Day School to learn all about my religion, so that when I grew up, I could make an informed decision on how devout I would be. In order to catch up with the second graders at my new school, my mother found a tutor who taught me to read and write Hebrew during the summer.  My tutor was a Czech Jew, Dr. Natham.   He had survived a concentration camp and I noticed he had a number tattooed on his left arm. I asked my mother about it and that is how I first learned about the Holocaust. He gave my mother an 8 x 10 booklet with rare photos and articles about the Holocaust.    My mother hid it away and would not let me look at it as she said it was too gruesome. A few years later, I found it and it was indeed gruesome with photographs from concentration camps and mass slaughter. I will never forget a picture of maybe 200 naked Jews sanding on the edge of a ditch.  The next picture showed the same Jews lying in the ditch having been massacred.  My mother told me I very lucky to have been born in America.

      I attended the H.F. Epstein Hebrew Academy from second through fifth grades and learned more about the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel just a few years before.  Like Dr. Natham, most of my Hebrew teachers had tattoos and were survivors of the Holocaust. I was too young to remember the war the Israelis fought in 1948 to preserve their statehood, but I do remember the War of 1957. Israel again defended itself from is Arab neighbors.  Later joined by the British and French,  the Suez Canal was on the verge of capture. President Eisenhower stepped in and forced a truce. My parents were upset and believed that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Special Foreign Policy advisor Sherman Adams were behind it. This dramatic success of the IDF gave me a sense of pride, occurring only a dozen years after the end to the Holocaust. 

      My only personal  antisemitic encounter occurred while I was in medical school at St. Louis University. A notice on a bulletin board announced that there would be an anti Israel rally at the student union.  The interesting thing was that it was looking for participants mostly from Washington University.  Washington University had a very large number of Jewish students, so this group thought having the rally at the Catholic University would work better. My best friend in medical school was Denny C., a Jew from Minneapolis, and we stationed ourselves at table  near the door of the student union and when about thirty antisemites pro Arab came in chanting and carrying signs with swastikas and messages like "death to Israel", and "kill the Jews", we went into action. We grabbed the signs from the first two through the door, ripped off the cardboard and became swinging the sticks not hitting anyone,  but chasing them back out the door. The campus police quickly arrived and ran them off campus as none had student IDs.

       For the next fifty years, I lived and worked in areas that were not antisemitic, but over the past decade I began to notice the spread of antisemitism at colleges and universities.  Mostly it took the form of the BDS Movement (boycott, divest, and sanction) and later apartheid and now colonization.  This was further advanced by the Obama administration who days before Trump became president, had UN Ambassador Samantha Power abstained from voting on a UN resolution to have Israel return to its 1948 borders  All other Presidents would have vetoed this resolution. It amazed me how either stupid and hateful these people were,  if they boycotted products that Jews were responsible for inventing, they would deny themselves the use of many medicines to treat and cure disease or  the use of inventions such as the cell phone. It is also ironic that most of the Muslim countries in the Middle East are the one guilty of Apartheid as none have the thriving Jewish communities that once existed in their countries.  Jews were either expelled or forced to leave.  Arabs, who did not listen to the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, who told them to leave Israel before the Arabs attack the new nation in 1948, but stayed and subsequently prospered and have the same rights as Jewish Israelis.  Those who left were told not to come back and this represents most of the so called Palestinian Arabs.  Al-Husseini was a terrible antisemite who wanted to kill all Jews,  During World War II, he collaborated with Hitler and Himmler and helped raise three divisions of Muslim Waffen SS, who murdered Jews in the Balkans and southern Russia.  Because he was the leader of the Sunni Muslims, it was decided not to indict him as a war criminal at Nuremberg.  Of course, none of the students know this history as this was not taught in their history lessons, omitted by antisemitic professors and teachers who deny the existence of the Holocaust or by corrupt social media.

      The current wave of antisemitism has finally reach my neighborhood.  Last weekend a handwritten note was taped to the door of a Jewish family at a condominium next door, threatening to murder the entire family.  Fortunately, this despicable act was caught on video and the police got involved.  The two perpetrators were teenagers, one of who lived in the same building. 

      Fortunately my children were not exposed to this antisemitic garbage and all three are happy an successful adults approaching middle age.  But I am especially scared for my grandchildren, as they may well be exposed to the antisemitism now so prominently represented at institutions of higher learning and also in social media.  Sadly, most of the non Muslim antisemites are neoMarxists who have promoted other anti America positions like the Black Lives Matter Movement, for example, and those wanting to impose transgenderism. The idiocy and hypocrisy of this amazes me.  Gays are killed or jailed in most Muslim countries and women are often treated like animals, basically to cook, clean, and bear children.  They cannot show hair and in some instances their faces in public. Yet some American feminists  favor this Muslim attitude.

      I was shocked that 25 Democrat congressmen and women refused to condemn Hamas for its brutal massacre of Unarmed Jews including women and infants.  Our weak President who originally condemned the brutal attacks, now equates antisemitism in America with Islamophobia in order to gain the vote of Muslims in Michigan and Minnesota and has the VP charged with stamping out Islamophobia, even though antisemitism has increased more than 400% recently.  Recall Michelle Obama with a sad look holding a sign, "bring back our girls" when Muslim ISIS terrorists kidnapped girls from a Nigerian girls school.  Hamas has taken almost 250 hostages, including women, children, infants, and Americans.  Where is she now?  Her silence in deafening.


Monday, October 23, 2023

Two Failed Presidencies Part 1 Foreign Policy

      The Obama-Biden presidencies have failed America on Foreign Policy, the economy, and domestic policy. I consider Obama and his advisors to be the directors of the Biden presidency, as Biden has done nothing, but reactivate failed Obama policies.  It is obvious that Obama was the first and only president to hate America.  Biden cares only about power and fortune and is willing to do anything to protect his crimes, including appointing Susan Rice as liaison from Obama and his advisors. President Trump managed to reverse most of the harmful antiAmerica policies of the Obama regime, only to have them reintroduced as soon as Biden tool office.  America and the world are now paying the terrible price that these policies have produced.

      Obama who was born a Muslim, as Muslim law considers the father not the mother to be the child's religion. Even Obama's adoptive father, Lolo Soetero was Muslim and Obama was educated at the most elite Muslim school in Djakarta. One of Obama's first foreign policy acts was to go on an apology tour of Muslim countries.  He also appointed Iranian born Valerie Jarrett as his principle advisor. Susan Rice, an unscrupulous rat, was appointed to a position in the NSA to spy on Americans.  Near the end of Obama's regime, she read thousands of calls and messages of potential Trump appointees.  When Biden took office, he appointed her as domestic advisor, though she had no background in domestic policies, but could advise him on what Barack wanted him to do. He could not nominate her to a position that required a Senate vote as her nefarious past would have become exposed, even if she survived a vote only by NeoMarxist Democrat  senators.

      The only foreign policy success of the Obama-Biden regime was the raid on the compound in Pakistan of Osama Bin Ladin.  Of note, was that Biden was against this at the time. Greedy and ineffectual Hillary Clinton was Obama first Secretary of State. She saw her position as one to raise money for her corrupt Clinton Foundation,  promising access when she was elected President in 2016. She carried out Obama's dangerous policies, the worst being the slaughter of four Americans, including  Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya. When grilled by Congress her response, "what difference does it make" was indicative of her selfishness and concern for Americans. Her replacement John Kerry was arguably worse than Clinton as he was involved in negotiating two of the worst agreements that America has ever signed on to.  The first was the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.  Kerry has ties to Iran just as Obama's primary advisor.  A very bad deal was made that was worse than no deal, as the deal only gave lip service with virtually no realistic inspections and billions in cash to the world's leading sponsor of terror.  Trump cancelled the deal and put harsh sanctions on Iran, limiting their access to the oil market, their primary source of income.  Trump doubled down on his policy by making America energy independent lowering the price of a barrel of oil on the world's markets.  In addition, Trump eliminated ISIS, a main terror recipient of Iran sponsorship.  Obama had called ISIS, the "JV Team."Trump also withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord, a Marxist agreement that advanced China and ravaged the American economy.  There is no real evidence that Apocalyptic Anthropogenic Climate Change even exists as its proponents refuse to debate the issue and only cite poorly written papers and faked data. Biden not only rejoined the Accord, but appointed John Kerry as his worldwide climate czar.  Kerry, a typical liberal hypocrite, believes his position is so important, that he can ignore the regulations he would like to place on the rest of us.  Obama prevented the XL pipeline construction, making America more dependent on foreign oil, especially from countries that are enemies of America.  Though Trump resumed construction of the pipeline, Biden stopped construction when he took office and used executive orders to make America dependent on foreign oil again.  As one would expect, the price of oil soared and fueled inflation (the subject of Part 2) and made a purely political decision that sold off half of our oil reserves, 300 million barrels,  resulting in the reserv'es lowest level in decades.

      Two of our biggest enemies, Russia and Iran, depend on oil sales to fund its wars.  Ironically, by attacking American oil production, Biden is funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine and the Hamas-Israel wars  If that is not enough, Biden has given billions to Iran and reduced or ignored sanctions, all to get another ineffectual worthless nuclear deal. His delegate, Robert Malley, who helped get the first deal, has now had his security clearance remove and is under investigation as a pro Iranian spy. 

      Probably the greatest foreign policy failure has been Biden's ill advised withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Trump had planned a gradual withdrawal, but only if the Taliban agreed to certain terms.  Unfortunately they did not, but that didn't stop Biden.  In order to get what he thought would be a political success, he withdraw American military forces all at once, but his disorganized withdrawal accounted for the death of 13 American military and hundreds ofAfghanis.  In addition, he left Americans and Afghani Allies behind as well as billions of dollars in American military weapons and equipment, all of which could and should have been removed beforehand along with all American civilians and Afghani allies. This equipment is not only in the hands of the Taliban, but has been given or sold to anti American groups worldwide, including Hamas, and even used against American military forces in Syria and iraq   Our generals, including Chief of Staff Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III,  have said that they disagreed with Biden's withdrawal, but didn't resign.  Biden touts this disaster as a success like he does with all of his failed policies.

      When Putin seized the Crimean Peninsula, Obama objected by sending pills and blankets instead of weapons to Ukraine, and although Trump placed sanctions on Russia and threatened more severe sanctions, he was charged with collusion based on a fake dossier approved of by Hillary Clinton who actually colluded with Russia when she was the Secretary of State, allowing Russia to buy and control 20% of America's uranium. Russian oligarchs paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation and gave Bill $1 million for a 20 minute speech.  Putin who was very quiet during Trump's presidency, seeing Biden's confusion and weakness, invaded Ukraine hoping to add it to a new greater Russia.  Though Biden reacted positively, his response was gradual and very slow.  Though a measured response is sometimes all that is required, Biden has always been too little and too late.

      Biden has continued to give hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine with virtually no accountability. He has said that he will use the corrupt and criminal Clinton Foundation to distribute $24 billion.  That's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Biden continues to indirectly support Iran, by removing sanctions and allowing sales selling oil to China, $80 billion worth Biden has even sold oil to China from our strategic reserve.  He has failed to call out China for exporting the Covid-19 virus from Wuhan to America and Europe, that murdered more than a million Americans and destroyed our economy. Biden never speaks out against China, who was allowed to fly a spy balloon across America and over our military bases, before shooting it down with multiple costly missiles when some fifty caliber bullets would have done the same thing.  China has continued to spy and steal our technology with barely lip service.  In addition China has threatened Taiwan almost continuously and it may be only a matter of time before an invasion is attempted.  I believe they are waiting to see if Biden is reelected and then go ahead.  

      On January 4, 2017, I published an article on this blog about Obama's antisemitism and anti Israel policies.  This was reversed by Trump, who moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, stopped financial aid to the Palestinians, and began the Abraham Accords, producing peace and prosperity in the Middle East. To his credit, Biden has tried to get the biggest deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, that has now been put on hold due to the Palestinian attack on Israel.  Despite Iran's obvious support of Hamas and Hezbollah, Biden has refused to call out its involvement and in fact has restored funding and  to Hamas and Iran.  In addition He wants Congress to approve $100 million in aid to Hamas even though Hamas has murdered Americans in Israel and holds about a dozen American hostage in Gaza. Joe Biden has never heard of the word "fungible".  In Gaza, who does he expect would be able to hand out this aid? Maybe he will use the corrupt Clinton Foundation.  In fact, Hamas has taken pipes used for sewage and plumbing at the expense of these civilian services to construct its crude rockets.  Does it really care about Palestinians, using them as cannon fodder and shields for propaganda purposes? Like Obama, Biden has refused to call Hamas Islamic terrorists.  Instead they are the other "team" and this sounds familiar like ISIS as the JV team. Despite Obama and Biden's weak support of Israel, the worst thing Obama did was just before leaving office. He had his anti semitic UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, abstain on a UN Security Council  resolution, suggesting Israel return to its 1948 borders. In the past, America has always used its veto to prevent passage of anti Israel resolutions

      Biden has failed to act against China despite it manufacturing and shipping fantasy and its precursors to Mexico that have poisoned more than 100K Americans. ( Iwill discuss more of this in the domestic policy article.)  The world has seen Biden's weakness.  Maybe his foreign policy is based on the amount of money he and his family have received from foreign governments.  In addition to the ones we know about, how many others have paid him off? I have said before that NeoMarxist Democrats often accuse Trump and Republicans of the very things that  they themselves are guilty.  Trump was a strong leader and though he may not have been well liked by some governments, they were well aware that he would do what he said he would do, if they crossed the line. I hope that he will be reelected and make America great and strong again MAGSA). 


Friday, October 13, 2023

The NeoMarxist Democrat Party and its Effort to Destroy America and Capitalism

        Yea! Doctor Democracy is back after being blocked, banned, and shadow banned.  My blog that has been called disinformation and conspiracy theories, has been vindicated and those that have accused and tried to punish me are the ones with lies, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.  So lets get started.

        From now on the Democrat Party will be called the NeoMarxist Democrat Party (NMDP). They call us MAGA Republicans, so fair is fair. The NMDP uses diversion as a major tactic to confuse the public of its nefarious schemes and agenda. One of their diversions is to accuse Republicans of the very things  of which they are guilty.  This forces Republican to waste time defending themselves over false charges. Trump was investigated and impeached twice over things of which the opposition was the guilty party.  It was Hillary Clinton who colluded with the Russians and Joe Biden and his Ukrainian quid pro quo to fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company that was paying millions to his son. Another technique is to use an issue to coverup another.  The later is what they are doing that will destroy capitalism and America.

      For Marxism, to survive, it must replace two aspects of society, the family and God or religion.   Since the New (Marxist) Deal government has gradually been used to replace the family, purposely trying to confusing us by putting Social Security and Medicare in the same category as welfare. Both are funded by the potential beneficiaries of the programs and that is the difference as welfare is funded by taxpayers, not the beneficiaries themselves.  What welfare does is make people dependent on government.  It is of interest to note much of the New Deal and even the post WW2 GI Bill were very limited when it came to minority recipients. Aid to Dependent Children was meant for white mothers whose husbands had abandoned their families during the Great Depression.  The government became the family provider.   In the 1950s, the Democrats realized they could destroy the father in a black family and replace him with government, and the welfare state was begun.  Originally it was supposed to serve as temporary for healthy adults who had the ability to get a job, but instead it has increased in scope and size and discourages families and employment.  Furthermore, it now not only extends to Americans, but to illegal aliens as well.  The GI bill was meant to encourage veterans to participate in theAmerican dream, but only a very small number of GI mortgages were handed out to Black vets. In New Jersey, for example, despite the massive developments built after the war, only 2% went to Blacks.

      Currently, the greatest diversion is going on in our schools NMDP knows that the LGBTQ agenda will strike a sour note with the vast majority of parents.  Far left school boards, supported in part by George Soros, the Biden DoJ, and teachers unions are also battling against American families. Instead of trying to find ways to correct lost learning from the foolish shut downs of schools during the Covid-19 panic, they are trying to take children away from parents and teach them topics that are not only age inappropriate, but also anti religion of many parents. We have many laws that apply only to children.  Smoking, drinking alcohol, driving, and even some criminal prosecution are age limited, yet it is permissible for children as young as five to be encouraged to change they birth sex and not tell parents.  The horror of mutilating genital surgery is also encouraged without parental knowledge or permission.  Certainly sex education at age appropriate levels is necessary, but the emphasis should be placed on anatomy, function, and  prevention of pregnancy and venerial  disease.  Likewise, school libraries should only contain age appraise reading material.  How hypocritical are left wing school boards that permit books in children's libraries that can't be read at a school board meeting.

      But from what is all this sexual agenda a diversion?  The diversion is away from God and classic regions to a replacement called apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change. It is  being introduced in science classes at every level.  For religious parents who believe in God and atheists who accept nature, climate changed caused by Man is the most important part of the Marxist agenda. This how it works. In 1956, an America and capitalism hating Austrian Nazi published a fictional book entitled Dance With the Devil in which he accused America and the West for destroying the planet. He hated America and capitalism for defeating  his beloved Hitler.  The book is an allegory with the Devil represented by a well dressed, somewhat obese, cigar chomping American CEO.  Despite being initially banned, he and his book were picked up by the UN and other America haters in the early 1960s ignoring its section on Nazi style eugenics.  In 1956, he gave us fifty years to be under water. Admitted communist Maurice Strong, a powerful person at the UN, adopted this for his financial benefit and passed it on to Al Gore in the 1990s  Of course, when 2006 rolled around and nothing had changed, people began moving the goal posts as every dooms day fails to come about. Currently we are at 2030 and the need becomes more nd more exaggerated.  Indoctrination is being carried out in our students science classes and now many young adults have become fearful.  To further indoctrinate adults, weather, environment, natural disasters are purposely confused with climate change. Forest fires are often due to Man, either by failing to put out camp fires, throwing lit cigarette butts around, and failing to manage dried underbrush and dead trees appropriately. The dire need for change has now been made by 2030 as some scientists predict a much colder period by 2035.  Once that occurs, the public will realize that it has been conned by NMDP and further attempts to destroy capitalism and America will disappear.  That explains the urgency to destroy the economy.

      In America and many western countries, young adults have developed what has been termed "climate anxiety." Though massive levels of inflation may be the main cause, it is claimed that young couples do not want to marry,  start families, or buy homes.  Blocking traffic, glueing hands to valuable works of art or highways, and destruction of classic art works have been carried out by ignorant indoctrinated devotees to the cause.  A powerful hurricane, blizzard, and both warm and cold weather have all been falsely  attributed to climate change. Also natural events such as an earthquakes and even volcanos have been accused of being caused by climate change.  If weather is so sensitive to carbon, then why was there no immediate change in weather after Mt. St. Helens erupted or when Saddam Hussein set almost a thousand Kuwaiti oil wells on fire and a thick carbon cloud orbited the Earth? In the 1970s the media blasted us with the onset of a new ice age, now they are doing the same with global warming.  Man is now responsible for climate change, weather, and environment rather than God or Nature, establishing this garbage as the new religion and government as its powerful priest, able to control us to do its bidding