Monday, June 20, 2016

More Updates: Orlando, Global Warming Hoax, Hitlery

Doctor Democracy: Howard N Robinson MD

      The regime's position on the terrible atrocity in Orlando continues to get more obscene.  Today the FBI released the 911 transcript from the night of the massacre, but scrubbed the part that mentioned anything having to do with radical Islam and its supporting organizations.  The outcry was unprecedented from Congress, the media, and general public. References to Islam, Jihad, ISIS, Sharia, and Allah were all expunged. I'm certain our politically correct POTUS would be ever so quick to mention the KKK, if one of its members or admirers ever committed a crime, even spitting on the sidewalk. Late in  the day, the regime was forced to change its mind and release an unexpended version of the tape between Mateen and the hostage negotiator though twenty minutes are still missing. Instead, he continues to harp on gun control and the Conservatives view on gay marriage.  Despite there being no reference to the LGBT community or Latinos by the killer,  Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch hinted that the massacre could have been Trump's fault as it was Latin night at the club.   Muslim terrorism was not even mentioned.   Even a moron would realize that gun control means nothing without enforcement.  There are plenty of anti gun laws on the books that aren't enforced.  Take Chicago, the murder capital of American and Obama's hometown for nearly two decades.  It has the strictest anti gun laws in the nation and yet guns readily available to kill.  Nearly all of the murders that are committed are with weapons that were not legally obtained.  Nearly all of the people committing the murders have criminal records and so legally they could not purchase handguns, semi automatic, or automatic weapons, but they do and are most assuredly not NRA members.  Yet all the left wants to do is criticize the NRA and conservatives.  Several high profile police shootings have unfortunately hampered the police in their aftermath as the murder rate climbs. The mass murder of 49 Americans is horrible, but it pales to the number of murders committed in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles and many other major cities over the last 12 months.  (Last weekend there were 13 murders and 46 wounded in Chicago adding up to 1800 so for this year.)  First degree murder ought to be punished with an automatic death penalty, either one year or one appeal after the sentence is handed down.  Whatever comes first.  If nothing else, it would keep that murderer from ever killing anyone again. Instead, clueless Obama has been releasing and shortening the sentences for drug dealers as the left mistakenly calls this a non violent crime. One of these non violent offenders, who was released in 2010 after serving half his sentence, killed his girlfriend and her two young children with a knife.  So much for drug dealers being non violent.  In fact most of the murders in our cities are tied to drugs in one way or another.  Whether its a fight for turf, acquiring money to purchase drugs, or just plain  ripoffs of money and/or drugs, it is anything but non violent.
      Furthermore, Obama continues to release unvetted Muslims into our communities, and if that is not bad enough, a recent court ruling in Texas said that the US Government is under no obligation to notify a state how many are being located to  a state or where they are settled.  I guess the state will find out when little Mohammed or Fatima get enrolled in school, if they have children or mom and/or dad apply for welfare benefits.  Over 100,000 green cards were given out to Muslims last year mostly from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.  I wonder how many of them were H5B visas and how much they paid Tony Rodham and Terry McAuliffe to expedite them.

      Not only is the far left attacking our Second Amendment rights, but now the First Amendment is under attack and it all involves the Global Warming Hoax.  Now the Massachusetts' AG Maura Healey has gone after Exxon for its anti hoax stance, requesting 40 years worth of documents even though Exxon doesn't do business in Massachusetts.  Twenty other left wing/Democrat AGs want to do the same.  Fortunately the USHoR has stepped in and rebuked Massachusetts and the 20 other AGs, saying that it has the authority not state AGs.  They turned the tables on these fascists, further stating that this is an attack on free speech and scientific inquiry, and wants them to turn over any documents from out side groups.  Like the NAZIs, liberals don't want debate, they want to criminalize it.

      My sources tell me that the investigation involving espionage and corruption of Hillary Clinton is over except for her interview that will take place before the convention.  USAG denies that she has talked to Obama about it and that there is no pressure on James Comey to find for the regime.  Yeah right.  We shall see very shortly.  As I state before her crimes clearly violate US Title Code 18: Section 2071. The punishment is three years in prison, a fine, and removal from office and the inability to ever serve in public office.  I don't think Obama can or will violate the last part of th9s law.

Friday, June 17, 2016

A Brief Update: The Media, Obama, and the Left are Despicable

                                                    Dr. Democracy Howard N Robinson MD      

      I thought that I was through writing about the massacre in Orlando, but the despicable left has added a new and disgusting twist to the explanation for this atrocity that almost made me vomit.  As I pointed out in my first article about the Orlando massacre put the Obama and his far left cronies in a real quandary as to who to support, the GLBT community or Muslims.  Obama, Hitlery, and the left seemed to support Muslims, though they have a violent and miserable record in regard to gay men.  They tried to shift the blame on a lack of gun control.  That did't work out too well.  It was pointed out that the Clinton Library and Criminal Foundation have received over $100 million from Middle Eastern countries that murder and imprison gays. Obama even wants to increase the number and speed of bringing in Syrian refugees with no way to vet them.  The only real passion he has shown, is his hatred for Republicans.  The media and far left have picked up on this and now the New York Times and others blame conservative Republicans who are against gay marriage as the cause behind this terrible events.  They have stripped away the anti gay aspect of Islam from Islam itself. It is much easier for them to accuse and say "conservative Republican" rather that "radial Islamic terrorism" as they don't mind offending Republicans rather than Muslims.   Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch says she will prosecute anyone who disparages Muslims.  I'd like to see her be as aggressive about prosecuting anyone who violates US Code Title 18, Section 2071. (Look it up, the penalty is three years in prison, a fine, and loss of and inability to hold office.)
      I'm certain that many of you think that Obama is totally divorced from what is happening or just a liar.  He is both.  His ideology always comes first whether the world's events support it or not.  For example, recently Obama made a speech in Indiana, about the great recovery our economy has made under his watch.  Of course, Indiana has well because of the work of its Republican Governor Mike Pence and a Republican legislature.  Yesterday with horrible jobs statistics, Fed Chairman Janet Yelen did not raise interest rates as expected yesterday.  In fact, the economy has continued to contract for nine straight months.  Eleven states including New York and California have more people on welfare than employed.  The average dollars a welfare  family receives are more than the average wages a working family receives.  The destruction of capitalism and the American economy has always been the goal of Obama.  That's what he actually meant when he spoke of transforming America.  Bernie and Hitlery want more of the same. As far as ISIS is concerned Obama continue to tell us that they are on the run.  If that's the case, why do we need to bring any Syrians here?  Establish a safe zone for them in the Middle East. Unfortunately, his own CIA head John Brennan (a Muslim convert himself) has told us that despite some loss of territory and income, ISIS is growing especially in Libya and Africa with over 15,000 affiliate members.  Maybe Obama would know this if he didn't skip 60% of his intelligence briefings or read the written briefings himself.   This lack of interest in destroying ISIS and solving the problem of radical Islamic terrorism has caused the emboldenment of American born Muslims or Muslims living in America to perform acts of terrorism.

      Obama and his pals on the left has done our country a great disservice, denying the obvious, and pushing a radical agenda that will lead to death and the loss of freedom for all Americans.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Doubling Down on Failure: The Obama Legacy

      As stated in my last post, Obama has tried to politicize the Orlando atrocity, taking sides with the Muslim community, and neglecting GLBT Americans and then pivoting away from the massacre by stating if we only eliminated the Second Amendment, none of this would have happened.  Furthermore, he attacked Republicans and Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for POTUS for more vigorously than Muslims, refusing to say the term radical Islamic terrorism.  Hitlery Clinton did pretty much the same, what difference does it make.  Obama, in a subsequent speech again chided Republicans and Trump and said using the term would do more harm than good.  I suppose FDR should have said after Pearl Harbor, "that we were bombed by some guys in planes and that we should try to figure out why they don't like us as it was probably our fault. Using the term Japanese might make other Asians feel bad and hate us."  I don't think using the term radical Islamic terrorism will hurt us at all.  In fact non radical Muslims may appreciate that we distinguish between them and the savages that are also killing and brutalizing them.  
      Obama further pushed his agenda of admitting Syrian Muslims, but not Christians who are being slaughtered in droves, opposing Trump's plan to pause until refugees can be vetted, or better yet establish a safe place for refugees in the Middle East with the oil rich Middle Eastern counties paying to maintain it.  The House passed a bill in January for the purpose of delaying Syrian refugee resettlement, but the diabolical crook Harry Reid is holding it up in the Senate at Obama's behest, threatening filibuster.  As usual it is the Democrats preventing legislation, but the left wing Obama loving media doesn't report it.  Now we learn that Obama is trying to speed up immigration of unvetted Syrians, even though his own CIA, DHS, and FBI admit that terrorists may easily slip in with them as ISIS has warned.  It seems like Obama is inviting terrorist attacks, rather than preventing them.
      His disastrous record speaks for itself.  Most important is his failure to understand that there is a Muslim problem.  He has had all references to Muslims, radical Islamics terrorism, and Jihad stricken from FBI, CIA, DHS, and INS training manuals.  The puppet Attorney General Loretta Lynch, in order to repress the First Amendment right of freedom of speech, has threaten to prosecute and persecute those who speak against Islam. He (and Hitlery) has also forced the FBI to withdraw surveillance on mosques where treason and slaughter are bred and on individuals like Mateen because he is a Muslim. Furthermore he has lied to secure a unenforceable deal with Iran, giving the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world $150 billion to support their anti American and anti Israel agenda.
      Why did Obama develop this seemingly pro Muslim stance?  The answer, as usual with this monster, is in his past.  His Muslim ties comes not from his father BHO Sr., who was a non practicing Muslim, but from his adopted father Lolo Soetero.  After divorcing BHO Sr. who rejected her and his new born son (he rejected all eight of his children from four marriages), she married Soetero, a Muslim from Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population, and moved to Jakarta.  Though his schooling began at a Christian school, he soon transferred to the best private school in Indonesia.  In order to become a student he needed to become a Muslim and a citizen of Indonesia.  when he was adopted by Soetero, he immediately became a Muslim, because in the Muslim faith a child is the religion of his father not his mother and so that immediately solved both problems and gave him an Indonesian passport that he conveniently used to get into Columbia University as a foreign student and later for travel to Pakistan, where some early radicalization may have taken place.  For appearance sake, Obama joined Rev.  Jeremiah Wright's radical church on the Southside of Chicago, but as he admitted, rarely listened to Wright"s anti American sermons.  He also befriended Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan, a purveyor of violent hate speech, in Chicago and anti Israel pro Palestinian Rashid Khalidi who replaced his other anti Israel friend and professor at Columbia the defamed Edward Said. In addition most of his other left wing and communist buddies, such as, Frank Davis, Bill Ayers and Alice Palmer,  had an anti America, antisemitic, and anti Israel venom.  So what would one expect.  None of this was ever exposed by the left leaning media and sadly not by the Republican, presidential candidates and PACS as well.  Using the Quran and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as his two bibles, Obama has slowly but steadily made America unsafe.  He will continue to blame Bush and use the diversion of gun control as more Americans will fall due to radical Islamic terrorism.
      The other question, of course, is why does Hitlery Clinton support a plan similar to Obama's?  After all, she was raised in the Midwest with a Christian upbringing and is seemingly well educated and served, though ineffectually, as SoS.  For Hitlery the answer is very  Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, and Algeria have contributed a total of more than $100 million to the Clinton Library and Criminal Foundation as well as millions for unnecessary speeches, all to buy influence with her  in the Senate, as a presidential candidate, as SoS, and now as a the Democrat nominee and potential POTUS.  Hitlery has to show them some return on their investment.  As Trump has rightly pointed out, these Middle Eastern countries have a miserable record on women's rights and an even worse record on gay rights.  The left leaning media continues to ignore this and instead says that Trump is anti woman and gay with no real evidence.  Hitlery's  miserable record stands in stark contrast.  Its all about the dollars.  (The Clinton Criminal Foundation only spends about 10% of its donations on good works.  The rest goes to support a lavish life style for Billy, Hilly, and Chelsea. The woman, who claims to have been broke when Billy left office and had to steal $200,000 worth of White House furniture, can now afford to wear a $12500 Armani coat while she talks about wage inequality.)

      If you have noticed I have not used the term political correctness to describe Obama and Hitlery's attitude toward Islam.  That would be a distraction from the true cause of their disdain for Americans.  The ignorant left wing media and the right have been distracted by political correctness and it serves as a cover for Obama's treason and Clinton's greed.

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Muslim Atrocity in Orlando: My Take

      I wasn't going to politicize this post, but since Obama and the left has, I will too.  Early Sunday morning an American born Muslim of Afghan decent murdered 49 other Americans and wounded another 52, some critically,  ho were partying and enjoying life at a club in Orlando.  The monster was killed by SWAT, who stormed the club approximately three hours after this ordeal began.  As far as the murderer was concerned, this was a suicide mission as he taunted the police with a 911 call, while he was holding dozens of victims hostage inside the club.
      The monster was Omar Mateen, a thirty year old Muslim, born in NYC to Afghan immigrant parents.  He was once married to a woman who divorced him as he physically abused her.  The woman had to be rescued by her parents from the abusive relationship.  Next he had a girlfriend for three years and apparently fathered a child three years ago. The FBI has a file on him as he has been reported by coworkers from his anti America, pro jihadist speech, and for his relationship to a jihadist who has gone back and forth to Syria.  He was not currently under FBI surveillance. Amazingly he worked as an armed security agent for G4S Security, a private company and division of Wachenhut. that its clients include a number of nuclear power facilities. His employment gave him access to weapons and training.  Obviously there was a problem vetting this Muslim and theoretically he could have cost a lot more lives, if he were assigned to a nuclear power plant went wild.  Probably it would have taken a certain amount of knowhow to release radioactive material, so this wasn't practical.   GLTV club was a much softer target.  We have also learned that this monster's father has stated that he supports our enemy, the Taliban, back in Afghanistan.  Maybe we should deport him back from whence he came.
      The first politician on the scene was Alan Grayson, an outspoken far leftist who represents the 9th congressional district in Florida. I assume it encompasses the locale where the atrocity took place.  To his credit, he referred to it as an act of terror, but, though he was apparently made aware that the killer was a Muslim, like most Democrats, refused to call it Islamic terror.  At the first press conference neither  Buddy Dyer, Democrat mayor of Orlando, Teresa Jacobs, Republican mayor of Orange County, the chief of police, the orange county sheriff, and the FBI only referred to it as an act of terror, possibly because an Imam and the representative of the Central Florida Muslim community were present and spoke as well.  Their presence told me that no doubt it was an act of radical Islamic terror.
     Later we learned, that during his 911 call to authorities, he pledged his allegiance to ISIS and was shouting "Allah Akbar" during his murderous shooting spree.  He was armed with a handgun and semiautomatic long gun and possibly an explosive vest (that information has not been released yet), with plenty of ammunition, as according to the FBI, he expended hundreds of rounds of ammunition. To wound or kill over a hundred innocent people and have several gun battles with the police and SWAT, he must have.
      Obama came on a little later. to address the nation.  He was forced into a difficult situation for him.  Should he support the GLTV community or Muslims in his speech to the American people.  Should he support the American people or radical Islam?  He came up with a very poor compromise.  He intertwined hate and terror, but never mentioned, as is his usual practice, that the terror was radical Islamic terror.  To him, Islam is the religion of peace, so terror can't be Islamic.  Tell that to ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and a myriad of Islamic terror organizations.  The he  quickly pivoted away from terror all together and blamed the whole things on guns and pushed gun control, a ridiculous idea in the face of this massacre.  He comes off as foolish in the face of what we have learned about Omar Mateen.
      As we a learned, the Obama regime has deleted Muslim references to FBI, TSA, and CIA training manuals.  If you can't truthfully identify the name of the problem, how do you expect to solve it.  The left seems hell bent on disarming Americans,  rather than protecting them or at least letting them protect themselves.  Dictators have routinely disarmed the general public as it makes it easier to dominate and control.  The Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect us from men like Obama and women like Hitlery Clinton.  That is why those two abominations so much want to abolish or at least neutralize it.   With home grown Islamic terror a problem, both Obama and Clinton went to admit thousands more.  Muslims, who are allowed into America, should have to swear allegiance to America and our Constitution and reject the parts of Sharia that are in conflict with American laws.
      Radical Islamic terror is erupting all over the world.  Europe is starting to realize what a mistake it was to allow millions of Muslim immigrants to migrate to their countries.  Most muslims have been unwilling to accept the freedom that their new home affords them.  Instead,  they request special treatment claiming they are offended by Western lifestyles.  In America, we believe that everyone has rights including women, gays and lesbians.  People are allowed to eat what they please including pork, our educational institutions can teach history, including the Crusades and Holocaust, and our religious institutions are allowed to display the symbols of their religion. If some Muslims don't like it, they can go back to the hellhole from whence they came.  Radical Islam will not be silenced until America and Europe decide that they need to go into wherever it exists and kill those who are jihadists.  The only way to empty Git

mo is with a hangman's noose or firing squad.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Update: California legislature anti free speech, Hitlery Update, Bernie supports BDS

      Unless you have been living in a vacuum you know that liberals and the far left love to stifle free speech.  The Black Lives Matter and anti Trump activists are prime examples as well as far left groups on college campuses who that invited or even hired conservatives not be allowed to work or speak.  Imagine how they would protest if a left wing speaker like Barak or Michelle Obama would be under fire from conservative students.  They even complain that they need a "safe place" on campus to shield them from conservative students or even in the case of some African American students, whites.  If you don't like the graduation speaker, either don't attend, quietly turn your back when they speak, or put in your ear buds.
     Now California has fired the ultimate shot in the global warming hoax.  The far left and insane California legislature has passed a bill to criminalize global warming dissent.  I guess they realize that if you can't win the debate, shut it off entirely by threatening criminal prosecution.  Sounds Orwellian or even like Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.  Hopefully the ACLU will come to the defense of anyone arrested and charged.  Not doing so will mean that the ACLU is no longer a civil liberties watch dog as it claims to be.  In normal times,  the SCOTUS could be relied on to reject a law that so obviously violates the First Amendment right to free speech, but you never know how Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayer, and Kagan would find as they seem to believe in free speech only on the left at times.  It would be  great to have an open debate on global warming in which this Nazi hoax could be completely exposed.  I'd be happy to debate anyone on the issue.  Maybe if it does reach the SCOTUS, I can fill an Amicus brief, if non attorneys are allowed.  I could simply send previous blogs to them.  They would see the real reason behind the hoax. Of course there is even a more nefarious reason why the California legislature acted in this way.  This legislation will open the major oil companies to law suits by the State of California that could then get multimillion or billion dollar fines.  California is hurting for money due to legislative incompetence for years and its taxes are among the highest in the country.  Residents who suffer from these terrible taxes are leaving the state in droves and moving to Texas and other states where the legislature is more responsible and the tax burden far less.  Fines would help with a bloated budget from  out of control spending due to state employee salaries, pensions, and benefits as well as billions spent on illegal aliens that are looked at as future Democrats.
      Now for a Hitlery Clinton update. Last week the State Department Inspector General found that  Hitlery intentionally violated State Department and US Government security rules after signing a document that she wouldn't.  The facts are there and this is indisputable, despite Hitlery and her team's and the Clinton favoring media's denials and efforts to modify the findings  The usual line is that all secretary of states had a private email account, but none had a private unsecured server in their basement.  There is evidence that there have been multiple attempted hacks of her server and at least two people claim successful hacks including Putin.  Again despite her denials, 2000 top secret emails were exchanged on the server and in at least a dozen instances those that are classified beyond top secret.  The FBI's investigation seems to be winding down, but the Clinton Foundation has become part of the investigation.  Two weeks ago I wrote about scumbag Terry McAuliffe and now he is being investigated by the FBI for campaign fund raising irregularities.  He was part of the Clinton Foundation and probably taught them how to launder money, his specialty.  The FBI will soon issue its findings and will recommend an indictment.  This will present a real problem for AG Loretta Lynch and Barak Obama.  If they refuse to indict her, it will not only hurt Hitlery's image giving Trump even more information to use against her.  It will certainly affect Obama's already seriously tarnished legacy.  It will add fuel to the claim of how corrupt and non transparent the regime is.  There is a real chance that FBI Director James Comey and some agents may resign if she is not indicted.  It will be impossible for the findings to stay hidden as the Republican Congress will hold hearings to get at the truth.  The only thing that is still a mystery is that because she is so shameless, whether she will drop out of the presidential race.  My best guess is that she will not or go kicking and screaming.  Amazingly her stupid followers will continue to support her, oblivious to how dangerous she is.

      One last update.  The State of New York has passed and Democrat Governor Cuomo has signed a bill denouncing the BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement against Israel and New York will not do business with any country that supports BDS.  Other states need to get on board and follow New York's example.  The PLO and Hamas cannot defeat Israel militarily so they are trying to defeat Israel economically.  The BDS movement has gained strength on our college campuses and leftist controlled student governments have passed resolutions favoring it, but these resolutions are usually rejected by the board of regents.  Amazingly Bernie Sanders, a non observant Jew, has appointed four of his five appointees to the platform committee for the DNC Convention in Philadelphia that are BDS advocates.  They include Prof. Cornell West, a major BDS advocate,  Keith Ellison, the only Muslim member of Congress,  Dr. James Zogby, a major contributor to Palestinian groups, and Deborah Parker, a pro Palestinian professor.  The previous DNC conventions had difficulty in supporting Israel (it took a disputed voice vote to turn back an anti Israel plank)  and with a BDS team like this anything bad for our relationship with our ally Israel could happen.

      I hope my update has been helpful.  Please pass it on to your friends.