Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My take on some of the recent news stories

      I know you have been wondering what happened to me. No new blogs for a while. I was so stunned by the recent SCOTUS decision on Obamacare that I had trouble expressing my anger and disappointment.  Chief Justice John Roberts did what the Solicitor Genera Donald Verrilli couldn't do, namely justify the Affordable Healthcare Act.  Obama told us that the payment for failure to purchase insurance wasn't a tax. but a penalty and this was primarily Verrilli's argument.  Roberts said as a penalty, it is unconstitutional, but in his opinion this is a tax, so it is constitutional.  He voted against it so he could vote for it, kind of a flip flop don't you think.  In reality, the ACA is not affordable, not really about health care, but most certainly an act by those trying to convince us that it is.  In reality the main and only purpose of ACA is to destroy the economy and capitalism.  Obama's healthcare commissar, Daniel Berwick, has said as much when he said that healthcare is an excellent means of wealth redistribution.  Now I guess we all have to vote Republican to have Obamacare reversed by Romney and a Republican congress.  One final though on healthcare.  The ACA does has nothing in it to increase medical research which could be responsible for treating, preventing, or ameliorating many conditions that effect or growing elderly population.  Alzheimer's Disease will cost us more than a trillion dollars per year in the not to distant future. Funding research to keep people out of long term facilities would cut healthcare costs.  I imagine the "death spanels" would save even more money.
      Obama's war on capitalism continued this month when he attacked small businesses.  He thinks the government actually helped these small businesses when it is ideas, long hours, personal capital investment, and jut plan hard work trhat is really responsible.  I guess that's why he wants to tax and regulate the hell out of them. After all as a "partner" he is entitled to his share which he thinks ought to be about 50%.  This is the "dream from his father" as in most African countries it takes more than 200 days to get a business license (graft and corruption are wonderful).  He, who has accomplished so little, criticizes those who are the backbone of our economy.  He doesn't understand that the very people he is criitcizing have paid for the roads and infrastructure and even his salary, Air Force One,  and his wife Moochell's million dollar vacations with their hard earned tax dollars.  Of course, if you have contributed to his campaign your business get lots of money back, even if your business is failing and you are one step away from bankruptcy.  (That's another way "green energy" is killing our economy, spending taxpayer dollars for absolutely nothing.)  Fortunately his outrageous comments have backfired and drawn serious criticism from small businessmen who if they were on the fence about who to vote for, have been pushed into the Romney camp.  He continues to berate those who have become successful and reward those who are lazy.  In Michigan, a state hit very hard with double digit unemployment,  landscape businesses can't find anyone to work for $12.50 per hour or about $500 per week, $400 after taxes, when unemployment checks are $295 per week for doing nothing and this can go on for a 100 weeks. Now Obama has told states it is okay to suspend or ease the workfare rules passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Clinton.  Reading a book, watching television, or looking at help wanted ads are now considered "work" for these lazy people who don't want to drag their fat asses out of bed in the morning.  They can even get free cell phones, free food, and housing and heating assistance.  What's next, a free Chevy Volt and free electricity to charge it?
Obama has tried everything to distract voters away from the important economic issues.  His strategy is not working, as nearly every distraction has failed.  Now his surrogates have resorted to using the "race card", hoping to shame some idiots into voting for him again.  They even want Romney to produce more tax returns, when Obama won't submit his college applications and transcripts.  The guy, who vowed to have the most transparent administration, has the most secretive (the "fast and furious" coverup as just one example).  The media is helping Obama with his distraction strategy, by not having many stories about the economy and Obama's economic disasters.  Don't they realize that he will take them over as well. A well known  adage should apply to all American voters who voted for him the first time around. "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."
      Two recent events also deserve some comment.  The first is the tragic murder and wounding of scores of innocent people at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.  A very bright but soulless individual apparently snapped and went on a well planned killing spree and was captured as he exited the movie theater.  ABC news should be ashamed for initially saying that murderer James Holmes was a member of the Tea Party just as they tried to do with the psychopath that shot and killed or wounded people including Congresswoman Gabby Giffords at a political rally at an Arizona strip mall.  What does it matter if the shooter was a member of the Tea Party, a Democrat, a Republican, or Presbyterian?  None of these groups I've mentioned are pro killing sprees of innocents.  The attempt by the mainstream media is reprehensible.
      Finally, the trial of former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky is over and he in prison for the rest of his remaining years.  The NCAA in its great wisdom has meted out a severe penalty to the University that will effect the quality of football for a decade to come.  I have never been a fan of Joe Paterno and Peen State, but I question the severity of the penalty.  I can understand the reason for a penalty, a cover up, though it didn't involve illegal recruiting, grade promotion, or on field issues.  It did involve a coverup so as not to blemish the reputation of the football program.  Ironically, the need for a penalty at all would have never arisen, if the people in charge had turned Sandusky in immediately.  The reputation would never have suffered and Penn State would continue to be a football power.  What I don't understand is why take a away the victories.  The players, all legal by NCAA standards, didn't molest anyone or cover it up.  They earned those victories.  I guess it goes back to the same mentality that Obama is pushing on success.  I wonder if the NCAA would consider returning the money it received as a result of those victories from games and bowl appearances?  Yeah, right.