Sunday, December 13, 2015

Obama's Anti Israel and Anti Semitism Displayed at White House Chanukah Party

      Only the Obamas could bring politics and their anti Israel and anti semitic agenda to the White House Chanukah party on December 9. Chosen to recite the liturgy before the lighting of the Menorah was Susan Talve,  a reform rabbi from St. Louis, Missouri.  Talve is an ultraliberal rabbi and was involved in the Ferguson protests and Black Live Matter demonstrations.  She also supports the anti Israel BDS movement (boycott, divestment, and sanctions).  It is obvious that Obama knew exactly who he was bringing to the White House for this political escapade and knew pretty much what she was going to say.
      When lighting the Menorah, Talve altered one of the prayers, adding the Hebrew equivalent of foremothers after forefathers.  I understand that in some very progressive Jewish institutions adding or changing words to make them gender neutral or equivalent is a common practice. Talve then made a brief, but ultra liberal speech that had virtually nothing to do with Chanukah, but everything to do with her far far left agenda.  Obama could have made this speech himself.
      First she mentioned Ferguson and her alliance with Black Lives Matter for justice for Michael Brown, then gun control and eliminating toxic nuclear waste from the environment.  She spoke against Islamophobia, homophobia, and transphobia and against closing our borders to all immigrants.  Incredulously, she compared those who push these left wing causes as modern Maccabees who support justice for Palestinians as the indigenous people. What then are Jews? I suppose she considers them to be imperialistic oppressors much like the Obamas,  Her only mention of the miracle of Chanukah was to tie it to left wing politics calling for change. (We all know how "hope and change" has devastated America).  Nothing was said about Muslim persecution of Jews (and Christians).  Reuben Rivlin, Israeli President, was also present and actually lit the Menorah.  President of Israel is largely ceremonial and Rivlin is also a promoter of coexistence between Jews and Palestinians.
      I am a native of St. Louis, Missouri and in doing my research for this blog, I came across some articles and letters to the editor in St. Louis's weekly Jewish newspaper The Jewish Light.  I like to call it The Jewish Lite for it is heavy on left wing politics and lite on anything Jewish or Israel.  I used to send in an occasional  letter to the editor and to their credit, they sometimes published it, but I have given up, in part because my mother used to be criticized for what I had to say.  It was shocking how proud this newspaper is of Susan Talve and her commitment to far left causes including justice for Palestinians.  For many the lessons of the Holocaust have been forgotten over the past 70 years so I suppose some American Jews feel it is more important that there is so called justice for the criminal Michael Brown and justice for Palestinians, than the existence of Israel.
      Happy Chanukah to my Jewish readers and merry Christmas to Christians, to all Happy New Year. Thirteen months until wee are rid off the plague of the Obamas.

Monday, December 7, 2015

San Bernardino, My Take

      The horrific events of last week in San Bernardino, California have raised a number of issues related to terror in America, that will affect all of us over the coming years.  Liberals, Democrats, the corrupt Obama administration, and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is under FBI investigation, were quick to call it workplace violence, it was not,  and immediately called for stricter gun control legislation.  Even now, when the facts have led to it as Islamic terror, they are grudgingly and with great reservation willing to accept the truth still calling for gun control legislation.  But if we carefully examine the current state of affairs in America and the World. many lessons could be learned to make America and the World safer.
      There are a number of ways to prevent criminals and terrorists from obtaining guns.  First we need to secure our southern border with Mexico.  Not only can criminals and terrorist freely enter our country, but so can drugs, weapons, and other elements of terror.  Right now Mexican drug lords control access to our southern border more than our government.  Paying the human smugglers enough will ensure terrorist and their weapons and explosives access.  Building a fence with both drones and border patrol agents (and even the military) patrolling the border would be the first and easiest step.  Israel built a fence and terror attacks immediately dropped off significantly.  Eliminating sanctuary cities would do the same.   Legal immigration also needs to be examined at all levels.  The visa waiver program needs to be tightened from the standpoint of having information readily available at our entry points.  This means that passenger list can be run through computers to check various individuals before allowing them to exit a point of entry.  Europeans who have recently  been to the Middle East need to be checked and possibly denied entry.  Middle Easterner need to be checked before even boarding a plane for America.  Non citizens should never be given the same rights as Americans when it comes to privacy and profiling.  Though Obama wants to admit "widows and orphans" from Syria, we have seen what a radicalized woman can do.  Tasheen Malik apparently radicalized her husband, Syed Farooq.  He found her on a Pakistani Muslim dating site and then traveled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to meet her and bring her back to San Bernardino. (They say she wore a burka.  I guess he fell in love with her eyes.).  How many more women on this site may be ISIS or Al Qaeda plants wanting to bring terror to America or Europe?  Although the government has tried to play down the complexity of this act of terror limiting it to this couple, several questions need to be answered.  Who obtained the AR-10 rifles for the killers and who put up as much as $30,000 for their weapons and equipment?  There is still much to learn.
      Cities and states with the strictest gun laws seem to be the places where more gun related killings take place.  In Obama's adopted home town of Chicago three of four dozen people are the victims of gun violence every weekend almost always with illegally obtained guns.  (I suppose black lives don't matter when the perps and victims are both black.)  Though it may be impossible to prevent illegal weapons making their way into the hands of committed terrorist and criminals, making the punishment for possession and use a lot more serious may help.   In addition, those, who sold or gave  guns illegally to someone that used it in a crime, could be considered guilty of the same crime and punished accordingly.
      Finally we need to change the liberal mindset of blaming America and Americans and the victims every time an Islamic terrorist kills.  Our embarrassment of a Secretary of State said that there was some rational for the Charley Hebdo massacre in Paris.  Yeah right, publishing a cartoon should get you slaughtered.  We need to do away with political correctness and admit that there are very bad people out there who think that their Muslim religion calls for them to murder those that will not submit.  We need our leadership (do we really have a president that shows any real leadership?) to call it "radical islamic terror."  Saying that doing so will offend all Muslims isn't true, just as freeing some of the worst terrorists from Gitmo hasn't worked either.   Muslims who support America rather than terror should speak out and disavow themselves from this extreme aspect of their religion.  They should report Imams who support radical Islam and the Justice Department should investigate whether this constitutes aiding and abetting treason. (I know of at least one so called Christian church that also should be investigated.)  There is no such thing as anthropogenic climate change, and Obama doubling down on this issue calling it our number one enemy would be a joke, except he just pledged three billion of our taxpayer dollars to the UN for this worthless Nazi inspired hoax, money that could be used to build a border fence and strengthen American security as Obama has cut funding to yjr military, CIA, and FBI.  Charles Krauthammer has said that Obama is delusional, but I think Obama (and Valerie Jarrett) knows exactly what he is doing, purposely hurting America.  Until we get rid of this guy and his ilk (Hillary Clinton among them) America will never be safe.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Update on Terror

      Just as I predicted the French moved the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean and continue to bomb the hell out of ISIS targets in Syria.  Much of the location of targets has been supplied by our military and of course this begs the question why haven't we already bombed them.  The answer is simple, we have different rules of engagement than the French or Russians.  There quarters of the time, our planes return from a bombing mission without dropping bombs because and inexperienced regime controls the military.  When one is at war, and believe me this is a war, unfortunately there will be civilian casualties. The rules of war that has been agreed upon by real nations accepts civilian casualties as part of war,  Maybe Obama still thinks this is an overseas contingency. If you can't even say war on radical Islam, then it is understandable that you don't know how to wage war.  The French and Russians have also started bombing the main source of income for ISIS, the oil fields and oil supply,  bombing 15 producing sites and 575 oil trucks, more than half that ISIS has to ship black market oil.  This has significantly cut into the million dollars a day that ISIS makes from oil and may slow down retention and recruitment of soldiers, who as Putin explains, are mercenaries, though some are obviously attracted by ISIS's hate for the West, Christians, and Shia Muslims.
     Republicans and some other politicians have stated that we should take the lead, but currently under Obama we are not even leading from behind.  None of the Democrate candidates will even say "radical Islamic terrorism."  The Obama regime has more Muslims in positions of power than another administration.  Obama was assuredly a Muslim at one time in his life, when he lived in Indonesia and went to a Muslim only school in Djakarta.  Whether is is still a Muslim now is debatable, but no doubt he is an Islamist. We know almost nothing about his religious affiliation when he returned home from Indonesia to live with his grandparents. (They belonged to a Unitarian church in Lake Mercer, Washington headed by a communist before they moved to Hawaii.  At Columbia, his roommates were Muslims from Pakistan.  One summer he went to Pakistan to visit them using his Indonesian passport, as it was illegal to travel to Pakistan with an American passport.  Was he radicalized at that time?  Is he the Muslim version ofl the Manchurian candidate? Sure seems like it.  In Chicago, he joined the most radical church on the Southside, probably at Michelle's insistence, but became friends with Rashid Khalidi and Louis Farrakhan.  His hatred for Jews and Israel is understandable based on his upbringing and associations.  He and his administration always call ISIS ISIL as a way to disparage and delegitimize Israel as ISIL recognizes Palestine as part of the Levant.
      Al Qaeda just staged an attack in Mali in Western Africa, seizing a luxury hotel in the capital city of Bamako filled with foreigners.  With the aid of 22 off duty American military who just happened to be near by, the standoff was ended, but with 21 dead including one American.  American soldiers acted on their own initiative, and I can imagine, if they had contacted Obama first, they would have either been told to stand down or would still be waiting for orders. (It was two American soldiers on the train in France recently who took the initiative and overpowered a Muslim killer.}    The terrorist applied a religious test to the hostages that they took and released those that could prove they were Muslim by reciting the Khoran.  In both of the terror events in Paris and Mali, there is no evidence that global warming or climate change was involved.

      As usual Obama has chosen to ignore the American people when it comes to the Syrian refugees. The Republicans and 47 Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed a bill slowing down the process of admitting Syrian refugees, at least until a way of adequately vetting them is established.  The Senate will vote on this and it should pass.  Naturally, Obama has threatened a veto.  He has already accepted 2000 and has even applied a religious test with only 56 being Christian. the most oppressed and least likely to be terrorists.   That the UN helps in the election of refugees should be reason enough alone to not admit an, even if they are mostly widows and orphans.  As wee have seen women and adolescents have been used a suicide bombers.  All it takes is one.

The need for a wall at our southern border has been accentuated by 5 Syrian men with stolen  and altered Greek passports, who were arrested in Honduras on their was to the US and a woman with another stolen Greek passport was caught in Costa Rica.  The drug lords are already snuggling guns, drugs, and humans.  For money they would certainly try to smuggle terrorists, no questions asked.   ISIS and the Mexican drug cartels make for a very dangerous combination.
      With 14 months left in his reign (reign of terror on the American people)  Obama wants to reek as much havoc as possible on the American people and the American way of life.  Unfortunately, multiple terror incidents near the November elections could cause him to cancel the elections,  dismiss Congress, and the Supreme Court by declaring marshall law and prolonging his despotic rule.  Lets pray that nothing happens between now and January 21, 2017, so that we can rid ourselves of the Obama cancer once and for all.  Electing the first black president may have been a good idea,  unfortunately we  elected the wrong one.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Doubling Down on Disaster: Another Obama Failure

      In Turkey today, at the G-20 summit, Obama held a 45 minute Q&A in which he essentially doubled down on his failing ISIS policy.  Last year he told us that ISIS is the JV team and just a day before the attacks in Paris, that ISIS was contained.  He continues to think that climate change is more a threat to America than ISIS.  He still fails to recognize the term "radical Islam".  I guess if you don't recognize who is the enemy, it is hard to design a strategy to attack it.  He doesn't think there is anymore that he can do. As usual Obama thinks that if you continue to promote a failed policy eventually you will get a positive result, complete idiocy.  Now he wants to admit thousands of Syrian refugees into our country, refugees who are impossible to vet. Some have said to only admit Christians, but Obama has actually discriminated against Syrian Christians as only 56 of the nearly two thousand Syrian refugee already admitted to the United States are Christians.  All the rest are Muslims.  Although some governors have balked at having refugees settled in their states, in reality, once they are here they can move to any state they want and join up with radical Islamists that are already here.  He claims not letting them in, will serve as a recruiting tool.  Yeah right, instead he should understand that killing them as fast as they sign up and cutting financial resources would have the opposite effect. Congress may try to weigh in on this, but when it comes to getting his way, Obama always ignores Congress and the American people.  This Saturady he even let five killers out of Guantanamo and sent them to Qatar.  They will be out on the streets on a fortnight.
      Today a New York Post editorial writer called for Obama to either change his strategy to protect America or resign.  According to the Constitution, the job of the President is to protect America.  That is why he is the commander-in-chief.  Obama has pretty much ignored this duty, concentrating on other presidential responsibilities as well of usurping those of Congress. With 14 months to serve, Obama is hoping that a plot against American cities will not arise until after he leaves office so he can blame George Bush or whoever is elected president, unless it is Hillary, then he will blame Republicans in Congress.

      Obama called the attacks in Paris a setback to containment, really, with 129 dead and 350 injured. I suppose if this happened in Washington DC, he would consider that another setback, continue with his same strategy (i'm reluctant to call it a strategy), and admit more Muslim terrorists under the guise of compassion for refugees.  Secretary of State John Kerry has also downplayed the terror in France calling the Charlie Hebdo attack last summer sort of justified. What, people murdered over a cartoon!
      As I predicted the French, along with the Belgians and Germans. immediately conducted  raids and arrested or killed terrorists, recovering weapons and bomb making equipment.  A woman blew herself up with a suicide vest rather than be taken prisoner, wounding five of Paris's elite terror police. In addition, France immediately bombed targets in Raqqa, Syria, the ISIS capitol, that were supplied to them by our intelligence.  This of course begs the question, if we knew of these targets, why didn't we bomb them ourself  much earlie.  In addition the French and now the Russians have bombed a huge truck convoy destroying over 100 trucks bearing black market oil.  I guess they listened to Donald Trump.  Again, why haven't we already done this. Obama likes to claim they we have flown thousands of sorties against ISIS.  What he doesn't say, is that 3/4 of the planes come back with their bombs, because of impossible rules of engagement. As I predicted the French are moving the aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean.  Putin has said of ISIS "let God forgive them, It is my job to put them there." He also believes that many of the ISIS fighters are similar to mercenaries as like any army they are paid to fight and if the income of ISIS dries up many will defect.  With France and Russia fighting ISIS, Obama is not even leading from behind.  He is a behind.
     One further comment on Obama's use of ISIL instead of ISIS or DAESH as the French call them.  ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and ISIL stands for Islamic State in the Levant.  What is the Levant you ask? Historically it includes Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine.  Using ISIL is a slur to Israel, questioning its legitimacy.  We all know Obama hates Israel and that is why he and his administration continue to use it.
      As I have pointed out for years. Obama is not very smart.  He is a product of a communist, far far left, and Muslim education. He and his most trusted advisors hate America.  He is stubborn and arrogant.  He is also incompetent.  All of this makes for extremely dangerous times in America.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Battle of Paris and What's Next

      In 732 AD, Charles Martel defeated the invading army of the Umayyad Caliphate and killed their leader Abdul Rahman at the battle of Tours in northern France. This stemmed the tide of Islam in Western Europe, preserving Christianity, though it wasn't until 1492 that the last Muslim community in Spain was eliminated.  Despite skirmishes in the Middle East (the crusades), Islam was allowed to expand throughout northern and central Africa and Asia all the way to Indonesia, which now has the largest Muslim population in the world.  Much of the current Middle Eastern boundaries were established by the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI.  Both Britain and France and to a lesser extent Italy. developed spheres of influence and allowed almost unfettered immigration from their colonies and spheres of influence until these colonies attained independence mostly in the 1960s.
      At the end of WWII, war crimes trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to punish those responsible for WWII and all of the atrocities, termed crimes against humanity.  One very obvious war criminal was not even arrested or tried.  The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, partnered with Hitler and organized an Islamic SS regiment that fought alongside the Nazis in eastern Europe and southern Russia,  Its main role was to find, capture, and kill Jews.  For political reasons, he was not touched and in retrospect, he is responsible for the fascist dictatorships that arose after WWII in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt as well as the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.
      Muslims have not given up on their war on the West, but they have changed their strategy, from a aggressive war like plan to a much more insidious plan to take over Western Europe, using the weaknesses of the western democracies.  The liberal immigration policies is at the center of this strategy. The birth rate of couples of European origin had fallen below two.  That means that replacement of the population will be slow or not occur. This has tremendous economic implications and is one of the reasons for a generous immigration policy.  Unfortunately the vast majority of Muslim immigrants have not assimilated, nor has there been much effort to make them do so.  Their birth rate per couple is more than  three and so they are replacing Europeans at a slow but steady rate.  We have already seen that in some countries like Belgium and Sweden they are assuming important roles in local government and it is not unrealistic to imagine that in the next thirty or so years that there will be Muslim majorities in many areas of Europe.  What comes with Muslim control, Sharia Law with all of its vile rules.  In Germany of the 1920's the Weimar Republic was one of the most liberal at the time, so liberal that it permitted political parties that totally opposed its freedom,  so Nazism was allowed to flourish until it assumed total power and control.  This in a more subtle way is what is happening in Western Europe today.
      The number of Muslim immigrants have been increasing due to civil wars, instability, and poverty throughout the Muslim world of Africa and the Middle East.  Syria has upped the number dramatically and radical Islamists have seen this as an opportunity to send their warriors into Western Europe and America.  President Obama has recklessly and foolishly agreed to take 100,000  or so despite vetting them will be virtually impossible. The radicals that arrive along with those already here that have already been radicalized can form a potent fifth column to reek terror.
      In Paris there is a large Muslim population that almost exclusively lives in one area. Many are young and unemployed and ripe for being indoctrinated into Jihad and radical Islam.  So far it has been determined that at least one of the Paris terrorists was born in France and that another carried a Syrian passport and was recently admitted as a refugee through the Greek Island of Leros.  (It might be very valuable to find those who were admitted with him.) Seven Muslims were arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.
     What the future may bring.  Putin may see this as his ideal opportunity to shift allegiance from the United States to Russia.  He has lost of two hundred Russians on the jet blown up by ISIS in the Sinai Desert. Acting quickly, before France can organize its effort, and using 20,000 Russians plus the Iranians and Cubans already there he could easily conquer Raqqa the ISIS headquarters in Syria and then mop up the remaining ISIS followers in Syria.  Going into Iraq may be a problem, but his Iranian surrogates are already there.  Suddenly he becomes a hero to Russians and people all over the world.  He shows decisiveness and the ability to act something Obama refuses to do.
      President Hollande has said he will make ISIS pay for this.  If Putin does not act, the French will, first bringing an aircraft carrier off the Syrian coast and then follow up with a French expeditionary force.  Though Syria would protest, they would not be able to do anything about it.  Putin would be paralyzed, as protesting the French may make him look weak, if he did not go after ISIS first.  His best option, if this occurs, is to partner with the French.
     Organizing a NATO or UN coalition would be great, but will take time and give Putin more time to weigh his options. He may decide to join and head a UN coalition.  Sadly we hthe day before the attack, he said ISIS had been contained.  His liberal base has already blamed Bush and conservatives for the horror in Paris, just as they have for the terrorist attacks that we have had in America.  They have even used Paris as an excuse for eliminating the 2nd Amendment.  Yet, if only one person in the Bataclan Concert Hall had a gun, he may have prevented the wholesale slaughter of victims as the terrorists went one by one shooting them a point blank range.  Obama and Bernie Sanders still believe the hoax of global warming is our biggest threat.  Suddenly terrorism and immigration have become critical issues.  Trump and Cruz are right.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Catching Up : Debates, Syria, Global Warming

      Its time to catch up with all that is going on since my last post.  First let's talk about the debates. The last Republican debate was won by the candidates with CNBC and the mainstream media as the big losers.  Thanks to Ted Cruz and to a lesser extent Chris Christy, anybody with a brain could see the huge media bias. Why those moderators were ever agreed to is another question that no one has satisfactorily answered. The stupid biased questions they asked must have in part been framed by NBC executives who are admittedly for Hilly. Little else was gained from this debate except that Cruz, Rubio, Christy, and Fiorino could speak well. It would be interesting to see the Democrat candidates try to answer questions from three conservatives who never voted in a Democrat primary.  In all the Republicans who vote in primaries were something of a looser too, as they tuned in expecting to learn about the economic policy of each of the candidates and instead got mostly the mess created by the moderators.  It would have been nice to see some difficult questions asked of Hilly and Bernie. To Hilly, about her emails and servers, about Benghazi, and her ever changes views on many other subjects. For Bernie, how he expects his plans to work when they have never really worked anywhere else. For the Republicans the outsiders, Trump and the soft-spoken but thoughtful Ben Carson continue to lead the field.
      I can't go much further without commenting of the Benghazi hearings.  Though we learned that Hilly lied time and time again, the protecting mainstream media though she did great.  I know that Muslims are thin skinned, but no one in their right mind would ever believe that four Americans were murdered and a consulate torched due to an obscure movie, yet Obama and Hilly pushed this for weeks not only to the America public, but to the families of the murder victims as well.  Shame, shame. It would have been nice to know where this rubbish originated.  Might I suggest Iranian born and shadow president Valerie Jarrett and her staff of political scoundrels.  We learned little why no aid was forthcoming though the incident took over 12 hours to run its course or why none of the requests for tightened security got any measurable response. We did learn that some how there were far fewer emails in the months leading up to the disaster.  Could they be in the 30.000 emails that Hilly deleted.  That seems like quite a lot to be dealing with Chelsea's wedding and Yoga. (if she did any yoga, it certainly doesn't show).  We also realized that Congressman Elijah Cummings is complicit in the scandal.
      As I predicted Putin has moved into Syria in a big way. With Russian planes and artillery and surrogates from Cuba and Iran to do some of the fighting, he is determined to prop of Bashir Assad for the time being, but also consolidate his bases in northwest Syria.  Obama has weakly added 50 special forces troops who may have secretly already been there and maybe stepped up the bombing of ISIS as the Russians despite what they have said are bombing the anti Assad Syrian rebels instead of ISIS.  When rebel resistance is all but eliminated, look far the Russians to start attacking ISIS. Make no mistake, the are Chechnyans who have joined ISIS and Putin does not want them returning to Russia with new terror skills and weapons.  Despite complaints from all over Europe about the Syrian refugee crisis, neither the EU, UN, or NATO really want to solve it, by getting to the root of the crisis, by getting rid of ISIS and ending the Syrian civil war.  And yes, Obama wants us to take in 200,000 unvetted refugees some of whom hate America, support Sharia, and are willing to terrorize our communities.  Only a moron or America hating president would do such a thing.
     Obama and Sanders continue to double down on global warming as our greatest threat. Just this week, NASA has said, though under extreme pressure from the regime not to do so, has said that both Arctic and Antarctic ice are increasing and that Antarctic ice is at a record level. To try to ambush the energy renaissance in my opinion is treasonous and could only come from one who is ignorant and/or an America hater. My home, Miami and Miami Beach are not going to be under water.
      In line with anti America haters, a group at the Colt-Jaguar game on Monday night unfurled a banner telling Bank of America to withdraw financing for a facility being constructed for the shipping of liquid natural gas (LNG).  LNG is one of the keys to not only reviving our economy, but also a way to put Putin in his place. We are awash in natural gas as a result of fracking.  In North Dakota it is even being burned off as there are not enough means to ship or store it.  The US has the cheapest lifting cost for natural gas by a long shot and some countries pay 3-5 times what it cost us.  In order to ship it, natural gas has to be liquified and then loaded onto specially equipped tankers.  Much of Europe depends on Russia for natural gas shipped via pipeline and is the main source of hard currency for the Russian economy.  Competition or the treat of it from America would be a serious threat to Putin as it could further damage a rather fragile Russian economy and put the fortunes of the oligarchs who support Putin at risk.  Jobs, cash, and increased government income from taxes would all benefit America as well.  It is therefore obvious that this is just another instance where the far left hates America and really doesn't want the economy to succeed even if it means more taxes dollars.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Obama's New Hitler Moment

      For those of you who have followed my blog over the years, you are well aware that I have often compared Obama's political tactics to those of Hitler and this comparison continues.  Not only is his recent push to violate the Second Amendment by banning and confiscating guns from law abiding citizens Hitleresque, but now like Hitler he seems to be suffering from a severe case of mental disease.
      Last Sunday Obama was interviewed on 60 Minutes by Steve Croft, usually a very staunch Obama supporter and shill, but even he was struck by Obama's lack of reality.  During World War II, Hitler's mental disease progressed to the point where he also lost total touch with reality. He became delusional. He was making military moves that helped the Allies, rather than hindered them, sometimes, ordering movement of divisions that didn't even exist or that had been so degraded that they only existed on paper.  Obama seemed to ignore Croft's questions about ISIS, saying that we will defeat ISIS with our grand alliance, except that this grand alliance doesn't really exist as a fighting force.  Obama seems to think that his climate change conference in Paris is far more important than defeating ISIS who is sworn to destroy America.  His lack of understanding and under estimating Putin's moves in the Middle East have already created a loss of respect for America not only in the Middle East, but among our allies all over the world.  His ignorance in regard to the planet is telling as we all know that global warming ironically is a hoax begun by an Austrian Nazi and that any human contribution to climate is minute.
      Obama's lead from behind has now become lead with his head in the sand or in a more vulgar way with his head up his ass.  He has become totally delusional. Making deals with sworn enemies like Cuba and Iran and getting virtually nothing in return, is viewed as a sign of weakness and disbelief.  Iran has ignored the deal already, testing ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and sending a key general who has been on virtual house arrest, to Moscow for talks on coordinating military tactics to keep Bashir Assad in power in Syria and take over Iraq.  Putin (and Iran) badly needs the price of oil and gas to increase as most of Russia's hard currency comes from the export of these commodities.  Uncertainty in the Middle East often increased the price of oil significantly.  Since Russia started bombing Assad's enemies in Syria, the price of oil has increased about 15%. Controlling Iraq's oil will also help that purpose. Dummy that he is, Obama could have told Russia that he will import oil and gas to Europe and undercut the Russians unless Russia gets out of Ukraine and the Crimea and behaves itself all over the world.  Instead, he only sees our huge amounts of oil and gas as a climate problem rather than as both a political and economic weapon.  The Republican Congress has taken the lead in reversing the 1970s law banning the export of crude.
      Obama continues to make overtures about emptying Guantanamo.  Trading five key Al Quada prisoners for deserter and traitor Beau Bergdahl was just a start.  This guy has 15 months left to
destroy America.  Of course we can hope that he might imitate Hitler one more time and shoot himself.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Even the Pope Falls for Nazi Propaganda

      billionaire communist Canadian Maurice Strong must be wringing his hands with glee from his perch in Beijing, where he laughingly serves as environmental advisor to the Communist Chinese government in the most polluted city in the world.  Strong found the global warming hoax originator after he was brought into the UN in the 1960s and realized its potential in weakening the economy of the United States and Western Europe.  The failure of the Rio Conferences, that he organized, to produce any significant results caused him to change his strategy.  He made illegal campaign contributions from both parties throughout the 80's until he found a willing dupe, Al Gore, to lend celebrity to his plan.  With the promise of unlimited riches and prestige, Gore was an easy convert and as we have seen, both have come true for him.  He won a Nobel Prize and has made $300 million from the hoax.
      As I have written before, the global warming hoax was begun in 1956 by an Austrian Nazi who hated America and capitalism as he knew that it was responsible for the defeat and suicide of his beloved Hitler.  There was and is no real scientific basis for it.  Yet, leftist, media, the general public , and even the Pope have failed to do their homework to research this gigantic hoax and trillions of dollars have been wasted on it.  Why, because the message, that it seems to convey, sounds great, save the planet. Now I'm not against clean air and water, but the planet has the ability to take care of itself, especially when it comes to air pollution.  There have been several examples of this in my lifetime.  The biggest natural "carbon" disaster was Mt. St. Helens massive eruptions.  Satellite images showed a cloud of pollution encircling the planet and yet there was no significant change in climate of warming.  Similarly the huge cloud of pollution that was the result of Sadam Hussien lighting the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire, didn't result in any change either.
      Then why all the interest in global warming now called climate change? Because its not really about the climate at all, but about destroying the American economy.  The UN has even proposed the United States contributing an amount equal to our military budget to this absurd cause.  Subsidizing renewable energy companies hasn't worked.  Heating or cooling from electricity supplied by coal, gas, or oil is relatively cheap.  Electric automobiles are costly and the problem of battery life and time of battery charging have yet to be solved. Poor people could not afford any of the electric cars available,  Even the Volt was too expensive, especially for a poorly made car.  Hybrids are probably the best compromise, though still expensive.  The only way that fossil fuel restrictions and limitations work for the poor is subsidies.  And who pays for the subsidies? The middle class as usual would pay just as it does for Obamacare subsidies. In  Germany $100 billion has been spent on solar power and yet their energy grid on gets 0.3% from solar. Spain has found that it lost three jobs for every two it creates with solar.  Though there is solar in the future, it is not there yet.
      Now that the polar bear lie has been debunked (since 1975 5000 polar bears world wide have grown to 20,000 with the major cause of premature death is the Inuits being allowed to hunt them). The new claim is that global warming hurts the poor.  This lie has hoodwinked even the Pope.  In reality, if the planet was a little warmer there would be more crops for food and fewer deaths, as more people worldwide die from cold rather than heat.  What really should put an end to all of this ridiculousness, is that astronomers think that a mini ice age is on the way in about 15 to 20 years.  As is really the case, the sun is responsible for heating the Earth.  Two of three things that involve Earth's temperature include the distance the Earth is from the Sun as it orbits.  The other is the Earth's axis in relation to the Sun. The final and maybe the most important involves solar activity.  It seems that there is an outer and inner level of activity.  When they are in phase temperatures are warmer and when they are out of phase temperatures are  cooler.  It is not surprising that the Pope has been led into this, because he seems to want to improve the plight of the poor, a good thing. but not understanding the consequences.  The Vatican has had a history of being a little behind scientifically, remember it preached that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

Friday, September 11, 2015

What Should Be the Republican Strategy for 2106

      Having lost both the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012 to a communist community organizer with no significant accomplishments and with a political philosophy determined to degrade and destroy America, the Republicans have to consider a change in strategy.  In my opinion, the fear of being labeled racists, toned down their criticism. McClain muzzled the perfect attack dog, Sarah Pallin, due to this fear.  They have to realize that they will get no help from the mainstream media who will continue to not do their job in reporting negative stories about the opposition.  The LA Times even refused to release a videos showing Obama addressing a party for two of his best friends, Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said because it contained anti Israel overtones that may have hurt his campaign and fund raising with Jews.  The media supported the idea that anyone critical of Obama's policies were racist.  Now Hillary Clinton has thrown down a similar gauntlet, namely the war on women.  Even the potential first ladies were treated differently.  Michelle Obama was praised because of her wonderful fashion sense and will toned arms.  In fact her fashion sense is terrible and she would have made Mr. Blackwell's list.  Her butt and hips are gigantic and at best she has an awkward figure. Anne Romney was criticized for spending $1000 on a blouse that she could afford.  McClain's wife was also criticized until it was learned about her charitable activities that bested anything Michelle Obama has and will ever undertake.
      Now Hillary Clinton has begun using "the war on women to attack Republicans.  She is another candidate with virtually no accomplishments other than having been married to Bill Clinton.  She was arguably the worst Secretary of State and makes Madeline Albright seem respectable. Republicans need to minimize campaigning on social issue as its s big looser as any candidate's views will always be distorted by the media. When asked a question about abortion or gay marriage, a candidate should reply, "my opinion really doesn't matter.  As President I am sworn to defend the Constitution, unlike the current regime, and the Supreme Court has already ruled on these issues."  In comparing spouses, the media will support Bill as being a wonderful advisor on all of the issue and consider any other wife as "just a mother" with no experience.  The media should be reminded of Bill's history of infidelity including his recent visits to convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein private island for sex with underage women.  This story has been covered up by the media.  In addition, Bill's speaking fees and the Clinton Family Foundation are open for discussion of conflict of interest.  This would certainly continue if Hillary was selected as the Democrat nominee. Heck, Bill would probably want to have sex with Trump's wife rather than debate her.
      The Democrats will want to stress that the Republicans are getting money from millionaires and billionaires, when in fact they are doing the same.  In addition the Republicans ought to stress the millions in union support and the millions of illegal foreign money the Democrats receive.  Bill Clinton got $20 million from the Red Chinese Army for allowing his friend and campaign bundler Bernie Schwartz to sell them missile guidance technology despite the advice of the CIA, State Department, and Defense Department not to do so.  Obama got over 36,000 contributions on the internet that were in odd amounts. When converted back to their original currencies these amounts were more logical and corresponded to even amounts in various currencies of Midwestern countries.
     Finally the Republicans have a great chance in 2016 because of the failed Obama Presidency.  They need to emphasize all of the Obama failures and not spend so much time criticizing each other.  It is not a good idea to fight among each other even though the media wants to spur this on.  Just say so and so is entitled to his opinion and leave it at that.

Refugees and Stupid Politicians

      Donald Trump is right, politicians are stupid and that just doesn't go for our politicians, but European politicians as well.  With hundreds of thousands of refugees streaming out of Syria, Iraq, and the Middle East, Europe is overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do. The answer that these stupid politicians have overlooked is to eliminate the reason why they are leaving in the first place.
Very simply is to destroy ISIS and Bashir Assad.  The former would be relatively easy, but the later has just become much more difficult.
      Imagine a NATO or European Army of 250,000 fighting ISIS which is though to number about 50,000.  This army would have control of the skies and would have more and better technology.Seizing the Iraqi oil fields and ISIS headquarters in Syria would be easy. Any leaders that are captured would be subject to an international court with the death penalty as the sentence.
      Once ISIS is eliminated, Assad has to go.  He has killed 250,000 of his own people, and if it weren't for IRAN and Russia he would be gone already.  Because the USA and Europe has dallied for so long, the Russians have stepped in to fill the void, bring in more sophisticated weapons systems, that would make things more difficult.  Still Russia could be persuaded to back off.  This would be easy to do, if Obama would change his energy policy.  We could use our oil and gas to sell to Europe. Russia relies on sales of these products to Europe, especially Germany for hard currency.  Shipping LNG and oil to Europe at a better price than Russia would really put pressure on Putin not only in Syria, but all over the world.
      Sadly, we have leaders who just don't understand what is going on in the world.  Our own president has made a horrible deal with Iran a country that continues to tell us that it wants to destroy us.  Only a real idiot would make a deal under those circumstances.  It also doesn't help to deny the existence of radical Islam.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Run for the Presidency 2016: The Republicans

      There are 17 people running for the Republican nomination, but only half deserve to have their names even mentioned  so that is exactly what I will do.
      Obviously the most intriguing candidate thus far is Donald Trump.  The outspoken billionaire seems to have garnered the most support, more than double any other candidate so for.  Despite his brashness and sometimes outrageous remarks, his poll number continue to rise or remain steady.  Originally claiming how wealthy he is, Trump said he would not accept contributions, but has now said he will accept $100 or less contributions from general public and not from lobbyists.  Because of his popularity, Trump has become the talk of every news channel and his willingness to give interviews to just about anybody has made him a daily fixture on your favorite news station and that amounts to free advertising. Obviously his brashness and ignoring political correctness is what seems to make him popular with the public. In the long run, this early lead and all the free air time may actually hurt Trump's campaign.  So far his campaign has been run on the cheap with little effort to set up professionally run campaign offices both locally and nationally.  Getting people out to vote in a primary is important especially on a freezing or rainy day.  Organizations can provide transportation and encouragement.  Trump needs to rapidly build an organization and hire quality advisors who can help him with the issues for which he is least familiar.  He can still make brash and outrageous statements as long as he can support them with facts and or details.  Pledging loyalty to the party would also help him.  Speaking of loyalty, Republicans need to be reminded that the unwillingness of some Republicans to vote in 2008 and 2012 gave us an inept, anti America, and criminal regime.  Hillary Clinton, if she can overcome criminal charges that have racked her campaign, would bring more of the same incompetence and arrogance.
     Surprisingly two other non political outsiders are doing very well, Benjamin Carson MD, and Carly Florin.  In some polls they and the other outsider Trump have accumulated 40-50% of Republican support.  Carson has been soft spoken but methodical in his approach and has challenged Obama more than other Republicans.  Obviously a very intelligent and well educated man, a leader in his profession, has kept him in the top five in most recent polls and in second place in many.  His biggest problem is and will be for now fund raising, which is unfortunately necessary to run an effective campaign.  Likewise Fiorino has the same problem, though she proved to be the first Republican debate winner and she wasn't even in the prime time debate.  Well spoken and knowledgeable on the issues has helped.  As the only woman on the Republican side, people would love to see her and Hillary debate. but that is not going to happen unless the two become the vice presidential choice of their parties. Outsiders have done well, because many American are tired of the old loosing approach to winning a presidential election.  Both McCain and Romney refused to effectively criticize Obama and more importantly inform America of his ties to communists, islamists, and anti Americans.  Fearing the racist charge, they were unwilling to effective speak up and challenge a man whose main agenda was to degrade and ultimately destroy America. If the Republican Party leadership can't see that then they don't deserve to win.
      Jeb Bush seems to lead the establishment candidates, primarily because of name recognition and his massive lead in fund raising. He was a  very successful governor of Florida and has access to the political king makers in the Republican Party.  Although he tends to speak well, his soporific approach draws little excitement.  He does have the organization that Trump lacks and has the wherewithal to last until the end of the primary season.  He has been at odds with the Republican base, especially over common core, immigration, and Iran.
      Cruz, Rubio, Huckabee, Walker, Paul, and Kasich seem to have about the same amount of support. Cruz seems to be the most intelligent, but lacks support from the party bigwigs. Rubio comes off as clear, concise and sensible,  He is the youngest in the group and that may work against him.  He has VP written all over him. Huckabee trends to push the social issues too much.  This always works against the Republicans and if he wants to continue to grow followers, he needs to stress the economy and defense.  Scott Walker has beaten the unions three times and helped his state of Wisconsin.  He needs to show how his pragmatic approach at the state level will play out nationally.  Paul seems to have lost support recently, I believe because he tends to come off as kind of winey and combative,  He is in danger of being left behind.  John Kasich is a very interesting candidate who has been successful everywhere he has served. He needs to spend more time getting his message out, but he may not have the money to spend. He is another candidate who has VP written all over him.
      The rest aren't worth me writing about or you reading about.  Im not sure why they are even running.  In my next blog I will discuss the strategy that Republicans ought to adopt to succeed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Run for the Presidency 2016 Part 1: The Democrats

      The race for the presidency in 2016 is more like a marathon than a sprint.  Often a candidate will lead the field early only to fade later and then improve again.  An analysis this early is merely a snapshot of the status at this particular time with an educated guess at what the future will bring.  It is far more fun to evaluate the Democrats, so lets do them first.
      The overall leader at this time is Hillary Clinton, mostly by name recognition and that she is a woman.  Her qualifications that were dubious in 2008 are even more dubious today.  For most of her life any of her so called accomplishments have been because of her husband.  Even as a  US Senator it is obvious that she was elected only because she was married to Bill and not for anything else that may have deemed her worthy.  In fact, she has been ineffectual at just about everything.  As a partner at Rose Law, she only got a job because her husband was the governor.  She couldn't even keep track of here billing records.  As a first lady, her healthcare plan was fortunately rejected and her coming under fire in Kosovo turned out to be a lie as was the "vast right wing" conspiracy, a ridiculous notion that she continues to use today.  She was ineffectual as a senator merely biding time until she could run for the presidency and so poor a campaigner that she allowed  a communist community organizer with vertically no worthwhile life's experiences or accomplishment to beat her to the nomination.  With Obama out of the way you would have thought that she was ready to be crowned, but as it turns out her actions as an ineffective and disastrous Secretary of State are being made public and now she is the subject of an FBI criminal investigation over her illegally using a vulnerable private server for her State Department e-mails and then not turning them over when she left office.  It is difficult to determine what will become of this, but Bill played golf with Obama last weekend and I'm certain that this was discussed. Is the fix in? It all depends on what Hillary has on Obama and what Obama has on Hillary.  It is very doubtful that calls for a special prosecutor will be answered.  Obama despite numerous scandals has never been willing to unleash a special prosecutor as he uses the Justice Department as his political enforcement wing and is afraid what a special prosecutor may uncover.  Hillary is a very poor campaigner and her support is currently waning.  People find her aloof, untrustworthy, and secretive.  This is not without its advantages, as every time she tries to answer questions from an objective reporter, she stumbles. Her relationship with the Clinton Foundation as Secretary of State has also been called into question, but is taking a backseat to the server scandal. Despite still being the front runner, an admitted socialist is closing fast and ahead in two of the three earliest primary states. Obama holds the key to her future.
      The person closing in on Hillary is Bernie Sanders a 72 year old senator from Vermont who is an admitted socialist and listed as an independent in the Senate, but caucuses with the Democrats.  He has been drawing huge crowds memorized by his political spiel attacking the rich and promising free stuff. Nothing new here and as with the Pied Piper his supporters are more then willing to follow him into government  dependency and servitude.  The only real stumble he has made was when he permitted some young angry black women from Black Lives Matter to seize his microphone as he retreated from the dais.
      Martin O'Malley, another candidate who surrendered to Black Lives Matter, and Lincoln Chaffee have garnered little support and are pretty much a joke. Enough said.  Jim Webb has also drawn little interest.  Webb, a military veteran and former US Senator from Virginia, is a traditional Democrat, more in line with Jack Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey.  That he has received so little support, shows how far the Democrat Party has gone from left of center to far far left.
      Thus far Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Elizabeth Warren are waiting in the wings to see how far Hillary may stumble and even be forced to drop out.  A lone debate is scheduled for October and I think they will make their decisions afterward.  Don't count Obama out either, using Michelle for a shot at a third and even a forth term.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Obama Holds the Key to Hillary Clinton's Future

      Last week Obama made a comment stating that he couldn't run for a third term. but that if he could, he would surely be reelected. Whether you agree with that statement or not (I don't), it indicates to me that Obama is not ready to give up the office.  There are 4 ways that a third term could happen.  The first is the elimination of the 22nd amendment to the constitution.  That is not going to happen, certainly there would not be much time or interest in doing this.  The second is Obama declaring marshall law.  This is not so far fetched.  Obama has quietly built a governmental  unit within the Department of Homeland Security that is trained and heavily armed and could step in to combat large scale civil violence.  His benefactor, George Soros, through organizations that have arisen out of the ashes of ACORN, has funded professional violent demonstrators as those seen in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, to test the waters.  An event, probably orchestrated, could serve as the opening,  By declaring marshall law, Obama could trigger his own October surprise just before the 2016 election, canceling or delaying elections indefinitely and disbanding Congress and the Supreme Court.  Whether this could happen is very remote, but a community organizer with little knowledge and no experience becoming POTUS would have seemed remote 8 years ago.
      A third option would be for Obama, claiming to respond to the seriousness of the allegations against Hillary Clinton,  to allow an FBI investigation and  appointing a special prosecutor, to examine all of the crimes related to Hillary Clinton's e-mail.  Although I think the likelihood of a special prosecutor is very small, as Obama has been unwilling to do so despite numerous scandals involving criminal activity.  He does not want to relinquish control and so prosecution would remain within the totally corrupt Justice Department (Injustice, if you prefer). Still in order to prevent anything from spilling over to him, he could offer Clinton a deal that would amount to the same thing that Petraus received in return for her keeping her mouth shut and dropping out of the race.
      Who is left.  The rest of the current slate of Democratic candidates is very weak. Though Bernie Sanders has gained some traction, like Donald Trump on the Republican side, he has a limited number of followers that would not be enough to make him competitive in the election.  Lincoln Chaffee has been silent, since throwing his hat in the ring, as its hard to raise money based on changing America over to the metric system.  Martin O'Malley has shown himself to be weak in bowing to the Soros funded far left group Black Lives Matter.  America is looking for real leadership after 8 years of no leadership from Obama.  Jim Webb, a marine veteran and more along the line of a 60s or 70s tradition Democrat, has also been quiet and has had difficult fund raising.
      All this says to me is that if Hillary drops out, none of those candidates currently available could win and give Obama a third term.  The most obvious choice to get into the race is Vice President Joe, the Joker, Biden.  He certainly could be easily sold to Obam's far left base as a continuation of the regime, thus a "third term." With Obama supporting him, most far left contributors like George Soros, would be more than happy to contribute(though illegally in the case of Soros).  But is there an even better choice for Obama and his base?  Yes there is and that is my dark horse candidate Michelle Obama.  Obama may think he could do what the Clintons have not done to date.  Emphasizing that his plan to fundamentally change America is not yet complete and that electing Michelle would allow the job (and America) to be finished.

     Note: I said that Obama has not shown any leadership in the world, but there is one recent exception, the negotiations with Iran,  Though France Germany, England, Russia, and China were involved none with the exception of Obama wanted Iran to have access to nuclear weapons.  All wanted to trade with Iran and lifting the embargo and giving Iran one hundred billion dollars would grease their cooperation.  His jaded and treasonous legacy is more important to him than the safety of America and the world.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fun With the Far Left

      I have a few friends on Facebook who like to share posts from left, liberal, or Democrat Party sites.  Mostly these posts praise Obama, worshiping him and all he has done since becoming president.  There is virtually no real factual information, only repetition of misinformation spewed from the regime.  I thought it would be fun to comment on some of these postings to see what the response would be.  I also felt I could  use my comments as a teaching moment.  The response has been interesting and even amusing.
     First, I was surprised at how many conservatives look at these sites.  I was amazed that I would often have between 200 and 300 'likes" for each comment.  In addition there were usually many more positive comments about the information I provided than negative ones.  The negative comments were unable to refute the facts that I presented, so that most of the negative comments were personal attacks, calling me a hater or racists.  One of my comments called Obamacare a tragedy for America, and a response was that the only tragedy was that I was born.  We know who really are the haters.
      Someone said that there is no teaching, only learning and in that regard the Left was unwilling to learn, basically falling in line with the Obama regime and the mainstream media that supports him.  It is obvious that none of them has ever done any independent research into Obama and his background.  It was the poet Wordsworth who said, "the child is father of the man."  Obama's mentor as an adolescent was communist Frank Marshall Davis and the reason why Obama went to Chicago as a community organizer.  Few have ever heard of Alice Palmer, another communist.  Obama became her campaign manager when she ran for the US House of Representatives in a special election to replace Mel Reynolds who went to prison for having sex with an under age campaign worker.  Even the most deaf, dumb, and blind leftist has heard of Bill Ayers. Despite Obama calling him "just a guy in the neighborhood,'"  evidence shows that the two shared numerous organizational memberships and Obama was Ayers' choice to head the failed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, that funneled most of its funding to Bill Ayers controlled organizations.  It was at Ayers house where Obama declared his intent to run for the Illinois state senate.
      The tactic of personal attacks mimics the technique that the Obama regime has used to silence or try to discredit its critics, right out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.  This, sadly,  is the only thing the left has learned.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Obama's Chamberlain Moment, Peace Sells But Only Obama is Buying

      In 1938 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain emerged from his flight from Munich, waving a document,  where he had just negotiated a treaty with Hitler.  The Nazis had already annexed Austria, the Saar Basin, and the Sudetenland part of Czechoslovakia, and to prevent war England had signed a treaty with Hitler allowing the annexation of a part of Czechoslovakia, so that Hitler would end his expansion.  The famous quote by Chamberlain was, "I give you peace in our time."  We all know how that worked out, World War II.  Now we have Obama addressing the nation in similar fashion espousing a terrible deal that his he has conceded to the Iranians
      The deal that Obama and John Kerry worked out with Iran could make Chamberlain's look rather tame in the face of a potentially nuclear Middle East.  Pakistan is selling ready made nuclear weapons and now Saudi Arabia and Egypt may be buying.  With all the instability in the Middle East, it is not unreasonable to be concerned that terrorists may get a hold of one of these. They rightly don't trust Iran and are interested in protecting themselves. I don't understand why Obama trusts Iran (and Cuba) but doesn't trust an ally Israel.
      The deal is only good for 10 years and Iran can keep its centrifuges and continue to treat uranium for "research purposes," as if there are other uses for weapon's grade uranium.  Spot inspections are not part of the deal, in fact, the IAEC has to give 15 days notice for an inspection.  Finally there has been no mention of Iran's delivery system, so ICBMs can still and will be developed. In ten or eleven years Iran could target New York or Washington DC.
      With the removal of economic sanctions billions of dollars will be released to Iran, the leading sponsor of state sponsored terror.  Hamas and Hezbollah will get more assistance so that they can increase their terrorist activities.
     Congress must overwhelmingly turn down this terrible deal.  Sadly, but typically Obamaesque, it is not called a treaty, because Congress could easily turn it down.  Instead Congress needs a filibuster proof vote to override Obama's veto.
     Like Clinton, Obama has been continually looking for a legacy.  His hope and desire is to destroy America, and this deal will add to that. He wants to go down as the worst president in history and this deal assures that title.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Are SCOTUS Justices Actually Congressmen?

      This week the SCOTUS made two decisions, one predictable the other not, but both very disappointing and the later destructive and dangerous for our country.  Not being an attorney, I can only base my interpretation of these decisions on common sense and what I know about the Constitution and how it has been interpreted by previous courts.
      I do not necessarily disagree that gays and lesbian can marry.  I do disagree that this even came before  SCOTUS.  Like the decision on abortion in the '70s,  this is a state supreme court issue and not one for SCOTUS.  This was predictable as SCOTUS has continued to trample states' rights.  There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion and marriage and therefore according to the Constitution, this is left to the states to decide. If a state supreme court thinks the voters were wrong denying the joys (and pains) of marriage to gays and lesbians, then it should rule so.  In my opinion, an amendment  to the US Constitution is necessary for it to become the law of the land as it would then become part of the US Constitution.  Unfortunately, SCOTUS has continued to erode states' rights writing laws as opposed to what they should be doing. According to Article III of the Constitution, the justices are to interpret legal matters and not make them.  What SCOTUS should have ruled, is that if a state chooses not to issue licenses for gay marriage, it none the less has to recognize the rights of gay couples bestowed on them by those performed in other states as some of those rights involved property, taxes and inheritances.  Finally, SCOTUS should have added to the decision, that although gay marriage is according to ScOTUS the law of the land,  ministers, priests, rabbis, and even imams and their churches, synagogues and mosques do not have to perform the ceremonies on religious grounds, if they choose not to.  Private individuals may also choose to not provide services on religious grounds.
      The decision on Obamacare is the most disturbing, and I question the ability and intelligence of five of the justices to read and comprehend simple language. The law specifically said one thing and now SCOTUS says it says another just as they did with the original decision on Obamacare.  When the law states that government subsidies can only be granted to states that set of insurance exchanges, how can it mean that subsidies can be given whether a state does so or not. The main architect of this disaster, Jonathan Gruber, has said that the American people are stupid and now he can extend that statement to five SCOTUS justices.  Obamacare is a law that was sold to the American public based on outright lies and deception and for those of you who have followed my blog, you know that this law has very little to do with healthcare and much much more about collapsing the American economy as was Obama's goal from the onset.  The financing of Obamacare is unsustainable and has dire consequences for our country.
      The job of SCOTUS is to interpret the Constitution  and resolve conflicts.  It is not to make laws.  If the justices of SCOTUS want to create legislation, then they should resign and run for Congress.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Is Obama Delusional or Just a Liar and What About Hillary.?

      Obama has made some statements recently that seem so far fetched, that many people have thought that he is delusional.  Specifically, he said he was the closest thing to a Jewish president and that we are making progress against ISIS.
      He is not delusional or lying when he talks about being a Jew, as the two Jews he knows best are Saul Alinsky and George Soros, both Jews in name only (JINOs).  Alinsky believed in lying as stated in his Rules for Radicals as a means to further the revolution and maintain power.  Obama has taken him at his word and certainly we have seen him lie about just about everything in order to get his way.  Obamacare would never have passed, if it weren't for lying.  And despite his claimed outrage about the numerous scandals that have plagued his administration, he has done nothing about them.  No one has been fired or gone to prison.  Some have even been promoted and given bonuses or raises in order to buy their silence during whatever congressional investigation was undertaken.  The FBI and Justice Department ignored these law breakers as they were forced to stand down.  Soros who has funded Obama's attack groups is anti American and a convicted felon.  During WWII he turned in other Jews to the Hungarian Gestapo in order to save his own skin.  He funds J Street that wants to give Israel to the Palestinians. J Street is supported by Obama and DNC head Debby Wasserman Schultz. Obama has paid him back for his support as he triers to collapse the American economy a la Cloward and Piven.  Getting global warming legislation passed or with regulations, may be that last straw.  As we all know global warming is a total hoax. Those are the Jews that Obama is most alike.  If you are looking for a Jewish president, try LBJ who as a Senator helped ship weapons out of Galveston to Israel in 1948 as it fought for its very existence.  He also was the first president to give Israel offensive weapons, something Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy never did.  Or how about Nixon who demanded that we urgently resupply Israel during the Yom Kippur War.  George Bush also supported Israel by refusing to negotiate with the Palestinians until they recognized Israel's right to exist.  They never have.
      Obama is fully aware that ISIS is methodically taking over Syria and Iraq. He has to lie about his anemic attempt to stem the tide of Jihad for he is unwilling to admit that he made a serious mistake in under estimating ISIS and pulling our troops out of Iraq.  A few bombing sortees, where often bombs aren't even dropped, is not the way to defeat ISIS.  He'll leave that to the next president.  Democratic presidents have been very good at letting the enemy know what the limits are, breaking rule number one of military strategy. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Kosovo and got away with it.  Whether or not he planned to send US troops in to Kosovo, he should not have given out that info to the Serbs. Instead he should have sent the 10th Army Division, a mountain division, to Italy to practice war games and training with its counterpart in the Italian Army.  The Serbs would have seen that as a treat of deployment and capitulated earlier.
      Obama is certainly not delusional.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  When his anti American efforts get discovered or go awry, he has no qualms about lying.  He uses lies to achieve and maintain  political dominance.  Only recently have some in the media realize that they refused to fully vet him when he was first running for office,  totally ignoring his communist, socialist, anti American, and Muslim ties and his lack of experience.  He will go down in history as the worst president in the history of America.
      Hillary is also another politician who uses lying to further her own ends.  She is pathologic.  She even lied about her name, saying that she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary, the famous conquerer of Mt. Everest.  Problem is, he climbed Everest five years after she was born. To believe, you would have to believe that she went as Girl Rodham for five years. She also lied about hearing MLK speak in Atlanta when she was a girl.  Finally she lied 110 times to Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr by answering "I don't remember."  Sutter Libby said that once to Prosecutor Christopher and went to prison.  If Starr had any balls he would have sent Hillary to prison on 110 counts of perjury and we wouldn't have to worry that this nefarious and incompetent person might become president.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

If you like your internet you can keep it...yeah,right

      Between ISIS, Israeli elections, and Hillygate, this import event in the last few weeks may have escaped you.  In an effort called "net neutrality" and by an FCC committee vote of 3 to 2 (Dems-Rep) the Obama regime took over the internet.  As usual with the left, names of act, bills, etc don't mean a thing.  For example, the Affordable Healthcare Act, was not affordable, unless you got it for free, and it was more about wrecking the economy and the middle class than providing healthcare.  What makes this whole thing more reprehensible is that PR effort behind it and regulations supplied by Center for American Progress was funded by far far far leftist and America hater George Soros. (Soros has made billions of dollars by using his money to sow unrest in various countries in Europe and shorting the currency.  In France he is a convicted felon for illegal currency manipulation.)  Because the internet was invented by the United States military in the 1970's (sorry Al, you didn't invent the internet),  Obama not only feels he has a right to control it, but feels he must control in oder to advance his anti America far far far far far left agenda.
      The regime claims that its new 300 pages of internet regulations will ensure that everyone gets the same internet at the same speed.  The major players AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon will all be adversely effected, and if history is any indicator, the more the government gets involved the more the costs to you will go up.  Take your phone bill for example.  For almost a decade in the 70's and 80's the government battled the AT&T telephone monopoly which finally was broken up in 1982.  The goal was to allow competition with the thought that rates would go down.  Just the opposite happened.  AT&T had been subsidizing local rates from the fees it received for long distance.  With the breakup the subsidies disappeared and rates went up.  Furthermore due to the breakup and some bad business decisions AT&T was acquired by SBC (the new AT&T) and Western Electric, an AT&T subsidiary, which formerly manufactured nearly all of the phone equipment was also sold off.  Bell Labs, whose research was responsible for most of the advances in telecommunications at that time slowly disappeared.  The only thing that kept local phone rates from skyrocketing even higher was the invention of the cell phone, but cell phone rates are exorbitant as well.
      These new regulations will allow the government the opportunity to tax your internet service.  If you look at your phone bill,  there is a myriad of taxes and fees that have nothing to do with your phone bill.  For my land line,  these represent nearly one third of the total bill.  Tucked in among these taxes and fees is something called the Universal Service Fee.  The fee was begun during the Clinton regime and continued under Bush, but it was the Obama regime that made serious use of the billions in funds.  The Universal Serviced Fee is supposed to insure access to phone service for all, and so this is how you and I fund Obamaphones, just as you and I, with our taxes and jacked up healthcare premiums, fund Obamacare subsidies.  The Dems on the FCC and Obama want to supply high speed internet to all, so isn't it likely that a whole new series of taxes and fees are going to turn up on your bill from your internet service provider, including some sort of Universal Service Fee to ensure that the poor get the internet.  Of course, in order to access and use the internet, one needs a computer, tablet, or smart phone, so the fee will pay for any or all of these for those who apply. Soon we will see welfare cheats bragging about all the computers and smart phones they got from Obama. In fact, they got them by Obama robbing you and I.  (By the way, there is no reason why illegals shouldn't have internet access and computers as well, as we give them just about everything else.)
      The regime's intrusion into our internet will not end by merely taxing us, but it will also want to monitor and control content.  Knowing the regime's illegal war on conservatives, it is not unreasonable that the regime will use the FCC, IRS, FBI, EPA, ATF, and OSHA against both suppliers and viewer of conservative content.  Conservative web hosts may be forced to host an equal number of far far far left web sites as well or go out of business, just as they want to do to conservative talk radio.  They may also threaten a conservative blogger such as me to limit, restrict, or eliminate content.
      Sorry about not publishing my blog on Hillygate, but new info comes out every day.  Don't worry, its almost ready.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Is Obama a Muslim? Does He Hate America.

      Two questions have come to a boil, though they have been simmering since Obama took office.  Is Obama a Muslim and does he hate America.  A review of Obama's past associations answers these questions.
      Obama's father, senior, was a Muslim who later in his life was a socialist and an atheist.  His adoptive father, Lolo Soetero was an Indonesian Muslim.  I say adoptive because it was necessary for Obama to be an Indonesian and a Muslim in order to  attend the Besuki Public School in Djakarta, though at first he attended the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  I don't know whether there was anything very formal to denote an adoption and change of religion and citizenship, but Obama did call himself Barry Soetero up into his college years carrying both an Indonesian and United States passport.  He used his Indonesian citizenship to transfer from Occidental College in California to Columbia in NYC and to visit his college roommates in Pakistan from Indonesia.  At the time Pakistan was on a no travel list from the United States.  While a student at the Besuki School he said Muslim prayers five times a day and he has noted remembering the "beautiful" Muslim prayers.  Returning to Hawaii as a pre teen, there is no evidence that his grandparents had him attend a church.  His grandparents joined the Unitarian Church in Mercer Lake, Washington, probably because it was run by school superintendent John Stenhouse,  an admitted Communist.  Stenhouse's notoriety was the reason the Dunhams moved from Galveston, Texas all the way to Washington State.  There is no evidence that Obama's mother followed any religious belief.  When he moved to Chicago, he found joining Rev Jeremiah Wright"s Trinity United Church was politically expedient and the frequency of his attendance may have been in question since he has said he doesn't remember any of the Wright's anti America rants.
     In Hawaii, Obama's grandfather took him to meet Frank Davis, a fellow Kansan and card carrying member of the America Communist Party.  Davis probably had the most influence on young Obama and became his father philosophically speaking. He is the reason Obama moved to the Southside of Chicago.  As a Communist, Davis was critical of capitalism, American society, and felt that America was a racist nation where Blacks didn't stand a chance. His hatred was instilled in a young and impressionable Obama.  At Columbia, Obama/Soetero took courses from Edward Said the defamed Professor of Mid East Studies.  Said, an Egyptian Christian, was critical of Israel, the British, and America.  Another Columbia professor Richard Cloward gave Obama the idea of collapsing the American economy in the name of social justice.   In Chicago Obama hooked up with an entire cadre of America haters like, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, Alice Palmer, Rashid Khalidi, Louis Farahkan, and many others of the city's far left.  Saul Alinsky became his idol.
       As POTUS, he and Moochelle rarely attend any church and his daughters don't attend Sunday School. Their religious exposure has been scant at best. So is Obama a Muslim? Despite his experience with the Muslim and Christian faiths, I think Obama is an Atheist, but respects Mideastern and African Muslims feeling they have been subjugated by American, British, and Israeli imperialism.  Is he an America hater? Certainly.  His initial campaign of "change" demonstrated his contempt for America.  Sadly the public welcomed his lies about what he wanted to change.  Reality is that he wants to collapse the American economy, diminish the military and our strength and reputation overseas.  Despite what he campaigned on, he has provided the most corrupt, scandalous, opaque, and political administration ever.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Terror has thrown a Monkey Wrench into Obama's Plan to Destroy America

      When you hear Obama or a member of his regime speak about terror, you wonder what world are they living in.  Over the weekend a horrendous  video appeared of twenty five Coptic Christians, who were migrant worker in Libya, marched in shackles to a Libyan beach and simultaneously beheaded with references in this to "men of the cross" and going to Rome.  Obama couldn't bring itself to identify the victims as Christians and instead referred to them as Egyptian citizens.  He must have thought that beheading these poor fellows was a way to discourage immigrants from Egypt.  In his twisted mind he thinks that this is what Republicans want to do to our illegal immigrants.  President al Sisi of Egypt, as did King Abdullah of Jordan a few weeks ago, responded quickly in bombing multiple Libyan Isis targets. (Obama has been very slow to recognize al Sisi as he and the army seized power from the brutal and corrupt Muslim Brotherhood who Obama favored.) Recognizing the long term threat to Egypt, he has asked the UN Security Consul to aid Egypt in ridding the world of these vermin and stabilizing Libya, as weak, corrupt, and unstable governments are countries where ISIS can exist.  It is interesting to note that both Jordan and Egypt are not among the strongest in the world, but the leadership responded quickly and decisively, when its citizens were brutally murdered by ISIS.  When an American was beheaded by ISIS, Obama made a brief speech and headed for the golf course.  Recently a 26 year old female American aid worker was killed by ISIS in Syria. Again a short speech and no other response.
      The overall response by this president to ISIS has been nothing short of pathetic. Despite Islamic in this terrorist organizations name, Obama refuses to say that these terrorist thugs are Muslims or that their stated purpose is Jihad against all non believers, i.e. Christians, Jews, and Muslims who don't believe as they do. Oh yes, we have launched a few strikes a day against ISIS positions, but "shock and awe" and a division of Marines would blast these terrorist to oblivion.
      Obama considers ISIS to be more criminal than terror.  He referred to himself as a big city major trying to fight crime.  This was echoed by his servile attorney general Eric Holder.  Maybe so if former NYC mayor Rudolph Guiliani was in charge. Crime dropped precipitously during his administration. I'm certain ISIS terrorists would drop dead very quickly if he were president.
      Formerly the Obama regime considered the main cause of unrest in the Middle East to be Israel.  If only the Jews would just disappear (an Iranian nuclear weapon could do just that), there would be a utopian peace in the Muslim world. Yeah right, so what is the blame now,  as stated by  clueless State Department spokesperson Marle Harf, it sunemployment and poverty.  Consider that Bin Ladin was a very wealthy man and none of the suicide terrorists of 9/11 were poor.  Get over it Mr. President, radical Muslim theology is behind terror. Maybe Obama wants to start a jobs program throughout the Middle East and Africa,  just like his failed "stimulus " and  all the anti business regulations he established here.  Throwing money at  Middle Eastern and especially at corrupt African governments would be a total waste, but it would help to fuel his Coward-Piven plan to collapse the American economy.  Spending money on our military would also put pressure on the national debt and taxpayers, but not as much as throwing away tax dollars in foreign aid.  Obama's hatred of America is most demonstrated by his hatred of the military, the only arm of the government that seems to be successful, despite Obama's efforts to wreck it and destroy its leadership.  He has only been able to muzzle it. Destroying our military takes precedence over Coward-Piven.  Maybe he thinks the money saved from degrading our military can be squandered elsewhere.
      One final thought, Iranian born Valerie Jarrett is the president's key advisor.  She is a viscous America hater and has no military experience.  She is plotting out the destruction of America while Obama is out on the golf course with his pathetic putter.