Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Update: The China Virus

      I know I said a year ago that this would be my last update on the China Virus, but unfortunately the same mistakes are being made due to stupidity, ignorance, and/or on purpose.  Probably the biggest and most important errors that was made were the lockdowns. Viruses just don't die out, they end when there is no one left to infect.  The length of time this takes is a critical factor.  The length of time it takes to achieve herd immunity is most important.  With the China virus, a lockdown was ordered early in the course of this pandemic well before if and when a vaccine would be developed.  Early on, all we knew for certain was that this virus was most damaging to the elderly, diabetic, obese and those with immunity problems.  Those were the people that the government should have informed about protecting themselves, staying in and avoiding contact with those who were infected or had been with those who had been infected.  By the way, masks were pretty much useless.

      What the lockdowns accomplished was delay the onset of inevitable infections and thus prolong the life of the virus. Prolonging the lifespan of the pandemic means more opportunities for mutations to create variants. Fauci,  Brix, and Redfield  knew this, but in order to make President Trump look bad,  decided on a foolish and ineffective policy. The only way for lockdowns to be effective is for there to be a 100% worldwide lockdown.  That means that everyone and everything is shut down.  No police, firemen, or first responders.  No doctors, nurses, or hospitals. No army, navy, or government, not only in America, but of all countries. In addition, all quantities of the virus in a test tube needed to be destroyed, if the Chinese would even allow it, much less admit that they exist.  It is not possible to lockdown the world for three weeks and as we have seen partial lockdowns are worse than no lockdowns.  One of the few countries to adopt a policy of no lockdowns was Sweden.  Instead, they stayed open, including schools and warned susceptible individuals to be careful.  Ignorant people were critical of Sweden, as this policy created a situation in which Sweden seemed to have a few more cases of infection than surrounding countries, but what was happening in Sweden was the faster development of herd immunity, and studies have shown that this is more effective than vaccines. Whereas most European countries have had two three or four spikes in cases, Sweden had no third and fourth spike and now has the lowest infection rate in Europe.

       Several other issues have not to be raised.  First and foremost, why is the Biden administration, the CDC, and Fauci totally ignoring natural immunity/  At least 40 million Americans have been infected with the virus and recovered. Studies have shown that people with natural immunity are more protected than those who are vaccinated, yet Biden's mandates and those by governors and mayor in blue states totally ignore them even though a test for antibodies is readily  available.

      Trump's biggest mistake was ,listening to Fauci who already had a failed record during the AIDS scare, saying that there was no reason to shut down gay bath houses in New York City or San Francisco. This resulted in new infections and deaths.  He should have been fired then as he didn't follow the science and as now behaved like a politicized bureaucrat.  He is certainly not following the science.  I realize that the "science" is constantly changing as more and more data becomes available, but one thing a scientist must not do is totally ignore the data, even if he doesn't agree with it. It seems that President Trump was more aware of the data than Fauc,i as he was constantly bring up treatments that seemed to show some promise, but were entirely shot down by Fauci.  Hydroxy Chloroquin, for one, could have saved lives or at least reduced the severity of the infection. Masks and antisocial distancing didn't seem to have much effect, yet are still in effect as the public believes it is the only way to stay safe.  The masking of children is a terrible thing and was only mandated to appease the communist run teachers unions. The concept of herd immunity has been  totally ignored even though at least 40 million Americans have recovered from Covid-19 infections. Peer reviewed science has found that those individuals have antibodies that are more effective and last longer than the the vaccines.  Why do those individuals need a vaccine?  In the context of things, it is obvious that Fauci and his cadre of swamp bureaucrats did not want Trump reelected and supported Biden who they knew was weak and would be ineffective. The same idiots that are pushing these draconian measures seem to not care about the millions of illegal aliens crossing our southern border, even though data shoes that as many 22% may be infected with the virus or one of its mutants.  These illegals serve a useful; purpose to Democrats who leave them in Texas, a red state, or secretly ship them to Florida, another red state with the dual purpose of hurting free red states that have statistically faired far better than rigid blue states, and eventually giving illegal citizenship and the right to become Democrat voters. Joe Biden and his cadre of criminals all have blood of Americans on their hands.  The long term political goals of Biden and the democrats is more important than the lives and livelihood of Americans.  Biden promised to eliminate the virus, but we now have more viral related deaths under Biden than Trump.

      As early as March, 2020, it was obvious to anyone with a brain what the origin of the virus was and it wasn't a wet market. Fauci was funding gain of function research at the virology lab in Wuhan, China via EcoHealth and is one of the reasons why Fauci refused to recognize the real source of the virus. In addition, one of the Chinese scientists at the lab who was working with bat viruses also discussed her work with gain of function.  She was disavowed by the Chinese. The Chinese have refused to cooperate and not admitting anything when it comes to the actual source of the virus.  This is an obvious tip off, that only the ignorant or anti America could ignore. There are a number of instances of the virus being present in Wuhan, China as early as the mid 2019s.  The only real question is was the virus accidentally released or was it released on purpose.  No matter what side you take, it is obvious that after discovering the severity of an infection with this virus, the Chinese decided to unleash it on the world.  Whereas they shut down travel between Wihan and the rest of China, they continued to ship  infected Chinese all over the world including 450K  Chinese travelers to the US in January 2020.  A huge number were used to infiltrate Europe via Milan, Italy where  Chinese workers from Wuhan are used in the fashion industry and Italy held its annual fashion week in early February.  The devastation to American and European economies followed as world leaders listened to bureaucrats like Fauci who advised  lockdowns, that as pointed out, did little but prolong the life span of the virus. (Is Fauci a Chinese asset? Has he colluded with the Chinese?)

     We have been through a variety of mutants, including Delta and now Omicron.  Fortunately, virus tend to mutate into an agent that can be more contagious, but usually less virulent, as is the case with Omicron. The real danger of Omicron is not the virus itself, but how Democrat politicians will use it to further their own goals.  We have seen that Biden wants to add more draconian measures.  Omicron seems to produced mild symptoms that include a runny nose, slight fever, and malaise.  The response to Omicron has been way over done. What is going to happen when Pi, Rho, Sigma, etc are discovered?  I think the viral scare will hang around at least until the 2022 elections so that illegal and massive mail-in ballots will be forced on the public and surprise surprise the Democrats will maintain control of Congress after the usual 4AM reversals occurr, as in 2020.  (If it weren't that the illegal ballots printed in China got stuck off shore, McAuliffe would be the new governor of Virginia. The Democrats will fly those ballots in now so that this will never happen again.)

      The Chinese are responsible for millions of deaths and devastation to world economies and deserve to be punished on the world stage.  Unfortunately some politicians, who are more interested in preserving their own power and control, are just as responsible. How to end this? First control the virus.   Continue to make vaccines realist available to those who want them and offer any surplus to other countries, distributed through the WHO, but only after the current criminals including Tedros are kicked out and replaced with a responsible group. Open the world, but continue to advise those most susceptible to severe outcomes to be careful. Though what China has done is an obvious act of war, WW3  should never be advocated.  Instead some sort of reparations should be demanded, such as Chinese forgiveness of debt.  This would free many third world countries from Chinese control and help eliminate or debt, even if only a part of it is forgiven. A untied world would have to turn on China for tis to happen.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Joe Biden's Build Back Bizarro

      If you ever followed Superman in Marvel Comics you will recall a character Bizarro Superman.  He was a crude version of Superman, rough in his appearance,  infantile in his speech, often  lacking some superpowers or having powers the opposite of Superman's,  creating chaos and misdeeds, and fortunately susceptible to a form of krytonite, such as blue kryptonite. 

      Joe Biden began creating his bizarro world immediately after his inauguration.  As a puppet of Obama (Bizarro Superman in some issues was created by Superman's arch enemy Lex Luther), he immediately began reversing the most successful policies in American history created by the Trump (Superman) administration.  He cancelled the XL Pipeline and then stopped drilling and pumping oil and gas in Alaska and other government run lands that had made America energy independent for the first time in decades.  In fact, America was raising so much oil and natural gas, that we were exporting it for a tidy amount. He then approved the Nord Stream 2  Pipeline from Russia to Europe, enhancing the Russian economy and began begging OPEC and Russia for oil.  We are now getting more oil from Russia than Alaska. Cutting oil production in Alaska made Alaska a much poorer stat.e as the people of Alaska were paid a royalty on the oil that was pumped.  Trump had reversed much of Obama's anti American policies and put America on the right track and a vengeful Obama via Susan Rice relayed this message to a mentally confused Biden.  Biden's "green" policy is causing inflation not only for energy itself, but nearly every other industry and product that relies on energy for production and/or distribution, and he wants to double down on this stupid policy.  Biden's Climate Change czar is John Kerry who is married to a very wealthy woman with yachts. multiple huge residences, and a private jet. Another version of its "okay for me, but not for thee."

      Next OBiden opened our southern border, a clear violation of America Law.  Obama's and socialist's (progressive is a euphamism for socialist and I refuse to use the term progressive) goal was to admit enough illegal aliens to turn red states blue by, under the cloak of darkness, sending them to and then releasing them in red states.  The plan will be to give them amnesty and a path to citizenship.  opening the southern border played right into the hands of drug cartels, gang members, and human traffickers as border agents were diverted to register the caravans of illegals from all over the world crossing into America. At the same time Bizarro Biden was mandating Covid vaccination for all Americans, the illegals were said to have a 22% rate of Covid infection, but were neither tested or vaccinated. Another way to get back a red states. Women claiming to be pregnant were not tested as well, even though a pregnancy test takes just a few minutes. Biden's bizarro science totally ignored those that had been infected, but recovered, as numerous studies now show that those people have better immunity than those who have been vaccinated, even with a booster.  More than 35 million Americans fall into this category snd are totally ignored by the mandate. People still are forced to wear masks and antisocial distance. It is humorous to watch these stupid government officials try to deal with the unscientific mandates when they know the public is watching, yet go massless at parties and private events. 

      Look no further than OBiden's bizarro cabinet and appointments to find the worst possible people to serve, but when your primary goal is diversity and inclusivity rather than ability, this is how you wind up. We have more than 350 million Americans.  Surely he could have found Americans who are really qualified for those positions.  Let' start with his Vice President Kamala Harris. She has already demonstrated that she is so inept that she had to be appointed border czar, knowing on purpose that she would not get anything done.  Her popularity numbers are even less than Biden's.  She has spent more time knitting rugs, decorating her living space, and stumping for Democrat candidates, than at the border (she has never visited the border). She also helped bail out those who were arrested during the Black Lies Matter riots in Washington, DC. Who selects a former escort to be a running mate, anyway? Unfortunately, she is one heart beat, use of the 25th Amendment, or impeachment away from the presidency.  Next we have Mayor Pete who was nominated and confirmed as Transportation Secretary, though he has zero experience with transportation except maybe using a car seat for his newly adopted babies.  He even took 2 month off in the midst of a supply chain crisis to "breast feed" with his husband. He is now back on the job, but for all that he is contributing, he might as well have stayed home. Fortunately Neera Tanden withdrew as nominee to head the Office of management and Budget. Her name calling tweets about Republican Senators would have made Trump blush and meant trouble from the onset.  In addition, a Marxist, Saule Omarova,  has been nominated for Comptroller of the Currency and an environmental activist, Tracey Stone-Manning, who once aided in spiking trees to head the Bureau of Land Management.  The new Secretary of Health and Human Services believes in Medicare for all.  Other nominees include antisemites and racists.  Although Merrick Garland, Obama's failed Supreme Court nominee, passed easily compared to most, he has demonstrated that he is little more than a political hack, who has at the behest of the far left National School Board Association,  deemed parents domestic terrorists and, using the Patriot Act as cover, sent the FBI after them. Obama weaponized the administrated branches of government against Republicans, Biden has gone a step further and weaponized them  against Americans. Lastly we have Susan Rice who without any experience was appointed as his main domestic advisor.  This position did not require a vote from the Senate as she could not have answered questions without lying. Her main function is to serve as the liaison between Obama and the administration.

      I have to mention Biden's unscientific response to the China virus. Though I have a full article in the works about how badly it was managed by both administrations, it is worth mentioning that Biden, his CDC, and Dr, Fauci have totally ignored natural immunity acquired by those who have recovered from an infection,  Over fifty studies have shown results that term natural immunity better than vaccination. Millions of Americans have natural immunity. His mandates totally ignore this science.  In addition, he has mandated masking children who rarely get infected or pass on the virus. Instead he has caved to the America hating teachers unions.  He has extended these mandates to the hero's of the pandemic, first responders, and our military.  One could not think of a better way to weaken a country.  Combine this with Democrat Socialists efforts to eliminate and defund police, and we can see why crime rates are sky rocketing. In his Bizarro world, it is more important to protect criminals rather than honest American citizens. 

      The Constitution says that the President's main job is to protect America and our sovereignty.  Yet Obiden has ignored our southern border. Massive caravans of illegals are crossing our border and then with little or minimal vetting distributed secretly throughout America, though mostly in "red" states.  Though 22% are said to be infected with the China Virus, little vetting, vaccination, or treatment.  Who knows what if any variant or other terrible diseases, they harbor as they are distributed throughout the country? These illegals are not just from Mexico or Central America, but at least 190 countries are represented. Out of 2 million illegals is it possible for at least one terrorist is in the surge. While our border agents are tied up handling these masses, criminals, gang members, drugs and human traffickers are coming in through areas that are not guarded and record amounts of drugs are being seized. Knowing how ineffectual she is, Obiden appointed Kamala Harris border czar.  She has yet failed to visit the border 6 month later.  Vaccine mandates have thinned the ranks of border agents as well.  I wonder if the Cartels have now began collecting art.

      The withdrawal from Afghanistan was exactly the opposite of the way it should have happened, with the troops the last to leave, rather than the first with hundreds of Americans left behind, all so Biden could have a 9/11 photo op. His military advisors claim they gave him proper advice, but he ignored it. This also caused our allies to question American resolve as a strategic partner.   Biden further pushed France out of the way on a submarine deal with Australia.  He has barely raised a finger to hundreds of Red Chinese warplanes entering Taiwan's airspace. By approving the Nord Stream South pipeline, he has made Europe more dependent on Russia for energy and put Ukraine more at risk.  Finally he has rejoined the Paris Accord, that would never be passed by the Senate as a treaty and punishes America.  The Accord weakens America and Western Europe.  He has resumed giving money to the Palestinians for their "pay for slay" program and is talking about the outrageous possibility of a consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians.  Finally he has tried to resume talks with Iran over their nuclear program while Iranian sponsored surrogates continue to attack Americans and our allies.  The original program, negotiated by Kerry and Obama, was terrible to begin with though that and the Paris Accord served as the center pieces of Obama's anemic foreign policy.  

      Finally, the teacher's unions and leftist Nation Association of School Boards have become the basis for his education policy. Democrat run cities and states have adopted the hate filled and dishonest CRT agenda.  This is a waste of time and takes away from the time that children could learn something that is actually useful to their future.  The teachers unions have always had undue influence within the Democrat Socialist Party. Doing away with school choice, vouchers, and charter schools have all damaged our children education.   Keeping children out of  in school learning and the wearing of masks is all part of the unions' anti education agenda, because, lets face it, the main purpose of the teachers' unions is to keep bad teachers employed.

      Every thing that Obiden has done seems to have hurt the economy and fueled inflation.  Paying people not to work is never a good idea and though the employment numbers seemed great last week, as with Obama, the new unemployed numbers were double that of newly employed.  Fortunately his "Build Back Better" bill has not passed and has already been cut back.  Unfortunately there are numerous unAmerican items in the bill, especially those giving welfare and amnesty  to illegal aliens. In addition there are outlandish sums of money for green energy subsidies, as with Obama, are a waste of money, and doomed for failure.  Green energy does have a place, but only when it can survive on its own. This winter will be truly a disaster for many with higher heating bills and high prices for food and toys if they are even available.  Obiden is already turning America into Venezuela or the old Soviet Union, with empty selves everywhere.

      So far, the "build back bizarro" program is so contentious that the Democrat Socialists are having a problem getting it approved within their own party that clearly has such a small majority that one or two Democrat senators, representing America, have prevented it from passing.  Even a reduction in its costs and goals is still having difficulty as the Socialists want to bankrupt America.  The 2022 midterm elections are just a year away, but can't come soon enough.  



Friday, October 29, 2021

Education or Indoctrination: The Theft of of our Entire Educational System by the Left

             I'm certain that you have heard about parents complaining about what is going on in their schools. The National organization of School Boards has has called the parents domestic terrorist and asked the FBI to investigate them using the Patriot Act Parents have begun to wake up to what the woke left is doing to their children, but this began more than 50 years ago. It started as a legitimate civil rights movement, though mostly aimed at the South, ignoring de facto segregation in the North.  Civil rights suddenly took a back seat to the Viet Nam War suddenly escalating and President Lyndon Johnson's reinstitution the draft. Many college students panicked. Encouraged by left wing activists, a combination of movements arose, mostly initiated at UC Berkley on the west coast or at the University of Michigan in the rest of the country, and quickly spread nationwide. Besides an anti draft and anti war movement was a so-called free speech movement. Because of its leftists ties,  it really wasn't free speech at all, but like today,  only the leftists had the right to free speech. These movements were mostly peaceful, university administration building were occupied and there were marches mostly on campus. A loosely organized organization was formed on 300 university campuses called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).  The American Communist Party supplied some money and support, but stayed in the background. The name was certainly a misnomer as many of the protestors were not students and they did not believe in democracy  They did remain pretty much non violent. On  May 4, 1970 at Kent sState University in northeastern Ohio, 4 students were killed and 9 wounded by the Ohio National Guard who were brought in to protect university property during a protest to an escalation of the Viet Nam War.  In addition, in 1969 a group split from SDS, called the Weatherman or Weather Underground, because SDS was not violent.  They basically were a bunch of anarchists and criminals and mimicked other far left groups of criminals called the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army. The Weather Underground used home made bombs against government buildings and committed bank roberies to pay for their violence.  With the end to the Viet Nam War these organization ran out of steam as many of their member had been arrested or killed in gun battles with authorities.  A few like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn went underground, only to emerge as in the case of Ayres as a college professor at the University of Chicago, where he could indoctrinate poisonous with his poisonous teachings.  Likewise some of the student activists if the 60s and 70s realized that joining the university teaching core was a better and yet a more clandestine means of spreading leftist propaganda.  By the turn of the century most college and university campuses were filled with left wing professors.  Freedom of speech was quickly being eliminated and conservative speeakers banished or prevented from speaking on campus, violating the principles on which universities were established in the first place. Likewise conservative students were bullied and attempts were made to eliminate conservative clubs and organizations and expel conservative students from campus.

      What happened to our primary schools?  For over 100 years parents trusted what their children were being taught.  Occasionally a parent would notice what seemed to be an inappropriate library book or part of a text book. I  always examined my children's texts and complained when I saw something was incorrect or propaganda. In those days, parents were active in PTA organizations and parent teacher conferences were held on a regular basis. In addition, despite Brown v Topeka Schools Board, education for Black students continued to fail. Democrats in he South and misguided attempts by liberals to correct this in cities and school districts run by liberals that included bussing and the another form of discrimination called affirmative action were utter failures.  School choice and vouchers were routinely denied in liberal Democrat run cities and states bowing to the teachers unions.  Meanwhile future teachers were being taught by far left liberal professors at the university level.  As life changed in America, both parents worked or in single parent families the only parent worked and with bussing schools were too far for parent teacher conferences or had little time. Most parents became complacent in their child's education.

      The final pillar of the plot to indoctrinate our children, was to take over the local school boards.  School boards are responsible for hiring the superintendent, administrators, teachers, and establishing a curriculum. Though important, on the political scale, school board elections were the easiest to control as it is one of those offices that requires quite a bit of work with very few accolades.  In those days school board members were often pillars of the community with their own children in school unlike now, where it turns out many member are, in fact, pariahs of the community. Unfortunately it is the one that can cause real harm. It is very hard to learn where candidates stand on various issues, their web pages are filled with very generic goals, and only recently has that dirty word 'equity"found its way to these web sites. In many cases current board members run unopposed.  Parent were caught napping and allowed far left ideologues to take over. This began in earnest in 2009 after Obama was elected.  He did away with vouchers and limited school choice. As a typical liberal hypocrite, he cancelled the vouchers for two Black girls at the same school his privileged daughters attended.  In Chicago, for new school superintendent Robert Runcie reduced reporting of school crimes and so the arrest and school crime rate dropped.   This was heralded by politicians in the Democrat run city, though the number of real crimes actually increased.   Aware of this, Broward County, Florida, one of the most liberal in the state, hired Runcie, who adopted the same policy and as a result the Stoneman-Douglas massacre occurred.  It could have been averted.  Ignoring crime, doesn't make it go away, in fact, it encourages it. The Democrat run city of Baltimore is one of the worst school districts in the country.  Despite spending tons of money, not a single graduating senior was proficient in math of English  One of the reasons,  though its spending per student is one of the highest in the country, the money does not really go toward students education, but instead over 100 individuals have a salary of at least $100K per year.  For the school board to permit this abomination is obscene.  They should all resign. Some states have begun doing away with standardized tests claiming they are racist as the results do not reflect equity or the other dirty word diversity.  Of course, the is ridiculous as 1+1=2 no matter what is race or ethnicity.  Poor test scores are the result of bad or lazy teachers and poor choice of curriculum. Telling Black students that they are expected to fail due to white supremacy is wrong, but instead tells Black students its not your fault if you fail and so don't bother to  even make an effort. In Oregon, the governor and left wing state legislators have done away with high school grades. This takes equity to an extreme as it encourages no student, White or Black to make much of an effort.  What are universities supposed to base their admissions on?  As expected Donna Harris-Aikens an alleged educator who believes that words like be nice and work hard are racist, was appointed to the Biden DOE. School Board were meant to represent the community vs the teachers unions, but now many school board members are former teachers and union members, so school boards have mimicked union demands on masks, and vaccinations, The National School Board Association has deemed parents who show up a school board meeting domestic terorists and have asked the politicized Biden DOJ to sick the FBI on parents who want accountability. Stooge Merrick Garland and President (in name only) Biden were allot willing to comply. In this sprogressive blizzard world, a parent complaining that his daughter was sexually assaulted, was arrested, handcuffed and dragged off to jail.  Like wise school board are making up rules that limit free speech and putting parents at risk.

      Fortunately the far left in an effort to change America for the worse before the next elections, slipped up and thought that this was the time to introduce the most radical of  their unAmerican and uneducational policies. This awoke the sleeping giant.  Parents who had been trusting, disinterested,  and somewhat apathetic took notice and suddenly began showing up at school board meetings, concerned about how their children were being treated and what they were learning.  Despite the narrowest of margins in the US Congress, the far left Democrats have decided it is now or never to step up indoctrination on all Americans including our children.  One policy that has caused parents both Black and White to speak out is Critical Race Theory. CRT is Marxism based on race and is part of the cancel culture, an ideology to change American history to one critical of America. It encourages Americans of all races to hate each other. Sadly statues and many schools named after our founding fathers have become part of this insane ideology. Ironically, while these statues are being destroyed, one was erected to  George Floyd, a career criminal who died of a narcotics overdose.. The Pledge of Allegiance and the American flags in our schools are being replaced with Marxist Black Lies Matter flags in classrooms.  Children were wrongly kept out of schools due to fake science and now are being forced to wear diapers on their faces and get vaccinated even though the vaccine is more dangerous to them than the disease. Some of this may serve as a diversion from an even more serious lie that has been taught for more than a decade and which has also in many cases already brainwashed parents. I am referring to another Marxist ideology apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change. This hoax has become embedded in the curriculum nationwide and the leftwing MSM has indoctrinated parents with its lies about the world coming to an end. I won't go into why this is a hoax, for if you follow my blog, i have written about it on numerous occasions and suggest you go back and read my first articles to get an idea of what I'm talking about. 

      What can be done to end this indoctrination and instead properly educate our children?  The solution has already begun.  Parents need to take back their school boards and school systems and run for office with a pro student and pro parent platform.  It could be difficult, as America haters who want to destroy our country like George Soros may have and could financially back these far left school boards as he backed district attorneys who do not support the rule of law.  Beginning at the grass roots level, this is the way to take back our country and schools from those that want to change them.  Parents should start immediately organizing their effort, no matter how far away the next school board election is, backing a strong parental candidate(s). In addition school choice, charter schools, and vouchers need to become part of every school district. This is too important to ignore. At the university level, parents need to convince their state legislatures to withhold funding from state and community colleges and universities who don't enforce freedom of speech or hire more centrists and right thinking professors. (This is the type of equity that I could believe in.)  Unfortunately private universities cannot be forced to follow a reasonable policy, but cutting government funding may have an effect especially if the US DOE sets up a committee to follow campus free speech and recommends denying funding to those schools that restrict it. Those preventing free speech are the real domestic terrorists

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Doctor Democracy Is Back

       I apologize as it has been way too long for Dr, Democracy to not have posted. Things have been happening very quickly and I unfortunately have had some other issues, but I'm back.  Today"s post will be on a bunch of topics in the news and then I will again return to my usual format of articles on a particular topic

                                                          Who Is Running the Country

      It has to be obvious to anyone with a brain that Biden is not running the country.  He is more like Bernie in Weekend at Bernie's than the President of the United States.  The man can barely read a sentence off his teleprompter much less run a country.  The only "running" Joe Biden is doing is away from reporters questions and to his bed for nap time.  Tucker Carlson has figured out what Iu have been saying all along, that Obama is running the country via sneaky Susan Rice.  When Obama was POTUS, he could not inflict his vile program on Americans, so he did the best he could and gave us horrible Obamacare (ACA).  Now that he is behind the scenes, he can push his communist/socialist agenda without fear. It seems like every move that is made is the worst thing that one could do for Americans. Many of Biden's appointees are those recycled from the Obama trash heap, but the worst may be Merrick Garland, Obama's failed nominee for the Supreme Court. Thank goodness this authoritarian political tool is not on the Supreme Court as he stands for everything that is unAmerican.  Biden, who is not long for this world, will get all the blame, as Obama can travel around the world making speeches and putting his name to books for $$$$$.  Even the corrupt MSM seems to have nearly had enough of Biden as he seems to have gone overboard to wreck our economy.  He has not done a single thing to help Americans, but continues to ignore reality and push a terrible agenda.

      We do not get any help from our VP, who seems only capable of knitting rugs and attending rallies for Democrat candidates. She has failed at every task she is asked to do.  This week we have learned that she is no Captain Kangaroo emoting with excitement about looking through a telescope at moon craters with a bunch of paid child actors. Sadly she is a heart beat away from the Presidency.


      I am certain that even the most incompetent of our generals would not have left Afghanistan and abandoned Americans, allies, and equipment so that President Biden could have a 9/11 photo op. Even Mark Milley, though not a West Pointer, is not that stupid, but unfortunately more political than military. You might recall that some years ago, I wrote about Obama's purge of out top generals and admirals and I later learned from Col. West that the purge also included junior officers,  colonels and majors as well.  Milley did claim at a congressional hearing that he advised against what took place, but obviously he didn't support his plan very strongly and allowed Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken to overrule him. One who Obama neglected to purge is decorated war hero Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who spoke out and was then arrested and court martialed. The debacle in Afghanistan has caused our allies all over the world to wonder if they can trust America and has emboldened our enemies doubting that we will react to their aggressions. The most amazing thing is that Biden and his pals tried to blame Trump, but Trump would not leave until the Taliban had met certain requirements and Trump would have listened to the generals.  Unfortunately, 13 Americans lost their lives when a suicide bomber, who had been released from prison by the Taliban, blew them up. In the last 18 months of the Trump presidency, not a single American life was lost in Afghanistan.

                                                   The Border and Immigration Crisis

      One of the biggest crisis has been at the southern border, in which wave after wave of illegal aliens has been allowed to cross into America from Mexico.  Biden abandoned the Trump policy of making refugees stay in Mexico until their  refugee claim was adjudicated and essentially said "come on in, we are not going to stop you." Now illegal aliens from all over the world are making their way into America via our suddenly porous border. Instead of supporting the border patrol agents whose, job is to keep them out, Biden has wrongly accused agents of whipping illegals.  This false claim was supported by Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton and the far left as expected. What is the goal of all of this?  The Democrats want to eventually give these illegals citizen status hoping that the huge majority of them will vote Democrat.  A path to citizenship is hidden in the 25oo pages of Biden's "build back better" bill. These illegals seem to be settling in the southern part of the United States, that happens to be the so called red states and this, of course, could eventually turn them blue. Letting these aliens in without any vetting is a disaster waiting to happen. Approximately 20% are positive for Covid-19 and who knows what variant some have inanition to other diseases rarely seen in America.  Testing and vaccination have been ignored.  This means that American citizen are under a vaccine mandate, but illegals can do what they want. Some are obviously criminals and gang members, and some could be terrorists as well.  Women claiming to be pregnant are not tested as well. The Mexican cartels are making a fortune importing drugs, human trafficking victims, and illegals into the country. Most illegals will require taxpayers to support them and the new Democrat socialist $3.5 trillion dollar bill not only includes the funds to care for them, but also funds to include free college.  In other words, illegal aliens, who ar law breakers, are treated better than Americans. Currently there are 60,000 Haitians on their way from South America, where they have been given refuge, on their way to our southern border. This breaks the UN refugee rule about refugees remaining in the first country that allows them to enter.  The head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, continues to lie to us that the border is closed, even though over a million illegals have crossed our border since Biden was inaugurated.  The VP was supposed to be in charge of the border crisis, but hasn't even visited the border while talking about the root cause.  Well, one of the root causes can be traced back to the Clintons and their foundation that was put in charge of the donations given to aid in recovery.  Many projects were proposed, but few were even started. a good start would have been to build  a modern sewage system as Port-au-Prince is the only major city in the world without one. The Clintons did plant some trees at a school and put up some solar panels at a hospital.  I guess that's all one can expect for the $85 million donated directly to the Clinton Foundation.  Oh, they did secure a wireless contract for a major campaign donor. There's some root causes for you, Kamala.

      Finall, we have over 100,000 Afghans transported to America, who have never been vetted.  Obviously most have been friendly and helpful to America, but without vetting them, we don't know how many terrorusts have slipped into America with them.  Many are leaving the military bases where they have been sent and roaming wherever they want to go. could be a terroist attack just waiting to happen.

In summary, the Biden administration has totally ignored American law to try to turn red states blue. Though claiming he wants to get Covid-19 under control, Biden allows illegals to go anywhere they want without testing and vaccinations, being the new super spreaders.  Meanwhile American citizens are forced to live under illegal lockdowns, and mask and vaccine mandates.

                                                                          Covid 19

      I have already pointed out how illegals are being treated better than American citizens when it comes to Covid mandates.  The mandates have no scientific basis.  Large studies have demonstrated that those who have had Covid-19 and recovered have much better immunity than those who have been vaccinated. Millions of Americans fit into this category, but are ignored and under threat of loss of jobs, and other freedoms if they do not get vaccinated. Also consider this.  When the lockdowns were mandated in 20220, they were supposed to last for 2 weeks in order to acquire PPE for hospitals and first responders, but somehow they lasted much longer and in a few cases are still going on.  The long lockdowns may have prolonged to life span of the virus as it is still going on today.  The longer time that the virus exists, the more mutations into variants can occur.  In reality death from the virus was less than 0,1%.  Not locking down would have allowed the virus to spread and herd immunity quickly established.  Those who were at risk for serious complications and death, could have been instructed to be careful and limit exposure.  Sweden did exactly that.  Schools stayed open and people went about their business.  The elderly and immune challenge stayed in.  Sweden's result was better than most major European countries.  The Boden regime has issued illegal and draconian mandates that totally ignore science all in the interest of obtaining control of the American people. Was the original lockdown a test to see if Americans would obey and give government control?

      In addition, it is obvious that Biden and Harris have reversed their stance on the vaccines, once they took office, as their proior statements said that they didn't trust the vaccines because they didn't trust Donal Trump.  The Democrats, with the help of the corrupt MSM denigrated many potential treatments and caused cures to be abandoned in oder to weaken Trump's reelection bid.  The Democrats and the MSM have blood on their hands as several drugs already available could have saved tens of thousands of lives and limited hospitalizations. 

      Finally, I published an article on March 19, 2020 on the origen of Covid-19, based on what was known at that time and the timeline.,  Nothing that has happened that says I was wrong though it may have been created even easier than I thought.  It is obvious that the Chinese, financed by Fauci, participated in gain of function research.  In my opinion the timeline seems to indicate that this virus was purposely spread to the United States and Europe via Italy. That of course means that China participated in an act of war.  I don't think we would fight a war over this, but the fact that this virus was concocted in a lab in Wuhan and whether it was released accidentally on or on purpose, the Chinese are clearly responsible. Tedros, the Ethiopian Communist, who heads the WHO continues to deny this and continues to favor that a at spread it to humans. Tedros is beholden to the Chinese as Ethiopia owes China $5 billion. Best option is to accept the accidental release story and demand reparations from China.

                                                            Foreign Relations

      Never since the founding of the United States have our relations with other countries been worse.  Because of Afghanistan, our allies don't trust us. Biden has upset the French over a submarine deal with Australia. He continues to show very mild support for or strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel.  In fact, the VP was nodding approval of a far left anti Israel activist claiming Israel was an apathide state and guilty of war crimes against Palestinians. He has reversed the Trump policy of not giving funds to they end play for slay. VP Harris was lectured on a trip to Central America.  Finally Biden has broken protocol on several occasions, the most recent not going to Hawaii or sending the VP in his place to accept the recovered bodies of America GIs killed during the Korean War from the President of Korea.

     Biden has helped our enemies.  He cancelled our pipeline, but approved Russias.  He has tried to regain the accord with Iran on nuclear weapons unsuccessfully, and he has relaxed sanctions on China. The only thing the the rest of the world was happy about was Biden rejoining the stupid Paris Accord, that punishes America, but allows the biggest polluters off, all over a concept, climate change, that in reality is unaffected by human activity.

                                                             The Economy

     You must still be locked down not to have notice that the economy is in the tank and inflation on the rise due to Biden's dumb socialist driven policies. On his first day in office, he reversed Trump policies that made us energy  independent, (helped Russia's economy later), and is now begging OPEC to produce more oil.  Prices for gasoline have risen $1 or more and may continue to rise. The price of everything that is delivered by trucks is now rising.  Grocery costs are continuing to rise and worse yet, many products necessary for daily living or stuck off shore waiting to load.  Even if these goods are off loaded, there are not enough truck drivers available to deliver them to stores and distribution centers. While all this was going on, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was out on maternity leave caring for his two adopted babies with his husband.  Even if he wasn't AWOL, I doubt if things would be any better. To show his stupidity, Mayor Pete recently said that the shortages were due to the Biden economy being so successful that goods are flying off the selves. And this guy is a member of the cabinet. Go back to feeding your babies with bottles. 

      The vaccine mandate will continuer to push inflation as both vital Furthermore, there is no end in sight. November ,2022 is still a long way off.


      The Biden presidency is off to the worst start ever.  His errors in judgement would make even Jimmy Carter blush. It wouldn't help to impeach him as then Kamala, if we could find her, would be President, and impeaching her would then make NancyPelosi President.  November, 2022 can't come soon enough. Only a 180 degree turn could help America.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Who's Running the Show

       Whether you believe that Joe Biden was actually elected or not, on January 20, 2021, he was inaugurated as President of the United States.  He is supposed to be responsible for running the country, but as we all know, at this stage of his life, Joe isn't capable of running "you know the thing"...a kid's lemonade stand.  Joe's candidacy, campaign, and election were determine by a very small group of people, who in return for making him President, Joe lets them run the country.

      The nomination of a  Democrat candidate for POTUS began with a huge number of wannabes.  Initially there were more than 20 and two separate debates were necessary to give each a chance to speak. Over the early course of the campaign, one candidate after another garnered huge favor with the MSM (the favor flavor of the week, so to speak), and then when they didn't catch fire, crashed and burned just as fast.  By the time the primaries began, only a few remained to fight it out. Bernie Sanders seemed the most successful after the first three primaries with Biden tucked in just ahead of Mayor Pete.  The other candilates still on the ballot really didn't matter.  The one thing the Democrat Party didn't want was Bernie Sanders as their standard bearer.  They proved that in 2016, when they cheated Bernie out the nomination in favor of the self chosen one, Hillary Clinton.  You see, Bernie is not really a Democrat, he is an independent senator from Vermont, who only caucuses with the Democrats.  Bernie would be an independent as well, if he were elected POTUS and have an agenda that in some cases would not coincide with what the Democrats would want and he would have his own people nominated or appointed for various positions within the administrative branch of the government. This would not coincide with how the Democrats want the country too be run.  They need their people in place, especially as unelected bureaucrats, the real swamp in Washington, DC.

      The person who had the most to lose if Sanders was elected POTUS was Barack Obama.  Trump had all but gutted Obama's legacy, with the only significant thing remaining was that part of Obamacare that the Republicans failed to have anything with which to replace it.  There is no clear reason why Sanders, if elected, would even try to restore the Obama legacy, but instead initiate one of his own, leaving the Obama legacy to stay withered and dead. On the other hand, Biden was a very small part of the Obama legacy, maybe in name only as VP, but maybe, just maybe he would listen to reason, if Barack and crew would make him the nominee and POTUS. Joe was in no position to disagree and trusted those who would make him President, after all he wanted to be POTUS, but all of his attempts fell way short of success and only served as a means to make money.  His last run in 2008 netted $2 million in consulting fees for his wife Jill for a campaign that lasted less than 2 months. Play for pay Joe was in no position to not allow Obama to run his campaign and presidency if elected.  They could always support another Democrat.  Joe's political career of half a century had a chance of finally accomplishing something other than making himself and his family wealthy.

      The South Carolina primary was on the horizon, just before Super Tuesday, and Obama's crew stepped in. James Clyburn, long time Democrat  congressman from South Carolina's 6th congressional district, and only African-American to hold a major office in South Caroline, needed no convincing to support Biden, especially when he owed Obama a huge favor.  When Obama was President, he appointed Clyburns's daughter Mignon to the five member FCC governing committee, that she even headed for a time.  If Obama wanted Biden to be the nominee, despite Joe's very spotty civil rights record, so be it.  The rest is history.  Biden came out of the pack propelled by his huge win in South Carolina and won the nomination. He still had to win the presidential election and the pandemic made that possible.

      Even Obama was aware of Biden's tendency to misspeak and commit so called gaffes, but these had become much more frequent and combined with periods of losing his train of thought while speaking was obvious that he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  The pandemic made it possible to seriously limit Biden's appearances, speeches, and interactions with the press, especially those who would ask difficult questions.  Tucking him away in his Delaware estate's basement, limiting his public speaking to reading short scripted pieces and rare short appearances, in which he took few if any questions was a perfect strategy.  Meanwhile, Trump was out campaigning all over the country bringing out huge crowds.  The media would use this against him, calling his events "super spreaders," meanwhile serving as a propaganda machine for Biden and the Democrat Party. The pandemic also allowed the Democrats to push through increased mail-in ballots in key states, rigged voting machines, and registration more difficult to manage.  Mail-ins are the easiest to use for cheating purposes. 

      Once the vote was in, Obama and his crew swung into action. This situation was now perfect for Obama.  Biden would restore as much of Obama's failed legacy with executive orders immediately and then go on to add those policies that would hurt America.  Policies that at the time of Obama's reign were not possible due to them being more radical than even many Democrats would support, much less the American people. Now he had the best of both worlds.  He would have his legacy restored and his agenda renewed by Biden, who would then have to accept responsibility for everything that went wrong, protecting Obama from criticism.  In addition Biden would use the Obama strategy of blaming his predecessor for everything that went wrong, but take credit for every thing that was even moderately successful, even if he didn't have anything to do with it, like the vaccine roll out from "warp speed." Using diversity and equity as an excuse, Biden appointed the most radical and incompetent cabinet ever.  Using diversity and equity as the primary goals can only bring mediocrity at best aa many of his appointments and nominees have already demonstrated.

      (Before I go any further, I would like to briefly explain why Obama is no friend of America and has no allegiance to the American way of life.  No doubt Obama was born in America of an American mother and foreign father.  Despite essentially being abandoned by his father at birth, Obama had enough love and respect for him that he titled the so called autobiography he wrote with Bill Ayers Dreams From My Father.  What dreams could Obama get from his father, who was a terrible person?  Senior had been married 4 times, produced 8 children, none of which he supported and none have ever had any significant relationship with their half brother.  He was a wife beater and alcoholic, who once killed a woman drunk driving, lost his legs in the same incident and later was killed himself in another drunk driving accident.  Obama was none of those things, so what were his dreams?  Senior was a socialist/communist.  Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's first president, wanted to establish Kenya as a country based on a capitalist economy, using Kenya's rich resources to make his country successful attracting companies to create jobs and generate wealth.  He thought that senior, being educated in America, would become a valuable part of his government, but was disappointed with his socialism/communism political leanings.  This, in fact, was Obama's dream for America. Junior had been raised by his white grandparents, educated at the best schools in Indonesia and Hawaii and mentored by Frank Davis, an admitted Communist Party member, an African-American, and friend of his grandfather.  Obamas friends growing up were mostly white, Hawaiian, or mixed races.  He had few if any African-American friends and even at Occidental his best friend was from Pakistan as were his roommates at Columbia. It wasn't until he got to Chicago, thanks to Davis's advice and recommendation that he met a socialized with other African-Americans and even those were socialists and communists like Alice Palmer, his initial political mentor.)

      Obama's plan for America was very radical, but he and his advisors realized that radical policies at that time were out of the question and might alienate him within his own party.  Healthcare, or a plan that looked like healthcare would be easier to pass.  The Affordable Care Act was a real shame.  It essentially abandoned the middle class, by making costs and deductibles so high, that most could only afford a plan that was for catastrophic illness only. There were about as many who benefitted from the plan as those that were hurt.  In addition, allowing adult children stay on their parent's plan until age 26 meant that unemployment for recent college grads would not be as much of an issue that could be used in the 2012 election. Besides the high cost, the mandate that was the most egregious part of the plan, and the easiest to end.  Foolishly the Republicans, though complaining for years, could never give Trump a plan of their own. Obama did other destructive things, but few had to be voted on by Congress. He joined the Paris Accord a destructive policy aimed at America and capitalism.  He negotiated (really a poor word choice, rather caved in) with Iran that did very little for America and endangered all of our friends in the Middle East and Europe, including Israel who he hated. He made nice with Cuba and got zero in return.  It seemed that America's enemies did better than our friends.  

      (In 2020,  the Democrat Party was at a crossroads.  Radicals funded by George Soros and other wealthy America haters were threatening the positions of elected politicians in their safe districts.  Money counts for a lot in politics and young radical politicians were defeating incumbent Democrats in many Democrat districts in the primaries.  Unless they moved further and in some cases much further to the left, they wouldn't be reelected and as we all know the primary job of most politicians is to get reelected. The Democrat Party had jettisoned most of its moderates moving further and further to the left.  Only Joe still tried to use his former moderate credentials, after all he was the nominees and needed independents and Republicans who were never Trumpers.)

      In order to control Biden and create a liaison between himself and Biden, Obama had his most loyal follower accept an appointment to a  position that would not require a congressional approval and  a very embarrassing Senate Q&A hearing.  That would be Susan Rice, who Netflix  put on their BOD as a favor to Obama.  Remember Clyburn's daughter Mignon, she took  Netflix's position on Net Neutrality while serving on the FCC. Susan needed a high paying job and Obama and Netflix provided one, despite her having no knowledge of the entertainment industry.  Lying to and spying on the public doesn't count.  She is now the head of the Domestic Policy Council, despite her background in foreign not domestic affairs.  

      One of Obama's favorite professors at Columbia was Richard Cloward of the Coward-Piven Theory. The theory claims that the value of the American dollar can be reduced to nothing using welfare.  The more people on welfare, the more the government has to payout until the dollar is essentially valueless and we need to then replace capitalism with a socialist system.  That won't work here in America, so Obama, when he was President, tried infrastructure and wasted almost a trillion dollars on his worthless stimulus program that only stimulated the pockets of his supporters. Now he would like to try it again, by calling everything and anything infrastructure from daycare to taxpayer funded abortions and this time instead of wasting a trillion dollars, it is more like six trillion. The other plan to break the bank is with illegal aliens. By opening the border, Biden and Obama have created another way to waste huge sums of taxpayer dollars.  These people need to be housed, clothed, fed, educated, and medical needs provided.  The criminal elements and those suffering from a variety of aliments would use up even more money. Even adding to the bureaucracy to deal with these hordes will add to the cost. Raising taxes to pay for these two projects will produce massive inflation and the Carterfication (new word) of our economy.   The Green New Deal, stopping construction of the partially completed Keystone Pipeline here in America, as well as reducing American energy production will inflate the cost of electricity and not only make America dependent on foreign energy sources again, especially those from China for solar panels, but also eliminate a source of income as during the Trump administration, America was able to export natural gas and oil .(Many have wondered why Biden nixed the Keystone Pipeline, but removed sanctions on Russia to allow them to complete the Nord Stream Pipeline.  The answer is simple, recall that Yelena Baterina, the widow of a Russian oligarch and a billionaire business woman, seemingly gave Hunter Biden 3.5 million dollars for what then seemed like nothing, She is one of the wealthiest women in Russia and one of her many businesses does engineering and construction and is part of the Nord Stream Pipeline project with Germany.  Pay for play Joey and Hunter are at it again.

     Obama often boasts that if he were allowed to run again, he would win. Recently a Republican governor seemed to misspeak when he called the President Obiden. May he was right after all.



Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Who Killed George Floyd.

      The trial of the century is over and Derick Chauvin was convicted on all counts, but the question has never really been answered as to who killed George Floyd. There were several piece of testimony that didn't seem to coincide with the verdict, and one ruling by the judge that had a huge influence on the verdict.

      The coroner testified that his autopsy found that Floyd had a lethal dose of Fentanyl on board amount other drugs.  When he was been arrested he fought back, and before he was dropped to the ground he said, "I can't breath," something he mentioned later on when pinned to the ground with Chauvin's knee on his neck.  A lethal dose of narcotics can cause paralysis of the respiratory muscles and lead to death. This begs the question, Was it the lethal dose of narcotics that interfered with Chauvin's breathing, was it the knee on his neck for almost 8 minutes, or both?  This questio hass never really been answered as the man with Floyd at the time was Morrise Hall, a know drug dealer.  The judge allowed him to avoid giving testimony, because Hall claimed his 5th Amendment rights.  What should have happened months earlier, once the coroners report was available, was that Hall should have been arrested as a possible coconspirator and tried for murder or as an assessors to murder as well.  Instead, because he may be at lerast if not more responsible for Floyd's death.  

      If I were Chauvin's attorney, I would make use of the above as part of any appeal.  The alternate witness commented after the trial that he feared for the community of a not guilty verdict arose from the trial.  Chauvin's attorney has asked for a change of venue  but that wasn't granted by the judge. President Biden and "Mad" Maxine Waters interference didn't help Chauvin either, nor did Minneapolis citizens giving Floyd's family $27 million before the trial.  That seems like an outrageous sum, for what was essentially the estranged family of a career criminal with a serious drug addiction.  The money could have been better spent on helping business that had been burned an looted who had little or no insurance.

      It is also strange to me that Black Lies Matter is not being investigated for its role in causing the riots with their massive damages, holding their leadership responsible. They have extorted millions and so should be an excellent source for Minneapolis' recovery as well as other cities where they lead riots, looting, and arson. Instead they have been used to accumulate a real estate portfolio for one of its founders Patrisse Cullors.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Who Really Supresses the Vote

      I have mentioned in previous posts that the Democrats tend to use diversion as a means of diverting attention from what they are doing, by accusing others of doing it.  The current  voter suppression claim is a perfect example of it, with an additional twist.  Voting is a right given to all of us American citizens in the Constitution and by our state constitutions. There are limitations who can vote.  One needs to be a living citizen of the United States, of a certain age (currently 18),  in some states not have a criminal record and be  registered.  States are required to maintain a roll of registered voters and glean it periodically of those who have died or moved.  In Florida, those who want an absentee ballot to vote by mail need to apply and renew their application periodically. Sending out mail in ballots pellmell makes it ripe for voter fraud and that is exactly what the Democrats want to do and have done.

      In America each qualifying citizen is allowed one vote.  Extra votes reduce that vote to less than one.  This is where the suppression exists.  During the last Presidential election, many votes were suppressed.  Whether that would have made for a different result, I can't say, but I can say how to protect the system from voter fraud and suppression.  The first and simplest thing is to clean up the rolls and eliminate people who have died. This can be done on a daily or weekly basis depending on population. Requiring people to reregister periodically, every 5 years or so by sending out a mailer with a free return envelope to be delivered to the address on record or returned would help.  When I moved, I had to fill out a new voter registration listing my current and previous address.  No one should be against this. Voter registration should be free and available even on weekends, especially around election time.  Paying people to register or paying people to sign up people to register or merely up those who or dead or don't exist or fail to meet other voter criteria is a criminal act and people who do so should go to prison.  Get out the vote organizations are fine as long as those rules apply. A free voter ID is necessary with a signature and bar code, to be checked at the polls.  One's registration number should be listed on all mail in ballots and both signature and bar code should match.

      Penalties for voter fraud should be severe and not only include fines, but also prison. One who participates in voter fraud should also loose their right to vote.

      What about the homeless. Homeless peolple would have to register and vote in person.  A post office box cannot serve as an address. They would have to vote where they are registered.  Because they have no address they could not be contacted by mail and would need to remember to reregister. I do think that criminals who have served their time including years on parole and made restitution (a requirement to vote) should be allowed to vote in many cases. Those convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping and other very violent crimes should not.

      Gerrymandering is another problem when it comes to state and congressional elections. In general, the party that is in the majority at the state legislature gets to draw up the congressional and state office boundaries.  Some years ago, districts were gerrymandered to prevent minorities from gaining office, by dividing an area in a state that was majority minority into a part of non minority districts, thus diluting the chance for representation by one of their own race.  That has changed drastically in the last three or four decades and now districts are gerrymandered to allow majority minority districts clearly resulting in minority representation. (Sadly this has not helped as minority congress people often side with the party and not their race and so items like school vouchers that can only help a community are not encouraged or voted for and welfare seems more acceptable than job creation in the community). I am certain that if congressional districts were determined by an independent computer program some of these minority districts would be wiped out.  Under current rules a candidate and/or rep need not actually live in the district, but near by, whatever that means as the district boundaries often change from census to census.  

      The Democrats have successfully coerced many corporations to actually think that a great voter law in Georgia suppresses the votes of minorities.  It does not and instead ihelps ensure a legal vote diminishing the chances of suppression due to fraud. Every legal voter canc benefit from this law, the only vote it suppresses is the illegal votes.