Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obamacare Update

      Things have been happening so quickly, that I think it is necessary to add to my most recent blog.
I'm sure you are all aware that Obama knowing lied to America about keeping doctors and health plans. The political aides in the White House convinced him to ignore the policy aides who told him that these claims were not true. He must lie to win elections for Democrats and his own election in 2012.   Now he claims that he really didn't say it. Please, Mr. Obama please stop lying to us even though you are so good at it.  This lie just doesn't cut it.   Even the feigned apology doesn't work, as there is little he can do help the people he lied to short of delaying the individual mandate, until congress can act to amend all the problems and unintended and intended consequences.  As I've said before the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) really isn't affordable, and doesn't care about Americans, but it is certainly an act.  All that Obama and the Democrats have claimed is just an act.  This feigned apology is just an act.  He will do nothing for individual Americans.  
        He called his health care plans superior and the previous plans that people liked bad plans.  I guess every man wants  prenatal and maternity care benefits on their health insurance policy.  The latest baloney that Obama and his tool Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are lying that it is the insurance company's fault.  They could have had those policies grandfathered in.  This of course is another blatant lie.  Previous policies could only be grandfathered, if they contained all the benefits that are part of Obamacare.  For example, I don't think any policy included prenatal and maternity benefits for a 60 year old man or woman.   Most people choose policies that offer benefits that fit their needs, not the cookie cutter one size fits all of Obamacare.
       When people go on other web sites, as is still not functioning, to get an idea about what their costs will be, the web sites are low balling the public.  An adult male age 27 to 50 will be given the cost for a 27 year old that will be far less than a 49 year old.  The same thing applies for those over 50.  They are given a quote for a 50 year old.  The increased cost is only one aspect, the huge associated deductibles sometimes as much as $25,000 increases what heath care cost will be.
       Unions and big business, major campaign contributors, have been given waivers and those waivers especially for the unions will continue even past 2018, when the "cadillac" tax of  40% on a policy over $10,000 kicks in.  An annual policy costing $10,000 or more is not unrealistic for the average 60 year old individual or union retiree.
       On Wednesday HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified that some convicted felons may have been hired as navigators.  When you hire ACORN and SEIU trash, what do you expect.  Why would anyone want to give their financial information to a convicted felon?  In Delaware navigators have helped 4 people sign up for Obamacare in October at a cost of $350,000.  That means it cost over $85,000 per enrollee.
       The navigators are also doing something that is illegal, but encouraged by Obama and the Democrat Party.  They are recruiting and registering people that they deal with as Democrat voters.  Since they have been hired as navigators by the government they have to appear politically neutral in their government job.  Fat chance of that with ACORN and the SEIU.  Since they get $58 per enrollee, I wonder how many dead people will sign up for benefits, after all Social Security pays almost $2 billion in benefits to dead people (not the $250 death benefit)
      One of the issues that Obama used to sell Obamacare was "fairness".  Is it fair that millions of hard working American should loose their insurance so that a bunch of drug users, welfare recipients, and those who are just plain lazy and don't work get health insurance?  A plan for the working poor and those with pre existing conditions could have been worked out and  cost a tiny fraction of the more than $2 trillion Obamacare is expected to cost,
      We have also learned that many doctors have either opted out, been excluded from plans, or retiring early,  limiting patient choice of primary care physicians and specialists.   Hospitals are also not accepting Obamacare care patients.  The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio will only accept Ohio residents with Mutual of Ohio Health insurance.  The reason is that reimbursement from Obamacare patients will be a losing proposition just as it may be for doctors.
      Finally, Ive saved the worst for last, military families will have to pay more for their benefits.  Families most deserving of health insurance are going to be limited.
      This week sixteen Democrat senators went to visit Obama with a closed door session.  Fifteen of the senators are up for reelection and the sixteenth was the senator in charge of the Democrat senate reelection campaign.  They were complaining that Obamacare is ruining their reelection chances.  Some have advocated delaying the tax, delaying the mandate, and extending the enrollment period, but none for repealing it or  modifying it, but even so Obama was not very sympathetic.  Let's hope that all fifteen senators loose to a Republican so that there are majorities in both houses, maybe enough to repeal Obamacare, or at least derail his destructive plan for America.
       Obamacare is a critical part of Obama's dream from his socialist father.  Destroy capitalism and the economy.  Bring America to its knees.  Wipe out the middle class.  Destroy the best health care system in the world.  The only lie he didn't tell is that he wants to fundamentally change America.
      Thank you for following my blog.  Comments are welcome.  Please pass it on to you friends, conservative, moderate, and liberal.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My View on Obamacare Updated

      I'm sure you all have been anxiously waiting for what I have to say about Obamacare, especially with all the problems it has been having.  Wanting to get my research straight, I have taken my time and hopefully my analysis will not disappoint, but every time I get ready to publish this blog something new has comes up, causing me to review and revise to be up to date and on the cutting edge.
      The serious problems with the Obamacare web site are actually a diversion from what the real problems are with this destructive program.  As you all know this web site was rolled out without being throughly tested.  It is a product of a no bid contract given to a company, CGI Federal, an American subsidiary of CGI, a Canadian company, whose fulfillment of government contracts has been less than stellar.  How this company was chosen is a mystery to most, but it is of some interest that a buddy of Moochelle's was brought into the company and given the lofty title of Senior Vice President.  The woman, Toni Townes-Whitley, goes back to Moochelle's Princeton days and belonged to the same Marxist on campus organizations, Third World Center and Organization of Black Unity.  She also belongs to the Association of Black Princeton Alumni as does Moochelle.  Her previous work experience consisted of a stint with the Peace Corp in Gabon, followed by a six year hiatus to raise a family.  She rejoined the work force in 1998 and worked at Unisys until she moved on to CGI in 2010, that incidentally coincides with the time CGI's contract was awarded.  Coincidence, you decide.  The cost to you for this atrocity was over $600 million and climbing.  It took Facebook 5 years to spend that much on its web site development.  Obviously we have not gotten our money's worth.  Its cost and  failure are a typical example of any company that the regime has supported in its unethical policy of crony capitalism.  Look at all of the so called green energy bankruptcies the regime has supported.
      Even in the few instances where the web site has worked, it has ultimately been a failure.  Only six people were able to enroll the first day.  It got better, by day two, 245 had enrolled.  At that rate it would take only 160 years to get the 17 million enrollee the regime says it needs.  In order to satisfy the huge subsidies that the government is providing the poor and chronically ill, it has to overcharge young healthy people to succeed, but the only people signing up are for Medicaid, subsidies, or chronically ill with huge medical expenses.  Well before the sign up date of October 1, the funding for those with preexisting conditions has been depleted.  The young and healthy are deciding to pay the fine, or is it a tax, instead.  I wonder if a nonparticipating insurance company could legally  offer a plan outside Obamacare.  The poor, drug addicted, lazy, and chronically ill will now get health insurance, while the young working middle class will loose theirs or pay for someone else's.  This is a destroyer of the middle class and it was designed with that in mind.  Marx realized that a strong middle class is a product of capitalism and must be eliminated in order for communism to have a chance.  The group most effected by all of Obama's devastating policies is the middle class.
      As we have learned throughout out his reign, Obama is a pathologic liar, even better than Bill Clinton (Hillary is a terrible liar).  It turns out the major selling point for Obamacare, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan", was a total lie.  Obama was well aware that millions of American would loose their doctors and health insurance plans before he began pitching the Affordable Care Act three years ago, but realized that that it would  be an even more difficult sell, if the truth were known.  He has persisted in telling this lie in order to get elected in 2012 and then to avoid support for what the Republicans were trying to accomplish with the recent budget and debt limit battles.  As more and more of what's in it comes to light, it will continue to become less and less popular for all of except those on Medicaid or with heavily subsidized plans.  Insurance companies are dropping those with individual policies in droves.  It is estimated that at least 17 million will loose the coverage that Obama promised they could keep by January 1, 2014 and 93 million more when the small business exemption ends.  The explanation why this would happen was also somewhat obscured by the 2700 pages of the bill.  As hypocrite Nancy Pelosi said, "you have to pass it in order to find out what's in it out what's in it"(in medical circles this  describes Obamacare very accurately for this is also the definition of a stool sample). There is an insurance coverage mandate that every health insurance policy under the ACA must follow.  Things like substance abuse rehabilitation,  prenatal and pregnancy,  and a number of other conditions and situations must be included in every plan.  Do you think a healthy, non drug user, 60 year old man or woman is excited to learn that their new plan under Obamacare covers pregnancy and drug rehab or that any woman is covered for prostate and testicular cancer.  This is because all policy holders have been mandated to be placed in a single pool with a one size fits all health care plan.  Prior to Obamacare, most insurance plans had policies that subscribers could pick and choose from the plan that best fitted their needs.  Obama has again lied and called these substandard plans, when, in fact, the basic Obamacare plan is the one that is substandard.  In reality, the health insurance plans are the most regulated at the state level.  If a plan was substandard, it would never have been approved at the state level.  That most people liked their plans is irrelevant to Obama. Insurance companies use precise actuarial data to determine rates and this is best done by establishing a variety of risk pools in order to give people the best rate that fits their potential for healthcare needs.  For example, age, sex, smoking habits, and preexisting conditions are only a few some of  many factors. All of these factors have been thrown out the window, in order to get healthy people to pay for Obamacare.  Of course, whenever government tries to intervene, personal freedom is thrown out the window. Most plans on Obamacare have huge premium and deductible increases.  The people who have been lucky enough to have found plans costing only a little more than what they had paid before, have learned that these plans have massive deductibles, as much as $25.000.  As I have posted in early blogs the ACA is not really a health care plan, but a wealth redistribution plan, so terrible that the people who chose it for you, namely Obama and the Democratic  majority in Congress, refuse to be a part of it themselves.  That says everything  I need to know about Obamacare.
      On more thing that has not even been mentioned lately is the tax on so called "Cadillac plans", as much as 40%, that will kick in a few years.  The "Cadillac" plan threshold is $10,000 per individual.  I can tell you that even before Obamacare, a policy for a 60 year old with a reasonable deductible is over the threshold that represents a monthly payment of $833.  This is one of the reasons why the Labor Unions are so upset and why they were granted an exemption, because for many union retirees, the usual plan is worth more than $10,000.  Look for Obama to eventually grant a permanent exemption for the unions' "Cadillac" plans after the 2014 congressional elections.  By the way, all of these exemptions and exceptions are against the law and Obama is in violation of the Constitution.  Does this constitute treason?
      With the web site down, Obama has urged people to sign up over the phone, mail in paper forms, or deal with navigators, who just happen to be current and former ACORN workers.  Unfortunately once the information is obtained, it needs to be entered into the same web site that is down.  Only about 4000 people nation wide have been able to sign up this way since October 1 and as usual, they are mostly Medicaid and chronically ill enrollees.
      I am also sure that you have happy to know that the information hub for the volumes of personal data, is also down and its security from hackers and others has come into question.  Besides your personal health information, your social security number, and income information  are at risk.  How comfortable would you feel giving all of your personal information to an ACORN navigator, especially one who registered Mickey Mouse to vote.  As expected navigators with criminal records have turned up as well as an illegal alien from Peru.  Does this seem like the regime is desperate?  Millions have been given to various groups to provide navigators, none of whom have had background screening, though some states are passing legislation requiring it.  Two organizations with ACORN ties have been given contracts.  Southern United Neighbors and Structured Employment Econopmic Devopmant Corp (SEEDC have been given $1.78 million.  Navigators are being paid $58 for every enrollee they sign up.  I guess Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys will all be enrolled.  United Labor Union Council Local 100, organized  by ACORN and SEIU founder Wade Rathke, is also supplying navigators for a hefty fee.   I'm sure you are also happy that Sarah Ingram, Jeanne Labrow, and Ellen Moritz, key figures in the IRS scandal involving conservative non profits, are now running the IRS end of Obamacare.  They have gotten nice raises and promotions for remaining tight lipped about the scandal.  These people made hundreds of trips to the White House, allegedly related to Obamacare, and yet Obama says he knew nothing about the IRS scandal.  Do you think that the buck stops at the door to the Oval Office?  Do you think that the "death committee" decision to provide you with expensive life saving treatment may depend on your political persuasion and where you have made political contributions?
      As usual, no one in the regime ever claims responsibility for any scandal or bad news affecting the regime and the Obama claims he was only informed after the fact and reading it in the news.  If you believe this, he seems to know more about his tee time than what is going on within the regime.  This means that Iranian born Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod, and maybe even George Soros are running the country.
      For months HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was too busy to testify to congressional committees about Obamacare,  but not too busy to  appear on Leno, John Stewart and the weekend talk shows.  When she finally testified last week, she failed to give real answers to most of the critical questions asked of her.  Most telling was her refusal to answer yes or no to the question, if you are legally able to apply for an Obamacare health plan, would you?  With many Republicans and even a few Democrats calling for her to step down, she has made the outrageous statement, that only those for whom she doesn't work  want her fired.  Well, it may be news to her, but she doesn't work for Barak Obama, she works for you and me, as our taxes pay her bloated and undeserved salary.  Those in Washington, in all branches of government, both elected and appointed, have forgotten their original mission, that regardless of political party or ideological persuasion, they work for all of the citizens of the United States.  All of the vendors responsible for the web site must have taken a lesson from Obama saying they were blameless and not responsible for what has gone wrong.  The regime never takes responsibility, at first clumsily trying  to blame Republicans.  Maybe a video was responsible or the janitor that sweeps the floors at HHS, or just blame Bush.  As Ms. Sebelius' (and Barak Obama's) employer, I would fire her for incompetence and Obama for lies for political advantage.
      As I have mentioned in previous blogs, Obamacare is not really about healthcare, but about wealth redistribution, and with that in mind it is not only doomed, but also designed, to fail so that Obama can "rescue" us with a government controlled single payor system.  If you think Obamacare is bad for your health,just wait for a single payor system.  Doctors are retiring or electing not to be part of Obamacare.  Finding a primary care physician will be more difficult and even more difficult to obtain specialty care.  Long waits not only in the doctor's office. but for definitive care will be the rule. A single payor system will only speed this up. Medical Schools will no longer get applications from the brightest and the best and so the long term quality of healthcare will be diminished. Isn't it wonderful that in a few short years, Obama has destroyed the best healthcare system in the world?  Like everything that Obama sets his mind to, Obamacare has turned into a "stool sample".
      The Republicans made a terrible blunder trying to make such a long and fruitless battle recently against the funding of Obamacare.  The way it is going, it will collapses under its own weight and Obamacare can be repealed if the scandal continues and the people vote out the scoundrels who passed this "obamanation" in the first place.
      Thank you for reading my blog.  Please comment and feel free to pass this sitter along to others.  A few people have criticized a recent blog about the recent replacement and retirement of our military leadership.  Other web sites are reporting the same, agreeing that this is due to disagreement with the regime and has demoralized the military.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why is Obama Purging Our Best Generals and Admirals?

      Here is a thought that you will have difficulty finding anywhere else.  It is the result of hours of dedicated research and conclusions drawn from that research.  I take credit for all of the conclusions derived in the posting.
      I'm certain that all of you are aware that the civilian commander-in-chief of our military, has nothing but contempt for our brave soldiers and sailors.  We are also well aware that he refuses to accept even constructive criticism or advice that goes against his radical political philosophy that involves turning America into a third world country, reducing its influence all over the world.  Not only does he need to destroy our economy with Obamacare and out of control government spending, but by the systematic degrading our military.  The military is only useful if it can be used for his own political ends as he has demonstrated by waiting till and election year to get Bin Laden and then taking all the credit.
      Let's look at some of the firings, resignations, and "retirements"of senior military during his regime.  First on the list is Four Star General Stanley McChrystal. who replaced General David Kieman, who did not see eye to eye with the cic  McChrystal  one of our most capable generals, was allegedly fired because Obama was not happy with his performance in Afghanistan.  In reality, he and Obama were at odds over  policy and especially civilian appointees and elected officials with whom he was required to work.  In particular Vice President Joe Biden whom McChrystal considered an incompetent idiot.  To my knowledge Joe's title is Vice President.  The is no vice commander in chief.  In order to cover the McChrystal firing, Obama appointed the very popular General David Petraeus  for whom he had future plans.  Petraeus was hated by the far left as he was always successful.  You recall Pelosi and her "betray us comments and despicable Harry Reed and his "war is lost" soliloquy. It would be very difficult to remove him over differences in strategy or strategic planning without raising eyebrows because of his previous successes.  Instead a plan was hatched to make him CIA head.  This would bring him back to Washington, DC and available for scandal.  Even as a general an affair would not have ended a career, but as head of the CIA it could and did.  Whether he was set up by Paula Broadwell and or Jill Kelley, we may never know.  It should amaze me, but understanding the mainstream media and it cozy relationship with the regime, that reporters were able to gather so much personal information about Petraeus and McChrystal without being feed leaked info from private government files.  I'm certain that the regime and its spying on Americans included high ranking generals who held unfavorable impressions of the CIC and his regime.
      But these great generals are not the only ones that are gone.  General George Allen, second in command at Cencom to Petraeus was also sacked as part of the evolving Jill Kelley scandal.  Although no one in the corrupt Clinton State Department lost there jobs over Benghazi,  General Carter Ham and Admiral Adam Gaudette did.   Both Ham and Gaudette wanted to defy the Obama order to stand down and try to help Ambassador Stevens and those American embattled at the consulate in Benghazi.  Not ever serving in the military and only feeling contempt for the brave men that do, meant that Obama was willing to sacrifice them despite the military's desire to do otherwise (no man left behind).  Instead the Obama's spin was that the decision to stand down was the military's.  The whole Benghazi affair has been feverishly covered up from the start by the regime with lie after lie and denial to Congress and the American public in order to save an election that he was attempting to fix.  When all of this budget crap ends, Congress must continue to get to the truth about Benghazi,including the real reason that Ambassador Stevens was targeted, it goes much deeper then just that he was the ambassador.
      The revamping of the military continues. This year Marine General Boyd Roberts was replaced at Ft. Jackson, the largest military training center, where most combat training is provided before deployment in a combat zone. More recently, within days of each other, Admiral Timothy Giardino and General Michael Carey were both relieved of duty.  Is it no coincidence that Giardino was in charge of the naval nuclear arsenal and Carey the air force's.  Obama has continued to degrade of nuclear deterrent as a means of weakening America.  Other general and admirals have "retired" being eased out by the regime.
     There are other reasons why Obama is weakening our military and why it is so dangerous.  Prior to WWII Stalin, afraid of a military coup, purged and executed most of the senior officers, seriously degrading the leadership of the Russian Army. The Russian people paid the price, as the Nazis, destroying everything in their path (everything that they didn't destroy, the Russians destroyed as scorched earth was the only military tactic available at the time) came within a few miles of capturing Moscow as the Russian Army lacked sufficient leadership early in the war.  Fortunately for Russia and Stalin, he did not execute Zhukov, who brilliantly pushed back the Germans after they had been stopped in their tracks by the harsh Russian winter. Still, fearing a rival, Stalin held Zhukov back and replaced him so that the ultimate prize, Berlin, was given to another general.
      Why would Obama want to so degrade our military.  The utter contempt for it is obvious, but there is a more serious and far more subtle reason.  As economies fail and the value of the money rapidly falls, the cost of essential goods and services will rise out of the range of many.  Around the world we have seen that when this occurs, social unrest breaks out with mass protests against the government. Greece, Syria, Egypt are all recent examples.  It is to the Constitution.  Obama knows, that if his plan to destroy capitalism and replace the Constitution is successful (his "hope and change" and "radical transformation of America")' that when the economy collapses, insurrection may break out as prices rise and times get tough, a real Obama created depression.  It may be necessary to call out the Army to quell the violence and he wants to make sure the Army would remain loyal to him.  The military oath that all member of the military are required to take does not swear allegiance to the President, it swears allegiance to the Constitution. Strong conservative military leaders are well aware of this and may decided to defend the Constitution rather than a president set on destroying it.  Outspoken retired Col. Allen West is wonderful example of how most officers feel.  Despite arming with assault weapons using large clips and hollow point bullets a private army within the Department of Homeland Security may not be large or effective enough to defend the president.  Having and army of "brown shirts" in the form of ACORN,  Organizing for American (ACORN's successor), and SEIU thugs that are sworn to do his bidding, may also help, but Obama needs the Army to help or at least stay away.  Putting his men in command may do just that.  He has learned well from the Clintons who disparaged and embarrassed otherwise persons favored by the press or American people to replace them with their friends (the theft by Hillary's buddy of the petty cash file brought on the false charges against the White House Travel Office staff).
     I sincerely hope that this doesn't happen, but every step the regime has taken in respect to our economy has attempted to destroy it and replace it with a dictatorship. The conclusions drawn and the scenario described above certainly are possible so that control of the military is absolutely necessary.  Preventing Obama from fixing the 2014 midterm elections is critical.  If we get to 2016 with America intact, we cannot allow Moochelle to become president or vice president (the president would either die or be assassinated).
      One of the more popular parts of my blog is the "you just can't make this stuff up segment".  So I'm going to end with a few of these related to the government shut down.
      This weekend in Miami is the traditional Columbus Day Regatta, a huge party consisting of thousands of boat owners anchoring in Biscayne Bay to celebrate which by all accounts is a bawdy fun event.  Biscayne Bay is open water, but includes National Park Water.  The public has been warned that Park Rangers in government speed boats will be out in force to harass and discourage boaters in the area, freedom of the seas be damned.  You just can't make this stuff up.
     As part of his treasonous policy to inflict pain on the American people, Obama has closed many National Parks and Monuments including the National Mall in Washington, DC which houses the National Museum, the Smithsonian Institute, the Holocaust Memorial, the National Postal Museum, the Air and Apace Museum, and other venues own by the American people.  The Mall access has been closed by barricades backed up by armed rangers to Americans, but this week the barricades were removed so that an immigration  rally of thousands of illegal aliens could take place.  Nancy Pelosis, also in favor of inflicting pain on the American people , was a featured speaker.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      American and foreign tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park last week were forced by armed rangers to stay on their buses as barricades had been placed around Old Faithful.  They were told that they were not even allowed to take photographs as that would be considered "recreating".  Some of the foreign tourists who didn't speak much English, thought that they were under arrest.  Now state and city governments have offered and opted to pay the expenses of keeping these sites open for tourists as they contribute to the local economy.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      During the shut down governmental agencies were to furlough nonessential employees.  The Department of Education did not fully comply as it only furloughed 95% of its employees.  What about the other 5%?  HUD furloughed the largest percentage, 99%.  What its says about some of the Departments is that they are vastly over staffed and over funded and there ver continued existence should be called into question.
      I will end with one last comment.  Those of you that know me, know that I am no fan of Rap or Rappers.  Its only Hard Rock and Heavy Metal for me, but I have to give St. Louis rapper Nellie some props as he made an excellent point about the government shut down.  He said, "if the government is shut down, do I still need to pay taxes."
      Please comment and pass on.  Get the word out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is Obama Guilty of Treason

      If it wasn't apparent before, i.e. you had your head up your ass, its obvious now, that Obama is the most political president since Woodrow Wilson.  Yes, the president is the head of his political party, but he also has to represent all Americans, even those who didn't vote for him.  That is called leadership, and Obama has shown very little of it.  From the beginning of the partial government shutdown, it was Obama who issued the order to make life as difficult as possible for the American people.  The media would always blame it on Republicans.  Americans, even low information voters, are beginning to see that the shutdown is really Obama and the Democrats fault.   It is interesting to observe that the National Parks and Monuments are closed, but Obamacare websites and registration are open (the web site has been closed down several times, but not due to the shutdown, but due to monumental glitches in the system, a system that is not ready).We can't pay death benefits to the families of our soldiers who were killed in action, but Obamacare registration is still open.  Everglades National Park is closed and brimming with armed rangers, whereas one rarely saw a ranger before the shutdown.  Similarly tourists can no longer get off the tour bus to take pictures of Old Faithful at Yellowstone without being threatened by armed rangers, more than are usually present before the shutdown, but Obamacare registration is still open.  The National Mall, a large open air venue that fronts numerous monument and museums, was barricaded and off limits to visitors with one exception. It was opened to allow an immigration rally for illegal aliens at which Democratic witch Nancy Pelosi was a featured speaker.  Go figure. Ironically the Nation Parks and Monuments often make money selling food, lodging, and souvenirs.  Now that they are closed they are loosing money.  And yes, dead beats are still getting EBT cards and Obamaphones, but families can't get death benefits for their relative killed in action.
      The abandonment of out fallen heroes by the commander-in-chief has finally drawn the ire of all but the most far left Americans.  Obama's job rating has fallen to 37%, his lowest ever, and this is turning into a real scandal (what else is new) Blocking veterans from the D-day Memorial in France or the WWII Veterans Memorial, both open air venues, was bad enough, but not paying for relatives to collect the remains of a fallen hero or for their burial is just plain brutal.  I can just picture the military hating president and his political advisors gleefully plotting this one out ringing their hands like the witches in the opening act of Macbeth, knowing it will show their contempt for the military and knowing full well what a demoralizing effect this will have on our men and women in uniform.   But this has backfired badly on these anti-Americans.  Obama was naturally trying to distance himself saying that he wasn't aware until today what was going on, throwing Secretary of Defense Hagel under the bus.  Hagel must resign, his career is over.  If he didn't know of this policy, then he is too stupid to have such an important job. If he knew about it and did nothing that is bad, and worst of all, if he was advised either directly through Obama to institute this policy or advise Obama (the unlikely scenario) that he was beginning this policy shows that he is either too incompetent, too dumb, or too loyal to Obama and not the military, he must resign.  Ultimately the Republicans will want to know how this could happen and Hagel, if he  is still around, will try to blame it on a movie or some disgruntled low level Pentagon employee,
      Ironically President Assad of Syria has been inflicting pain on his people for years and Obama even considered bombing him for crimes against his own people.  I hope Syria doesn't decide to bomb us for Obamas nefarious policy of inflicting pain on the American people in oder to achieve an destructive political goal.
      Speaking of Obamacare, the online web site has not been doing well.  After all it only cost 634 million dollars to construct more than six times the 96 million dollars it was originally  said to have cost.  The high level of traffic was said to be the blamed.  Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all web sites with daily high traffic levels have never cost anywhere near that, nor have they ever had so many glitches.  That's the difference between the public and private sector.  For those that could get through, the most common question was "what will it cost me if I don't sign up".  For those that want to sign up, and this comes from the state run exchanges that did have the glitches, sticker shock has been the rule of the day.  Huge increases and in many cases with less cases and much higher deductibles has forced many to consider paying the penalty (is it a tax or not). The IRS is supposed to enforce Obamacare, and I am certain you will be happy to know, that Sarah Ingram is in charge.  It has come out that Ms. Ingram has supplied Obama with private tax payers personal tax information.  She should be in prison rather than be in a high paying job,  I am certain you are worried that your private healthcare information won't be shared with others.  If you are sick, it may be more important what political party you support than whether there is treatment available.  Maybe if you have asthma and wind up in the emergency room, the doctor will be advised by Obama to give you a breathalyzer instead of a respirator if you belong to or support the Tea Party.  I recently informed my 94 year old mother, that Obama considers her a terrorist as she supports the Tea Party.  She wants to know if he is going to send her to Guantanamo.
      I can't tell you how disgusted I am.  Obama is clearly supposed to protect the American people.  That's his job, but clearly he only wants to inflict pain on the people rich and poor who go to work everyday, who pay the taxes that allow he and Moochelle to live their extravagant life style (1 million dollar golf outing and a hundred million for vacations). He has clearly got things mixed up.  He is supposed to work for us, we pay his salary and he should show some respect for that.
      If you enjoy my blog please pass it on, Thanks.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whose to Blame

      Blame for the current government shutdown is all over the place.  Even the Tea Party has been accused of causing it.  In this post, I am going to shed light on who is really to blame and accuse the mainstream media again of not doing its homework.
      The checks and balances in the Constitution were put there for a purpose, to not allow our government to be ruled by tyranny of one branch or another.  The means of how to fund the government (i.e. taxes and/or user fees) and where to and how to direct those funds lies clearly with Congress.  The President can veto the Congressional  spending bill, sending Congress back to the drawing board, or Congress can override the Presidential veto by a 3/4 majority vote.  The President can still show his disapproval by allowing the bill to become law without his signature.
      Most bills that originate in the House of Representatives vary some from the version that gets passed in the Senate as parts of the House bill are stripped away and new amendments added.  The bill is  then sent back to the House where it is either approved in the revised form or further revision is carried out and the bill sent back to the Senate.  The usual way of getting through this time consuming back and forth is for House and Senate leaders to meet and work out an agreement with give and take from both sides.  Failure to meet, may draw out the process causing unnecessary delay.  After all, that is what politics is all about.
      The current impasse is primarily about funding Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act  ACA).  Not a single Republican voted for the ACA and debate was very limited with all Republican attempts at amending it were met with defeat.  In other words the Democrats legitimately used their power to pass the bill the President and the Center for American Progress, the author of the bill, wanted.   As the President says, "elections have consequences" and the Republicans lawfully using their new found power after having been swept into office in the congressional elections, have done just that  One of the major issues that was responsible for a stunning and overwhelming victory was the ACA and bill that was never even read by the people that voted for it.  As Nancy Pelosi,  Democrat Speaker of the House at the time, said "you have to pass the bill so you can read it."  The bill was not read for two reasons, first it was 2700 pages long and would take weeks and even months to get through and secondly, and more importantly, many Democrats would have wanted to amend all or parts of the bill not only delaying or preventing its passage, but the more time it took to pass the bill the more the public outrage.
      The main concern, although there are very many, is the individual mandate which requires individuals who are not covered by another insurance plan, to purchase health insurance or pay a fine.  Minimal plan coverage is  required or a "penalty" will need to be paid.  In selling the plan to the public, Obama termed this a penalty vehemently denying that it was a tax, though the penalty would be collected by what we have now learned is a corrupt and highly politicized IRS.  The Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote upheld much of the ACA including the dreaded individual mandate by calling the mandate a tax.  If that is the case, then the ACA was sold to the public under very false pretenses in regard to the mandate. (it was also sold to the public on a huge number of other false premises.)  There is also an employer mandate that requires employers to provide a certain level of health insurance benefits or pay a penalty (tax).  This was conveniently delayed a year from January 1, 2014 to January 1. 2015, conveniently after the November midterm elections.  The reason why the individual mandate is so importan to the ACA is that Obama and the Democrats are looking for the individual mandate to fund the ACA. Young healthy individuals, who rarely use health insurance, will now have to pay a premium.   Since Obamacare forces insurance companies to sell policies to those with preexisting and on going medical conditions at a favorable rate, rates to the young and healthy will be very high. If the young and healthy decided to pay the tax ("penalty") rather than purchase much more expensive insurance, insurance companies will drop out of the programs and the ACA will collapse as it will become economically unsustainable.   To Obama, this may not be a bad thing and I am certain that this is what his real long term goal is all along.  He will heroically step in and demand a single payer government run system to provide healthcare for all.  This will be called a tax just like the Medicare Tax and employers will be required to collect by withholding it from paychecks.  Those who make more will of course pay more. Wealth redistribution is always a part of any program he champions.
      So far the Republicans are the only ones that have budged.  They have gone from defunding the ACA to requesting the cancellations of some of the taxes associated with it and delaying the individual mandate a year, just like he has done with the employer mandate.  They have very rightly wanted Obamacare to apply to everyone in government as well, which seems very fair.  Still Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, has refused a conference and President Obama has been unwilling to talk to Republicans as well, but continues to mouth off to the press and American people, playing his usual blame game, never accepting responsibility for anything that has gone wrong.  His current mantra often repeated by the mainstream media is the Tea Party is responsible.
      So who is to blame.  Obamacare is to blame and all of those who voted for it before reading and debating it.  I know for certain that President Obama didn't read before or after he signed it.  His pals at the Center for American Progress directed him to go ahead. For failing to compromise on a very flawed law, Harry Reid and Obama are to blame.   The Republicans have offered a variety of compromises including funding all of the government except the ACA so that a proper debate can be held on it.  After all, it has been delayed for some time whats a few more months or even a year going to hurt?  Republican continue to support the Constitution,  Obama and the Democrats continue to ignore it, both in spirit and substance.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A mixed bag of trouble

      So much has been happening so fast that it is hard to keep up.  As I predicted years ago,  Obamacare ( the Affordable Care Act) was going to be a huge problem for America.  My take is that it is designed to destroy the American economy and allow Obama to pick up the pieces and fundamentally change America, as he has often so stated, turning it into a socialist or communist country.  A carefully designed plan to significantly reduce the quality of healthcare will take over, not only with the death panels controlled by political appointees and not physicians, already in place, but by taking over the student loan program, he can offer amnesty or mandate four years of working in a government sponsored clinic for very modest pay.  Imagine a cardiac surgeon with four years of college, four years of medical school, and seven years of residency and internship, being told he has to work for practically nothing, before he can go into practice and then make an income limited to what the government wants to pay him for his work.  The number of quality candidates will shrink.  Medical school standards will shrink and everyone's healthcare will suffer.  Obamacare was  certainly not written by Obama or Harry Reid.  As you recall, Reid locked everyone out of his office while he was "writing the bill". In fact, his fax machine was turned on so he could download the bill sent by the antiAmerica communist organization, Center for American Progress, funded by George Soros. Nancy Pelosi, who commonly makes dumb remarks, should have her lips sewn shut after telling everyone to pass the bill before you read it.  Naturally, she and the rest of Congress have exempted themselves and the rest of government from the bill as it will not accomplish anything the President promised it would do.  Instead it has slowed economic recovery, cost jobs, and put the average working man and business owner in a state of panic.  It was moronic to assume that people who work hard would want to have their quality of the healthcare reduced and the cost markedly increased in order to provide health insurance to a bunch of addicts and slackers who won't get off their asses and stop using dope, stop having babies, and get a job.  That is why 69% of American oppose Obamacare.  Liberal logic states that Congress should do something about gun control because the majority of American are for it (they're not).  On the other hand the majority of American are opposed to Obamacare and so Congress is trying to do something about it, not fund it, and Obama should favor this, he won't.  Though it looks like this is at a impasse with the house not funding it and the Democratic run Senate in favor of restoring funding, there is a subtle but very effective strategy that could work.  Congress does not need to fund the government with one bill.  Instead the Republicans in the House of Representatives should pass a series of bill each funding a different part of the government.  It would be difficult for the Senate to vote against funding each of these bills, Reid could pass all but one and attach funding to it and send it back to the House.  This would only shut down one branch of the government , hopefully the criminal and corrupt IRS.  We will see how this plays out.
      Speaking of the IRS, Lois Lerner has finally resigned from the IRS.  Although she was suspended or placed on leave, she was still drawing a paycheck.  Hopefully this will not end the probe into the criminal activity of the IRS and Lerner and those involved up to and including the White House attorney go to prison.  Because of the crime she has allegedly committed Lerner should be denied a pension.  Hopefully the threats of a long prison term and loss of pension will loosen her tongue.  After the budget battle, look for this to begin to be an issue again. A special prosecutor should have been appointed months ago, but as usual the regime is deathly opposed to special prosecutors as the truth may get out.  Instead we have the buttlicking Attorney General Eric Holder preventing a real investigation of any and all of the regime's misadventures and Constitutional violations, hoping for them to go away.
      Speaking of Obama scandals that won't go away, Benghazi is also going to be a problem for Obama and especially Hillary Clinton for quite awhile.  Look for Obama to eventually throw Hillary under the bus, unless she, like all good Clintons, knows where some of the bodies are buried.  I still don't think that she will run for President. She will be 70 years old and a long grueling  primary and then presidential campaign would be very difficult for her.  She looks terrible after her four years of running all over the world accomplishing nothing as secretary of state.  Whether Obama disses her or not, she is going to wear the shame of Benghazi and her hateful remarks about it for a long time.  The only way for it to go away is for to announce that she isn't running for president.  Who will take her place? Not an idiot like Joe Biden, he'd be better off replacing Jay Leno.  There are not many other prominent Democrats who have not been tarnished by Obama or their own scandals.  My dark horse is the dark horse Moochelle Obama. She loves flying on my dime on the government jets almost as much as her husband and sleeping for free in the White House.  The real reason why the White House tours were eliminated is not the sequestration, but her desire for more privacy.  She did not like the unwashed masses trudging around where she lives, invading her and her mother's privacy.  (Since this terrible policy went into effect, 344 lobbyist visits have taken place.  This is 344 more than is needed for a president who stated that he would not see lobbyists,) Her slogan would be " if you don't want to work, you don't have to. If you like your EBT card, you can keep it.  If you like your six Obamaphones, you can keep them too.  Plus I promise Obamacars (Chevy Volts) and Obamafood (veggies grown from my own garden for anyone who wants them)."   "Eight more years, so we can finish the job (of destroying America)."  The media already loves this ugly woman and she has recently started fund raising.  She had the major food providers in for a closed door meeting where she was by all published accounts telling them not too advertise so effectively to children.  The "if you don't" was not reported and it threatened them with all of the illegal tactics and increased regulations that the Obama regime is willing to burden their businesses,  There was also the real or implied request for money to avoid government sanctions.
      Obama continues to repeat the mistake of the past, as if history doesn't exist.  This is especially true of his energy policy or lack of it.  In 1979 Jimmy Carter imposed sanction on Iran and refused accepting Iranian oil imports due to the hostage situation. Price restrictions on the price of oil were gradually eliminated and so the price of oil soared from $6 a barrel to almost $40.  The price of gasoline soared as well.  This not only gave OPEC record profits, but also the USSR who became a world supplier of oil and their main source of hard currency.  Reagan removed all the Carter restrictions and the price of oil dropped quickly and the USSR eventually went broke, thus ending the Cold War, as the USSR could no longer keep up with our defense modernization and advances.  The price of oil and gasoline has risen to and remained at record levels despite a glut of oil within the United States.  We are rapidly becoming the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world.  Through regulation and delay, the regime has continued to stall and bottleneck what could be a tremendous economic windfall for our country.  Obama has strangled production, by not permitting pipelines to be built, the Keystone for one, to get the oil and gas from where it found to where it can be refined and utilized.  Building pipelines  would create a huge number of jobs, not only in building and maintaining the pipeline itself, but also in the manufacturing of the pipes and parts. Congress would need to its part in reversing the law that does not allow us to ship unrefined oil to other countries or in non US flagged ships from one US port to another.  Permits need to be awarded to build and increase capacity at existing refineries as well as building new ones.  For now, if oil could be shipped overseas, it could be refined in several Caribbean refineries and then shipped back to the US.  Not only would the price of oil drop significantly, but jobs and government  tax income would be created.  There are 20 applications pending in Washington to build facilities for shipping natural gas abroad.  In the United States natural gas sells for $3.60 a million cubic feet, in Japan, China,  and Europe for as much as $16.00.  Unable to ship natural gas to other countries also stifles economic growth.  We have so much natural gas and no place to store it and the inability to ship it, has  caused it to be burned off, wasting an economic opportunity.  Green energy is a hoax, green is the new red.  It is the communism of our time (re Obama's former Green Commissar Van Jones who now works for the Center for American Progress).  The "flat Earthers" are really the uniformed, who have been coerced into believing that anthropogenic global warming actually exists by those interested in destroying America.  (A  recent report states that there is more than a million square miles of new antarctic ice.  This counters the recent unsubstantiated and fudged UN report.  I'm certain that you are aware that the UN is an antiAmerica and anti capitalist organization.  Basically it is a place where privileged people from third world countries can escape the misery they have created in their own countries and receive high pay for doing nothing.)  The world is in a cooling phase now.  The earth's temperature has more to do with its relationship to the sun than just about anything else.
      Basic economics demonstrates that taking advantage of our oil and gas boom would have massive economic benefits.  It would foster an industrial renaissance that would create millions of well paying jobs,  shift the balance of trade greatly in our favor, and boost the economy so massively that we significantly pay down the national debt and prevent the ruination of our country that Obama and his ilk are so desperately trying to produce.  Despite the lies and rhetoric, not a single one of his programs is a success, and now his only real political success, Obamacare, is poised to put the nail in the coffin for our country.  Obama is an accomplished liar and hypocrite. His speech this week on how his regime has reduced the deficit more than any other president is a joke.  That some idiots actual believe him is sad indeed.  Ironically, those uninformed have suffered and will continue to suffer the most. He benefits the most by keeping them uninformed and dependent, his version of pre Civil War slavery.
      If you enjoy my blogs, please pass them on to your friends, both liberal and conservative.  Maybe I can convert a few lost souls.  Thanks for your support.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Syria, Obamacare, Oil and Gas

      President Obama belongs in the category of inept and corrupt leaders that I've alluded to in other posts.  As you recall inept and or corrupt leaders never will admit their failures, instead they deny and blame.  Narcissist that he is, Obama can never admit to ever doing anything wrong and even lies about what he has said or done in the past.  Yesterday he denied the "red line" remark was his.  Instead he clearly put the blame on the "world" and Congress, so that if his Syrian misadventure is approved, any problems will fall on Congress, and when Obama blames Congress, he is only referring to Republicans (he'll take all the credit if it succeeds, just as with Bin Ladin).  After all the Republicans control the House, the Senate doesn't matter.   Most members of the Congressional Black Caucus has said that they will support the attack on Syria in order to not embarrass the President. It is more important to put American lives on the line than embarrass Obama.  I guess they hold our military in the same regard as the President.  You may not be aware that after he and Moochelle flew up to Martha's Vineyard in separate jets, they realized that Bo was home alone, and so they had him flown up in a Marine Osprey vertical takeoff aircraft. (I'm sure it was Bo and Moochelle's mother) When on vacation, I suppose that carbon footprints don't really matter.  Now Bo has a carbon footprint and our marines are now used as pet transporters  a good reason to pull them out of Iraq and Afghanistan).  He talks about Anthropogenic Global Warming, we all know is a Nazi hoax, that  scientifically cannot be proven to exist and, hypocrite that he is, has one of the largest carbon footprints in the world, along with wife Moochelle.  If Syria goes wrong he will blame Bush and the Republicans, just as he and Hilary blamed them for Benghazi even after they blamed an obscure stupid You Tube video.
      His plan to destroy American is made even worse by his incompetence.  As I have said before, arrogance and incompetence are a dangerous combination.  I suppose Liberals will deem me a racists because I disagree with Obama's agenda of anti capitalism, crony capitalism, cap and trade, crony bail outs, government stimulus, Obamacare, and card check. He is not only trying to fundamentally change American, he is trying to destroy it.  The amazing thing is that Obama's policies are racists in that the group that have suffered the most are the poor and black Americans.  Trying to buy them off with Obama phones and EBT cards is a ploy that can't and won't last.  Liberalism has done more to destroy the lives of black Americans than the KKK.  Liberals have created generations of dependency, low expectations, and hopelessness, but of course blame conservatives for the welfare disasters. Liberals War on Poverty of the 60's and 70's turned out to be more of a war on, not for, poor people. Detroit is a great example of what can happen to a great American city when liberal are in control.  Many other cities are sadly headed in this direction as is the whole state of California.  Wealth is sifting from NewYork and California to Florida and Texas primarily do to low taxes and a more positive attitude toward business.  It is no coincidence that Florida and Texas have had mostly Republican legislatures and governors.

      Regretfully, we had to pass Obamacare before we could know what's it in and as we learn, it is becoming more and more apparent of what a disaster this will be for America.  Nearly every group that was for it, is now against it, including the labor unions.  Some are even considering breaking away from the AFL, because of Trumpka's pro Obamacare stand.  Obamacare taxes so called Cadillac health insurance plans (yes, another tax and there are some many new taxes in Obamacare that maybe it ought to be called Obamatax or the Unaffordable Tax Act).  These are plans that cost over a certain amount.  Lesser costing plans would either provide fewer benefits or have higher deductible or both.  As it turns out the ceiling is so low that most union plans would be taxed up to 40%.  In fact, my own insurance plan of 2010, a typical HMO plan would have been taxed.  What Obamacare wanst to accomplish is to give everyone equal access to equally affordable healthcare.  Unfortunately this is equally bad healthcare.
     To a doctor, as with any small businessman, time is money, and a provision that is consuming much of your physician's time is the Hospital EHR, electronic health records.  Ths is another idea that sounds good on paper, but in practice is a disaster.  My hospital group switched to EHR and required all the doctors to take an 8 or 9 hour EHR course.  The program that my hospital chose was terrible.  It places nearly all the liability for the hospital's errors, clearly on the physician even when hospital personnel were clearly at fault.  The program was not at all intuitive and required reviewing minute details in order to proceed.  I did the medical records on three different types of surgical cases in four hours.  That's longer than it would take me to do the surgery, thus limiting my productivity and income.  Seeing the handwriting on the wall, I closed my practice and treat only out patients and non insurance  cases out side of the hospital.
      Our labor force is rapidly becoming part time, as Obamacare does not apply to anyone working less than 30 hours per week.  So not only are workers earning less, they are now forced to pay for their own healthcare or pay a penalty tax if they refuse to purchase health insurance.  The college students who supported Obama in 2008 or rapidly approaching their 26th birthday, so they will no longer be covered by their parent's insurance and suddenly have to get their own or pay a penalty.  For many, that becomes a real burden, as they may still be out of work since graduating and living at home.  Could it be that the age of twenty six was chosen so none of his student supporters would have to worry about this until after the 2012 election?   Do you think Obama knew and even planned on his policies failing in order to punish America?  Of course he did or else he was the stupidest man ever.  You decide.

      If you filled up your car recently, you are probably asking yourself, why is the price of gas so high especially if we are producing more.  The USA is on course to become the world's largest producer of oil and gas by 2015.  Massive deposits of shale oil and gas in all parts of the country have destroyed the myth that all the deposits of oil have already been discovered and that we will be out of it in America very soon.  Currently supplies are at their highest levels since the 1980's. Because of a pipeline shortage, it is necessary to ship crude oil by train, truck and even barge or boat as so much is being recovered.  Potentially, oil and gas could turn our economy around and lower the debt.  Unfortunately Obama and other liberals want to continue to destroy America and realize that oil and gas will destroy their goals.  Why do you think he keeps harping on Global Warming.  Currently, it doesn't even exist, as we have been going through a gradual cooling stage world wide for the past decade. (Please see my previous blogs on the Global Warming Hoax.) By doing the following our economy could be turned around.  First approve the  Keystone Pipeline.  Not only would it create good paying jobs constructing it, but also good paying jobs using and maintaining it.  Approve the 20 or so applications to build natural gas export facilities.  Currently we are burning off excess natural gas as we have not enough places to store it or ship it overseas.  The price of natural gas is around $4 for a million cubic feet is the USA, but can be sold for $12-$16 in China and Japan and $8-$10 in Europe.  Shipping natural gas is easier and safer if it is converted to a liquid and we lack the facilities to do this. This would tip the balance of trade in our favor very quickly and provide the government income from export licenses, workers' income taxes and corporate taxes.  Many major companies, such as Walmart, UPS, and Waste Management are converting their vehicles to use natural gas because it is cheaper, readily available, and burns cleaner than gasoline, if that is important to the flat Earthers who believe in Global Warming. Finally, repeal the Jones Act that prevents crude oil from being shipped overseas and in vessels that do not fly an American Flag.  Right now we do not have the refining capacity to handle all of our crude oil.  Although new refineries ought to be approved,  there are refineries in the Caribbean that could be utilized. This would release the bottle neck and lower the price of oil and gas, having a dramatic effect in improving our economy. Oil would be another export that would improve the economy.  The main resistance to this is from the far left who is out to destroy America.  There is absolutely no other reason for not doing this, especially since the effect it would have on our economy who be so positive.

      Just a little humor and horror:  I spent two weeks in Europe this summer and visited an old girl friend who lives in Malmo, Sweden across the bridge from Copenhagen where I attended a heavy metal two day festival, Copenhell 2013.  She sends her two young daughters to pre school and in addition to Swedish they are taught English and Arabic.  A huge number of Muslims live in Sweden and will take over the country in the next fifty years. Still the government doesn't see the threat and just yesterday offered to accept any refugees from Syria who wanted to live there.  At least they have to learn Swedish in order to work and get government benefits.  That will change as Swedes will eventually be forced to learn Arabic and accept Sharia Law.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      Upon my return from Europe I had to go through TSA to board my plane to Ft. Lauderdale.  TSA, being politically correct, stopped me after I cleared the metal detector for a routine check for explosive residue.  My carryon was also rechecked and I glanced over to watch, I was shocked to see that the woman viewing the scan was wearing a hajib.  That certainly gave me confidence in the system, yeah right. As I was putting my shoes and belt on again, I notice that the next victim of a routine check was an old man at least eighty years old, who appeared somewhat feeble and could barely walk.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      It is amazing how much regime officials are willing to lie.  I suppose they realize that their jobs and bun uses require it.  The Commerce Secretary commented today on CNBC how wonderful Obamacare is going to be.  He said it is increasing jobs (for the IRS), lowering the cost of health insurance, and increasing healthcare benefits.  What planet has this ass licker been living on.  The CNBC crew appeared shocked.  You just can't make this stuff up.

      Unbelievable,  two blogs in three days.  I guess I've got my Muse back.  Please comment and pass my blog on to your friends,especially your liberal ones if you what to piss them off.  They will make up all sorts of excuses and try to shift the argument, typical liberal tricks, but in the end they know I'm right.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My take on Syria.

      Once again the Obama regime has shown its ineptitude at foreign policy.  Every initiative, if you can call them that, has been a total failure with the exception of the killing of Osama bin Ladin, a moral victory rather than anything else.  Obama, his advisors, and handlers, including the two inept Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry, have virtually no understanding of history and military tactics, much like the Carter regime (not knowing, ignoring, or not understanding history is why Obama has a failed presidency).  First Obama pissed off our two best allies, England and Israel.  Then he went to Cairo and promised a kinder gentler US in respect to the Arab world. culminating in his bowing down to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.  Arabs understand strength and laugh at weakness, its the primitive nature of Islam.   N. Koreas and Iran openly mock him, the Russians ignore him, despite his suspension of the missile defense system for Eastern Europe. The Chinese have been of little help, as well, and oppose our goals, if we actually have any in Syria.  Naturally for being such a total failure at peace, he has a Nobel Prize for being the most inept at bringing peace to the world.
      History tells us that Islam is very diverse and has many denominations and the various countries and regions where Islam is prominent has a diversity of ethnic groups.  Many of both the religious denominations and ethnic groups hate each other and want to kill each other.  There are few if any democratically elected leaders who represent all of religious and ethnic groups fairly.  Instead, as in Syria, Assad represents a Shiite and Alowite minority repressing Sunnis and the huge number of other ethnic and religious groups. Syria is also the home of almost two million Christains who represent several different denominations. He is the first civilian dictator in a long line of military dictators since Syria became independent of France after WWII.
      Islam is for the most part stuck in the 11th century, especially those who want Sharia Law to reign supreme. Sharia Law requires the demeaning and subjugation of women and the murder of homosexuals and non believers.  As a result, violence is a very important part of Islam culminating in a constant state of Jihad.  How Obama expects to make friends with those countries dominated by Sharia law is incomprehensible. The so called Arab Spring turned out to be one group of bad guys replacing another.  Our State Department's failure to recognize or ignore this is the main reason for out polcy failure.
      In addition corrupt and ineffectual administrations have plagued nearly all Muslim countries. Foreign aid usually winds up in the bank accounts of the leaders rather than the people.  There is little if any trickle down, so poverty remains the biggest problem and drives everything else, sometimes to the advantage of the leadership.  Inept and corrupt leaders tend to blame others for their failures.  (One need look no further than our own inept leader.) In the Middle East, it is Israel and the United States that are blamed for all of the failures, encouraging Jihad and sacrifice i.e. suicide bombers.  In Africa, it is often other tribes and religious groups, traditional enemies, that blame each other for poverty and failure,.  The only Middle East countries that show any success are those with a nearly uniform religious and ethnic groups, and a leadership willing to share its wealth with the people.  Leaders of some oils rich countries have recognized this in order to retain power.
     Not recognizing or ignoring the above has doomed the Obama regime's foreign policy to total failure.  Denying that radical Islam and a war on terrorism exists is a dangerous policy.  Prisoners at Guantanamo should never be tried or released until the war on terror is over.  This is not the 18th century where prisoners of war are furloughed and sit out the war back home.  During WWII nearly 500,000 POWs were housed in the US.  None were tried and none were released back to their own countries until the war was over and treaties signed. In Egypt we supported a mob against a violent and corrupt president who was a nominal ally.  The mob elected a repressive corrupt  president.  In Libya we supported a mob against an unfriendly, but inactive anti American dictator.  His replacement was so weak that violent mobs including Al Qaida roam the country killing four Americans, including our ambassador with no consequence.
      Now in Syria we have the Free Syrian Army fighting a brutal dictator who is supported by Iran, Russia and Hezbollah.  Iran has made Syria its surrogate against Israel as a way to get arms to Hesballah.  The Russians maintain a large naval base on the Syrian coast.  The Chinese and Europe get Syrian oil exports, that have declines significantly due to the civil war. The make up of the Free Syrian Army is very diverse and the CIA has given up its attempt to determine if there are any good guys who we could arm.  Basically its bad guys fighting bad guys. The only group that we could probably count on are the Kurds.  Kurds are a Muslim and ethnic sect that occupy portions of northern Iraq, northeaster Syria, and eastern Turkey.  Recall that these are the people that Sadam gassed.  They helped us during the Second Gulf War.  The Kurds want their own country, Kurdistan, but the main stumbling block is Turkey, a NATO member and nominal ally.  If the UN gets involved, once Assad is gone, they could designate northeastern Syria a separate  new country for the Kurds.
      As usual Obama continues to make statements that he has trouble backing up.  He has drawn a "red line" in Syria and it has been crossed.  He has painted himself into a corner. Both Bush 41 and 43 obtained a consensus before the Gulf Wars.  Having pissed off the British, they will not join us.  Both China and Russia will veto any UN involvement.  Without the British, NATO with possibly the exception of the French, who are wavering, shows no inclination in joining us. Therefore, we must go it alone.  Obama believes he will have a "consensus" by getting Congressional approval.  Even that is not a sure thing, though I believe he will get it.  If not he will blame Congress for what is clearly his problem.
      Obama continues to show his ignorance of tactics.  Rule number one of warfare, never tell the enemy when, where, or how and with what much you are going to attack.  Assad has had time to shift and conceal his military assets through out a country, the is the size of Washington state.  What I think he should do is degrade the air force and heavy long range artillery and destroy poison gas supplies.  Anything less would only encourage Assad to gas civilians again. Doing nothing would be far better than a meaningless token attack by a few hundred cruise missiles.  That never seems to work.  My recommendation would make the fight more even and allow the bad guys to continue killing bad guys. We should give material aid and encourage the UN to aid  the millions of refuges that have left Syria for safety, especially if they are in countries that are friendly to us.  Once both sides have degraded each other to the point of severe weakness, the UN should then step in, broker a peace that eliminates Assad, permits real elections, and make certain that any new regime is not repressive before leaving.  The Kurds should get serious consideration as well.  The new regime should be encourage to make peace with Israel and stay out of Lebanon and eliminate all support of Hezbollah.
      There you have it.  My view of the complex issue of Syria, based on history.  Sorry for not producing any blogs for a while.  I know its time for at least another "you just can't make this stuff up." Your comments are always welcome.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Take on The George Zimmerman -Trayvon Martin incident

      An unbelievable amount of time has been wasted on what is, in reality, despite the tragic turn of events in all other respects very trivial.  Every day in our inner cities, African-American teenagers are killed with little if any recognition by the media.  It is the media that turned this into a racial incident.  George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, followed Trayvon Martin, an innocent teenager, but a stranger to his neighborhood.  There was a confrontation, a fight, and finally Zimmerman pulled his gun and fatally shot Martin.
      "What ifs" abound.  What if Zimmerman had not gotten out of car and followed Martin. That was brought up at the trial. But what if Martin had ignored Zimmerman and simply continued walking to his father's girl friend's house.  What if Zimmerman actually confronted Martin and asked him why he was following him.  Martin could have explained that he was on his way to his father's girlfriend's house and continued on.  Unfortunately this is not what happened and instead a violent confrontation occurred and Martin was killed.  Maybe we would have less violence among our young, if our schools taught peaceful conflict resolution, rather than all the politically correct nonsense they espouse.
      Zimmerman wrongly profiled Martin as a stranger to the neighborhood, not as a black teen and Martin wrongly profile Zimmerman as a pudgy weak unarmed cracker.  Zimmerman was, in fact,  a pudgy Hispanic who may have almost as much non Caucasian blood as President Obama and certainly as much as some of the killers and their victims on the south side of Chicago or East Los Angeles.  It was the media (even Fox News) and race baiters like Al Sharpton who turned this into the circus that it turned into.  Even President Obama, who has been known to speak out on racial issues before all the facts are known, said if he had a son, he would be like Trayvon.  I doubt it.  President's Obama's son, if he had one, would never be suspended from school and although he admits to smoking marijuana, I doubt if he would want his children to do so.
      The worst offender was of course NBC and its partner MSNBC News.  They altered the original 911 conversation to make it sound like Zimmerman was targeting Martin and may have altered the initial photograph of Zimmerman, making him look unmarked. Al Sharpton, adopted this as a new cause celeb much like he did the infamous Twana Brawley hoax, ranting daily about his perceived view of the racism in this incident. In addition, nearly all the media showed a picture of Martin that was several years old and did not represent Martin's physical maturity.  Marin was taller than the heavier Zimmerman and may have been the reason Martin decided to fight.  Once it was learned that Zimmerman was a Hispanic and that he had pictures of the broken nose and scalp lacerations he received in the scuffle, the media rather than back off, went all in and continued to report this a racial confrontation influencing public opinion to indict Zimmerman more than a month after the event and charge him with second degree murder, a charge that the prosecution could never prove.  The prosecution realized this after the presentation of their weak case and evidence  and so at the last minute were allowed by the judge to add manslaughter as a possible verdict.  They were not allowed to add the ridiculous charge of aggravated child abuse.
      There was also another reason why this received so much media exposure.  The media, that fully supports the Obama regime, tried to obscure all the bad publicity that the regime was getting from multiple scandals that arose everyday.  MSNBC was only interested in "justice for Trayvon", but what about Ambassador Chris Stevens who was brutally assassinated, sexually assaulted and dragged through the streets of Benghazi.  Hardly a word has been forthcoming from the mainstream media.  Don't Stevens' parents deserve an explanation for what happened instead of being lied to or ignored?
      Based on the evidence or lack there of and Florida's "stand your ground" law, the jury rightly freed Zimmerman.  If anything, we learned that this law is vague and in the future ought to be modified and  either made more clear or removed altogether.  Martin's parents lost a son that they dearly loved, but accepted the jury verdict.  George Zimmerman, though found innocent, will never ever have a normal life and will always be looking over his shoulder for some misguided assassin trying to get perceived revenge.
      Eric Holder, a racist himself, could still bring civil rights charges against Zimmerman, but I hope he doesn't.  It is obvious to me that the African-American leadership, and liberal media do not want an end to racism as this is how they are empowered.  African-American are bright, industrious, and posses all the same qualities as all other Americans.  It is only their leadership that feels that they are inferior and are not able to succeed.  There was virtually no violence after the verdict showing that the African-American community has matured, even though their leadership has not.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up

      I know I haven't published anything for quite a while.  Initially, total outrage at the horrible result of the 2012 election distracted and discouraged me for a while.  Now, with events happening so fast it is hard to keep up, especially when the story changes every day.  So I'm giving you some brief takes on a number of events.
      The murderer of thirteen soldiers and wounding of numerous others at Ft. Hood, Maj. Hassan, is still drawing his military pay and so far has collected over $270,000.  Due to the Obama regime's calling this work place violence rather than a terror attack has placed numerous financial burdens on the wounded survivors and not allow them to be awarded the Purple Heart.  If this were called the terror attack that it is, Hassan would have been stripped of his rank and not drawn the money that he has.  Interestingly, the regime has termed Anwar Al-Awlaki, an American citizen, a terrorist and the one who converted Hassan and others, and taken him out with a drone strike.  You can't just make this stuff up.
      The "fast and furious" gun scandal just won't go away.  I was amazed that Obama referred to gun deaths on his recent visit to Mexico.  He blamed the high drug related murder rate in Mexico on the Second Amendment, because it allows Mexicans to purchase automatic weapons in the United States.  I was in awe that he totally ignored that it was his DOJ and Attorney General Eric Holder, who is contempt of Congress, who allowed the purchase of thousands of automatic weapons by an ill conceived plan to discredit the Second Amendment. You can't just make this stuff up.
      Holder continues to be involved in scandal.  Recently he lied to Congress about his targeting journalists and criminally charging them for essentially doing their job.  President Obama was so outraged that he told Holder to investigate himself. Yeah right, I'm certain he won't find anything wrong. Its like asking second graders to grade their own tests.  You can't just make this stuff up.
      According to the regime, its okay to profile conservatives, Jews and Christians, but not Muslims or those suspected of being her illegally.  Now we have learned that the IRS targeted conservative and some pro Israel and Christian organizations preventing them from easily obtaining non-profit status to aid their ability to raise funds.  The IRS demanded lists of contributors and then not only audited the groups, but their contributors and their business. In addition the information was shared with other government agencies to turn the the FBI and EPA on them as well.  Meanwhile pro regime groups were rapidly sped through the process with little scrutiny.  One conservative group whose application was continually delayed for more than two years, change its name to imply it was a "green" organization and rapidly got approval. From whom did this criminal conspiracy originate,  slime ball dirty trick experts  Plouffe and Axelrod, no doubt.  For doing such a good job of harassing and punishing enemies of the regime, the principals in the IRS behind these crimes were given bonuses and raises and appointed to other positions in which they could punish the enemies of the regime.  Sarah Ingram was placed in charge of Obamacare, so she could force targeted businesses to pay higher taxes or healthcare costs.  Friends of the regime would get waivers and/or instant approval.  If you're not a Democrat or contributor to The DNC you may be denied certain procedures, some of which could be life saving.  You might be given a "breathalyzer" when you really need an inhaler for your asthma attack.  This could happen in all "fifty seven" states to quote Obama.  What's more, all of this is blatantly criminal, but who is going to prison?  You can't just make this stuff up.
      Some Tea Party groups have recently peaceably  protested their treatment by the IRS in front of their local tax office.  The regime has sent out its heavily armed TSA army to guard the tax offices.  Now we know why the TSA purchased the billions of bullets and is training its own army.  Ironically, during the 9/11/12 violent demonstrations in Cairo, Egypt, the marines guarding the embassy had to remove the bullets from their guns.  Our misguided regime is more worried about Tea Party protesters than Islamic extremists.  You can't just make this stuff up.
      Speaking of Obamacare, despite general disfavor among most Americans and politicians from both parties, the tax plan is rapidly moving ahead.  In order to pave the way Health Secretary, Katherine Seballius has raised millions in a private slush fund to propagandize Americans to favor this plan.  She is soliciting insurers for the money.  In keeping with the regimes thug like strong arm attics,  it is implied that an insurer's plan will get more scrutiny (think IRS), if they don't contribute.  You can't just make this stuff up.
      Finally, the tragedy of Benghazi just won't go away.  No one seems to know what happened or who was in charge. Who ordered the rapid response team to stand down?  Why won't the regime give out the names of the survivors or let them testify?  Who came up with the dumb video idea?  Obama, knowing the consulate was under attack, actually went to bed and wasn't told about the deaths until the next day.  He was so concerned that he flew to Las Vegas, a destination he told business conventions to avoid, on AF1 for a political fund raiser. Hillary Clinton also claims to have been kept out of the loop. I guess the answer to whether Clinton or Obama would be avaialble to answer the phone at 3AM is neither.  I think that it appears that Hillary Clinton will probably be thrown under the bus and her chances of becoming our next president are rapidly evaporating.  Whose next in line? Joe? No way.  How about Moochelle?  She hates America even more than her husband, though on the other hand, I doubt if she will be as willing to take orders from Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, as does her husband.  You can't just make this stuff up.
      Obama claims no part of any of these scandals, the government is just to big for him to know everything (or anything).  The buck obviously stops somewhere else.  As I have said many times before,  ignorance and incompetence are a terrible combination and it appears this may be Obama's ultimate legacy as  he goes down as the worst president in the history of America.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillary Clinton's Testimony, My Take

      Hillary Clinton finally testified before Congress on Bengazigate after numerous delays caused by illness and trips of both kinds.  Before my I give you my take on the hearings, I'd like to supply you with a little bit of background information for which I am certain you are unaware.  I don't much believe in coincidences, especially about anything that goes on within the Obama regime.  I'm sure you are aware that Hillary Clinton rang up between 20 to 30 million in debt from her unsuccessful run at the presidency in 2008.  This includes the loan from Bill after he received millions from Arab countries for "speeches".  She had asked Obama after the 2008 election to help pay off her debts from his excess campaign funds.  This week her debts were finally paid off, assuring that Obama would be protected by her testimony.  Her testimony was obviously orchestrated. The crocodile tears and the indignation over being questioned about the video were planned and rehearsed well in advance.  Ironically, after saying that she took full responsibility for what happened in Bengazi, protecting Obama, she took no responsibility whatsoever. Only a few Republicans asked her serious questions and made important comments regarding her very carefully crafted testimony.  Her indignation over the video question was deflected by "what does it matter now.  Four Americans are dead."  That is precisely why it does matter that the regime including Obama knowing lied to the American people.  Nixon could have said the same thing over the Watergate burglary, that it didn't matter after the election, but of course history took a far different course and his otherwise honorable and very enlightened presidency ended in disgrace. Claiming she never read the requests for more security is very similar to Eric Holder's excuse for not reading his emails regarding the outrageous Fast and Furious debacle.  As Rand Paul rightly commented, he would have fired her.  If her comments were true, then why was no one fired over this, four Americans are dead.  The events of the Bengazi attack were being watched in real time.  The ambassador and his staff were advising the regime of their imminent danger.  There may have been very little the regime could have done to save and protect the Americans under attack, but do you believe Obama wasn't notified immediately?   His handlers invented the video lie to protect him during the tight election race.  His National Security staff fell on their swords for Obama and said it was they that edited out references to Al Qada and Muslim extremists, after all, we were told that after the killing of Osama Bin Ladin, Al Qada was through.  Maybe it was as Ms. Clinton suggested, some guys out for a walk who decided to kill Americans with mortors and automatic weapons. Despite knowing what actually had happened, the regime including  Obama, two weeks later, when speaking at the UN, still blamed the video.  Four American were dead, but our incompetent national news media barely mentioned Bengazi  continuing to protect the regime during the campaign for the presidency.  If you recall, the press didn't hesitate to criticize Romney for his comments on Bengazi  shortly after it happened. Comments that by the way were appropriate and dead on. This may have scared Romney into making a critical mistake during the debate a few weeks later on foreign policy by not bringing it up. Certainly the very biased pro Obama moderator, Bob Schieffer, would and did not.  Four Americans are dead and Obama, Hillary Clinton, and everyone else in the regime got a free pass when they should have been impeached or fired.  Nixon was under the threat of impeachment for far less, nobody died from Watergate. Maybe some guys were out on a walk and just decided to burglarize the DNC. Finally we have recently learned that many of the weapons used in the attack on the consulate were supplied by the Obama regime during the civil war that deposed Mommar Gaddafi, another similarity to "fast and furious." I wonder when this information was actually known by the regime, timing its release well after the 2012 election.  What did the Democrats do at the hearing.  They, along with some Republicans, praised Hillary Clinton for her service and testifying despite traveling all over the world and fighting off illness and injury to finally show up more than four month later. I supposed the Republicans still fear the powerful Clinton machine that brought down Gingrich, Livingston, Armi, and other Clinton impeachment enemies. They still have the FBI file info on almost a thousand Republicans gleaned from Filegate*.  The Democrats even tried to blame Republicans for limiting the State department budget so that the proper security was not in place.  Rand Paul quickly corrected this bit of misinformation, mentioning all the money the State Department squanders, especially purchasing electric automobiles and then constructing expensive charging stations to service them (it seems the government is the main source of Volt sales).  As I have pointed out in a past post, our government could never recover the added cost over that of standard or hybrid vehicles, even if the Volts lasted for more than twenty years.  It seems that the man dubbed the "smartest president in our history" knew nothing of what was going on in his regime.  That is he was unaware of the situation in Libya, unaware of "fast and furious", a didn't know that Van Jones, the green commissar he appointed, was a communist who advocated the violent overthrow of the United States.  I guess he was too busy campaigning, golfing, shooting hoops, vacationing in Hawaii and Nantucket, or just jetting around in AF1.  If this is true, then maybe he should be termed the "know nothing president".

*Filegate was the name given to illegal (or accidental according to the Clintons) procurement of nearly 1000 FBI files of prominent Republicans by the Clinton administration.  Craig Livingstone, a former bar bouncer, did the dirty work as he was chief of White House Security.  Though an early memo to the FBI stated that he got the job from a recommendation by Hillary Clinton who was long time friends with his mother according to Bernard Nussbaum, all this was denied when the Filegate investigation special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, began questioning associated individuals including Hillary Clinton.  Starr concluded that no one knew how and who hired Craig Livingstone. Hillary 's  testimony during her sworn deposition included 109 "I don't remember"s.  The pages in the log book certifying who checked out the files mysteriously disappeared (just as many other documents during the Clinton administration).  Clinton operatives were well known for stealing and disposing of documents (Sandy "the burglar" Berger for example).  Whatever information was gleaned from these files has been stored somewhere to use against Clinton enemies as needed.

      Did you ever wonder how the least likely person to become POTUS actually did? How a man of average intelligence, no experience,  and little means obtained an Ivy League education and became POTUS.  I'm working on a new blog in which I will put together the amazing story of how this aall came to be and what it means for all of us.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Some random thoughts on taxes, deficit, Obamacare, energy, and freedom

      Here are some random thoughts about the past year and a few predictions for the year to come. First. I don't know who is advising the Republicans, but who ever it is, should be fired immediately.  Obama has been calling for a tax on millionaires and billionaires and the Republicans should hold him to it.  Since when is a tax on someone who makes $250k a tax on a millionaire?  If they would have pushed the concept that $250k is not a million dollars, they may have been more successful especially in the eyes of the public (but not the buased media).  Romney should have done the same, stating that people that make between $250K and 999K are not necessarily millionaires, but many are small businessmen who are the engine for the economy. Taxing them will continue to keep the economy in the doldrums. Of course, anything that affects our economy in a negative way is exactly what Obama wants.  He said as much,in the book Bill Ayers wrote for him, Dreams from My Father.  In addition, he wants to destroy the lives of our senior citizens.  Obamacare takes $50 billion out of Medicare each year at a time when 4 million new baby boomers are being added annually.  His death panels will speed the demise of many grandmothers and grandfathers when life saving drugs and procedures are withheld when the death squad deems them too old, infirm, or just not contributing to Obama's concept of society.  This is where the so called savings in Medicare will actually come.  If you kill off the beneficiaries before they use resources then you can save money. This is his plan for saving Medicare.  By killing off the elderly, he plans to save Social Security as well.  This is his way of dealing with entitlements and why he hasn't otherwise put forth a separate plan to do so. Additionally, he wants to tax dividends and capital gains at a higher level.  Seniors live off of the interest and dividends that their retirement savings provide, sometimes changing stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or CDs to gain an income advantage.  These new taxes will have grandma and grandpa eating dog food and living with the homeless as their savings run out, unless they turn over their life savings and become eligible for food stamps.  Oh I forgot, that won't be a problem as Obama will kill them off before it happens...if they are lucky.  Look for the life span of American to recede as Obamacare's invasive nature takes over the life and death of all Americans. The headlines from the mainstream will not tell you this, instead it will tell you how the lives of leeches (maybe cockroaches is a better word), the welfare beneficiaries who contribute nothing and who have never contributed anything but more welfare beneficiaries, have increased. Maybe they should be required to become responsible citizens and contribute their fair share. Oh, I forgot, Obama ended "workfair" to garner their votes. It seems unfair to change the system for people who have worked, saved, and planned all their lives to live comfortably in their golden years.  Obama should be impeached for enacting genocide for the elderly.  And now if this is not bad enough another presidential fiat has been forced upon us that will affect the healthcare of all American in a very negative way, affirmative action on NIH research grants.  Some bureaucratic moron did a study that determined that way too many grants were going to Caucasians and not enough to Blacks and Hispanics.  So now there is a 10% set a side to insure that minorities get their fair share.  This moron didn't understand that grants are given out on the basis merit and potential benefit and previous successes in related research and that a research team consist of a diverse group all of who benefit from the grant.  Secondly, research applications don't ask for race, but I guess NIH will begin profiling applicants now.  We can't profile terrorists boarding airplanes, but we will profile NIH grant applicants.  Because these grants are obviously awarded on merit, grants of lesser importance may now get preference lowering the quality of research.  This is exactly what the gangster Obama has done in the past, wasting our money on worthless green energy companies that contribute little to our economy, but much to his campaign war chest.
      Speaking of impeachment, the ongoing hearings on Bengazigate (my own term), though damaging to some, will not disclose the real cover up. A day or two after it happened, I was able tell you pretty much what happened, apparently before Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton knew, yeah right.  The cover up would be pretty easy to discover.  First an independent special prosecutor  would need to be appointed.  He could subpoena phone records, emails, text messages and personal visits of all involved.  From these records the trail could be followed from those who watched the terrible tragedy unfold and where it went from there.  The Obama regime would resist turning over these documents and then, taking a lesson from the Clintons, a lot of info would mysteriously disappear, especially those leading directly to Obama and his directives.  Hillary Clinton is now deciding whether she will side with Obama or come clean, trying to determine what will hurt her the least in her run for the White House four years from now.   She needn't worry, the media has a short memory, when it comes to progressive Democrats.  Watergate was over an stupid burglary and forced Nixon, a relatively moderate and otherwise great president, to resign. With Bengazigate, four Americans including a United States ambassador were brutally murdered and dragged through the streets.  The coverup was to shield the public from the facts so close to the election.  Al Qaeda was not dead, the Arab and Moslem outreach was a failure, and they had been killed with weapons that they got from us.  Sort of sounds like the "fast and furious" scandal that was successfully covered up.
      It has been predicted that by 2017 the United States will be the largest producer of oil and natural gas, passing Saudi Arabia.  Unfortunately our laws don't allow to export much of these valuable commodities. This will lead to a glut, which will lead to a price collapse and then a rapid slow down in oil production.  The very thing that turned a backward desert wasteland into a wealthy country, namely oil exports will be denied us because of a left thinking president and congress.  This is one of the reasons why pipelines have been denied and applications to build export facilities put on hold. Despite over twenty application to build export facilities for liquid natural gas (LNG), only one has been approved.  As we speak LNG in North Dakota is being burned off for lack of transport pipelines. Green energy, no matter how good it sounds, is decades and maybe centuries away from replacing fossil fuels as an economic means for electricity.  Those who push it now, are either too stupid to understand this, been brainwashed by the media, or want our economy to fail.  This is not my opinion, this is the history of green energy to date.
      The guy who admits to never having ever made a mistake and always blames everyone else, would have been happy to see us go over the fiscal cliff.  Taxes go up on everyone and military spending down.  Though other spending is to be cut as well, much of it would have remained or even increased by presidential edict, ignoring the Constitution and Congress, just as he has done numerous times in the past.  The economy would have continued to suffer again to Obama's liking.  Milk prices may have tripled and been the first sign in what could have turned to food riots, need for marshall law, and quickly turning America into a Marxist dictatorship.  Opponents to the regime would have been arrested and private property and wealth confiscated. Gun owner would have been the first to go to concentration (reeducation) camps.  The Republicans were caught in a trap and accepted a bad deal, but the only one available at the time.  They must not cave to threats over the deficit increase.  It makes sense that if you cut spending and balance the budget, there is no need to increase the deficit.
      My last comments are on the recent attacks on the 2nd Amendment.  None of his recent attacks and regulations by Obama would have prevented the recent tragedies in Colorado and Connecticut or the murder rate in Chicago.  He said so.  Then why propose them at all.  The reason, of course, is to destroy the 2nd Amendment and terrorize legitimate gun owners on one level and to attack constitutional rights in general on another.  Very few first degree murders are carried out by NRA members with registered weapons.  What could help?  Little has been said about punishment.  The death sentence should apply to those convicted of first degree murder, attempted murder, armed robbery and rape with a gun with one year or one appeal after conviction and then sentence is carried out.  If nothing else, it will prevent the criminal from ever committing another crime.  Illegally possessing a gun, possessing a stolen gun, theft of a gun would warrant long mandatory prison terms.  The situation with crazies is much harder to deal with as the libs  forced there release on to our streets at the end of the 1970s and now they make up a sizable segment of the homeless population,  few of whom, fortunately are dangerous.  admittedly enhanced background checks and a national data base would help as long as it does not interfere with privacy rights. Remember Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Castro all disarmed their citizenry. As the patriot and father of the Bill of Rights George Mason once said,"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

      Finally, I'd like to wish all of you who follow my blog a happy and healthy New Year.  I am hopeful that we the American people can overcome Obama and all of the terrible things for which he and his cronies wish upon us.  Only 1461 days left for the tyrant.  Pray the Constitution of the United States of America and its 22nd Amendment prevail.