Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why is Obama Purging Our Best Generals and Admirals?

      Here is a thought that you will have difficulty finding anywhere else.  It is the result of hours of dedicated research and conclusions drawn from that research.  I take credit for all of the conclusions derived in the posting.
      I'm certain that all of you are aware that the civilian commander-in-chief of our military, has nothing but contempt for our brave soldiers and sailors.  We are also well aware that he refuses to accept even constructive criticism or advice that goes against his radical political philosophy that involves turning America into a third world country, reducing its influence all over the world.  Not only does he need to destroy our economy with Obamacare and out of control government spending, but by the systematic degrading our military.  The military is only useful if it can be used for his own political ends as he has demonstrated by waiting till and election year to get Bin Laden and then taking all the credit.
      Let's look at some of the firings, resignations, and "retirements"of senior military during his regime.  First on the list is Four Star General Stanley McChrystal. who replaced General David Kieman, who did not see eye to eye with the cic  McChrystal  one of our most capable generals, was allegedly fired because Obama was not happy with his performance in Afghanistan.  In reality, he and Obama were at odds over  policy and especially civilian appointees and elected officials with whom he was required to work.  In particular Vice President Joe Biden whom McChrystal considered an incompetent idiot.  To my knowledge Joe's title is Vice President.  The is no vice commander in chief.  In order to cover the McChrystal firing, Obama appointed the very popular General David Petraeus  for whom he had future plans.  Petraeus was hated by the far left as he was always successful.  You recall Pelosi and her "betray us comments and despicable Harry Reed and his "war is lost" soliloquy. It would be very difficult to remove him over differences in strategy or strategic planning without raising eyebrows because of his previous successes.  Instead a plan was hatched to make him CIA head.  This would bring him back to Washington, DC and available for scandal.  Even as a general an affair would not have ended a career, but as head of the CIA it could and did.  Whether he was set up by Paula Broadwell and or Jill Kelley, we may never know.  It should amaze me, but understanding the mainstream media and it cozy relationship with the regime, that reporters were able to gather so much personal information about Petraeus and McChrystal without being feed leaked info from private government files.  I'm certain that the regime and its spying on Americans included high ranking generals who held unfavorable impressions of the CIC and his regime.
      But these great generals are not the only ones that are gone.  General George Allen, second in command at Cencom to Petraeus was also sacked as part of the evolving Jill Kelley scandal.  Although no one in the corrupt Clinton State Department lost there jobs over Benghazi,  General Carter Ham and Admiral Adam Gaudette did.   Both Ham and Gaudette wanted to defy the Obama order to stand down and try to help Ambassador Stevens and those American embattled at the consulate in Benghazi.  Not ever serving in the military and only feeling contempt for the brave men that do, meant that Obama was willing to sacrifice them despite the military's desire to do otherwise (no man left behind).  Instead the Obama's spin was that the decision to stand down was the military's.  The whole Benghazi affair has been feverishly covered up from the start by the regime with lie after lie and denial to Congress and the American public in order to save an election that he was attempting to fix.  When all of this budget crap ends, Congress must continue to get to the truth about Benghazi,including the real reason that Ambassador Stevens was targeted, it goes much deeper then just that he was the ambassador.
      The revamping of the military continues. This year Marine General Boyd Roberts was replaced at Ft. Jackson, the largest military training center, where most combat training is provided before deployment in a combat zone. More recently, within days of each other, Admiral Timothy Giardino and General Michael Carey were both relieved of duty.  Is it no coincidence that Giardino was in charge of the naval nuclear arsenal and Carey the air force's.  Obama has continued to degrade of nuclear deterrent as a means of weakening America.  Other general and admirals have "retired" being eased out by the regime.
     There are other reasons why Obama is weakening our military and why it is so dangerous.  Prior to WWII Stalin, afraid of a military coup, purged and executed most of the senior officers, seriously degrading the leadership of the Russian Army. The Russian people paid the price, as the Nazis, destroying everything in their path (everything that they didn't destroy, the Russians destroyed as scorched earth was the only military tactic available at the time) came within a few miles of capturing Moscow as the Russian Army lacked sufficient leadership early in the war.  Fortunately for Russia and Stalin, he did not execute Zhukov, who brilliantly pushed back the Germans after they had been stopped in their tracks by the harsh Russian winter. Still, fearing a rival, Stalin held Zhukov back and replaced him so that the ultimate prize, Berlin, was given to another general.
      Why would Obama want to so degrade our military.  The utter contempt for it is obvious, but there is a more serious and far more subtle reason.  As economies fail and the value of the money rapidly falls, the cost of essential goods and services will rise out of the range of many.  Around the world we have seen that when this occurs, social unrest breaks out with mass protests against the government. Greece, Syria, Egypt are all recent examples.  It is to the Constitution.  Obama knows, that if his plan to destroy capitalism and replace the Constitution is successful (his "hope and change" and "radical transformation of America")' that when the economy collapses, insurrection may break out as prices rise and times get tough, a real Obama created depression.  It may be necessary to call out the Army to quell the violence and he wants to make sure the Army would remain loyal to him.  The military oath that all member of the military are required to take does not swear allegiance to the President, it swears allegiance to the Constitution. Strong conservative military leaders are well aware of this and may decided to defend the Constitution rather than a president set on destroying it.  Outspoken retired Col. Allen West is wonderful example of how most officers feel.  Despite arming with assault weapons using large clips and hollow point bullets a private army within the Department of Homeland Security may not be large or effective enough to defend the president.  Having and army of "brown shirts" in the form of ACORN,  Organizing for American (ACORN's successor), and SEIU thugs that are sworn to do his bidding, may also help, but Obama needs the Army to help or at least stay away.  Putting his men in command may do just that.  He has learned well from the Clintons who disparaged and embarrassed otherwise persons favored by the press or American people to replace them with their friends (the theft by Hillary's buddy of the petty cash file brought on the false charges against the White House Travel Office staff).
     I sincerely hope that this doesn't happen, but every step the regime has taken in respect to our economy has attempted to destroy it and replace it with a dictatorship. The conclusions drawn and the scenario described above certainly are possible so that control of the military is absolutely necessary.  Preventing Obama from fixing the 2014 midterm elections is critical.  If we get to 2016 with America intact, we cannot allow Moochelle to become president or vice president (the president would either die or be assassinated).
      One of the more popular parts of my blog is the "you just can't make this stuff up segment".  So I'm going to end with a few of these related to the government shut down.
      This weekend in Miami is the traditional Columbus Day Regatta, a huge party consisting of thousands of boat owners anchoring in Biscayne Bay to celebrate which by all accounts is a bawdy fun event.  Biscayne Bay is open water, but includes National Park Water.  The public has been warned that Park Rangers in government speed boats will be out in force to harass and discourage boaters in the area, freedom of the seas be damned.  You just can't make this stuff up.
     As part of his treasonous policy to inflict pain on the American people, Obama has closed many National Parks and Monuments including the National Mall in Washington, DC which houses the National Museum, the Smithsonian Institute, the Holocaust Memorial, the National Postal Museum, the Air and Apace Museum, and other venues own by the American people.  The Mall access has been closed by barricades backed up by armed rangers to Americans, but this week the barricades were removed so that an immigration  rally of thousands of illegal aliens could take place.  Nancy Pelosis, also in favor of inflicting pain on the American people , was a featured speaker.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      American and foreign tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park last week were forced by armed rangers to stay on their buses as barricades had been placed around Old Faithful.  They were told that they were not even allowed to take photographs as that would be considered "recreating".  Some of the foreign tourists who didn't speak much English, thought that they were under arrest.  Now state and city governments have offered and opted to pay the expenses of keeping these sites open for tourists as they contribute to the local economy.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      During the shut down governmental agencies were to furlough nonessential employees.  The Department of Education did not fully comply as it only furloughed 95% of its employees.  What about the other 5%?  HUD furloughed the largest percentage, 99%.  What its says about some of the Departments is that they are vastly over staffed and over funded and there ver continued existence should be called into question.
      I will end with one last comment.  Those of you that know me, know that I am no fan of Rap or Rappers.  Its only Hard Rock and Heavy Metal for me, but I have to give St. Louis rapper Nellie some props as he made an excellent point about the government shut down.  He said, "if the government is shut down, do I still need to pay taxes."
      Please comment and pass on.  Get the word out.

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