In 732 AD, Charles Martel defeated the invading army of the Umayyad Caliphate and killed their leader Abdul Rahman at the battle of Tours in northern France. This stemmed the tide of Islam in Western Europe, preserving Christianity, though it wasn't until 1492 that the last Muslim community in Spain was eliminated. Despite skirmishes in the Middle East (the crusades), Islam was allowed to expand throughout northern and central Africa and Asia all the way to Indonesia, which now has the largest Muslim population in the world. Much of the current Middle Eastern boundaries were established by the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI. Both Britain and France and to a lesser extent Italy. developed spheres of influence and allowed almost unfettered immigration from their colonies and spheres of influence until these colonies attained independence mostly in the 1960s.
At the end of WWII, war crimes trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to punish those responsible for WWII and all of the atrocities, termed crimes against humanity. One very obvious war criminal was not even arrested or tried. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, partnered with Hitler and organized an Islamic SS regiment that fought alongside the Nazis in eastern Europe and southern Russia, Its main role was to find, capture, and kill Jews. For political reasons, he was not touched and in retrospect, he is responsible for the fascist dictatorships that arose after WWII in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt as well as the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.
Muslims have not given up on their war on the West, but they have changed their strategy, from a aggressive war like plan to a much more insidious plan to take over Western Europe, using the weaknesses of the western democracies. The liberal immigration policies is at the center of this strategy. The birth rate of couples of European origin had fallen below two. That means that replacement of the population will be slow or not occur. This has tremendous economic implications and is one of the reasons for a generous immigration policy. Unfortunately the vast majority of Muslim immigrants have not assimilated, nor has there been much effort to make them do so. Their birth rate per couple is more than three and so they are replacing Europeans at a slow but steady rate. We have already seen that in some countries like Belgium and Sweden they are assuming important roles in local government and it is not unrealistic to imagine that in the next thirty or so years that there will be Muslim majorities in many areas of Europe. What comes with Muslim control, Sharia Law with all of its vile rules. In Germany of the 1920's the Weimar Republic was one of the most liberal at the time, so liberal that it permitted political parties that totally opposed its freedom, so Nazism was allowed to flourish until it assumed total power and control. This in a more subtle way is what is happening in Western Europe today.

The number of Muslim immigrants have been increasing due to civil wars, instability, and poverty throughout the Muslim world of Africa and the Middle East. Syria has upped the number dramatically and radical Islamists have seen this as an opportunity to send their warriors into Western Europe and America. President Obama has recklessly and foolishly agreed to take 100,000 or so despite vetting them will be virtually impossible. The radicals that arrive along with those already here that have already been radicalized can form a potent fifth column to reek terror.
In Paris there is a large Muslim population that almost exclusively lives in one area. Many are young and unemployed and ripe for being indoctrinated into Jihad and radical Islam. So far it has been determined that at least one of the Paris terrorists was born in France and that another carried a Syrian passport and was recently admitted as a refugee through the Greek Island of Leros. (It might be very valuable to find those who were admitted with him.) Seven Muslims were arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.
What the future may bring. Putin may see this as his ideal opportunity to shift allegiance from the United States to Russia. He has lost of two hundred Russians on the jet blown up by ISIS in the Sinai Desert. Acting quickly, before France can organize its effort, and using 20,000 Russians plus the Iranians and Cubans already there he could easily conquer Raqqa the ISIS headquarters in Syria and then mop up the remaining ISIS followers in Syria. Going into Iraq may be a problem, but his Iranian surrogates are already there. Suddenly he becomes a hero to Russians and people all over the world. He shows decisiveness and the ability to act something Obama refuses to do.
President Hollande has said he will make ISIS pay for this. If Putin does not act, the French will, first bringing an aircraft carrier off the Syrian coast and then follow up with a French expeditionary force. Though Syria would protest, they would not be able to do anything about it. Putin would be paralyzed, as protesting the French may make him look weak, if he did not go after ISIS first. His best option, if this occurs, is to partner with the French.
Organizing a NATO or UN coalition would be great, but will take time and give Putin more time to weigh his options. He may decide to join and head a UN coalition. Sadly we hthe day before the attack, he said ISIS had been contained. His liberal base has already blamed Bush and conservatives for the horror in Paris, just as they have for the terrorist attacks that we have had in America. They have even used Paris as an excuse for eliminating the 2nd Amendment. Yet, if only one person in the Bataclan Concert Hall had a gun, he may have prevented the wholesale slaughter of victims as the terrorists went one by one shooting them a point blank range. Obama and Bernie Sanders still believe the hoax of global warming is our biggest threat. Suddenly terrorism and immigration have become critical issues. Trump and Cruz are right.