I have a few friends on Facebook who like to share posts from left, liberal, or Democrat Party sites. Mostly these posts praise Obama, worshiping him and all he has done since becoming president. There is virtually no real factual information, only repetition of misinformation spewed from the regime. I thought it would be fun to comment on some of these postings to see what the response would be. I also felt I could use my comments as a teaching moment. The response has been interesting and even amusing.
First, I was surprised at how many conservatives look at these sites. I was amazed that I would often have between 200 and 300 'likes" for each comment. In addition there were usually many more positive comments about the information I provided than negative ones. The negative comments were unable to refute the facts that I presented, so that most of the negative comments were personal attacks, calling me a hater or racists. One of my comments called Obamacare a tragedy for America, and a response was that the only tragedy was that I was born. We know who really are the haters.
Someone said that there is no teaching, only learning and in that regard the Left was unwilling to learn, basically falling in line with the Obama regime and the mainstream media that supports him. It is obvious that none of them has ever done any independent research into Obama and his background. It was the poet Wordsworth who said, "the child is father of the man." Obama's mentor as an adolescent was communist Frank Marshall Davis and the reason why Obama went to Chicago as a community organizer. Few have ever heard of Alice Palmer, another communist. Obama became her campaign manager when she ran for the US House of Representatives in a special election to replace Mel Reynolds who went to prison for having sex with an under age campaign worker. Even the most deaf, dumb, and blind leftist has heard of Bill Ayers. Despite Obama calling him "just a guy in the neighborhood,'" evidence shows that the two shared numerous organizational memberships and Obama was Ayers' choice to head the failed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, that funneled most of its funding to Bill Ayers controlled organizations. It was at Ayers house where Obama declared his intent to run for the Illinois state senate.
The tactic of personal attacks mimics the technique that the Obama regime has used to silence or try to discredit its critics, right out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. This, sadly, is the only thing the left has learned.
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