In 1938 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain emerged from his flight from Munich, waving a document, where he had just negotiated a treaty with Hitler. The Nazis had already annexed Austria, the Saar Basin, and the Sudetenland part of Czechoslovakia, and to prevent war England had signed a treaty with Hitler allowing the annexation of a part of Czechoslovakia, so that Hitler would end his expansion. The famous quote by Chamberlain was, "I give you peace in our time." We all know how that worked out, World War II. Now we have Obama addressing the nation in similar fashion espousing a terrible deal that his he has conceded to the Iranians
The deal that Obama and John Kerry worked out with Iran could make Chamberlain's look rather tame in the face of a potentially nuclear Middle East. Pakistan is selling ready made nuclear weapons and now Saudi Arabia and Egypt may be buying. With all the instability in the Middle East, it is not unreasonable to be concerned that terrorists may get a hold of one of these. They rightly don't trust Iran and are interested in protecting themselves. I don't understand why Obama trusts Iran (and Cuba) but doesn't trust an ally Israel.
The deal is only good for 10 years and Iran can keep its centrifuges and continue to treat uranium for "research purposes," as if there are other uses for weapon's grade uranium. Spot inspections are not part of the deal, in fact, the IAEC has to give 15 days notice for an inspection. Finally there has been no mention of Iran's delivery system, so ICBMs can still and will be developed. In ten or eleven years Iran could target New York or Washington DC.
With the removal of economic sanctions billions of dollars will be released to Iran, the leading sponsor of state sponsored terror. Hamas and Hezbollah will get more assistance so that they can increase their terrorist activities.
Congress must overwhelmingly turn down this terrible deal. Sadly, but typically Obamaesque, it is not called a treaty, because Congress could easily turn it down. Instead Congress needs a filibuster proof vote to override Obama's veto.
Like Clinton, Obama has been continually looking for a legacy. His hope and desire is to destroy America, and this deal will add to that. He wants to go down as the worst president in history and this deal assures that title.
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