Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why Has Florida Done Much Better Than New York

      Lately, some in the MSM have tried to explain why Floridians have fared much better from the Chinese virus then New Yorkers.  A recent article in The Atlantic (who reads The Atlantic anymore, but ex-hippies turned limousine liberals on Long Island) came to no real conclusion. It had been almost gleefully suggested in the MSM that Florida, third in population behind California and Texas, with a very large percentage elderly, and a Republican governor, would fare much worse, horribly worse.  Yet it never happened, not even close. Florida's number of cases and deaths is only 1/20th of New York's. Warmer weather, less crowding, lack of public transportation, fewer homeless, and cleanliness were suggested. It was even implied that Floridians are more cooperative than New Yorkers when it comes to social distancing and wearing masks.  None of these explanations either separately or all together can explain the huge disparity. Not even that New York is a major tourist destination can explain it, as so is Florida.  Tourism is a major part of Florida's economy and spring break was just starting.
      One explanation, better leadership, was soundly rejected in these articles.  After all, the MSM gushed over every word Governor Cuomo spoke, touting him as future presidential material and were critical of every move that Governor Desantis made. So let's examine leadership first.  Prior to the pandemic hitting New York in force, Cuomo, New York Mayor DeBlasio, and Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot encouraged New Yorkers to get out and enjoy the city including an annual celebration of the Chinese New Year.  President Trump had already issued travel restrictions from China and as expected from the MSM, was called xenophobic and racist. Similar stupidity was displayed by Nanci Pelosi in San Francisco with its Chinese New Year celebration and in New Orleans by its Mayor Latoya Cantrell for Mardi Gras.
      The pandemic quickly ravaged New York City and began to overwhelm some of the city's medical facilities.  Cuomo begged for more ventilators, PPE, and hospital beds and President Trump responded immediately sending the Army Corps of Engineers to constructed hospitals in Central Park and the Javits Center and sent the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship with 1000 hospital beds. In addition, PPE and ventilators in our reserve were sent and American industry, much like in WW2, shifted over to manufacturing ventilators and PPE. In addition, military-medical personnel were sent to NYC to relieve overworked, infected, and worn out medical personnel. So far so good, President Trump and Governor Cuomo were working well together. As it turned out not so many hospital beds were needed and so many ventilators arrived that Cumo generously sent some to other states in need. An over supply is better than not enough in a pandemic.  After a bad start, Cuomo seemed to rally, but we have since found out that instead of utilizing the Comfort or beds in the Javits Center, infected patients were being sent to nursing homes.  That was like pouring gasoline on a fire, as nursing home patients were the most vulnerable and infection and deaths followed.  One report was that 25% of all deaths in New York were nursing home patients.  It was also learned that some years before, Governor Cuomo had auctioned off many of the state's ventilators, but failed to replace them.
      Desantis was roundly criticized by the MSM, claiming he delayed in closing down the state, but somehow he still made all of the right decisions.  Realizing that nursing homes in Florida were a disaster waiting to happen, he mobilized the National Guard to check on Florida nursing homes and do testing to prevent mass infection deaths as in Washington State and New York.  He emphasized strict social distancing and closed down pools, parks, public beaches, and even hotels. Certainly, there were cases and deaths, but the numbers were low considering Florida's large population and a large number of elderly.  Though third in population behind California and Texas, Florida is eighth in the number of cases and tenth in the number of deaths. Desantis has even begun to lift restrictions in less affected parts of the state.
      If you follow my blog, you will know that I think that New York City was targeted by the Chinese in a geopolitical struggle for the best economy in the world.  President Trump backed the Chinese into a corner with tariffs and forced China to sign a trade deal that by leveling the playing field for trade assured America of the top position for years to come.  The EU and America were the main victims of the viral attack, and undoubtedly planeloads of asymptomatic Chinese were sent to New York and Western Europe to weaken economies.  Fortunately, this has seemed to backfire on the Chinese.  America will now bring much manufacturing back home, especially drugs, PPE, and medical equipment to shorten and control the supply chain in case the Chinses try to attack us with another virus. It also made us realize that free universal medical care will not work here.  America has more ICU beds per capita than any other country and those EU countries that have free universal medical care.  Death rates were much higher in Spain, Italy. France, Belgium,  England, and Ireland.  In America, there should have been no rationing of ICU beds.  In fact, we have been so successful overall that hospitals are clamoring to resume elective surgery and medical care as they have been forced to lay off staff as they have nothing for them to do.  Therdfore, poor leadership combined with targeting are the reasons for the vast difference between New York and Florida.

Like Trump, I'm Always Right

      It is always a good thing to base a thought on facts that do not necessarily seem related, but then find a common thread that connects them as i did in my article of March 19, 2020,  The Plot To Assassinate President Trump, in which i said that the Chinese virus was concocted in a Level 4 biowarfare lab in Wuhan and not as something derived from bats at a Wuhan wet market. Most will leave it at that, as a serious international incident would result that could lead to war with China.  That part of my prediction will remain secret at even the highest levels.
      Here are some of the facts.  The director of the WHO is an Ethiopian Communist and supports his brethren in Red China, not only because they are fellow communists, but because they have lent Ethiopia a lot of money in the range of $7 billion.  Taiwan told the WHO about a new virus that was killing medical personnel in Wuhan by mid-December, meaning that human to human contact was passing the virus on.  That means that the virus existed well before, at least by mid-November or even before.  Despite Tedros knowing this, he chose to ignore it, and continue to claim that only transmission from bats was possible.  It wasn't until mid-January that he had to admit that human to human contact spread the virus.  By then it was too late.  Plane loads of Chinese asymptomatic viral shedders left Wuhan for major population centers all over the world and the seeds of the Chinese virus pandemic were sown. Tedros needs to be removed, arrested and brought before the World Court at The Hague for crimes against humanity and executed.  America should not give one cent to WHO until Tedros and his henchmen are gone for good.
      Streets of New York and San Francisco were filled with people attending the annual Chinese Lunar New Year Festivals in various cities as well as Mardi Gras in New Orleans, ideal places to shed the virus.  They even became more ideal when Nancy Pelosi,  New York City Health director Oxiris Barbot, and New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell encouraged people to attend these events despite the word that a viral illness was starting to travel.  Italy was one of the hardest countries hit, as its government is essentially communist run, and in violation of Italian law sold itself out to the Chinese.  This is especially true in Milan and northern Italy with daily flights to and from Wuhan.  A new Prime Minister Matteo Salvini was elected in 2018 in a populous movement that wanted to deport immigrants, and seize back control of the Italian economy from the Chinese.  Mr. Open Borders, George Soros, and the EU feared populist movements and managed to get him removed and replaced with a government more open to immigrants and China.  China dominates the garment industry in Milan, including the designer portion, and owns much of it. Workers from Wuhan are the ones who manufacture the clothes and other designer items.  Milan thus became a portal for virus shedders to enter Europe, just in time for Fashion Week in Milan.  Therefore, it is no coincidence that the financial capital of America and countries of western Europe are the hardest hit.  New York City was the main target.
      Why are the stats out of China so low?  First. do you really think they are real?  If they are real, why so low.  China had to know much more about this virus, well before the rest of the world and may even have both a cure and a vaccine.  They locked down Wuhan well before flights were banned in and out of the country not only to prevent spread to everywhere in China, but to limit access by doctors and scientists from outside China, who would confirm this evil plot. Some Chinese doctors, who were whistle blowers, were arrested and never heard from again and many American news people were expelled.
      The only part of my conspiracy article that has not been proven is the actual assassination attempt.  One bit of evidence that can be uncovered is to test Lu Jing for antibodies to the Chinese virus, while she is still a prisoner here and before she is sent back to China.  If present, it is not absolute proof, but it gives even more strength to what started out as a conspiracy.  We will probably never know to what extent the Chinese tried to assassinate the President and ruin our great economy.  War is really not an option, but other ways we can hurt China is to cancel our debt and bring key manufacturing home. We can certainly hurt China more than they can hurt us.  We also need to make certain that President Trump is reelected as Biden is far too weak and corrupt to do anything about it and the MSM would probably be cheering China on if they were aware of the plot.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid-19 and Politics as Usual.

      Rahm Emmanuel, Obama's first Chief of Staff and former mayor of Chicago, once said "never let a crisis go to waste," and the Democrats in Congress thought to do just that with Covid-19.  With millions of Americans out of work, many businesses suffering, American dying,  and President Trump trying to work out a plan to keep the American people and business afloat, the Democrats saw what could be their last chance to get their draconian policies passed into law.  They have already resigned themselves to a Trump reelection and possibly a red tsunami in 2020 and it wouldn't be until at least 2024 that they would have a chance to capture the presidency and both Houses of Congress.  Why not hold the President's plan hostage unless the Republicans agree to the Democrats agenda.  Then when America fails because of it, they can blame it on the Republicans.
      Nancy Pelosi dug deep and hard to come up with a bill more than 2000 pages long.  I guess you have to pass the bill in order find out what's in it.  Republicans have learned from previous experiences to never trust a double dealer like Pelosi and read the bill for themselves.  (After an early Covid-19 intelligence briefing, Pelosi bought $5 million worth of Amazon Stock.  Lets see if she gets investigated for insider trading.) If this bill would have passed, the Democrats could have cancelled their convention, conceded the election and saved their money for 2022 and 2024.  High on the list were Green New Deal related laws such as airlines telling prospective passengers how much greenhouse gases their flight would burn and making airlines carbon neutral by 2024.  Note that none of this applied to private jets that Pelosi and her rich Hollywood and corporate friend fly.  More funding for NPR, PBS, the arts, and Kennedy Center.  What that has to do with anything virus related,  beats me.  It also including more power for union bosses as if that has anything to do with recovery.  There were even very foolish diversity issues for corporate boards and salaries.  Diversity is one of the issues that unfortunately divides us.  We are all Americans first and foremost and I don't care one bit about someone's race, religion, or sexual orientation as long as they are the best one for the job.  Practice diversity in one's private life and be diversity neutral publicly.  I wish job and college applications had no photograph, name, race, and gender but and only grades and experience were part of the application.
      The Republicans have held fast and have forced the Democrats to agree to a plan that has to do with recovery and pretty much pork free except for the arts and Kennedy Center.  Bolshevik Bernie was one of the last to give in, as he threatened a filibuster unless his agenda was put into the bill. A voice vote was called and the Senate bill was passed and  then House finally agreed two days later.
      Meanwhile new cases and deaths continue to accelerate and NYC and adjacent New Jersey cities are the epicenter of the pandemic's effect in The US, with roughly half the cases and deaths.  With the pandemic threatening to out pace facilities, President Trump has had four massive field hospitals constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the USN Comfort has arrived in NYC harbor with its 1000 beds and full medical staff.  It will house and treat non Covid-19 cases. The communist mayor of NYC, de Blasio thanked everyone for all the help NYC is getting, but failed to thank the person that made it all possible, President Donald Trump. I guess haters gotta hate and politicians gotta politicize.  What he didn't do, was can the incompetent Health Commissioner, Oxiris Barbot who initially criticized Trump's initial Chinese travel ban as xenophobic and racist and encouraged people to attend the Annual Chinese Lunar New Year Festival.  It was probably packed with asymptomatic virus shedding Chinese from Wuhan.  Whose gonna notice a few hundred extra Chinese at a Chinese Festival?  Her ineptness is responsible for many deaths in NYC, though you will never hear any public officials say so.  Instead they like to now say, that President Trump didn't react soon enough and draw up ridiculous time lines that prove nothing.  They also blamed the President for not listening to the WHO.  As it turned out the WHO is under the influence of the Chinese via bribes and in an unbelievable statement Tedros Adhanom the WHO secretary first agreed with the false Chinese claim that the virus could not be spread human to human and then said that the Chinese have been very transparent all along.  Huh!!! His corruption  is responsible for deaths all over the world.
       People are now starting to question China's explanation concerning the virus and its origin.  The American Thinker just published an article on 3/31 by Brian C. Joondeph about all of the "coincidences" associated with the pandemic.  These agree with my articles of 3/19 and 3/22.  Maybe he follows my blog.  As I had suggested, it turns out the major Chinese biowarfare lab is located in Wuhan.  This adds even more credence to my suspicions that this was a planned and well thought out attack to destroy our economy as it was obvious to the Chinese that President Trump was too strong to deal with and they would love for a very weak Sleepy Quid Pro Quo Joe to be President. After all they gave his worthless son Hunter and billion dollar bribe.  The reckless and irresponsible Democrat Party Agenda would allow China to quickly overtake America as the number one economic world power.