Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama's weak foreign policy and its all about sex

      The events of the last few day in and about the Middle East have spurred my interest and research to provide you with the real story.  The Obama campaign had wrongly assumed that it had the best of Mitt Romney when it comes to foreign policy.  After all Joe Biden was the foreign policy expert.  Yeah right, though he served on the foreign relations committee in the Senate for years, his views and analysis were always wrong.  At the risk of being accused of jumping the gun, heh heh, I'm going to tell you the shocking story and then how radical Islam is based on sex.
      When I first heard that the mob in Cairo had stormed the embassy, tore down the American flag, and replaced it with a black Al Qaida flag, I suspected that the marines, whose job it is to protect the embassy, had been instructed not to fire their weapons.  I was almost correct.  The Obama State Department run by Hillary Clinton, aware of trouble brewing, had the marines turn in their ammunition so that they were carrying useless unloaded guns.   After all, they didn't want to kill any crazed demonstrators. I guess that's part of Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder's war on the second amendment.  Imagine the outrage if a few marines had been killed or injured protecting the embassy without bullets.  Obama got lucky on that one.  I know if I was a Marine and saw a mob of crazed muslims breech the wall of the embassy and come after me or those I'm supposed to protect, I would have killed as many as I could.  A dozen marines with live ammo would have made mincemeat of the mob.  The Egyptian government that was supposed to protect the outside of the embassy, not only initially failed to do so, fully aware of what was going to happen, only belatedly stepped in after the damage had been down.  (For those of you who think that Obama supports Israel, will be happy to know that he has invited Egyptian President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House, but doesn't have time from his busy campaign to meet with Israeli President Netanyahu.)
      It has been learned that these protests have been planned for months by well organized radical islamists representing Al Qaida or the even more radical Salafi Islamists.  That some ridiculous movie started all this is unbelievable.  If anything started it, it was the killing of the criminal Osama Bin Laden.
Remember the Democrats at their recent convention bragged about killing Bin Laden twenty-three times.  All of these protests were coordinated to begin on or about 9/11.  Radial islamists were behind the whole thing.
      In Libya things were a little different. The so call protest took place in Bengazi, not in Tripoli the capitol.  Ambassador Chris Stevens was targeted.  In Tripoli he would have at least had a cadre of marines protecting him, but away from the embassy only two ex navy seal bodyguards.  The Libyan authorities moved Stevens and the three others to a "safe" area within the consulate and then pointed out to the killers where they were. They didn't stand a chance.  The story that Hillary told about the Libyans taking him to the hospital was not really accurate.  First they sodomized Stevens, then murdered him, and dragged his naked body through the streets of Bengazi as a trophy before dumping him at a hospital.
      I stand amazed at how naive the Obama administration was by not securing our embassies on 9/11.
To think that his speech in Cairo in 2009 would tame the beast demonstrated either poor judgment or over confidence, but I guess this is par for the course if you have a narcissistic messianic complex Obama, you are really not the Messiah. People in the Middle East are still very primitive when it comes to diplomacy. Strength and resolve influence them, not some mealy mouthed arrogant incompetent who apologizes for his country.  Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans have paid the price for your arrogance.  An administration who has banned using the terms "islamic terrorists", "radical islam", and "war on terror", should reevaluate its thinking.  The murder of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by a fanatic screaming "Allah Akbar", was not a workplace incident.
      Romney was entirely correct in criticizing this administration that shares the responsiblity for the death of four Americans.  The media was more interested in criticizing Romney than the protestors and murderers.  In fact, on one of the network nightly news programs,  9 minutes was spent criticing Romney and 23 seconds on the protestors.  Go figure.  I hope you heard about the reporters collaborating on tripping up  Romney before his news conference.  The media is as incompetent as Obama.
      Now we get down to the part about sex, the teaser that drew you into reading this.  In the Muslim world there are only two ways a Muslim man is permitted to have sex, either with his wife or with a prostitute.  Brothels abound in muslim countries.  Non Muslim women are all considered prostitutes and fair game. There is a third way, but it is not well publicized as it is considered a very serious sin, though it goes on all he time. That is having sex with boys. A poor unemployed young Muslim man in his twenties doesn't have enough money to marry. Not only can he not marry, he may have little money for prostitutes.  He is forced to live at home with his parents who continue to control his life.  Men in this situation with plenty of time on their hands are easy pickins for the revolutionary leader selling martyrdom and virgins in the afterlife.  In the Muslim world there are millions of young men in this situation, totally frustrated by their status in life.  These are the soldiers of radical islam.  To them, the afterlife seems much more promising than real life .  Why is there so much poverty, even in countries with oil wealth? The answer is simple, corruption and total ignorance in running a country successfully.  The people running the government are totally corrupt at all levels and steal whatever money is donated to help the people.  Wanting to shield themselves from corruption and incompetence, they blame Israel and America for the plight of their people.  Since hatred for Israel and American is taught in their schools, this is easy.  If Israel didn't exist, they would blame someone else.  This is how incompetent leaders rule.  By the way, our own incompetent ruler blames Bush and the Republicans.  He really believes that he cannot make any mistakes.  Yet his entire presidency has been one mistake after another.  The facts of these horrible islamic incidents beginning on 9/11 are just starting to come out, despite the incompetence and bias of the media.  When it does, Americans will think twice about reelecting Obama.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

As I predicted

      The only way that Obama could get reelected is by bribing people with free stuff. He knows that for many the promise of more free stuff will get their vote.  Remember the young black girl gushing with enthusiasm for obama when she left the Bank Atlantic Center in 2008, since he convinced her that he would pay for her gasoline, housing, and food if only she would vote for him.  Probably growing up in a family, who got lots of free stuff, got her used to the idea.  Certainly getting stuff free is better than working for it.  Just vote for Obama.  I'm now going to make a statement that at first you might find hard to believe, but Obama is happy that the unemployment rate in this country is 8.4% and really more than 16% and he wishes it were higher.  The more people to whom he gives free stuff, the better it is for him.  If you listen to his class warfare stump speech, he sounds like the anarchists and communists in the so called "occupy movement",  except he speaks a little smoother, wears a suit, has showered, and doesn't defecate on police cars.  No, he defecates on hard working Americans.  It is the only reason why everything that he has done in the last four years is just the opposite of what any rational person would do who wanted to create jobs.  Obama wants to create dependency and warns his minions that Romney wants to take their free stuff away and make them actually work for  what he had made free.  Think about it, extending unemployment benefits 99 weeks, ending workfare, suspending drilling in the Gulf, delaying the Keystone Pipeline, Obamacare, and attack on real energy producer oil gas and coal, and heaping mountains of regulations on small businesses.  The only jobs he created were government jobs with cushy benefits. He wasted tax payer billions on worthless solar and wind companies many of who went bankrupt and those that didn't created jobs at a million or more a pop.
      Still, wouldn't it have been easier to create jobs and get reelected.  Seems like a no brainer, but that isn't why Obama wants a second term.  He wants this country to hurt, he wants to "put y'all in chains" as Joe Biden so aptly put it, the chains of dependency.  He has already figured out that he can ignore the Constitution as Congress is too wimpy to stop him.  What Congress won't pass, he'll get done by dictatorial edict.  His "dream from my father" is to turn us into the Kenya his deadbeat marxist father desired but failed. Kenya's leaders realized capitalism works much better than communism and bounced him out of his well paying government job.  Knowing Obama's perverted reasoning as I do, I'm certain he blames capitalism for his father's acoholism that led to his untimely death in a single car drunk driving accident.
      As I predicted, the Obama campaign continues its plan of diversion and lies.  Every Democrat has rehearsed the worn out talking points and repeats them until I can almost recite them myself.  Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Obama himself continue their lies.  I can't believe that most Americans believe them.  Actually they have become a joke.  Even the pro Obama press corps laughed at some of the bs he was spewing. Biden's gaffs have become a diversion and I think they have been done on purpose to divert attention away from the real issues of the jobs and the economy.  No one could be that clueless.  Wait, maybe Joe Biden is that clueless.                                                                      
      Now for some good news.  Courts are beginning to uphold voter id laws.  This will help negate ACORN's assault on our election system.  Still one needs to be wary of voter fraud and report it to the local authorities who are more likely to take action than our totally corrupt US Attorney General.

      Thank you for reading my blogs and please pass them on.  This is the most important election in our lifetime and we have got to get the word out if we and our children and grandchildren stand a chance.

The Dems Convention, Chicago school Strike, and more

      Sorry for not writing more lately, but I will try to catch up. First I'd like to comment on the conventions.  The Republican convention was filled with distinguished speakers such as many governors, Condy Rice,  VP candidate Paul Ryan,  and actor  and former mayor Clint Eastwood.  Ann Romney gave a rather stirring and personal view of her husband and gave much insight into how he governs his life.  He genuinely believes in charity and helping others very privately, not because it might look good , but because it is the right thing to do.  He has worked hard to achieve his success, a success by the way that the government did not help him build.  Republicans are proud of success and it is not something to be hated as Obama and the Democrats believe...unless its their own. Despite some changes due to Hurricane Isaac, the convention was a success.  If there was anything I would criticize, it was the very light way they handled Obama.  Obama is disgusting.  He is not a nice person. I know he doesn't beat his wife or abuse his daughters, but Hitler was kind to his German shepherd Wolf and his girl friend and wife at the end Eva Braun.  Hitler was definitely not a nice guy.  Anyone who tells me lie after lie, treats me in a very condescending way, and wants to destroy America is not a nice guy.
      The Democrat convention was hard to watch.  There were no distinguished speakers and quite frankly I though it was a Liars Club convention, rather than that of a major political party.  There was one gaff after another.  The failure to put God into the platform and failure to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel were not done by mistake, but intentionally. This shows how radical the Democrat Party has become.  It has been kidnapped by socialists,  communists, America haters, anarchists, and the dregs of society, the so called progressives.  It took three votes to get God back into the platform and as we all heard, it was put back in despite the louder nay vote. Speakers included a list of light weights and idiots like Sandra Fluck who wants us to finance her life style.  She can get laid as much as she wants, good for her, but she can pay for her own condoms or birth control pills. Nancy Pelosis, the evil witch, also spoke, as did the absentee mayor of Los Angeles. Hillary wisely stayed away as she is a terrible liar.  Moochelle's speech was one lie after another.  She failed to mention that the privileged education she and Barak were given was through affirmative action  despite undistinguished academic careers or that she held a $200K do nothing job and lived in a million dollar home that close friend and convicted felon Tony Rezko helped them obtain.  I guess that where Obama gets the "you didn't build that", as his whole life has been pretty much a gimme.  Bill Clinton, a serial rapists, traitor, and accomplished liar, was the most important speaker and true to form told one lie after another.  The current chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was called out in one lie after another by the media. Sadly, she is the rep in my district.  The weather prevented Obama from giving his speech in the 76K stadium in Charolette.  Yeah right, if you believe that you are still drinking the Koolade. He couldn't fill the stadium because he pissed off the unions by having the convention in a right to work state and his failure to approve the pipeline and other traditional energy projects that would have provided hundreds of thousands of union jobs.  The union bosses will still support him.  Most of the people that you see in the background at an Obama rally are provided by local unions.
      The Chicago teachers' union strike has captured the front page of the current news cycle.  It doesn't matter that only 50% of students in the third largest school district get a diploma, or that most fourth graders can't do math.  Teachers not only want more pay, but the issue they are stuck on ist he elimination of any teacher evaluations or merit pay.  The union believes, much like Obama, that the good and the bad deserve equal pay. As I have always said, the major function of the teachers' union is to keep bad teachers employed.  It is interesting that charter school students graduation rate in Chicago is over 90%, despite less pay and fewer benefits for the teachers.  Like Wisconsin, socialists have taken control of the strike.
      Finally Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel will be visiting the US soon and Obama is too busy campaigning to meet with him.  I bet if King Abdullah from Saudi Arabia were visiting, he would not only greet  him, but bow to him as he has done before..  The movie documentary 2016 is doing very well.  I've read the book by Dinesh D'souza, The Roots of Obama's Rage.  Either will tell you the story the media does not want you to know.  Despite its success, it has been totally ignored.  It has made more than all three of the Michael Moore's pseudo documentaries  combined.  Finally I saw a report today that found that GM looses over $40K on every Volt, as it costs them more than 80k to manufacture it.  By the way, one of the biggest lies told by Obama and his surrogates is that he saved the auto industry with his bailout.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  He bailed out the auto workers' union, the UAW, transferring wealth from stock and bond holders to the UAW.  The main root of the auto makers' problem was their union contracts as they are far less competitive than their rivals, because of increased labor costs. Through bankruptcy, all of the contracts would have been voided and renegotiated at much more favorable terms to the auto companies.  The root of the problem has not been corrected and GM's and Chrysler's demise has only be delayed. He also closed dealerships of Republican supporters to encourage contributions from Democrat owners of competing dealerships.  This is part of the Joseph Goebbels big lie theory that the Democrats use.
      Please pass this on and comments are always welcome.