The only way that Obama could get reelected is by bribing people with free stuff. He knows that for many the promise of more free stuff will get their vote. Remember the young black girl gushing with enthusiasm for obama when she left the Bank Atlantic Center in 2008, since he convinced her that he would pay for her gasoline, housing, and food if only she would vote for him. Probably growing up in a family, who got lots of free stuff, got her used to the idea. Certainly getting stuff free is better than working for it. Just vote for Obama. I'm now going to make a statement that at first you might find hard to believe, but Obama is happy that the unemployment rate in this country is 8.4% and really more than 16% and he wishes it were higher. The more people to whom he gives free stuff, the better it is for him. If you listen to his class warfare stump speech, he sounds like the anarchists and communists in the so called "occupy movement", except he speaks a little smoother, wears a suit, has showered, and doesn't defecate on police cars. No, he defecates on hard working Americans. It is the only reason why everything that he has done in the last four years is just the opposite of what any rational person would do who wanted to create jobs. Obama wants to create dependency and warns his minions that Romney wants to take their free stuff away and make them actually work for what he had made free. Think about it, extending unemployment benefits 99 weeks, ending workfare, suspending drilling in the Gulf, delaying the Keystone Pipeline, Obamacare, and attack on real energy producer oil gas and coal, and heaping mountains of regulations on small businesses. The only jobs he created were government jobs with cushy benefits. He wasted tax payer billions on worthless solar and wind companies many of who went bankrupt and those that didn't created jobs at a million or more a pop.
Still, wouldn't it have been easier to create jobs and get reelected. Seems like a no brainer, but that isn't why Obama wants a second term. He wants this country to hurt, he wants to "put y'all in chains" as Joe Biden so aptly put it, the chains of dependency. He has already figured out that he can ignore the Constitution as Congress is too wimpy to stop him. What Congress won't pass, he'll get done by dictatorial edict. His "dream from my father" is to turn us into the Kenya his deadbeat marxist father desired but failed. Kenya's leaders realized capitalism works much better than communism and bounced him out of his well paying government job. Knowing Obama's perverted reasoning as I do, I'm certain he blames capitalism for his father's acoholism that led to his untimely death in a single car drunk driving accident.
As I predicted, the Obama campaign continues its plan of diversion and lies. Every Democrat has rehearsed the worn out talking points and repeats them until I can almost recite them myself. Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Obama himself continue their lies. I can't believe that most Americans believe them. Actually they have become a joke. Even the pro Obama press corps laughed at some of the bs he was spewing. Biden's gaffs have become a diversion and I think they have been done on purpose to divert attention away from the real issues of the jobs and the economy. No one could be that clueless. Wait, maybe Joe Biden is that clueless.
Now for some good news. Courts are beginning to uphold voter id laws. This will help negate ACORN's assault on our election system. Still one needs to be wary of voter fraud and report it to the local authorities who are more likely to take action than our totally corrupt US Attorney General.
Thank you for reading my blogs and please pass them on. This is the most important election in our lifetime and we have got to get the word out if we and our children and grandchildren stand a chance.
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