The events of the last few day in and about the Middle East have spurred my interest and research to provide you with the real story. The Obama campaign had wrongly assumed that it had the best of Mitt Romney when it comes to foreign policy. After all Joe Biden was the foreign policy expert. Yeah right, though he served on the foreign relations committee in the Senate for years, his views and analysis were always wrong. At the risk of being accused of jumping the gun, heh heh, I'm going to tell you the shocking story and then how radical Islam is based on sex.
When I first heard that the mob in Cairo had stormed the embassy, tore down the American flag, and replaced it with a black Al Qaida flag, I suspected that the marines, whose job it is to protect the embassy, had been instructed not to fire their weapons. I was almost correct. The Obama State Department run by Hillary Clinton, aware of trouble brewing, had the marines turn in their ammunition so that they were carrying useless unloaded guns. After all, they didn't want to kill any crazed demonstrators. I guess that's part of Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder's war on the second amendment. Imagine the outrage if a few marines had been killed or injured protecting the embassy without bullets. Obama got lucky on that one. I know if I was a Marine and saw a mob of crazed muslims breech the wall of the embassy and come after me or those I'm supposed to protect, I would have killed as many as I could. A dozen marines with live ammo would have made mincemeat of the mob. The Egyptian government that was supposed to protect the outside of the embassy, not only initially failed to do so, fully aware of what was going to happen, only belatedly stepped in after the damage had been down. (For those of you who think that Obama supports Israel, will be happy to know that he has invited Egyptian President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House, but doesn't have time from his busy campaign to meet with Israeli President Netanyahu.)
It has been learned that these protests have been planned for months by well organized radical islamists representing Al Qaida or the even more radical Salafi Islamists. That some ridiculous movie started all this is unbelievable. If anything started it, it was the killing of the criminal Osama Bin Laden.
Remember the Democrats at their recent convention bragged about killing Bin Laden twenty-three times. All of these protests were coordinated to begin on or about 9/11. Radial islamists were behind the whole thing.
In Libya things were a little different. The so call protest took place in Bengazi, not in Tripoli the capitol. Ambassador Chris Stevens was targeted. In Tripoli he would have at least had a cadre of marines protecting him, but away from the embassy only two ex navy seal bodyguards. The Libyan authorities moved Stevens and the three others to a "safe" area within the consulate and then pointed out to the killers where they were. They didn't stand a chance. The story that Hillary told about the Libyans taking him to the hospital was not really accurate. First they sodomized Stevens, then murdered him, and dragged his naked body through the streets of Bengazi as a trophy before dumping him at a hospital.
I stand amazed at how naive the Obama administration was by not securing our embassies on 9/11.
To think that his speech in Cairo in 2009 would tame the beast demonstrated either poor judgment or over confidence, but I guess this is par for the course if you have a narcissistic messianic complex Obama, you are really not the Messiah. People in the Middle East are still very primitive when it comes to diplomacy. Strength and resolve influence them, not some mealy mouthed arrogant incompetent who apologizes for his country. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans have paid the price for your arrogance. An administration who has banned using the terms "islamic terrorists", "radical islam", and "war on terror", should reevaluate its thinking. The murder of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by a fanatic screaming "Allah Akbar", was not a workplace incident.
Romney was entirely correct in criticizing this administration that shares the responsiblity for the death of four Americans. The media was more interested in criticizing Romney than the protestors and murderers. In fact, on one of the network nightly news programs, 9 minutes was spent criticing Romney and 23 seconds on the protestors. Go figure. I hope you heard about the reporters collaborating on tripping up Romney before his news conference. The media is as incompetent as Obama.
Now we get down to the part about sex, the teaser that drew you into reading this. In the Muslim world there are only two ways a Muslim man is permitted to have sex, either with his wife or with a prostitute. Brothels abound in muslim countries. Non Muslim women are all considered prostitutes and fair game. There is a third way, but it is not well publicized as it is considered a very serious sin, though it goes on all he time. That is having sex with boys. A poor unemployed young Muslim man in his twenties doesn't have enough money to marry. Not only can he not marry, he may have little money for prostitutes. He is forced to live at home with his parents who continue to control his life. Men in this situation with plenty of time on their hands are easy pickins for the revolutionary leader selling martyrdom and virgins in the afterlife. In the Muslim world there are millions of young men in this situation, totally frustrated by their status in life. These are the soldiers of radical islam. To them, the afterlife seems much more promising than real life . Why is there so much poverty, even in countries with oil wealth? The answer is simple, corruption and total ignorance in running a country successfully. The people running the government are totally corrupt at all levels and steal whatever money is donated to help the people. Wanting to shield themselves from corruption and incompetence, they blame Israel and America for the plight of their people. Since hatred for Israel and American is taught in their schools, this is easy. If Israel didn't exist, they would blame someone else. This is how incompetent leaders rule. By the way, our own incompetent ruler blames Bush and the Republicans. He really believes that he cannot make any mistakes. Yet his entire presidency has been one mistake after another. The facts of these horrible islamic incidents beginning on 9/11 are just starting to come out, despite the incompetence and bias of the media. When it does, Americans will think twice about reelecting Obama.
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