Hard to believe that a blog I composed on 9/12/12 and 9/13/12 and published the next day was entirely accurate about the horrific events of 9/11/12 at our embassy in Cairo and consulate in Benghazi and contrary to those being force fed to us by the Obama administration. The Obama administration continues to believe that radical Islamic jihad doesn't exist or has been eliminated by his regime. Although I commend him for killing Bin Ladin and targeting Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan with drones, the movement is still active and unfortunately growing. When a locale gets too hot for them, Al Qaeda merely relocates to a safer and more accommodating country such a Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Northern Mali or the Arabian Peninsula. The regime would like us to believe that its foreign policy, with outreach and apologies to the Muslim world, has been effective, but far from it. Muslim populations are primitive in their understanding of diplomacy. Words have little meaning and treaties are only in effect until they are conveniently broken. The only thing that has any meaning in the Middle East is strength and resolve, just the opposite of what Obama has shown, even demonstrating his subservience by bowing to Saudi King Abdullah. There is no respect or fear of Obama in the Middle East. The lack of United States support may even embolden Israel's enemies to attack. Although they hate Israel, they still respect Israel, realizing that the IDF is one of the best trained and equipped fighting forces in the world and willing to fight with real bullets.
For those of you who didn't read my 9/14 blog the real story has been very slow to unfold in the
mainstream media as the regime has done its best to lie to the public about these tragic events. Rather than show any concern or leadership, for Obama it was business as usual, traveling to Las Vegas for a fund raiser. Remember how Bush was criticized for merely flying over New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. One would expect the commander-in-chief to be at his post in the war room at the White House directing the protection of or embassies, consulates, and their personnel throughout the world. His behavior and lack of concern were predictable, especially after he considered the sodomization and murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens a "bump in he road" I'm certain that their families appreciate Obama's kind words. If demonstrators knew that the marines were instructed to shoot to kill anyone who violated our sovereign grounds, they may have been discouraged before these well planned actions began. Ambassador Hillary Clinton initially praised the murderers for dropping their victims at a hospital in Benghazi. Of course this was only after they dragged the violated dead bodies through the streets, stopping for anyone who wanted to take a photograph with their cell phones. Hillary had dug a deep enough hole for herself and probably didn't want to dig it any deeper so UN Ambassador Susan Rice, obviously instructed what to say by Obama, lied four days later on the Sunday morning talk shows that these were spontaneous peaceful demonstrations that got out of hand and that a little known and viewed video by a Coptic Christian was the cause. Yes, Ambassador Rice, spontaneous demonstrators usually bring mortars and rpgs to spontaneous peaceful demonstrations along with black Al Qaeda flags. Worst of all President Obama apologized again at the UN about the video, but how can Muslims expect anyone to respect their religion, when they respect no one else's. Mixed messages are still being given out by the regime who sadly wanted to tell the electorate that war on terror is over (as if they ever recognized that it existed at all).
With Obama's Middle East foreign policy in shambles the media and Obama's liar in chief, David Axelrod continue to blame Romney for acting presidential accusing him of "shooting first and asking questions later". The media can no longer claim neutrality and only reluctantly has started to ask important questions of the regime, especially after it has come to light that they were warned about these impending attacks and the lack of security, particularly at our consulate in Benghazi. Amazing as it may sound, requests for beefed up security in Benghazi were turned down.
Congress has now taken up this issue and wants some answers. Ambassador Rice may fall on her sword and resign. Hillary has been asked to testify. This is really turning into "Benghazigate". Look for the regime to ignore or delay any testimony until after the election. Forget about request for documents, they're not to be answered. Look for Hillary to be sent on some prolong foreign adventure in a remote corner of the world in the name of foreign policy. Meanwhile the mainstream media will continue to support Obama.
Obama's immigration policy or lack of it is in the news again, with a border agent being murdered and another wounded in a shoot out with drug or human smugglers not far from where another agent was killed with a gun from the "fast and furious" sting blunder. For Obama they are only "bumps in the road", a road that has suddenly turned a lot bumpier.
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