Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bump in the road turns into a very deep pot hole

      The murder of four Americans including our ambassador in Libya may wind up ultimately costing Obama the election.  Member of the regime continue to make remarks that are inconsistent with one another.  The only thing that is consistent is the main stream media's attempt to hide the truth, by simply not reporting it. The day after it happened, the New York Times claimed that six other stories were more important than the sacking of our consulate in Benghazi and the murder of our ambassador.  As usual, Obama unwilling to accept responsibility or at least give the true story on what happened, continues to blame some ridiculous YouTube movie trailer that no one even knew existed as the cause. The media hoped that it had been made by a Tea Party member only to be disappointed when it learned it was a Coptic Christian. By the way, Coptic Christians have been routinely beaten and murdered in post Arab Spring Egypt.
      What is so amazing to me is why is the Obama regime trying to cover up what actually happened. Could it be that Obama is ideologically driven that he cannot recognize that radical Muslim terrorism still exists.  After Bin Ladin is dead and Al Qaeda has been decimated...in Pakistan, but it is still strong enough to foster blue on green attacks and other acts of terror in Afghanistan.  Unfortunately Al Qaeda just picks up and moves when a locale becomes too hot. Al Qaeda is now on the Arabia Penninsula, in the Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Mali, and now in Syria fighting against Assad.  So much for Obama's apology to the Muslim world and bowing to King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia.
      Obama has told us that the war on terror is over, but just because he says its over doesn't means it s over.  If you believe its over, then you'll believe that Maj. Nadal Hassan shooting two semiautomatic handguns and screaming "allah akbar" is a work place incident or that the underwear bomber Farouk Abdulmutallab or Times Square bomber Faisal Sharraz acted alone.  Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and just about every Democrat surrogate has lied to the American people. Despite knowing almost immediately that this was a terror attack scheduled for September 11,  he continued this blatant lie that it was caused by the stupid video when he spoke to the UN a week later.  Hillary Clinton also supported this an tried to explain that Ambassador Stevens was helped by some kind Libyans who took him to the hospital.  The kind Libyans were his murders who beat, sodomized, stripped, and murdered him.  After dragging his dead bloody naked body through the streets of Benghazi, stopping along the way for people to take cell phone photographs,  they deposited it at a local hospital.
      Then the lies increased.  It came out that Ambassador Stevens had requested at least a dozen marines as additional security on multiple occasions for the consulate in Benghazi.  The consulate had been attacked twice and its walls breached.  The British consulate and Red Cross Mission were closed due to security concerns and yet Steven was turned down by the regime.  As usual Obama tried to blame someone else.  This time it was the Republican dominated House of Representatives for cutting State Department and Security funding which of course wasn't true.  In fact security funds had been increased and the State Department is sitting on $2 billion in unspent funds.  The State Department has enough money to waste on two Chevy Volts and a charging station costing $100,000 for the Vienna embassy. (Figuring the Volts cost $35K each, at 12K miles per year and then figure gasoline in Europe at $10 per gallon and a Chevy Cobalt costing 20K and averaging 30 miles per gallon.  Even if the electricity to charge the batteries in the Volts cost absolutely nothing, assuming the Cobalt and Volt have roughly the same life span and maintenance costs it would take more than 15 years to cover the additional costs of the Volts. Not a very good investment of tax payer money.)  Instead local Libyans were hired for security who led the Americans to a "safe house" when the attack began and then showed the attackers where the Americans were hiding so they could murder them.
      Now Hillary Clinton has taken the blame for the lack of a security alert saying she never advised the President.  This is also a blatant lie. A State Department said that through technology they watched the attack pn the consulate for 6 hours. Don't you think they told someone who told the President what was going on. Any security concern goes through the NSA and there is a briefing every morning.  Obama rarely attends these briefings as campaigning is far more important, just as attending a fund raiser in Las Vegas on 9/11 the day multiple embassies were attack in the Middle East and our Ambassador murdered.  Instead of taking the lead our President refused to meet with any world leaders when he was in New York for the UN General Assembly a week later where he continues his ridiculous lie about the stupid video and apologizing to the Moslems again.  He did have time to appear on Letterman and The View, but not enough time to meet with Israeli Ambassador Netanyahu who sought a meeting.
      The regime meanwhile remains tight lipped about what really happened in Benghazi, claiming it will tell the American people after an investigation that will conveniently take till after the election. These questions need to be answered now.  What did President Obama know and when did he know it?  Why, after a week. was Susan Rice sent out to lie to the American people?  Why was Hillary Clinton lying well after the facts were known?  Why did President Obama apologize for a video that was not the cause of the planned attack on the consulate in Benghazi on 9/11 more than a week later at the UN.  And finally, why were the Ambassador's security requests turned down?

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