Sunday, May 28, 2017

An Education on Obama's Department of Education

       A new scandal is brewing, as details of another one of Obama's plans to destroy the American economy's just surfaced.  As all of you, who follow my blog, are aware,  Obama, a student of Richard Cloward at Columbia, has tried to use the Cloward-Piven Theory on steroids to bring down America and its economy. This new scandal has been simmering for a long time, but has finally found its way into the media eventhough the MSM has got it all wrong as usual.  In 2010 Obama had the Department of Education take over the entire student loan and Pell grant programs, much of which had been administered through private banks.  Prior to Obama's takeover, the government had loans and grants outstanding of $100 billion.  Since the takeover, the amount has passed $1 trillion.  A division of the DOE administers the entire process, including the loans and Pell grants, which were now funded by taxpayers. In 2011 James Runcie was appointed COO of the program within the DOE and reappointed by Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, for another 5 year term in 2015.
      The House Oversight Committee has requested that Runcie testify next week about the huge increase in fraudulent loans and Pell grants and mismanagement as has been pointed out by the DOE inspector general.  The purpose of the program was not only to break the economy, but had a political end as did most Obama programs.  By directly giving loans and grants to poor students and political supporters, he would assure voter loyalty.  (As you might image, this was the main reason behind free college in the last election, voter loyalty.)  For example, in 2014 it was found that over a billion dollars in grants were fraudulent and represented about 4% of those awarded.  Instead of investigating and improving this, the Obama administration merely changed the audit technique retroactively to keep the scheme going.  Runcie has been given a total of $420,000 in bonuses to keep his mouth shut and go along with this disastrous plan.  Rather than make changes to correct problems to improve the plan, Runcie has altered the rules to cover up the problems.
      Rather than than testify before Congress, Mr. Runcie has resigned, but sited differences with new Secretary of Education Betsy DuVos that he shared with the Washington Post, an arm of the Democrat Party and protector of Obama.  The mainstream media somehow has decided that the past 7 years of mismanagement is all the fault of DuVos (fake news). Elizabeth Warren, no stranger to huge lies, is blaming her too and wants an investigation into DuVos of all things.  Now Congress will have to subpoena Runcie who will probably pull a Lois Lerner and plead the Fifth.
      Without a smoking gun, I doubt if the link to Valerie Jarrett and Obama will be disclosed.  Runcie has testified before Congress before, and if there is now evidence to suggest that he lied to Congress, he could serve some jail time unless he would be more forthcoming and implicate a higher up like his previous immediate boss Arne Duncan.
      As usual, this is a story that you won't find somewhere else unless the mainstream media wants to continue to blame Betsy DuVos and notable liar and big mouth Elizabeth Warren actually gets her wish, sort of, but the investigation will be of Obama's DOE, not PresidentTrump's.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hypocrisy and the Firing of Comey

      The mainstream media feigned shock when FBI director James Comes was fired this week.  Many of us who follow politics closely thought he should have been last July when he recommended not charging HRC with espionage and other crimes related to security even though she set up an unsecured private server to bypass transparency within the State Department and then erasing over 30,000 emails she claimed were personal.  Unfortunately we all know that those were the most damaging.  This was certainly reminiscent of the 18 minute gap in the Nixon tapes 45 years ago.  We all know that the Clintons are very good at making things disappear like the White Water billing records, the White House Travel Office ledger and most importantly the log of who checked out the FBI files on 1000 prominent Republicans.  At his July press conference, Comet laid out the case against Hillary Clinton carefully and methodically listing one crime after another and the various laws she had broken and lies she had told to the FBI and the public.  Then, amazingly, he said he didn't recommend indictment, as if that is his job.  Violation of national security doesn't include intent, especially when the intent was obviously purposeful. Justt ask the sailor who took a few pictures on board one of our submarines so he could show his children where he served and he got prison time.   The job of the Justice Department attorneys and Attorney General is to bring an indictment or at least call a grand jury.  AG Loretta Lynch, after being found to have met secretly with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona a few days before did not recuse herself, but wrongly seemed to delegated her duty to the FBI director rather than one of her attorneys.  Comey should have set her straight, but by then we knew the fix was in. Where was the call for an independent prosecutor then, as if Obama would ever appoint one.  His regime was so political that every scandal would have led back to Valerie Jarrett and him, if a special council had been appointed.
      Like the hypocrites that they are Chuckie Schumer and the Democrats are likening this to Nixon's firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox and also calling for a special prosecutor.  Only a few months ago they were calling for replacing Comey and claimed he cost HRC the presidential election.  A large amount of evidence had been uncovered by Cox at the time and even his firing, as Nixon found out, wasn't going to make it go away.  In fact not a smidgen of evidence has surfaced that the Trump campaign and presidency has ever colluded with the Russians. Bill Clinton fired the Attorney General the day before Vince Foster committed suicide. (Was Foster afraid he would have to compromise himself to protect the Clintons.)  The Democrats only goals is to delegitimize the President and try and drag this out to the 2018 midterms to continue to push this stupid issue.  Any investigation is still on going, any evidence if there is any isn't going away so the Democrat concern is all for show with no substance.  Where was their outrage when Obama fired 90 attorneys that were appointed by Bush?
      Why did this happen now? The Democrats have only themselves to blame for taking so long to confirm Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein when he was nominated to replace the  acting Attorney General Sally Yates as deputy Attorney General.  Attorney General Sessions has recused himself from the Russian investigation.   Rosenstein is the only Bush appointee to the Justice Department that was not fired by Obama and he served all eight years of Obama's regime. He was approved by 94 senators.  After reviewing Comey's job as director, he recommended firing him, because of problems with the Clinton investigation. Present Trump accepted the Justice Department recommendation.
      The collusion issue should end quickly and not drag on forever.  There is no evidence backing this and the FBI and Justice should say so. Whether the Russians tried to influence the election is another matter, and if they are behind Wikileaks so be it.  Wikileaks is merely a messenger.  If there was no message in Democrat campaign officials' emails there would be no Wikileaks involvement.  General Michael Flynn's name was not leaked by Wikileaks to the Washington Post after it was unveiled by Susan Rice. The FBI must carry out an investigation as to who was the leaker and have that person arrested and tried even if the investigation leads to Obama and/or Valerie Jarrett.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Clapper and Yates Say Nothing and Obama Appointed Justice Continue to Ignore the Constitution

      Today I listened to hours of two hearings going on at the same time. The first was the senate congressional hearing on Russian interference with our 2016 presidential election. So far there hasn't been any information linking President Trump or his team  affecting the election results.  The Russians may have tried, but most of what we have learned involving the winning team took place after the election and it may have been nothing at all.  As it turned out General Michael Flynn, an early supporter and security advisor to President Trump during the campaign and appointed head of NSA afterword until he was fired as it turned out he was unmasked as having several conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak.  We have not been privy to what was said, but many people in Washington, DC have had contact with Ambassador Kislyak including
senators and congressman all the time.  It also turns out that he had contact after leaving the military as a private consultant receiving money from both Russian and Turkish governments.  According to Flynn's attorney he advised the Pentagon  and this was approved, but the documents don't exist or have been disappeared, not uncommon during the Obama regime.  I believe the later as part of a plot to discredit President Trump as this would have assuredly come up when Flynn was renewing his highest level security clearance.  The Obama regime granted it, even though they knew about his Russian and Turkish contacts.  They were setting President Trump up no doubt.
      The real story is this.  If the Russians or someone under their guidance hacked HRC and the DNC, the story would have ended there, if everything they found was legal and ethical.  The FBI even warned the DNC about hacking and they refused FBI help, probably worried about what the FBI would find on their servers.  Most of the documents released by Wikileaks occurred after the FBI offer.  The DNC is blaming the messenger rather than their illegal and unethical message as effecting the election.  If these hacks did effect the election results, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton should blame DWS, Donna Brazile, John Podesta, and herself. HRC has a long history of sub rosa activity and this is no different.  If anyone would be prone to blackmail, it would be Hillary Clinton herself.  While she was Secretary of State she approved the sale of 20% of US Uranium to the Russians.  At the same time, the Russian oligarchs, who purchased the company, made a $145 million donation to a shell Canadian charity that laundered the money and then passed it on to the Clinton Foundation.  If there is something that could be used for blackmail, this would certainly be it.  No one seemed to mention it. All the Democrats wanted to talk about was Flynn being blackmailed, nothing about Clinton.  They said Flynn lied to the FBI and  should be indicted, but what about HRC, she lied to the FBI and committed at least a dozen other crimes related to national security.  How about an independent investigator for her.  You know why.  Obama would never allow it as it might just get back to him.  The "fast and furious," Benghazi, Bo Bergdahl, secret cash to Iran, and other Obama lies deserve an independent council, but wouldn't happen.
      What did we learn?  No evidence was presented by General Clapper or Obama hack, former deputy AG Sally Yates, that Russia colluded with President Trump's campaign.  Yates and Clapper gave an answer fell back on national security and so they couldn't say.  Yates tried at times to give an answer that contained innuendo, but when questioned fell back on national security. One of the most interesting moments came when Senator Ted Cruz questioned her about the executive order banning some immigrants and refugees from six Mideast and African countries.  He reminded her that in the history of her office, she is the first and only AG who refused to back the President. If she opposed the order she should have resigned instead of behaving like the political hack that she is.  Neither  claimed to know anything about unmasking or leaking.
      The second soap opera I was following was the hearing on the President's executive order banning immigrants and muslims from certain countries.  The US attorney sited American Constitutional Law and a history of bans by other presidents in the name of national security.  Some of the judges tried to fall back on the Presidents campaign statements rather than law. As might be expected 10 of the 13 judges hearing the case were appointed by Obama or Clinton, so the fix is in unless they want to abide by the Constitution and previous related decisions. The most esteemed judge, J. Harvie Wilkerson III, a Reagan appointee, is a conservative, but has recused himself as his son is a clerk for the Solicitor General Jeffery Wall.  Obama, Carter and Bush banned travel to the US from Muslim countries.  Of course, George Soros is financing his anti America open borders policy so expect this one to wind up at the Supreme Court.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Sting in Which the Stinger May get Stung: Obama's Plot to Destroy Trump

      Hold on to your drinks my loyal followers for you are about to read something that you will not find anywhere else, at least not for a while.  What you will learn here is what is going to bring down Obama and/or his closest and most loyal advisors who themselves concocted this nefarious scheme to bring down and destroy the administration of President Trump.  President Trump is dismantling the Obama legacy, that Democrat Presidents so badly want, and Obama and the Democrats want to stop him.
      This narrative began in 2015,  well after Donald Trump announced his run for the presidency.  Obama's closest advisors recognized that  Mr. Trump was a serious candidate, especially when he began to draw a following.  Mr. Trump was different from all of the other candidates, even Obama, who was the first and only president who wanted to destroy America and its economy rather than support it.  Mr. Trump claimed to be wealthy enough to finance his own campaign and thus was beholden to no one's political whims.  In addition he was outspoken and said or tweeted what he thought and drew record crowds where ever he spoke.  This willingness to say precisely what was on his mind, attracted a following that grew until it was large enough to win him the Republican nomination for POTUS.  Previous Republican candidate, John McCain and George Romney, both seemed like winners and great candidates, but neither had the willingness to attack by telling the truth about Obama or at least use surrogates to enlighten the public on what a monster Obama really is.
      Candidate Trump tirelessly attack Obama and his programs so Obama knew what he had to do.  Obama had access to information that may have been illegally obtained that even the Clinton dirty tricks machine didn't and even though he hated Trump, there was no love lost between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Sharing this information during the campaign was probably not necessary and so it would only be used in the unlikelihood that Donald Trump won the election.  Every story either planted in the media by the Clinton campaign or by the media itself seemed to bounce off candidate Trump like water off a duck and although there might have been a brief statistical drop in his support, it never lasted very long.  The bevy of lies that asserted that Mr. Trump was a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, and tax cheat were never really believed by anyone, but far left haters as the people pushing this garbage were themselves liars, especially when they were exposed by Wikileaks and other sources.  In fact, it was well recognized that HRC was untrustworthy and a liar with a disingenuous personality and entitlement attitude that made her a poor candidate. She had no real message except Trump is evil, vote for me, I'm a woman.  She ignored the Midwest (she flew over fly over country) and was  frequently running off to Hollywood and New York for fund raisers, solidifying the center of the country for Donald Trump.
      Meanwhile, when the inevitable disaster for the Democrat Party occurred, Obama was ready.  With the aid of his highly political members of the NSC, namely Susan Rice and her assistant Ben Rhodes, Obama and Valerie Jarrett had been collecting bits of highly sensitive information on members of the President Trump's team and people he would most likely appoint to cabinet level positions.  This was done  via a process of "unmasking, "in which Americans who are caught up in  surveillance of non American have their names unveiled as a matter of national security.  This is rarely necessary.  Susan Rice at first denied, but later admitted to being the unmasker.  Although she wanted to replace HRC as Secretary of State. it was obvious that she could not get Senate approval, so she was appointed to a position that did not require senate approval as NSA advisor.  Her assistant was Ben Rhodes a speech writer and close advisor to Obama.  His brother is president of CBS, a good place to leak information.  He also bragged about  obfuscating the truth about the terrible Iran deal and spent months secretly meeting in Canada to open relations with communist Cuba.  Obama had totally politicized positions that were supposed to be apolitical.  Rice had taken huge amounts of criticism when she knowingly lied on six Sunday morning news interviews about Benghazi. Further more she lied about Bo Bergdahl, saying the deserter served with honor.  Was she now lying about the leaks?
      The target was retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.  Flynn had spent his entire 33 year military career in intelligence and "retired" one year early in 2014 having been forced out by Obama with whom he clashed over the threat of radical Islam and approach to Syria.  After retiring, Flynn began a consulting firm with his son and had accepted money from both Russia and from Turkey through a Dutch intermediary.  His attorney has said that both of these activities were approved by our government, although the records don't seem to exist or maybe just disappeared.
      Now comes the good part. Despite knowing of Flynn's activity with Russia and Turkey, which would have affected his security clearance, nonetheless it was reissued at the highest level in 2016.  There are only two explanations for this, either the Obama regime was very sloppy, unlikely, or they planned to use it later after he was approved for his position if Donald Trump was elected.  Either Susan Rice or Ben Rhodes leaked his Russian contacts to the Washington Post. The unmasking by Susan Rice of General Flynn was probably a crime, but hard to prove.  The leak is a crime and needs to be followed up and one or the other needs to be arrested, tried, and if found guilty go to prison. Rice or Rhodes would never have done this on their own so the orders came from higher up.  That higher up is either/or both Valerie Jarrett and Obama. Will Rice or Rhodes take the blame, as Lois Lerner did in the Tea Party Scandal with prison time now in the offing?  It remains to be seen. 
      This is all part of the false narrative that Russia significantly influenced our presidential election in collusion with President Trump and his election team.  So far not one smidgen (to quote Obama) of evidence has emerged that could be called a smoking gun. Meeting, shaking hands, or chatting with t Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak does not mean anything. The Democrats need to admit it,  HRC was a horrible candidate and never deserved to be president.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

President Trump's First 100 Days

      The mainstream media, as expected, has played down the successes of the first hundred days of President Trump's administration and instead extolled the "success" of the Democrats in thwarting it. The most obvious success from "Make America Great Again" is that it has unleashed a revitalized spirit in many Americans, who feel that  they can now get jobs and get their lives back together.  With this in mind, President Trump has begun reversing the destructive regulations imposed by Obama. In addition his appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch has supported our Constitution.  Unfortunately his own party legislatively has contributed to the lack of progress.  On would think that after eight years of knowing and seeing Obamacare's failure, they would have a new plan in place ready to go.  Sadly, like most politicians, concerns about getting reelected have replaced  a desire to help the American people.
      The other roadblock to making America great again is the liberal judges, most of whom were appointed by Obama or Clinton.  These judges, especially those in the far left 9th Circuit are not looking out for the safety of Americans and of course ignoring the Constitution.  I think their anti America decisions will eventually be overturned, but that of course is part of the left's plan for delay.
      Meanwhile the Democrat Party has become the party of no. They have delayed the approval of many of President Trump's nominees for cabinet positions and other positions that require Senate approval, hindering our country's progress, and of course failed to help dismantle Obama's imploding ACA.  Out of stubbornness or ignorance they have failed to understand that Obama's agenda has nearly destroyed the Democrat Party with Republican gains every election cycle since Obama took office, culminating with Donald Trump winning the Presidency.  They are more worried about their own reelection, thinking that George Soros and the far left money will back a primary opponent in the next election.
      Speaking of the next election cycle, it spells real trouble for Democrats.  Thirty three senators are up for reelection and 25 are Democrats, 10 of whom are from states won by President Trump.  The Republicans could have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.  Rather then help America and President Trump, they have mistakenly decided to oppose him every step of the way.  This may prove foolhardy, relying on a far left base that hares America and is responsible for the weak economy left by Obama.  If the few special elections are any indication, Democrats are going to have real trouble winning any seats in the next election.
      Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosis, Elizabeth "Lieahontus" Warren, Al Franken, and Maxine Waters are out of touch with the American people and have all become caricatures of political demagogues.  Sadly all but Franken are from very safe districts or states.  Franken first came to the Senate via vote fraud. (Votes were produced after the initial count that elected Norm Coleman that put Franken over the top. It didn't matter that these additional new votes, all of which were for Franken, meant that there were more votes in those precincts than voters.)
      Republican have to be vigilant.  Democrats want to claim that President Trump and Republican are anti immigrant, trying to confuse the public. President Trump and Republican are pro legal immigrants and anti illegals. Sanctuary Cities violate American law and yet Democrats support them.  It hard to believe that they want to support violent criminals, but they do, hoping that illegals can vote and vote for them.  The hell with the safety of the American public, who doesn't have armed bodyguards to protect them.  The same can be said for unvetted refugees.  We have enough problems with our own citizens being radicalized.  We certainly don't need anymore that are unwilling to accept our laws and way of life.
      The last thing the left is pushing very hard is global warming.  Trump is looking at rejecting the destructive Paris Climate Accord that places much of the financial burden on America, rather than China, India, and Russia.  Only a president who hates America could ever have accepted such an unbalanced agreement.  I'm hoping that one and far all a robust debate will take place, exposing the hoax of global warming (now euphemistically called climate change).
      I will continue to keep you appraised as to what is going on in government. My next post is going to expose the plot by Obama to destroy Trump. Stay tuned.

Monday, May 1, 2017

More on General Flynn, President Trump's Tax Reform Package, and New Info on the Terrible Iran Deal.

      The Democrats don't want to let the appointment and firing of General Michael Flynn go away.  As it turns out, he violated a security clearance agreement he signed by accepting money from Russian and Turkish sources without clearing it through the Defense and State Departments first.  (Flynn, through his attorney, has said he did have it cleared.) The Democrats are very critical that the Trump if he won the election. administration failed to vet Flynn adequately, especially with a security check.  As it turns out,  his security clearance was renewed in 2016 by the Obama administration.  President Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer,  has said that this recent security clearance was accepted as it often is from one administration to the next.  Was Flynn granted his clearance by Obama henchmen despite knowing he failed to report income from foreign sources so that it could be used to attack and embarrass President Trump. This opens a problem for the Democrats as he was cleared first by the Obama regime despite the so called violations.  Obama officials obviously failed to do their job.  The Flynn investigation has turned into a ridiculous investigation of whether the Russia intentionally helped President Trump win the election, as the Democrats can't accept that Hillary Clinton was a terrible unlikeable candidate, with no real message, and a poorly managed campaign.  What has been learned from the investigation has opened a can of worms for the Democrats with serious criminal implications.  As it turns out Flynn and other members of President Trump's team have been the subject of potentially illegal surveillance and unveiling of American citizens.  Chronic immoral prevaricator Susan Rice a political member of the NSC (a position that did not have to be approved by the Senate) now admits to unveiling many of the Trump team after first denying she knew anything about it. She still denies having leaked his name.  If she didn't leak the name, it was certainly her assistant and very political appointee, Ben Rhodes.  Both Valerie Jarrett and Obama had to know and approve.  It will be interesting if he falls on his sword to protect his bosses.  The monetary payoff would have to be significant.
      President Trump has offered an amazing tax reform plan.  Details are not totally clear yet. but what is known seems great as it will prevent the government from confiscation of the hard earned money from the middle class and will promote and increase jobs.  Importantly it will allow corporations to repatriate  trillions of dollars, that can be used to expand business, create more jobs, and reward shareholders with buybacks and dividends.  Workers will get raises in some instances and so not only with they take home more because of a raise, but also more because taxes will be less.  The business tax rate including Subchapter S Corporations at 15%  It keeps the mortgage and  charitable deductions.  Rates would be 10%, 25, and 35%, though the income levels have not be released. Interesting the plan does away with deductions for local and state taxes.  Screw you New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and California you should have voted for President Trump.  He has doubled the personal deduction and done away with the alternative minimum tax.  Stupid Harpy, Nancy Pelosi, has already panned the plan although she hasn't even seen it. Maybe she should vote for it so she could find out what's in it like she said about the abomination known as Obamacare. Her typically Democrat propaganda claims its only for the rich and will increase the debt by $5.5 trillion.  That bothers her, but Obama increasing the debt by more than $10 trillion was okay. Chucky Schumer also doesn't like it as well, same propaganda.  It would be nice to hear politicians talk about cutting the size and cost of government.  The President is trying to make government more efficient as any businessman would about his business.
      More bad news for America continues to emerge from the Obama regime's  reckless deal with Iran.  We already know that it ranks as the absolute worst deal since Neville Chamberlain"s ill fated deal with Hitler. for "peace in our time," that brought about WW2.  Beside the seven Iranian prisoners released that we knew about (they were serving time for espionage and illegal procurement crimes, fourteen international, interpol "red" warrants were dropped for individuals who were under indictment for similar crimes.  One of those released by Obama was an Iranian who designed IEDs of the type used in Iraq that had killed American soldiers. As pointed out in a previous blog, John Kerry did not reveal or recuse himself from these negotiations with his Iranian counterpart with who he had a personal relationship through his daughter's wedding. Of course no one in the Obama administration has ever recused themselves including Loretta Lynch who secretly met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac at an Arizona airport a few days before the FBI was to announce its findings in its investigation of Hillary Clinton.  This new found information added to what we already know.  The regime not only released billions of dollars it was holding in escrow in American banks, but secretly sent a plane load of $14 billion in cash.  It dropped sanctions and did not, according to Obama, ask for a prisoner swap, though some Americans were released, one was not.  The Iranians weren't even required to give up all of their centrifuges or allow for unscheduled inspections.  Military bases were off limits altogether for inspection.  Finally we have learned after the deal Kerry traveled all over Europe encouraging European companies to do business with Iran. If you think Iran has halted its quest for nuclear weapons, then you probably believed that if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor and if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep your health insurance plan.  It also continues missile development using technology that it has obtained from China via Bill Clinton's traitorous approval allowing missile guidance guidance technology to be sold to the Red Chinese Army (for $20 million of illegal campaign donations) and it continues to support Bashar Assad in Syria and terrorist organizations Hezbollah as well as those in Palestine.
      This is the sixth year of blogging and I appreciate your support.  Continue to pass these onto your friends.