Tuesday, May 2, 2017

President Trump's First 100 Days

      The mainstream media, as expected, has played down the successes of the first hundred days of President Trump's administration and instead extolled the "success" of the Democrats in thwarting it. The most obvious success from "Make America Great Again" is that it has unleashed a revitalized spirit in many Americans, who feel that  they can now get jobs and get their lives back together.  With this in mind, President Trump has begun reversing the destructive regulations imposed by Obama. In addition his appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch has supported our Constitution.  Unfortunately his own party legislatively has contributed to the lack of progress.  On would think that after eight years of knowing and seeing Obamacare's failure, they would have a new plan in place ready to go.  Sadly, like most politicians, concerns about getting reelected have replaced  a desire to help the American people.
      The other roadblock to making America great again is the liberal judges, most of whom were appointed by Obama or Clinton.  These judges, especially those in the far left 9th Circuit are not looking out for the safety of Americans and of course ignoring the Constitution.  I think their anti America decisions will eventually be overturned, but that of course is part of the left's plan for delay.
      Meanwhile the Democrat Party has become the party of no. They have delayed the approval of many of President Trump's nominees for cabinet positions and other positions that require Senate approval, hindering our country's progress, and of course failed to help dismantle Obama's imploding ACA.  Out of stubbornness or ignorance they have failed to understand that Obama's agenda has nearly destroyed the Democrat Party with Republican gains every election cycle since Obama took office, culminating with Donald Trump winning the Presidency.  They are more worried about their own reelection, thinking that George Soros and the far left money will back a primary opponent in the next election.
      Speaking of the next election cycle, it spells real trouble for Democrats.  Thirty three senators are up for reelection and 25 are Democrats, 10 of whom are from states won by President Trump.  The Republicans could have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.  Rather then help America and President Trump, they have mistakenly decided to oppose him every step of the way.  This may prove foolhardy, relying on a far left base that hares America and is responsible for the weak economy left by Obama.  If the few special elections are any indication, Democrats are going to have real trouble winning any seats in the next election.
      Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosis, Elizabeth "Lieahontus" Warren, Al Franken, and Maxine Waters are out of touch with the American people and have all become caricatures of political demagogues.  Sadly all but Franken are from very safe districts or states.  Franken first came to the Senate via vote fraud. (Votes were produced after the initial count that elected Norm Coleman that put Franken over the top. It didn't matter that these additional new votes, all of which were for Franken, meant that there were more votes in those precincts than voters.)
      Republican have to be vigilant.  Democrats want to claim that President Trump and Republican are anti immigrant, trying to confuse the public. President Trump and Republican are pro legal immigrants and anti illegals. Sanctuary Cities violate American law and yet Democrats support them.  It hard to believe that they want to support violent criminals, but they do, hoping that illegals can vote and vote for them.  The hell with the safety of the American public, who doesn't have armed bodyguards to protect them.  The same can be said for unvetted refugees.  We have enough problems with our own citizens being radicalized.  We certainly don't need anymore that are unwilling to accept our laws and way of life.
      The last thing the left is pushing very hard is global warming.  Trump is looking at rejecting the destructive Paris Climate Accord that places much of the financial burden on America, rather than China, India, and Russia.  Only a president who hates America could ever have accepted such an unbalanced agreement.  I'm hoping that one and far all a robust debate will take place, exposing the hoax of global warming (now euphemistically called climate change).
      I will continue to keep you appraised as to what is going on in government. My next post is going to expose the plot by Obama to destroy Trump. Stay tuned.