Last week Obama made a comment stating that he couldn't run for a third term. but that if he could, he would surely be reelected. Whether you agree with that statement or not (I don't), it indicates to me that Obama is not ready to give up the office. There are 4 ways that a third term could happen. The first is the elimination of the 22nd amendment to the constitution. That is not going to happen, certainly there would not be much time or interest in doing this. The second is Obama declaring marshall law. This is not so far fetched. Obama has quietly built a governmental unit within the Department of Homeland Security that is trained and heavily armed and could step in to combat large scale civil violence. His benefactor, George Soros, through organizations that have arisen out of the ashes of ACORN, has funded professional violent demonstrators as those seen in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, to test the waters. An event, probably orchestrated, could serve as the opening, By declaring marshall law, Obama could trigger his own October surprise just before the 2016 election, canceling or delaying elections indefinitely and disbanding Congress and the Supreme Court. Whether this could happen is very remote, but a community organizer with little knowledge and no experience becoming POTUS would have seemed remote 8 years ago.
A third option would be for Obama, claiming to respond to the seriousness of the allegations against Hillary Clinton, to allow an FBI investigation and appointing a special prosecutor, to examine all of the crimes related to Hillary Clinton's e-mail. Although I think the likelihood of a special prosecutor is very small, as Obama has been unwilling to do so despite numerous scandals involving criminal activity. He does not want to relinquish control and so prosecution would remain within the totally corrupt Justice Department (Injustice, if you prefer). Still in order to prevent anything from spilling over to him, he could offer Clinton a deal that would amount to the same thing that Petraus received in return for her keeping her mouth shut and dropping out of the race.
Who is left. The rest of the current slate of Democratic candidates is very weak. Though Bernie Sanders has gained some traction, like Donald Trump on the Republican side, he has a limited number of followers that would not be enough to make him competitive in the election. Lincoln Chaffee has been silent, since throwing his hat in the ring, as its hard to raise money based on changing America over to the metric system. Martin O'Malley has shown himself to be weak in bowing to the Soros funded far left group Black Lives Matter. America is looking for real leadership after 8 years of no leadership from Obama. Jim Webb, a marine veteran and more along the line of a 60s or 70s tradition Democrat, has also been quiet and has had difficult fund raising.
All this says to me is that if Hillary drops out, none of those candidates currently available could win and give Obama a third term. The most obvious choice to get into the race is Vice President Joe, the Joker, Biden. He certainly could be easily sold to Obam's far left base as a continuation of the regime, thus a "third term." With Obama supporting him, most far left contributors like George Soros, would be more than happy to contribute(though illegally in the case of Soros). But is there an even better choice for Obama and his base? Yes there is and that is my dark horse candidate Michelle Obama. Obama may think he could do what the Clintons have not done to date. Emphasizing that his plan to fundamentally change America is not yet complete and that electing Michelle would allow the job (and America) to be finished.
Note: I said that Obama has not shown any leadership in the world, but there is one recent exception, the negotiations with Iran, Though France Germany, England, Russia, and China were involved none with the exception of Obama wanted Iran to have access to nuclear weapons. All wanted to trade with Iran and lifting the embargo and giving Iran one hundred billion dollars would grease their cooperation. His jaded and treasonous legacy is more important to him than the safety of America and the world.
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