Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Doubling Down on Disaster: Another Obama Failure

      In Turkey today, at the G-20 summit, Obama held a 45 minute Q&A in which he essentially doubled down on his failing ISIS policy.  Last year he told us that ISIS is the JV team and just a day before the attacks in Paris, that ISIS was contained.  He continues to think that climate change is more a threat to America than ISIS.  He still fails to recognize the term "radical Islam".  I guess if you don't recognize who is the enemy, it is hard to design a strategy to attack it.  He doesn't think there is anymore that he can do. As usual Obama thinks that if you continue to promote a failed policy eventually you will get a positive result, complete idiocy.  Now he wants to admit thousands of Syrian refugees into our country, refugees who are impossible to vet. Some have said to only admit Christians, but Obama has actually discriminated against Syrian Christians as only 56 of the nearly two thousand Syrian refugee already admitted to the United States are Christians.  All the rest are Muslims.  Although some governors have balked at having refugees settled in their states, in reality, once they are here they can move to any state they want and join up with radical Islamists that are already here.  He claims not letting them in, will serve as a recruiting tool.  Yeah right, instead he should understand that killing them as fast as they sign up and cutting financial resources would have the opposite effect. Congress may try to weigh in on this, but when it comes to getting his way, Obama always ignores Congress and the American people.  This Saturady he even let five killers out of Guantanamo and sent them to Qatar.  They will be out on the streets on a fortnight.
      Today a New York Post editorial writer called for Obama to either change his strategy to protect America or resign.  According to the Constitution, the job of the President is to protect America.  That is why he is the commander-in-chief.  Obama has pretty much ignored this duty, concentrating on other presidential responsibilities as well of usurping those of Congress. With 14 months to serve, Obama is hoping that a plot against American cities will not arise until after he leaves office so he can blame George Bush or whoever is elected president, unless it is Hillary, then he will blame Republicans in Congress.

      Obama called the attacks in Paris a setback to containment, really, with 129 dead and 350 injured. I suppose if this happened in Washington DC, he would consider that another setback, continue with his same strategy (i'm reluctant to call it a strategy), and admit more Muslim terrorists under the guise of compassion for refugees.  Secretary of State John Kerry has also downplayed the terror in France calling the Charlie Hebdo attack last summer sort of justified. What, people murdered over a cartoon!
      As I predicted the French, along with the Belgians and Germans. immediately conducted  raids and arrested or killed terrorists, recovering weapons and bomb making equipment.  A woman blew herself up with a suicide vest rather than be taken prisoner, wounding five of Paris's elite terror police. In addition, France immediately bombed targets in Raqqa, Syria, the ISIS capitol, that were supplied to them by our intelligence.  This of course begs the question, if we knew of these targets, why didn't we bomb them ourself  much earlie.  In addition the French and now the Russians have bombed a huge truck convoy destroying over 100 trucks bearing black market oil.  I guess they listened to Donald Trump.  Again, why haven't we already done this. Obama likes to claim they we have flown thousands of sorties against ISIS.  What he doesn't say, is that 3/4 of the planes come back with their bombs, because of impossible rules of engagement. As I predicted the French are moving the aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean.  Putin has said of ISIS "let God forgive them, It is my job to put them there." He also believes that many of the ISIS fighters are similar to mercenaries as like any army they are paid to fight and if the income of ISIS dries up many will defect.  With France and Russia fighting ISIS, Obama is not even leading from behind.  He is a behind.
     One further comment on Obama's use of ISIL instead of ISIS or DAESH as the French call them.  ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and ISIL stands for Islamic State in the Levant.  What is the Levant you ask? Historically it includes Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine.  Using ISIL is a slur to Israel, questioning its legitimacy.  We all know Obama hates Israel and that is why he and his administration continue to use it.
      As I have pointed out for years. Obama is not very smart.  He is a product of a communist, far far left, and Muslim education. He and his most trusted advisors hate America.  He is stubborn and arrogant.  He is also incompetent.  All of this makes for extremely dangerous times in America.

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