Sunday, November 22, 2015

Update on Terror

      Just as I predicted the French moved the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean and continue to bomb the hell out of ISIS targets in Syria.  Much of the location of targets has been supplied by our military and of course this begs the question why haven't we already bombed them.  The answer is simple, we have different rules of engagement than the French or Russians.  There quarters of the time, our planes return from a bombing mission without dropping bombs because and inexperienced regime controls the military.  When one is at war, and believe me this is a war, unfortunately there will be civilian casualties. The rules of war that has been agreed upon by real nations accepts civilian casualties as part of war,  Maybe Obama still thinks this is an overseas contingency. If you can't even say war on radical Islam, then it is understandable that you don't know how to wage war.  The French and Russians have also started bombing the main source of income for ISIS, the oil fields and oil supply,  bombing 15 producing sites and 575 oil trucks, more than half that ISIS has to ship black market oil.  This has significantly cut into the million dollars a day that ISIS makes from oil and may slow down retention and recruitment of soldiers, who as Putin explains, are mercenaries, though some are obviously attracted by ISIS's hate for the West, Christians, and Shia Muslims.
     Republicans and some other politicians have stated that we should take the lead, but currently under Obama we are not even leading from behind.  None of the Democrate candidates will even say "radical Islamic terrorism."  The Obama regime has more Muslims in positions of power than another administration.  Obama was assuredly a Muslim at one time in his life, when he lived in Indonesia and went to a Muslim only school in Djakarta.  Whether is is still a Muslim now is debatable, but no doubt he is an Islamist. We know almost nothing about his religious affiliation when he returned home from Indonesia to live with his grandparents. (They belonged to a Unitarian church in Lake Mercer, Washington headed by a communist before they moved to Hawaii.  At Columbia, his roommates were Muslims from Pakistan.  One summer he went to Pakistan to visit them using his Indonesian passport, as it was illegal to travel to Pakistan with an American passport.  Was he radicalized at that time?  Is he the Muslim version ofl the Manchurian candidate? Sure seems like it.  In Chicago, he joined the most radical church on the Southside, probably at Michelle's insistence, but became friends with Rashid Khalidi and Louis Farrakhan.  His hatred for Jews and Israel is understandable based on his upbringing and associations.  He and his administration always call ISIS ISIL as a way to disparage and delegitimize Israel as ISIL recognizes Palestine as part of the Levant.
      Al Qaeda just staged an attack in Mali in Western Africa, seizing a luxury hotel in the capital city of Bamako filled with foreigners.  With the aid of 22 off duty American military who just happened to be near by, the standoff was ended, but with 21 dead including one American.  American soldiers acted on their own initiative, and I can imagine, if they had contacted Obama first, they would have either been told to stand down or would still be waiting for orders. (It was two American soldiers on the train in France recently who took the initiative and overpowered a Muslim killer.}    The terrorist applied a religious test to the hostages that they took and released those that could prove they were Muslim by reciting the Khoran.  In both of the terror events in Paris and Mali, there is no evidence that global warming or climate change was involved.

      As usual Obama has chosen to ignore the American people when it comes to the Syrian refugees. The Republicans and 47 Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed a bill slowing down the process of admitting Syrian refugees, at least until a way of adequately vetting them is established.  The Senate will vote on this and it should pass.  Naturally, Obama has threatened a veto.  He has already accepted 2000 and has even applied a religious test with only 56 being Christian. the most oppressed and least likely to be terrorists.   That the UN helps in the election of refugees should be reason enough alone to not admit an, even if they are mostly widows and orphans.  As wee have seen women and adolescents have been used a suicide bombers.  All it takes is one.

The need for a wall at our southern border has been accentuated by 5 Syrian men with stolen  and altered Greek passports, who were arrested in Honduras on their was to the US and a woman with another stolen Greek passport was caught in Costa Rica.  The drug lords are already snuggling guns, drugs, and humans.  For money they would certainly try to smuggle terrorists, no questions asked.   ISIS and the Mexican drug cartels make for a very dangerous combination.
      With 14 months left in his reign (reign of terror on the American people)  Obama wants to reek as much havoc as possible on the American people and the American way of life.  Unfortunately, multiple terror incidents near the November elections could cause him to cancel the elections,  dismiss Congress, and the Supreme Court by declaring marshall law and prolonging his despotic rule.  Lets pray that nothing happens between now and January 21, 2017, so that we can rid ourselves of the Obama cancer once and for all.  Electing the first black president may have been a good idea,  unfortunately we  elected the wrong one.

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