Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Obama's New Hitler Moment

      For those of you who have followed my blog over the years, you are well aware that I have often compared Obama's political tactics to those of Hitler and this comparison continues.  Not only is his recent push to violate the Second Amendment by banning and confiscating guns from law abiding citizens Hitleresque, but now like Hitler he seems to be suffering from a severe case of mental disease.
      Last Sunday Obama was interviewed on 60 Minutes by Steve Croft, usually a very staunch Obama supporter and shill, but even he was struck by Obama's lack of reality.  During World War II, Hitler's mental disease progressed to the point where he also lost total touch with reality. He became delusional. He was making military moves that helped the Allies, rather than hindered them, sometimes, ordering movement of divisions that didn't even exist or that had been so degraded that they only existed on paper.  Obama seemed to ignore Croft's questions about ISIS, saying that we will defeat ISIS with our grand alliance, except that this grand alliance doesn't really exist as a fighting force.  Obama seems to think that his climate change conference in Paris is far more important than defeating ISIS who is sworn to destroy America.  His lack of understanding and under estimating Putin's moves in the Middle East have already created a loss of respect for America not only in the Middle East, but among our allies all over the world.  His ignorance in regard to the planet is telling as we all know that global warming ironically is a hoax begun by an Austrian Nazi and that any human contribution to climate is minute.
      Obama's lead from behind has now become lead with his head in the sand or in a more vulgar way with his head up his ass.  He has become totally delusional. Making deals with sworn enemies like Cuba and Iran and getting virtually nothing in return, is viewed as a sign of weakness and disbelief.  Iran has ignored the deal already, testing ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and sending a key general who has been on virtual house arrest, to Moscow for talks on coordinating military tactics to keep Bashir Assad in power in Syria and take over Iraq.  Putin (and Iran) badly needs the price of oil and gas to increase as most of Russia's hard currency comes from the export of these commodities.  Uncertainty in the Middle East often increased the price of oil significantly.  Since Russia started bombing Assad's enemies in Syria, the price of oil has increased about 15%. Controlling Iraq's oil will also help that purpose. Dummy that he is, Obama could have told Russia that he will import oil and gas to Europe and undercut the Russians unless Russia gets out of Ukraine and the Crimea and behaves itself all over the world.  Instead, he only sees our huge amounts of oil and gas as a climate problem rather than as both a political and economic weapon.  The Republican Congress has taken the lead in reversing the 1970s law banning the export of crude.
      Obama continues to make overtures about emptying Guantanamo.  Trading five key Al Quada prisoners for deserter and traitor Beau Bergdahl was just a start.  This guy has 15 months left to
destroy America.  Of course we can hope that he might imitate Hitler one more time and shoot himself.


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