Two questions have come to a boil, though they have been simmering since Obama took office. Is Obama a Muslim and does he hate America. A review of Obama's past associations answers these questions.
Obama's father, senior, was a Muslim who later in his life was a socialist and an atheist. His adoptive father, Lolo Soetero was an Indonesian Muslim. I say adoptive because it was necessary for Obama to be an Indonesian and a Muslim in order to attend the Besuki Public School in Djakarta, though at first he attended the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School. I don't know whether there was anything very formal to denote an adoption and change of religion and citizenship, but Obama did call himself Barry Soetero up into his college years carrying both an Indonesian and United States passport. He used his Indonesian citizenship to transfer from Occidental College in California to Columbia in NYC and to visit his college roommates in Pakistan from Indonesia. At the time Pakistan was on a no travel list from the United States. While a student at the Besuki School he said Muslim prayers five times a day and he has noted remembering the "beautiful" Muslim prayers. Returning to Hawaii as a pre teen, there is no evidence that his grandparents had him attend a church. His grandparents joined the Unitarian Church in Mercer Lake, Washington, probably because it was run by school superintendent John Stenhouse, an admitted Communist. Stenhouse's notoriety was the reason the Dunhams moved from Galveston, Texas all the way to Washington State. There is no evidence that Obama's mother followed any religious belief. When he moved to Chicago, he found joining Rev Jeremiah Wright"s Trinity United Church was politically expedient and the frequency of his attendance may have been in question since he has said he doesn't remember any of the Wright's anti America rants.
In Hawaii, Obama's grandfather took him to meet Frank Davis, a fellow Kansan and card carrying member of the America Communist Party. Davis probably had the most influence on young Obama and became his father philosophically speaking. He is the reason Obama moved to the Southside of Chicago. As a Communist, Davis was critical of capitalism, American society, and felt that America was a racist nation where Blacks didn't stand a chance. His hatred was instilled in a young and impressionable Obama. At Columbia, Obama/Soetero took courses from Edward Said the defamed Professor of Mid East Studies. Said, an Egyptian Christian, was critical of Israel, the British, and America. Another Columbia professor Richard Cloward gave Obama the idea of collapsing the American economy in the name of social justice. In Chicago Obama hooked up with an entire cadre of America haters like, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, Alice Palmer, Rashid Khalidi, Louis Farahkan, and many others of the city's far left. Saul Alinsky became his idol.
As POTUS, he and Moochelle rarely attend any church and his daughters don't attend Sunday School. Their religious exposure has been scant at best. So is Obama a Muslim? Despite his experience with the Muslim and Christian faiths, I think Obama is an Atheist, but respects Mideastern and African Muslims feeling they have been subjugated by American, British, and Israeli imperialism. Is he an America hater? Certainly. His initial campaign of "change" demonstrated his contempt for America. Sadly the public welcomed his lies about what he wanted to change. Reality is that he wants to collapse the American economy, diminish the military and our strength and reputation overseas. Despite what he campaigned on, he has provided the most corrupt, scandalous, opaque, and political administration ever.
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