Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Look Who Joe Biden is Plagarizing Now

                       :"Those who do not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

    Hitler, who was obviously mentally ill, a psychopath, came to power in 1930's Germany, loudly expressing his misinterpretation of history that attacked Jews and convinced the German people that they belong to a super Aryan race and that it was Jews and socialists that lost WWI. He considered them and other marginalized groups enemies.The burning of the Reichstag building in 1933 under suspicious circumstance, was blamed on socialists and allowed Hitler to assume absolute control. A series of laws were passed that were aimed at the Jewish community. Jewish newspapers were cancelled and Jews gradually lost their citizenship and ability to own weapons and hold certain jobs. Eventually public schools were closed to Jewish children. The  culmination of antisemitism resulted  in Krystallnacht on 11/10/38  in which Jewish shops and synagogues were burned and looted. Jews were attacked and beaten and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps to provide slave labor. Germans who spoke up risked arrest or beating. Jews could be expelled, but many countries, including the United States, refused to accept them. President Roosevelt turned back a steamer filled with educated mostly professionals Jews who were forced to return to Hamberg and were then sent to concentration camps where many died.  Meanwhile, Hitler offered the rest of the German population improved infrastructure, free medical care, and free and cheap entertainment, much geared to propaganda while he consolidated his power.  Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, spent much time and money to support the Aryian falsehood.  We all know that things did not end well for Hitler, Goebbels, and the German people



       Joe Biden has a long history of plagiarism and though WW2 and Hitler ended more than 75 years ago, we see history repeating itself to a certain degree. (I am certainly not in any way saying that Biden is a murderous psychopath, but he is using tactics like many dictators, including Hitler, to eliminate his opposition.) We now have a president who is mentally challanged, but capable of yelling as he rails against his opposition that consists of people who didn't vote for him. The people he sides with are cancelling our history and substituting one for it that produced hatred and racism.  The founders of our country and Constitution are now accused of terrible crimes and thus their statues, place in history, and even our great Constitution are considered for cancellation.  On the other hand, like Hitler's SA thugs, responsible for Krystallnacht, BLM and Antifa have rioted, looted and burned our cities causing billions of dollars in damages,  even murdering police officers and yet few were tried and most released in a day a two.  The Vice President even helped fund their bail. To establish his and the Democrats consolidation of power, they have raised the level of 1/6/20 march on Washington to an insurrection, despite the lack of weapons and attacks. People who were there have been arrested and held for months without bail or even a hearing. There is some evidence that FBI  associates infiltratoed and encouraged the peaceful crowd that had gathered to protest the corrupt presidential election, to enter the capitol building. The only death was that of an unarmed woman, a military veteran,  who was shot by a Washington police officer, who had a history of excessive use of forces, as she crawled through a window. (He was not punished as he was black and the woman white) The FBI and DoJ have been weaponized and have gone after President Trump and his associates treating them like violent criminals, serving subpoenas and making arrests with SWAT teams and multiple armed agents in the middle of the night as if elderly men, who had already been cooperating, were a violent risk. Somehow these arrests and raids were leaked to favorable media sources.The DoJ has ignored the law and arrest those who are protesting outside the houses of some Supreme Court justices, though they did arrest a potential assassin  Yet the FBI totally ignored  a laptop that contains incriminating information about the current President and his family until after the 2020 Presidential Election.  For a time they knowingly lied and encouraged the mainstream media to call it Russian disinformation.

    The current tactic is to call Republicans and Trump supporters extremists using terms like "ultramaga" and "semi fascist.  The corrupted Department of Justice has opened investigations on so-called extremists and even subpoenaed Mike Lindell, the "my pillow guy," seizing his phone. They invaded the Trump home at Mar a Lago, while he was away seizing boxes of previously declassified documents as well as documents covered by attorney-client privilege, his passports, newspapers, photographs, and whatever they took by tossing Melania's closet and Baron's room. The leaks to the media also occurred so they were on hand while all this was going on. By the way, Trump was already cooperating with the Archivists.  What they may have been looking for are documents that verify the 2020 election crimes and irregularities.

     Biden, with the encouragement from sneaky Susan Rice, has now provided for an addition 87,000 IRS agents. Taking a idea from the Obama administration, he is weaponizing the Treasury Department and the IRS to go after his enemies, just as Obama used the IRS to attack conservative non profits.  He has established a Disinformation Governance Board, anointing a disinformation queen, Nina Jankowicz to head it.  This is to shut down free speech by his political enemies and enhance his lies that "White Supremacy " is the greatest threat to democracy that our nation faces. This will certainly force many to keep their mouths shut or face investigations and reprisals.  Goebbels would be proud. (In California the left wing legislature has passed a bill to take away the license of any doctor who expresses disinformation about Covid-19.  Strange, since information and designformation are constantly changing to fit the left's political agenda.) 


     Though not Aryian mythology,  climate change has been used in similar fashion to force  very anti America, anti capitalism, and pro China policies. Promising to build tens of thousands of charging stations along our interstate highway system will allow the donations to roll in from contractors wanting to build the facilities and even companies hoping not only to operate the charging stations, but own the shops and restaurants that will necessarily have to be part since travelers will need something to do during their long wait for a charge. Will Jim Biden suddenly become an expert at constructing charging stations, just as he was paid millions to construct new housing in Iraq?  Maybe some company of which Hunter has a  secret share will get contracts too.

    Then there's the free stuff. American taxpayers are responsible for providing the free stuff that Joe Biden is giving away.  His latest gimmick to get votes is to pay off student loans or at least $10,000-20,000. He and the Democrats have all pushed for free medical care, education, housing, and cell phones for illegal aliens. Do Californian's want to provide free college education at its state college for illegals while its own citizens pay tuition?  Obama took over the student loan program in 2010, making the American taxpayers ultimately responsible for the loans, thus allowing colleges and universities to raise tuition and fees at an obscene rate. Though Biden claims to lower the cost of drugs, especially for seniors, it doesn't kick in for at least five years.A more practical way to lower drug prices is to lengthen the time of a patent so that companies can spread out recouping their expenses in developing new drugs. Profits on one drug are used to develop new drugs and this has been one of the miracles of modern America and capitalism.

    Finally, when all else fails, the Biden regime will just lie to the American people, thinking that if they say the same lies over and over again the American people are stupid enough to actually believe them.    


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