Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Historic 2008 Presidential Election and What It Means Now

       The United States Presidential Election of 2008 was truly historic.  It was the first time a communist was elected president. Yes, Barack Obama had a D after his name, but it should have been a C as it solidified the Democrat Party's abrupt shift to the far left.  Shielded by the MSM and by Dreams From My Father, an  autobiography, ghosted by Bill Ayers, filled with lies and disinformation, Obama's communist ties and real upbringing were hidden from the general public.  It took me a significant amount of time to research his life before he became a US senator.  What truly amazed me was that neither John McCain, Mitt Romney, or their surrogates ever took advantage of his communist background during their campaigns.  If the truth had come out, he would never have been elected.

      Obama was mentored, during his teenage years in Hawaii, by admitted communist Frank Marshall Davis, who had moved there in semi retirement and to represent the long shoremen's union in Honolulu. In "Dreams", he claimed that Davis was a drinking pal of his grandfather and he merely tagged along. In reality, Davis is the very reason why he showed up in Chicago, a city where he had no ties, after graduating from Columbia. Due to Davis's recommendation, he was immediately welcomed with open arms by the far left leadership, including Ayers.  Obama began work as a community organizer, using Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as a primer.  He contributed little to the protest at Altgeld Gardens, a horrendous place built in the mid 1940s housing a 99% African American population.  He left that to others, though in his book he claimed responsibility for summer jobs and asbestos removal. His first visit to Chicago didn't last long. With the help of Bill Ayers and his father, CEO of Commonwealth Edison utility, he went on to Harvard Law School to continue his education. after graduation, he returned to Chicago, joining Davis, Minor, Barnhill, and Gallard, a law firm that mostly practiced civil rights litigation. One of his early cases was using  President Carter's Community Redevelopment Act to force banks and S&Ls to give mortgages to those who would probably never repay them.  This, in part, was the reason for the financial crisis in 2008. Obama lied and claimed he had nothing to do with the law suit against City Group, yet he listed on the court documents.  Obama's career sky rocketed from here, being appointed to various far left organizations that someone with very limited experience would have ever been asked to join in eluding the Woods Foundation, that served as a laundrymat for far left dark money.

      Obama ventured into politics as the campaign chairman for Alice Palmer.  Palmer was a communist and Illinois state senator, who saw an opportunity to advance her career when the seat of the US House of Representatives came open, when Mel Reynolds was convicted of statutory rape of an underage campaign worker.  Palmer lost the crowded primary to Jessie Jackson Jr. and decided to seek her old state senate seat again.  Obama turned against her by entering the race. Prior to the primary he had Palmer and another candidate disqualified and won the seat unopposed.  He ran on both the Democrat Party and New Party (Communist Party) tickets.(The US Supreme Court later banned the practice of running on more than one party's ticket) Despite virtually little to claim as an accomplishment while a member of the Illinois State Senate, Obama entered the race for an open seat on the US Senate. Running well behind in both the Democrat primary and final elecgtion, he resorted to dirty tricks.  His campaign managed to unseal sealed divorce proceedings of both his Democrat and Republican opponents and again won the Senate seat essentially unopposed.  With virtually no real accomplishments and with a number associations with communists and far leftists, he entered the 2008 presidential race and managed to get the Democrat nomination over Hillary Clinton and other more accomplished Democrats. 

      Ironically, Obama had his records from Columbia sealed not only to hide his grades, though I am certain they were all very good, but to hide how he, a mediocre student at Occidental College in California, was able to gain admission to Columbia as well as courses and their professors he took.Two of his professors were Richard Cloward in Sociology and Edward Said  professor of Mideastern Studies. Said later was forced to retire after his book, Orientalism,  an anti Israel and pro Palestinian work, was later found to be based on false personal information and replaced by an Obama friend from Chicago, Rashid Khalidi. Cloward though is the basis for Obama destructive policies.  Richard Cloward along with his wife Francis Ford Piven proposed a theory in 1966 that a guaranteed annual income would end poverty and create a financial crisis that would essentially destroy the dollar and capitalism and replace it with socialism.  Obama during his presidency used this theory, but on steroids, doubling the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion using wasteful and unnecessary spending.  The Affordable Care Act. also known as Obamacare, contributed significantly to this, as it was neither affordable or about medical care, but it was certain an act, as Obama lied to tell Americans they could keep their doctor, their plan, and hospital.  The  cost of the web site was more than the cost of Trump's wall. Another thing Obama did was take over responsibility for college student loans.  This immediately gave colleges and universities the go ahead to raise tuition and fees significantly as they now knew that the government would cover the loans that went into default,  Currently there are $1.6 trillion in loans outstanding.  Forgiving part or all of these loans as the far left would like him to do in the face of record inflation would further destroy the economy and place us into a recession.

      Trump shocked the world when he won the presidential election in 2016 and immediately set about reversing much of the Obama's destructive policies, mostly by executive order.  His biggest mistake and that of the Republicans was not having a plan in place to replace Obamacare, although they were able to rid it of some of its money wasting portions. Two of the best policies Trump reversed were the Marxist Par4is Accord and the agreement with Iran, that may have been the worst deal ever. Obama could not let Trump win in 2020, as he would have probably had no legacy left and America would have been far far away from transitioning to a socialist/communist system. Obama weaponized most of the executive branches of government, especially Justice (including CIA, FBI, and NSA). State was also significantly weaponized.

      The options for the Democrats in 2020 looked very slim.  Though there were almost two dozen candidates at one time or another, none seemed very popular and Bernie Sanders, who wasn't really a Democrat leading the pack. Hillary Clinton seemed to be the source for the fake Russia dossier, that was used to try to disparage Trump, but It was Obama who had used Susan Rice to spy on Trump and his associates up until the day Trump took the oath of office. The weaponized departments  of the executive branch were used to undermine Trump and his effort to right America's ship.  Obama needed to find someone to replace Sanders at the top of the ballot and he went to his VP Joe Biden. Biden had been selected, not so much for his political acumen, but for the protection he afforded Obama from getting impeached as no one would want the forever incompetent Biden.  Despite being Obama's VP, Biden was never known for his approach to civil rights and in fact could be something of a bigot.  Obama asked South Carolina congressman, James Clyburn a pillar of the Black Congressional Caucus to support Biden as part of his plan and thus Biden won the South Carolina primary and never looked back. Biden was well awatre of the deal and agreed to let Obama run the show.  For the same reason Obama chose Biden, he had Biden choose Kamala Harris, an unlikeable light weight as his running mate, but a woman of color to help solidify the black and female vote.  Obama would step in when need and use Susan Rice as the intermediary.  Susan Rice, sneaky, slimy Susan, had no problem doing dirty work and Biden appointed her to a position for which she had no background, but a position that did not require approval. With Covid-19 as an excuse, the Democrats limited Biden's public exposure and demanded unsolicited mail in ballots.  Despite Covid-19, the presidential election of 2020 had the most votes cast.  At 2 AM, it looked like Trump was going to win again, with a lead of more than 200,000 votes in a number of key swing states.  Then suddenly at 2;01 AM  the vote count reversed itself and eventually Biden was declared the winner. (Check out Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 2000 Mules that shows one of the ways the election was stolen.)

      On January 20, shortly after his inauguration, Biden signed a stack of executive orders replacing the successes of the Trump administration with the failures of his and Obama's regime.  He has considered to do so, even ignoring successful court challenges, especially to his open border policy.  Obama wants an open border as this is another money wasting policy, giving illegal aliens free medical care, education, and money for housing and food stamps will continue to stress the American economy and add to inflation and recession. That is the real purpose of the open border, not the path to citizenship.  A path to citizenship would be a bonus, but much harder to achieve.  Likewise subsidizing nonrenewable energy sources is another way of wasting money, especially while at the same time penalizing our oil and natural gas industry that during Trump's administration. had reasonable energy costs and were so abundant that America could make money from exports. 

      The latest step toward communism has just occurred.  Obama recently made a speech about eliminating disinformation.  When Elon Musk purchased Twitter and has said he wants to make it open to all speech, the left went crazy. We don't want a billionaire controlling a platform with free speech.  No they prefer another billionaire restricting free speech and using misinformation with ownership of the Washington Post. Now Obama has had Biden establish a Disinformation Governance Board from Stalin's or Goebbels playbook.  They have appointed a political hack, Nina Jankowitz, who had been responsible for some of the most serious disinformation. The fox has been appointed to run the henhouse. Obama is getting desperate as it looks like the Democrats will loose big time during the midterms. Withholding the truth or replacing it was propaganda from potential voters might help in a few instances. I wonder if she will try to shut down Twitter or Fox News. Does this mean that the climate change hoax will remain active or that the weak strains of Covid will require more lockdowns, masks, and other draconian measures that really don't work and bring back unsolicited mail in ballots. 

(I will write a special article on the leaked Supreme Court document soon.  I'm working to get more details on the leak that seems to have lost importance in the news.  This issue is filled with Democrat hypocrisy.)


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