Saturday, January 24, 2015

Misstate of the Union

      President Obama gave his State of the Union speech last Tuesday, but it should have been called the Misstate of the Union speech.  BHO is more of the liar-in-chief rather than the commander-in-chief and certainly the politician-in-chief.  He certainly may be the biggest liar we have ever had as president rivaling only Bill Clinton, but certainly the best campaigner.  His advisers have rightly told him to take credit for all improvements in the economy and ignore or blame someone else for the all that went wrong.  This stand operating procedure for the regime.
      There have been some signs of improvement in our economy, not because of BHO 's policies, but despite them.  Does anyone believe the unemployment figure?  For the past six years more new people show up for unemployment benefits than people newly employed each week, yet we are told unemployment is less than 6%, more people are on welfare than ever, and fewer employed since the 70's.  So how can that be?  I suppose if you consider anyone getting a government check as employed then it is possible.  After all, welfare recipients work about as hard as many government workers.
      For a president who has made every effort to destroy the American energy sector,  it was amazing to hear him take credit for the renaissance in our gas and oil industry to the point where we are the leading producer of oil and natural gas in the world.  Obama has always been a "peak oil" advocate (an old and now disproven theory that all the oil reserves in the world have already been discovered).  He has used "peak oil" as the excuse to waste tax payer dollars to develop costly and unproven sources of energy.  Although oil production has increased dramatically due to fracking and horizontal drilling, it has been on private lands.  Use of public land has decreased because of Obama.  As a panderer to the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party, he threatens to veto the congressional legislation to approve the Keystone Pipeline, holds up approval of facilities to turn natural gas into liquid natural gas (LNG) for export, and issues regulations to make exploration, drilling, and transport more costly and difficult.
       In fact, if one examines BHO's policies both at home and abroad, they are designed to wreck the US economy.  The stimulus that didn't stimulate anything, but the bank accounts of his bundlers and financial supporters, Obamacare that has cost and wasted billion and will cost trillions if the Supremes don't shoot it down, 200 weeks of unemployment benefits, Obama phones, food stamps, millions of illegal aliens, sending the military to West Africa to build facilities that will never be used, and numerous other programs to crush the economy and double the national debt all are BHO's way of instituting the Cloward-Pivan plan of destroying capitalism.  Remember BHO was a student of Richard Cloward while at Columbia and a follower of Saul Alinsky.  "Free" college is just another way to take a swipe at the economy, but the final straw could be legislation or regulation to promote the disproven theory and anticapitalism hoax of global warming.  Thanks to the 2014 elections, BHO's biggest regret when he leaves office will be that he has been unable to destroy the American economy.
      Despite this being a critical time in the history of America and the World, he devoted very little time to his failed foreign policy as if it didn't exist.  Islamofascism is terrorizing the planet and he can't even say the words "Jslamic extremist terrorism."  It looks like Iran will get a nuclear weapon as BHO is so intent on striking a deal that though wanting a rug, he will buy the camel (see previous blogs). Lets hope congress can put some pressure on the Iranians.  Maybe BHO will make James Taylor a diplomat at large and he and "Lurch" Kerry can travel to Iran, Cuba, and even North Korea.  Who knows, Kim Jung Il may be a fan.  Maybe ISIS and Al Qada would want to see The Clash and Boko Horam Little Wayne, as they both like guns and hos.
      After the address, BHO answered questions from You Tube personalities including Glozell, a woman who wears green lipstick and bathes in Fruit Loops and milk. He wanted to show how cool and hip he is, but instead came off as a real idiot.  Rumor has it that Moochelle was jealous of Glozell and may start wearing green or blue lipstick herself.  I can hardly wait until next year's speech to see what lies and destructive policies he will be promoting.

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