Now California has fired the ultimate shot in the global warming hoax. The far left and insane California legislature has passed a bill to criminalize global warming dissent. I guess they realize that if you can't win the debate, shut it off entirely by threatening criminal prosecution. Sounds Orwellian or even like Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. Hopefully the ACLU will come to the defense of anyone arrested and charged. Not doing so will mean that the ACLU is no longer a civil liberties watch dog as it claims to be. In normal times, the SCOTUS could be relied on to reject a law that so obviously violates the First Amendment right to free speech, but you never know how Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayer, and Kagan would find as they seem to believe in free speech only on the left at times. It would be great to have an open debate on global warming in which this Nazi hoax could be completely exposed. I'd be happy to debate anyone on the issue. Maybe if it does reach the SCOTUS, I can fill an Amicus brief, if non attorneys are allowed. I could simply send previous blogs to them. They would see the real reason behind the hoax. Of course there is even a more nefarious reason why the California legislature acted in this way. This legislation will open the major oil companies to law suits by the State of California that could then get multimillion or billion dollar fines. California is hurting for money due to legislative incompetence for years and its taxes are among the highest in the country. Residents who suffer from these terrible taxes are leaving the state in droves and moving to Texas and other states where the legislature is more responsible and the tax burden far less. Fines would help with a bloated budget from out of control spending due to state employee salaries, pensions, and benefits as well as billions spent on illegal aliens that are looked at as future Democrats.

Now for a Hitlery Clinton update. Last week the State Department Inspector General found that Hitlery intentionally violated State Department and US Government security rules after signing a document that she wouldn't. The facts are there and this is indisputable, despite Hitlery and her team's and the Clinton favoring media's denials and efforts to modify the findings The usual line is that all secretary of states had a private email account, but none had a private unsecured server in their basement. There is evidence that there have been multiple attempted hacks of her server and at least two people claim successful hacks including Putin. Again despite her denials, 2000 top secret emails were exchanged on the server and in at least a dozen instances those that are classified beyond top secret. The FBI's investigation seems to be winding down, but the Clinton Foundation has become part of the investigation. Two weeks ago I wrote about scumbag Terry McAuliffe and now he is being investigated by the FBI for campaign fund raising irregularities. He was part of the Clinton Foundation and probably taught them how to launder money, his specialty. The FBI will soon issue its findings and will recommend an indictment. This will present a real problem for AG Loretta Lynch and Barak Obama. If they refuse to indict her, it will not only hurt Hitlery's image giving Trump even more information to use against her. It will certainly affect Obama's already seriously tarnished legacy. It will add fuel to the claim of how corrupt and non transparent the regime is. There is a real chance that FBI Director James Comey and some agents may resign if she is not indicted. It will be impossible for the findings to stay hidden as the Republican Congress will hold hearings to get at the truth. The only thing that is still a mystery is that because she is so shameless, whether she will drop out of the presidential race. My best guess is that she will not or go kicking and screaming. Amazingly her stupid followers will continue to support her, oblivious to how dangerous she is.

One last update. The State of New York has passed and Democrat Governor Cuomo has signed a bill denouncing the BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement against Israel and New York will not do business with any country that supports BDS. Other states need to get on board and follow New York's example. The PLO and Hamas cannot defeat Israel militarily so they are trying to defeat Israel economically. The BDS movement has gained strength on our college campuses and leftist controlled student governments have passed resolutions favoring it, but these resolutions are usually rejected by the board of regents. Amazingly Bernie Sanders, a non observant Jew, has appointed four of his five appointees to the platform committee for the DNC Convention in Philadelphia that are BDS advocates. They include Prof. Cornell West, a major BDS advocate, Keith Ellison, the only Muslim member of Congress, Dr. James Zogby, a major contributor to Palestinian groups, and Deborah Parker, a pro Palestinian professor. The previous DNC conventions had difficulty in supporting Israel (it took a disputed voice vote to turn back an anti Israel plank) and with a BDS team like this anything bad for our relationship with our ally Israel could happen.
I hope my update has been helpful. Please pass it on to your friends.
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