Friday, June 17, 2016

A Brief Update: The Media, Obama, and the Left are Despicable

                                                    Dr. Democracy Howard N Robinson MD      

      I thought that I was through writing about the massacre in Orlando, but the despicable left has added a new and disgusting twist to the explanation for this atrocity that almost made me vomit.  As I pointed out in my first article about the Orlando massacre put the Obama and his far left cronies in a real quandary as to who to support, the GLBT community or Muslims.  Obama, Hitlery, and the left seemed to support Muslims, though they have a violent and miserable record in regard to gay men.  They tried to shift the blame on a lack of gun control.  That did't work out too well.  It was pointed out that the Clinton Library and Criminal Foundation have received over $100 million from Middle Eastern countries that murder and imprison gays. Obama even wants to increase the number and speed of bringing in Syrian refugees with no way to vet them.  The only real passion he has shown, is his hatred for Republicans.  The media and far left have picked up on this and now the New York Times and others blame conservative Republicans who are against gay marriage as the cause behind this terrible events.  They have stripped away the anti gay aspect of Islam from Islam itself. It is much easier for them to accuse and say "conservative Republican" rather that "radial Islamic terrorism" as they don't mind offending Republicans rather than Muslims.   Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch says she will prosecute anyone who disparages Muslims.  I'd like to see her be as aggressive about prosecuting anyone who violates US Code Title 18, Section 2071. (Look it up, the penalty is three years in prison, a fine, and loss of and inability to hold office.)
      I'm certain that many of you think that Obama is totally divorced from what is happening or just a liar.  He is both.  His ideology always comes first whether the world's events support it or not.  For example, recently Obama made a speech in Indiana, about the great recovery our economy has made under his watch.  Of course, Indiana has well because of the work of its Republican Governor Mike Pence and a Republican legislature.  Yesterday with horrible jobs statistics, Fed Chairman Janet Yelen did not raise interest rates as expected yesterday.  In fact, the economy has continued to contract for nine straight months.  Eleven states including New York and California have more people on welfare than employed.  The average dollars a welfare  family receives are more than the average wages a working family receives.  The destruction of capitalism and the American economy has always been the goal of Obama.  That's what he actually meant when he spoke of transforming America.  Bernie and Hitlery want more of the same. As far as ISIS is concerned Obama continue to tell us that they are on the run.  If that's the case, why do we need to bring any Syrians here?  Establish a safe zone for them in the Middle East. Unfortunately, his own CIA head John Brennan (a Muslim convert himself) has told us that despite some loss of territory and income, ISIS is growing especially in Libya and Africa with over 15,000 affiliate members.  Maybe Obama would know this if he didn't skip 60% of his intelligence briefings or read the written briefings himself.   This lack of interest in destroying ISIS and solving the problem of radical Islamic terrorism has caused the emboldenment of American born Muslims or Muslims living in America to perform acts of terrorism.

      Obama and his pals on the left has done our country a great disservice, denying the obvious, and pushing a radical agenda that will lead to death and the loss of freedom for all Americans.

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