The monster was Omar Mateen, a thirty year old Muslim, born in NYC to Afghan immigrant parents. He was once married to a woman who divorced him as he physically abused her. The woman had to be rescued by her parents from the abusive relationship. Next he had a girlfriend for three years and apparently fathered a child three years ago. The FBI has a file on him as he has been reported by coworkers from his anti America, pro jihadist speech, and for his relationship to a jihadist who has gone back and forth to Syria. He was not currently under FBI surveillance. Amazingly he worked as an armed security agent for G4S Security, a private company and division of Wachenhut. that its clients include a number of nuclear power facilities. His employment gave him access to weapons and training. Obviously there was a problem vetting this Muslim and theoretically he could have cost a lot more lives, if he were assigned to a nuclear power plant went wild. Probably it would have taken a certain amount of knowhow to release radioactive material, so this wasn't practical. GLTV club was a much softer target. We have also learned that this monster's father has stated that he supports our enemy, the Taliban, back in Afghanistan. Maybe we should deport him back from whence he came.
The first politician on the scene was Alan Grayson, an outspoken far leftist who represents the 9th congressional district in Florida. I assume it encompasses the locale where the atrocity took place. To his credit, he referred to it as an act of terror, but, though he was apparently made aware that the killer was a Muslim, like most Democrats, refused to call it Islamic terror. At the first press conference neither Buddy Dyer, Democrat mayor of Orlando, Teresa Jacobs, Republican mayor of Orange County, the chief of police, the orange county sheriff, and the FBI only referred to it as an act of terror, possibly because an Imam and the representative of the Central Florida Muslim community were present and spoke as well. Their presence told me that no doubt it was an act of radical Islamic terror.
Later we learned, that during his 911 call to authorities, he pledged his allegiance to ISIS and was shouting "Allah Akbar" during his murderous shooting spree. He was armed with a handgun and semiautomatic long gun and possibly an explosive vest (that information has not been released yet), with plenty of ammunition, as according to the FBI, he expended hundreds of rounds of ammunition. To wound or kill over a hundred innocent people and have several gun battles with the police and SWAT, he must have.

Radical Islamic terror is erupting all over the world. Europe is starting to realize what a mistake it was to allow millions of Muslim immigrants to migrate to their countries. Most muslims have been unwilling to accept the freedom that their new home affords them. Instead, they request special treatment claiming they are offended by Western lifestyles. In America, we believe that everyone has rights including women, gays and lesbians. People are allowed to eat what they please including pork, our educational institutions can teach history, including the Crusades and Holocaust, and our religious institutions are allowed to display the symbols of their religion. If some Muslims don't like it, they can go back to the hellhole from whence they came. Radical Islam will not be silenced until America and Europe decide that they need to go into wherever it exists and kill those who are jihadists. The only way to empty Git
mo is with a hangman's noose or firing squad.
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