Doctor Democracy: Howard N Robinson MD
regime's position on the terrible
atrocity in
Orlando continues to get more obscene. Today the FBI released the
911 transcript from the night of the
massacre, but
scrubbed the part that mentioned anything having to do with
radical Islam and its supporting organizations. The outcry was unprecedented from
Congress, the
media, and
general public. References to
Islam, Jihad, ISIS,
Sharia, and Allah were all
expunged. I'm certain our
politically correct POTUS would be ever so quick to mention the
KKK, if one of its members or admirers ever committed a crime, even spitting on the sidewalk. Late in the day, the
regime was forced to change its mind and
release an
unexpended version of the tape between Mateen and the hostage negotiator though
twenty minutes are still
missing. Instead, he continues to harp on
gun control and the
Conservatives view on gay marriage. Despite there being
no reference to the LGBT community or Latinos by the
Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch hinted that the massacre could have been
Trump's fault as it was Latin night at the club.
Muslim terrorism was not even mentioned. Even a moron would realize that gun control means nothing without enforcement. There are plenty of
anti gun laws on the books that
aren't enforced. Take
Chicago, the murder capital of American and Obama's hometown for nearly two decades. It has the
strictest anti gun laws in the nation and yet
guns readily available to kill. Nearly all of the murders that are committed are with
weapons that were not legally obtained. Nearly all of the people committing the murders have criminal records and so
legally they could not purchase handguns, semi automatic, or automatic weapons, but they do and are most assuredly
not NRA members. Yet all the left wants to do is criticize the NRA and conservatives. Several high profile police shootings have unfortunately hampered the police in their aftermath as the murder rate climbs. The mass murder of
49 Americans is horrible, but it pales to the number of
murders committed in
Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles and many other major cities over the last 12 months. (
Last weekend there were 13 murders and 46 wounded in Chicago adding up to 1800 so for this year.) First degree murder ought to be punished with an automatic death penalty, either one year or one appeal after the sentence is handed down. Whatever comes first. If nothing else, it would keep that murderer from ever killing anyone again. Instead,
clueless Obama has been
releasing and shortening the sentences for drug dealers as the left mistakenly
calls this a non violent crime. One of these non violent offenders, who was released in 2010 after serving half his sentence, killed his girlfriend and her two young children with a knife. So much for drug dealers being non violent. In fact most of the
murders in our cities are
tied to drugs in one way or another. Whether its a fight for turf, acquiring
money to purchase drugs, or just plain ripoffs of money and/or drugs, it is anything but non violent.
Obama continues to
release unvetted Muslims into our communities, and if that is not bad enough, a recent
court ruling in Texas said that the US Government is under
no obligation to notify a state
how many are being located to a state
or where they are settled. I guess the state will find out when little Mohammed or Fatima get e
nrolled in school, if they have children or
mom and/or dad apply for welfare benefits. Over
100,000 green cards were given out to
Muslims last year mostly from
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. I wonder how many of them were
H5B visas and how much they
paid Tony Rodham and
Terry McAuliffe to e
xpedite them.
Not only is the far
left attacking our Second Amendment rights, but now the
First Amendment is under attack and it all involves the
Global Warming Hoax. Now the
Massachusetts' AG Maura Healey has gone after
Exxon for its
anti hoax stance, requesting
40 years worth of documents even though
Exxon doesn't do business in Massachusetts.
Twenty other left wing/Democrat AGs want to do the same. Fortunately the
USHoR has stepped in and rebuked Massachusetts and the 20 other AGs, saying that
it has the authority not state AGs. They turned the tables on these fascists, further stating that this is an attack on
free speech and scientific inquiry, and wants them to turn over any documents from out side groups. Like the
NAZIs, liberals don't want debate, they want to
criminalize it.
My sources tell me that the
investigation involving espionage and corruption of
Hillary Clinton is over except for
her interview that will take place before the convention.
USAG denies that she has talked to Obama about it and that there is no pressure on James Comey to find for the regime. Yeah right. We shall see very shortly. As I state before her
crimes clearly violate
US Title Code 18: Section 2071. The
punishment is
three years in prison, a
fine, and
removal from office and the
inability to ever serve in public office. I don't think Obama can or will violate the last part of th9s law.
Another well written and informative blog. And hey, nice picture. But now that the whacko left knows what you look like, you're going to have to hire some security!