Friday, July 1, 2016

You Just Can't Make this Stuff Up

Howard N Robinson MD  Doctor Democracy

      I've been working on a story about the Brexit, and maybe a Texit or even a Flexit, but this other event has come along that has to be told and evaluated.  If you don't know by now,  US AG Loretta Lynch had what was thought to be a somewhat clandestine meeting with former President Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona this past Monday.  It would have remained clandestine until a local reporter uncovered it. There are no videos or photographs of the meeting.  None were allowed. Clinton, who was departing the airport, hung around waiting for Lynch's plane to arrive.  He boarded her plane and the two had a half hour chat.  According to Lynch, the chat was mostly Bill talking about his grandchildren and his golf game. We all know Bill.  Maybe he showed her his "putter." ("I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lynch.") Here's something you may not have known about their relationship.  In 1999 Bill appointed her to her first federal job as the Federal Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.  Knowing this and that Bill's wife is under investigation by the FBI for federal crimes including violation of US Code Title 18 Section 2071, that terms what Hitlery did as espionage could be looked at as obstruction of justice.  Furthermore the FBI investigation has extended to the Clinton Foundation as illegal acts may have been uncovered from reviewing the emails that the FBI was able to recover.  Bill's daughter and mother of his grandchildren, Chelsea, is also a principle of the Clinton Foundation with her parents and could be subject to criminal charges, if foundation illegalities are uncovered.  If that's not enough, Clinton confidante and super slime bag, Terry McAuliffe, is also under FBI investigation.  During the 1990s at Bill's request, US AG Janet Reno shielded McAuliffe from a US Senate investigation for a money laundering scheme to funnel Teamster's Union Funds into the 1996 Clinton reelection campaign.  A number of union officials were indicted and convicted, but McAuliffe was protected.
      You attorneys out there, who follow my blog, know that in legal circumstances even the presence of the appearance of a conflict of interest is enough for recusal from a case.  The two factors,  I  mentioned above, Bill's previous relationship with Lynch and the clandestine meeting are more than enough for Lynch to recuse herself, as if the former were not enough already.  Lynch has several choices.  Recuse herself and allow Deputy AG Sally Yates to handle the case.  Yates is an experienced prosecutor when it comes to federal crimes involving corruption.  Though a Democrat politically, she was appointed by Bush XLI and reappointed by Bush XLIII.  Another option is to appoint a special prosecutor.  That won't happen as Obama would never allow it. A special prosecutor is Obama's worse nightmare as following leads may lead to all the way to the White House where some of the other scandals of the Obama regimes originated..  Even if a special prosecutor is appointed, I hope that it isn't the now unemployed Ken Starr, as he let Hitlery off the hook before, even though there was overwhelming evidence that she was guilty.  Lynch has chosen a third choice and it may be the best, and that's to follow whatever FBI chief James Comey recommends.   That would be great if she and Obama allow it to happen.  I won't hold my breath.  The most political, secretive, and dishonest regime ever, may figure a way out of this.
      Now what originally seemed like a disaster because of the clandestine meeting,  may result in some good coming of it.  Comey has a good reputation and won't cover up the evidence that has been accumulated by his agents.  Still both Bill Clinton and AG Lynch have experienced associates around them, so it is amazing that the incident happened at all.  Bill often has his own mind about things and even leaves his Secret Service contingent behind as he did a number of times when flying to his pal Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island to have sex with under age girls. ("I did not have sex with women, they were underaged girls.")  Bill is so used to cover ups, that  he thought no one would find out.  Lynch was probably put into a difficult position if she refused to meet a former president and the man who originally appointed her.

      It would be great if Billy, Hilly, and Chelsea were all indicted and convicted for a whole slew of crimes.  Despite what he says, and he rarely speaks the truth, the is no love lost between Obama and the Clintons.  Bill's foolish act is now the excuse he needs to torpedo Hitlery.  He can always blame Bill.   Joe Biden is ready, willing, and able if Hitlery is forced to drop out, though she is shameless enough to continue to run.  Other candidates in waiting include  quasi American indian (Pocahontas, Chief Sitting Bullshit)  Elizabeth Warren, Moochelle, and Bernie (who would be "Berned" up if he wasn't chosen to replace Hitlery).

1 comment:

  1. Here's how I imagine the conversation between President Clinton and AG Lynch went: "Look Loretta, I got you your first big job. Do you want a bigger one? How about a nomination to the Supreme Court? That's waiting for you if there's no indictment and my wife is elected President. Now, how about those Grandkids of mine?"
