One year ago no one gave Donald Trump much of a chance when he announced that he was running for POTUS. He quickly disposed of most of his competition by running an untraditional campaign going directly to the people with a "Make America Great Again" slogan. If any other candidate had a slogan, I don't recall what it was. The Democrats tried to make the Republican convention seem like a disaster. It wasn't. Ted Cruz pretty much destroyed his political career as did Jeb Bush and John Kasich. Trump came out ahead and got a huge bounce after the convention having made a stirring acceptance speech and well represented by his family. African American speakers were distinguished gentlemen and included Sheriff David Clarke Jr. and Ben Carson, MD. The mother of murdered diplomate Sean Smith, Pat Smith also spoke and reiterated Hillary's lies, even to a grieving mother. The convention ended very positively with only the mainstream media commenting on what a disaster it was.
Now the Democrats are to take their turn at a convention. They have lined up far leftist speakers including Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. Their "victim" speaker is the Lezley McSpadden, the mother of dead criminal thug Michael Brown and a criminal herself. Everything was to go according to plan and Hillary Clinton was to be anointed. Then all hell broke loose. Wikileaks released 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The emails showed that the DNC clearly did not remain neutral, but supported Hillary Clinton. They showed that the DNC was interested in exploiting Sanders' Jewish religion in the South either as a Jew or an atheist whatever they though would work best. The debates were limited in number and scheduled for weekends when no one would be watching.
Chairwoman of the DNC was Debbie Wasserman Schultz whose only job has been in politics since she graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in political campaigning (with a minor in dirty tricks). She worked her way through the system in Broward Country, Florida first as an advisor to Ted Deutch and then moved into his seat in the Florida legislature as he moved up the political ladder. Starting in 1992, she served 8 years in the Florida House of Representatives and then due to term limits moved onto the Florida Senate. The Broward County Democrat Party is well known for promoting incompetent women to positions (recall Nicki Grossman, Sylvia Potier and Miriam Oliphant to name a few). Debbie's most important and only piece of legislation was to require pools and spas to have a fence that would prevent children (and pool hoppers) from drowning. She quickly moved on the the US Congress representing the heavily Democrat and Jewish 23rd congressional district. She very strongly supported Hillary Clinton during the 2008 election cycle and surprisingly was appointed by Obama to head the DNC. Her only real victory was getting Obama reelected in 2012, otherwise she has lost the Senate and House to Republicans. Her main attribute that kept her in her positions that she has no conscious and is willing to not only do what she is told to to do but lie continuously without any guilt whatsoever.
The culmination of all of her efforts was to be the 2016 Democrat convention in Philadelphia, for which she worked so hard to get Hillary Clinton crowned. Standing in front of all those Democrat delegates and gaveling in the convention was her dream. Now she has been replaced by another political hack Stephanie Rawlings Blake, Baltimore mayor to begin the meeting. Debbie was even booed by her own Florida delegation the morning before the convention is to begin. Sanders' supporters are understandably miffed and are demonstrating against supporting Hillary.
Learning well from Obama, Hillary denies any knowledge of her unfair advantage from the DNC, but has promoted Debbie to her honorary campaign chairwoman. I wonder what salary she will get either directly or under the table for keeping her mouth shut. The Clinton Criminal Foundation is loaded with hush money. So don't feel sorry for Debbie. If it weren't for Hillary, Debbie would go from chairwoman to charwoman.
We have also learned that the DNC helped organize some of the anti Trump rallies, a criminal offense, particularly the one in San Francisco. Trying to ignore the very devastating content of the emails, the Democrats and Hillary are blaming the Russians for hacking, because they want Trump elected, because he does not favor NATO. Of course Trump has never said that he doesn't support NATO. He recognizes NATO as a treaty and under any treaty agreement the parties are bound to certain clauses. He says that European Countries need to put up with their end of the treaty if they want US support. They claim Trump is a racist, anti immigrant, anti Muslim, and anti women. Another lie. Trump has hired and promoted women and minorities to the highest positions in his businesses and has never said anything that is anti black. He is not anti immigrant he is anti illegal immigrant and only wants to bar Muslims from entering the country if they are from warring areas and can't be properly vetted. Someone ought to remind Obama that protecting Americans including veterans is his primary job, not admitting unvetted Muslims.
Over the next four days the speeches should be pretty boring, filled with lies, misinformation, and liberal bull shit, but the chaos that has been stirred up should be fun to watch. Having constructed miles of fencing to protect the delegates, it will be interesting to see what the demonstrators have to say and how the mainstream pro Hillary media will spin it. Bye Bye Debbie, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
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