Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Obama's DOJ Declared Unethical By Federal Judge

      This is an amazing story that just broke within the past week.  The media has not reported much on it, except Fox News.  Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in the federal district that includes Texas has just issued a devastating opinion and order against the Obama Department of Justice.  The case involves DAPA, Deferred Action on Parental Accountability, that Obama established by executive order on November 20, 2014 involving the illegal alien parents of children born in America. The children are considered American citizens.  This action, unapproved by Congress, who according to the Constitution makes the laws concerning immigration, was to make illegal aliens with citizen minor children legal immigrants. This could legalize up to 4 million illegal aliens.  Immediately Texas and 25 other states filled a law suit questioning the legality of this action by Obama and the INS at both the state and federal level.  An injunction was issued to prevent it from going into effect until the issue could be legally resolved, ultimately by SCOTUS.
      DOJ attorneys said they accepted the Judge's injunction and on multiple occasions both verbally and in writing told the judge that the regime was complying with the injunction.  Then the judge learned that 100,081 illegal aliens had been processed since the injunction went into effect. He then knew that the DOJ attorneys had purposely lied to both him and the attorneys for the plaintiff states.  Their claims of not remembering that the regime was acting despite the stay didn't make a positive impression on the judge as he knows that lower level DOJ attorneys were advised by upper level DOJ officials to lie.  If the upper level DOJ officials didn't advise them to lie they would have stepped in immediately to set the record straight, they didn't. He issued a 25 page opinion last week that blasted the Obama DOJ and issued the following orders.
      1.   Banning some DOJ attorney from appearing in that federal district court
      2.   Ordering the Obama administration to compile a list of the 100,081 individuals who were      
            given legal status in each state
      3.   Mandated the all DOJ attorneys that practice in any of the 26 states that were part of the case
            undergo mandatory ethics training, yearly for five years
      4.   The DOJ to appoint a compliance officer to report yearly to the court
      5.   Commanding the US Attorney General to present him with a plan in 60 days to prevent this
            from happening again
      6.   Directing the AG to report within 60 days on what steps are being taken to ensure the
            DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility effectively polices its attorneys and disciplines                  
            those whose conduct falls below that which the American people rightfully expect from the
      There were two other actions that the judge could have taken but explained why he did not.  The first was that he could strike the administration's filing, but didn't because it would undercut the case now before SCOTUS and he believed the American people deserve a just rendering. and second he could have imposed fines and attorney's fees, but did not because taxpayers would ultimately foot the bill.  He ended the order with a warning to Attorney General Loretta Lynch that being a former US attorney she should act honestly in her dealings with the court, opposing attorneys, and the America  people. He did not hold her accountable, because she was not the AG when these violations occurred.
      The judge did not have the ability to disbar any of these attorneys, but the states do, and I am certain that investigations have begun for disbarment in several of the states involved.  Congress with its oversight power can certainly investigate the DOJ and learn from where the order to lie to the court came.  Heads may roll, if not in this administration, in the next as Obama usually rewards those who follow his orders with raises, advancement, or valuable pensions as long as they keep their mouths shut.  It is also possible that criminal charges could be filed against attorneys involved, using this as a means to get the the top.  It would be fitting to see Eric Holder charged and convicted.  He could join Hitlery in an orange jump suit.
      The DAPA case is another important decision by SCOTUS that would have limited Obama's over reach.  If the court deadlocks and refers this back to the federal court in Texas, I have a feeling that Judge Hanen may find for the plaintiffs.  Obama's over reach has to be curtailed, unfortunately this is occurring in his last year in office instead of the first.  Politicalizing the executive branch of government has extended to every department.  Lying and corruption have been his main tools for violating the Constitution as his constitution is Alinsky's Rules For Radicals.


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