Monday, May 23, 2016

What the Republican Strategy Should Be to Succeed

      The Republicans lost to in 2008 and 2012 because of a inept strategy.  They advisors and strategists to Mc Cain and Romney had to know about Obama's relationship to admitted communists and far left individuals.  They had to know that except for winning elections with extremely dirty tactics, he had accomplished nothing of real importance.  Yet these aspects of his background were not emphasized both by The Republican presidential candidates or their supporting PACs.  They were way too "nice" to a monster probably because they may have thought that their intense opposition would have led to charges of racism.  It would have, but this could have been easily challenged merely by saying I want to debate ideas, here's why mine will work and his can't.  When you can't debate me, you resort to name calling. The Democrats have also tried to use social issues, because they are unwilling or unable to debate how higher taxes, more federal spending, and "free stuff" will benefit jobs and the economy.  McCain should have brought up Obama's US and Illinois State Senate records that didn't amount to anything and his lack of accomplishments, blaming Pelosis, Dowd, Frank, and Obama for the financial crisis and collapse of the housing bubble.  (In 1994 Obama, as an ACORN attorney, sued City Group of Chicago over not giving mortgages to people who could afford to pay for them).  Instead they let Obama blame Bush.  Romney failed to capitalize on all of the failures of the Obama regime and instead  as lured into spending much of his time on social issues including his Mormon religion. Romney, whose history and accomplishments, were far superior to Obama',s failed to make a strong case, even to his fellow Republicans who didn't turn out to vote for him.
     The Democrats have always trapped Republican candidates into dealing more with social issues, rather than economic ones, knowing they will be supported by the liberal media, even if what they say isn't true. The women's issue has always been one of their favorites.  Hitlery has already accused Trump of mistreatment of women and the NY Timers has backed her up with an untruthful hit piece.  Trump has fought back effectively, siting Bill's history of abusing women and Hitlery's hypocrisy over equal pay with her own staff and the conservative media has also had a few pieces on Bill's infidelity and  Jeffery Epstein's Lolita Express.  But this has served as a distraction from attacking Obama's handling of the economy and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy failure.  to only has Obama used this in the last two elections, but the Clintons have used this very effectively as well.  During the 1996 election cycle, Bill committed treason.  He allowed a major bundler, Bernie Schwartz, from Lorel Aerospace to sell missile guidance technology to the Communist Chinese Army who could build huge rockets, but couldn't control where they were going.  The CIA, DoD, and State Department had advised against this it it was determined that it may take 20 years and 2 billion dollars for the Chinese to accomplish this on their own.Loren solved that and in return the Chinese gave Clinton $20 million for his campaign through a variety of sources.  Well after the election, these illegal foreign sources were discovered by the National Board of Elections and Clinton was forced to pay them back.  He used fund raisers by trial attorneys that sued cigarette companies to do so.  The treasonous act that purposely occurred over a weekend was only reported sparsely and for a short time as the Clintons and the media used the Lewinsky scandal as a distraction.  Clinton deserved impeachment, but not for Lewinsky, for treason.  

       Trump is certainly not afraid to defend or attack, but to do so often serves the Democrat  strategy as a distraction.  True successfully made short work of a question on what he would do about abortion. He answered that he would support conservative SCOTUS judges, case closed.  He will be attacked on gay and lesbian issues and now the stupidest issue of bathrooms rights for trannies.  Also the second amendment is another issue that Hitlery wants to take up time and space.  Trump should use the same brief answer that he used for abortion, conservative supreme court justices.
      He and Conservative PACs should attack her relentlessly on Obama and her reckless economic plan that has already failed to help unemployment and the economy.  Unbelievably she recently stated that she wants to continue the failed Obama policies like high taxation and Obamacare, but that Billy will be her economic advisor, admitting she doesn't know much about economics.
     Hitlery is very vulnerable on foreign policy.  She says she is experienced, but she is actually only experienced in failure.  This conveniently combines Benghazi, the email scandal, the Clinton Criminal Foundation scandal, and Hitlery's lying.  He should pound "crooked" Hitlery on this.  
      One other issue that Trump can vigorously attack is the global warming hoax, that is really a way of destroying the American economy.  With that in mind. I am forwarding a copy of my four part blog on the global warming hoax and hopefully he will use his bully pulpit to educate the American public on their destructive hoax. (maybe he'll ask me to become an environmental advisor...yeah right).
      In summary, there is little risk that Trump will be too kind to Hitlery as the two past Republican presidential candidates have been, but he should not get trapped into discussing mostly social issues,  even if asked about it over and over agin by the media.  He has begun to use these issues in terms of the economy and safety  Eventually the media will give up.  He should most of his time vigorously attacking her on the economy, foreign policy, and safety of Americans.  Illegal immigration can tie into this as well.

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