Thursday, December 22, 2016

Democrat Hypocrisy

       Since this may be my last blog of 2016, I would like to wish you all a very happy and joyous holiday season.  The new year 2017 should bring us much happiness as we will be getting rid of the most harmful president in the history of the country.  I would like to thank you, my loyal followers, for your continual support.  With your help, my readership has grown to over 1000 and with your continued support and sharing of my blog, it will continue to grow. 

      The Democrats and a few Republicans are critical of Donald Trump's nominee Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State.  Objections seem to center around Tillerson's dealings with Russia. As CEO of Exxon, he negotiated deals with the Russian state owned oil company Rosneft.  As a result he was awarded a Russian Medal of Friendship.  A number of American have been awarded this medal since its inception around 1990 by Boris Yeltsin.  Americans that have received the award include the pianist Van Cliburn, Russian Museum of Art (Minneapolis) founder Raymond Johnson and other business people, historians, and an anthropologist.  Like Johnson, some never met Putin and the award doesn't imply close ties to the man.
     Both of Obama's Secretaries of State had much more serious issues  that should have been disqualifiers.  Hillary Clinton's ties to the Clinton Foundation were clearly a serious issue and despite her claiming to separate herself that was just not the case.  Pay for play ruled the day at the State Department and contributions to the foundation often accompanied face time with Secretary Clinton and many times the approval of arms sales.  Though she signed an agreement for Obama that she would separate herself from the Clinton Foundation, it was just for show as she continued to act as its agent and use of her private server were done with both Obama's knowledge and tacit approval.  Some of her State Department staff were also employed by the Clinton Foundation, which was illegal.
      John Kerry had a more serious conflict that he failed to disclose during the Senate Hearings for his confirmation. About the time he was being approved,  Kerry's daughter Vanessa married Behrooz Nahed, an Iranian American neurosurgery resident at Massachusetts General Hospital.  Dr, Nahed was born in New York City to Iranian parents who now live in California, but with many family members who still live in Iran. A matter of some controversy is the appearance of the son of Mohamed Jakad Zarih, the current Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs with whom Kerry negotiated the treaty (called an agreement by the Obama administration) with Iran.  Kerry was no stranger to Zahir as they met in NYC at a party thrown by none other than financial anarchist George Soros when Zahir was the Iranian Ambassador to the UN. It was claimed that Zahir's son, a friend of Nahed was his best man, but this has been denied though a wedding party photo has surfaced that included him.  Kerry should have not been involved in negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran and his Iranian friendships may indicate why the deal, with Obama's approval, was so bad for America.
      On the other hand,Tillerson was a tough negotiator for his company and stock holders when dealing with Russia and other countries with whom US relations may not be on the best of terms.  He has received very positive endorsements from both previous Secretary of State Condolezza Rice and previous Secretary of Defense under both Bush and Obama, Robert Gates.  He knows the world and many world leaders.  If the Democrats were so worried about cozying up to Russia they didn't do or say anything when Obama was caught on a live mike talking to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility to negotiate after the November elections."
      There is also some negative comments about Donald Trump utilizing his daughter Ivanka as the White House hostess. As we have seen she is attractive, smart, and, like her father, will work for free, a far cry from Michelle Obama who spent $85 million of our money on elaborate vacations. She will not be taking vacations at taxpayer expense.  Democrats should keep their mouths shut over this selection.  She will be a gracious hostess and I don't think the Trumps will leave the Israeli President Netanyahu waiting while they finish dinner.
     Trump seems to be assembling a cabinet of superstars who have been successful in the real world.  He has behaved like the CEO of a huge corporation,  assembling an executive  staff of intelligent successful people who can do the job, not a bunch of academics and  professional politicians.  We saw how a man, with little life experience except as a community organizer and two bit politician, could destroy a nation and an economy.  There are only a few spots left, but the most important nomination to come is to fill the empty Supreme Court seat.
      The Democrats and mainstream media would have gone crazy, if Trump had lost and requested recounts in the states he lost and they belittled him for saying he would contest the results if there were instances of voter fraud.  Miscounts were not the reason for Hillary Clinton's loss. In the previous blog I showed that the Democrats were attacking the messenger and if they had not performed unethically and criminally, the hacks by whoever and exposure by Wikileaks would have been meaningless.

      Thanks again for your support and I know we are looking forward to January 20, 2017 with eager anticipation.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blaming the Messenger

      Unwilling to admit defeat based on a flawed candidate, the Democrats have blamed Vlad Putin and Russia for hacking Democrat Party officials and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta to sway the election in Donald Trump's favor.  Its always easier to blame the messenger, rather than the message. There has been virtually no comment that the hacks released in large batches by Wikileaks are not true.  The information gleaned from the Pedestal, DNC, and Donna Brazile emails was important and the America voting public had the right know the truth.  The Obama controlled CIA and FBI are at odds with one another as to whether these hacks, if by the Russians, were meant to sway voters to vita for Donald Trump.
      Shortly before the DNC convention, we learned that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chair of the DNC, clearly favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.  She called Sanders' campaign manager Jeff Weaver an "asshole and liar" and discussed whether her misguided opinion that Sanders' religious belief of atheism (he claimed he was not an atheist) could be used against him, especially in the evangelical South, since his Jewish birth apparently was not effecting Democrat primary voters.  When these emails were posted, she was forced to "resign" just before the Democrat Convention.  Ironically, as we shall see, Donna Brazile was appointed to take her place.  A few months after the convention, Wikileaks exposed that as a CNN pundit, Bazile supplied at least one question to the Clinton team prior to the town hall style debate during the primaries.  It showed that the information she supplied was nearly word for word with the actual question on the death penalty. Brazile subsequently lost her job at CNN. The media giant denied that they had given out this information, as they were hosting the event.  So not only did an employee of CNN  offer a debate question, but the Clinton campaign accepted the offer.  Sanders had complained about a rigged system and these emails certainly confirmed it.
      Podesta's emails shed light on what a poor campaigner Clinton's team thought she was.  One of the talking points in her paid speeches was how out of touch she was with middle America and was why they were never to be released.  Another email thread, that began in 2011, when Pedesta was head of the infamous George Soros funded Center for America Progress (CAP),  was sent by John Halprin, fellow at CPA, to Podesta and Jennifer Palmiere, Hillary for America communications director.  The emails were critical of conservative Catholics in general and in particular media mogul  Rupert Murdock and Wall Street Journal managing editor Robert Thompson who were raising their children as Catholics. Another topic was also a discussion of whether Clinton should use Goldman Sachs in NYC as the venue for a meeting with the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation.  Another thread discussed how to handle the reaction to the book Clinton Cash by Peter Schwitzer. The consensus was to emphasizing the good works of the Foundation and then use denials based on a series of fact checks by biased fact checkerss.
      Some of the most damning information did not come from the emails.  Instead it came from James O'Keefe's Project Veritas that taped Clinton operatives discussing starting violence at Trump rallies.  The two main characters involved in this were Scoot Foval and Robert Creamer.  Foval was field director for Americans United for Change, a George Soros funded group working for the Clinton campaign and Creamer worked for Democracy Partners, another group working for Hillary Clinton's campaign.  In the first video tape, they discussed hiring the mentally ill to incite violence at Trump  rallies.  When this information was made public,  there was obviously a public outcry and interestingly, when Clinton, during a debate brought up violence at Trump rallies, Trump fired back the she had paid for it. A second video tape showed both Creamer and Foval discussing voter fraud using illegal Hispanics as voters on a large and multistate scale.  A third party, Cesar Vargas, an illegal himself, also appeared on the tape.  Both Foval and Creamer were fired as a result.  There was some denial that the tapes were heavily edited, but even if that was the case, the intent was obvious.
      The old tired trick of blaming the messenger won't work, despite Democrat and the Obama regime's effort to say the Russians were trying to effect election results. Certainly Russian hacking ought to be investigated, but so should paying people to riot and commit violence to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights.  Don't count on in from the seriously corrupt Obama DOJ.  The Democrats have tried to obfuscate the real issue.  Very simply, if the Democrats and their operatives did not do and say what they did, there would not have been anything worth hacking or video taping.  In reality, the Democrats had a deeply flawed candidate and a terrible strategy.  Hillary Clinton had no positive message.  Her campaign slogan "stronger together" meant nothing to most people.  Her other slogan "I'm with her" would have been much more effective as "she's with us." Her history of lying and the multiple scandals that surrounded her adult life certainly didn't help.  Nor did her calling half of the American population "deplorables."  Both she and those running her campaign thought that the huge amount of money they had raised would be enough to buy the election.  Finally she had an obnoxious personality and phony demeanor that made it nearly impossible for her to connect with most thoughtful people.  The time may have be right for a woman to become POTUS, but Hillary Rodham Clinton was not that woman.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Media Doubles Down on Failure

     The expected far left, Soros sponsored,protests to Trump's election have all fizzled out and except for Portland, Oregon,  where there was violence, arson, and looting by professional anarchists, received far more media coverage then deserved.  Sadly, whimpy uninformed college students, believing the lies spewed by the mainstream media, wept openly and raced to "safe spaces" in order to dodge exams with the help of their far left professors.  No wonder Obamacare allowed these young people to stay on parents' insurance until age 26.  Not only would the 2012 election be over before they would have to get insurance on their own, but who would hire this bunch of babies.
      Despite having gotten it all wrong about the 2016 presidential election, the mainstream media continues its woeful attack on Trump and America.  First it lied to us about disarray in selecting a cabinet and then about the lack of diversity, as if diversity should be the primary reason for selecting someone rather than ability.  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D Ma) wanted to investigate the "disarray."  What is this harpy talking about?  I guess she is trying to replace Barbara Boxer as the most clueless senator.  We have already seen that making a "nice clean" (to use VP Biden's words) black man POTUS, almost destroyed our country.  Political correctness is totally and absolutely incorrect for getting the job done.
      Trump has gone about the business of forming a cabinet, as a businessman goes about hiring executives to run a company, selecting the most qualified people he can work with, regardless  of their gender or race.  As far as I'm concerned he has done a great job.  Meanwhile the media tries to dig up or make up anything they can on these selections.  Obama appointed Van Jones,  a communist revolutionary who advocated the violent overthrow of the US Government with nary a word from the media until Glen Beck exposed this monster. (Forced to fire him, Obama saw to it that he was hired by the Center for America Progress whose initials are an anagram for CPA, Communist Party of America. hmmm.  CNN put a suit on him (lipstick on a pig) and now uses him as a left wing pundit.)
      What we have really learned is how corrupt and untrustworthy the mainstream media is. They no longer report the news, they try to make the news. The public rejected this, but they still, as does HRC and her ilk, consider us deplorable because we care about the future of our country.
  Now we have Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, demanding a recount in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, like she has a chance in winning  Then why? On the surface it seems like this is a money ploy in order to raise funds to pay off campaign debts.  Below the surfaces several other things are going on.  First It is obvious that HRC engineered this, offering to pay off part of Stein's campaign debts herself, but when the outside funds didn't come rolling in, she was forced to take a more open role.  First this would help to delegitimize the election result as the Bush v Gore did in 2000.  Secondly it might open up the recount to fraud.  As you recall in the 2008 senate election in Minnesota Al Franken (D) was loosing to Norm Coleman (R) in a very close race when a Democrat election office discovered "uncounted" votes in the backseat of his car. These votes, all for Franken, changed the election in favor of the Democrat.  It didn't matter, even to the Democrat heavy Minnesota Supreme court that there were now more votes than voters in 17 precincts covered by these votes, votes discovered in the back seat of a car.  What if we demanded first that all the votes be counted in California? Absentee and especially military votes weren't counted as they wouldn't have changed the California result, but they would have changed the overall nationwide vote. A million illegal aliens could also have voted,  as California motor-voter law allows them to register for elections.  Lets recount Chicago and eliminate all the voting by dead people. No Raum Emanuel, it is not possible for people who died one hundred years ago to file absentee ballots.  Virginias results should also be looked at for fraud, as scumbag Governor Terry McAuliff would do anything to get HRC elected even allowing over 200K convicted felons to vote.  The courts rejected his executive order, but I wouldn't put anything past him.  Like HRC his main accomplishment is not having been convicted of the many crimes he committed.
      There is absolutely no excuse for what the mainstream media has done to try to throw the election to HRC.  In 2008 I decided to research Obama myself and was horrified what I had found.  How could a man with a list of accomplishments barer than Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard run for the most powerful office in the world?  From his background and list of acquaintances and associates, it was obvious that he would be a disaster for our country.  Still after he was elected, I hoped that I was wrong.  Instead, shepherded by mainstream media, this far left ideologue tried to destroy America for eight years as "hope and change" became debt and despair.
      After eight horrible years under Obama, America needs a man like Trump who wants to put America first. I want a promising future for my child, grandchildren, and generations yet to be born.  

      By the way, Fidel Castro died over the weekend.  Its about time that the old bastard kicked the bucket.  I wish I was in town as i would have been celebrating with my Cuban friends on Calle Ocho. The world response including that of Obama was sickening and is why i have so little trust in world leaders.  He was a murderer and exploiter of his own people for more than fifty years and became what he claimed to be against.  The world had a bowel movement and a giant turd Fidel Castro came out.  He has finally been flushed down the toilet of time


Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Wins

      I 'd like to think my last minute blog endorsing Trump helped in a small way to put him over the top.  The amazing thing about Tuesday was how strong the Republican Party emerged and the weakness of the Democrat Party was exposed.  The hated mainstream media was embarrassed by the result as none were predicting a Trump victory and their aggressive negative and inaccurate reporting reflected their bias.  Many people rejected the biased reporting and the posting from Wikileaks confirmed the unholy relationships that members of the media had with the Clinton campaign.  Donald Trump sited a rigged system and indeed the Democrats rigged the system against Bernie Sanders with super delegates and supplying Hillary Clinton with debate questions.  The initial DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had her perfidy exposed and was forced to resign.  Ironically she was replace by Donna Brazille, a media harpy on CNN who supplied the debate questions.  In reality, Hillary Clinton was a very flawed candidate with FBI investigations hanging over her and her historic run as the first woman to be the candidate for president by a major political party was overshadowed by the historic fact that she was the first presidential candidate under the shadow of an FBI investigation and potential criminal indictment.  Having failed in 2008 to defeat a relative newcomer for the nomination,  she and her supporters felt she deserved the nomination and presidency in 2016, regardless of the poor job she did as Secretary of State and her use of her position in the pay for play scheme with the Clinton Foundation and her husband's sham speeches.  Hillary Clinton won't be around to run in 2020 or 2024 and its hard to think of anyone that the party could put up as a strong candidate. At the start of the run for President, the Democrat field consisted of only three, two old and all white, where as the Republican field consisted of seventeen, old young, white, black, Hispanic ancestry, and men and a woman.  Any of these candidates could probably have made a good president.
      The Republicans have not held both houses of congress and the presidency at the same time since the Herbert Hoover era in 1928.  Though the RNC was all in for Trump with unconditional support by Chairman Reince Pribus, many Republican elitists failed to sign on and continued to oppose his candidacy up to election day.  Trump used a combination of new and old tactic to win.  Years ago before television and even radio, candidates would criss cross the country on a train making speeches at whistle stops along the way attracting large crowds. In similar fashion,Trump had a huge success with his rallies filling large venues everywhere he spoke and enthusiasm for his candidacy continue to rise.  His campaign spending was far less than his rival demonstrating that one does not need a billion dollars to become president..  He got tons of free advertising as he was available to any news agency that wanted to interview him, even those openly hostile.  His rival gave very few news conferences and then only ones that were carefully orchestrated.
      Almost all the pundits even those in favor of Trump got it wrong.  They failed to understand the terrible effect that the abominable Obama administration has had on the country.  The false unemployment statistics are a good example of government lies. A second grader understands that if you loose an average of 250K jobs per week and gain 150K new jobs per week that the overall result is negative even though the Bureau of Labor Statistic reports that the unemployment rate is dropping. That's because if you are unemployed for more than six months the Bureau no longer considers you unemployed (but you can still collect unemployment benefits).  Tell that to the coal miner who lost his job due to harsh ridiculous regulations 2 years ago.  He is still unemployed as are his friends and neighbors.  By all accounts, the Obama regime's  failed economic policy barely kept us out of a recession with little or no growth in GNP and individual income.  Almost nothing was done to spur the economy. Though the Democrats tried to ignore and gloss over both Obama's and Clinton's corruption. the stench would just not go away and got worse thanks to Wikileaks and some honest reporting.
      Timing also played a big role in the Trump victory, especially with the latest premium increases in Obamacare.  Though every aspect of the Obama regime has been a total failure the last eight years, the worst may be his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare. It passed without single Republican vote and then due to lie after lie.  Delays in implementation in order to get him elected to a second term have now expired and huge premium increases and gargantuan deductibles nationwide cannot be disguised any longer and people who worked began to see that Obamacare was not really about healthcare, but about income redistribution, robbing those who work and giving it to those who won't.  Clinton, who rarely discussed any details of her plan for America, spent much of her time and money attacking Trump, and  that may have also contributed to the demise of her campaign.
      Trump now has an opportunity to "make America great again" by carrying out the plans on which he campaigned.  Like Reagan, he managed to capture the blue collar democrat vote and all of the non white male groups did not come out for Clinton as she had expected.  Many women decided that corruption was a more compelling reason not to vote for her rather then just voting for a woman. In his acceptance speech, Trump mentioned helping the inner cities and though he was called a xenophobe and racist by Democrats, in fact he was never against immigrants, only illegal immigrants, and never against African Americans, that was just a total fabrication.  Liberal pendants have already begun to criticize Trump's economic plan saying that it will add debt. Somehow the more than $10 trillion added by Obama doesn't count especially since the country is far worse off because of it.
      Let's hope that the celebrities and assorted idiots who claimed they would leave the country follow through with their threat.  America would be a far better place without Whoopie Goldberg, Kanya West, Rosie O'Donnell, and their ilk.  Let them poison somewhere else with their venom.  Al Sharpton may not be able to leave, though, as he may wind up in a federal prison for tax evasion.
      By the way I won my bet on the election and will be treated to a delicious dinner next week at a very fine restaurant.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Why I'm Voting for Trump

      I apologize for getting this post out so late, but every time I write an endorsement blog things change and so I am continually updating without publishing, so here it is short and sweet.  I am very pleased to endorse Donald J, Trump for President of the United States.  Now I will give you my reasons,  first for not endorsing Hillary Clinton and why Trump is my choice.
      I find very few reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton,  If you are voting for her because she is a woman, consider this.  Obama was elected...twice, because he is black.  The media refused to report the truth about him, that he was totally unqualified and a far far far left candidate who really wasn't qualified to do anything, his only accomplishment was getting elected using dirty tricks, with absolutely nothing to show for all of the offices he held.  His presidency was a disaster, the worst in history. The time was right to elect a black man, just not the one that got elected.  Now we have the exact same situation with a woman.  In over forty years in law and government Hillary Clinton has nothing but failure and corruption to show for it.  Her years as a US Senator were unremarkable.  Her time as First Lady was filled with scandal after scandal and culminated in her trying to steal $250,000 of tax payer owned White House furniture.  Her time as Secretary of State was also a failure, featuring a decline in American stature and influence, and the rise of ISIS and Muslim extremism  as well as Russian and Chinese expansion. As we have learned. her only real success was enriching herself and her husband and daughter with the pay for play scheme she tried to hide using her private server rather than a protected government one.  Lives were lost due to her incompetence and others put at risk because of hacks of her server.  It may be the right time for a woman president, but just not this one.  If you are voting based on experience, then you are voting on bad experience and corruption.  Her biggest and only real success has been avoiding prison. That may not be for long.  If you are black, that is certainly not a reason to support her.  Democrats have held the presidency many times since World War 2 and poverty rates and black unemployment have never been higher.  Democrats only know the black community when they want the vote and then forget about it for 4 years.  Obama and Clinton would rather support illegal aliens and refugees.  The only other reason to vote for Hillary Clinton is you're stupid and/or crazy.
      Donald Trump is not the perfect candidate either, but at least he has led a successful  and non criminal life. All of his dealing were well within the law and similar to what all wealthy people do. including those who have donated to and are supporting Hillary Clinton.  As a businessman, he know that appointing smart and hard working people to jobs is the key to success.  That he will do if he is elected President.  Presidents should appoint people they think will perform, not like the current administration who appointed weaklings willing to cooperate with a far far left agenda, especially the justice department that is at the center piece of government corruption under Obama and Secretary Clinton.  "Make America great again" and "drain the swamp" are why I'm voting for Trump.  I pray that he can accomplish both.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The DNC Convention: Was It Historic or Hysterical

      The DNC convention produced an historic first.  It was the first time a privileged criminal was the presidential nominee of a major political party. The Dems and mainstream media called the Republic convention chaotic and without unity, the Dems convention was even more chaotic and disjointed than the Republicans.
      It all started when Wikileaks released thousands of hacked DNC emails.  The emails showed that Bernie was correct, that the race for nominee was rigged in favor of Hitlery Clinton.  What else did anyone expect.  The committee chair since 2012 was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz a worthless career politician who supported Hitlery in 2008 against Obama. Her only accomplishment during her 5 year term was getting Obama reelected, and that wouldn't have happened if Romney had been a stronger and more aggressive campaigner.  She lost both the House and Senate to the Republicans who were able to thwart some of the reckless and devastating Obama agenda. Trump tried to joke about the Russians, who were accused of hacking the DNC,  turning over the 33k Hitlery emails that were deleted.  If those emails were really about yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding, who cares. If they did contain incriminatingState Department information that Hitlery wanted to hide , then Hitlery is lying again. What do you think?

      The DNC was supposed to be neutral, treating all candidates the same, but the Democrat primaries really didn't count.  The Democrat Party doesn't trust the voters, and so the nomination was decided by the politically elite super delegates.  So much for "one man, one vote."  Bernie would get more votes in a state's primary, but Hitlery would get more delegates due to the super delegates. Debbie scheduled the debates on the weekend so there would be fewer viewers and then wanted to use Bernie's religion or lack of it against him in the South.  Bernie certainly got "burned" by the DNC.  Finally they even intervened in the Republican primaries by helping to organize the anti Trump demonstration in San Francisco. There is certainly the question of illegality of this biased activity.  She expected to slam down the gavel to open the ceremonies, but instead she was forced to resign was even booed by her own Florida delegation and the Bernie supporters.  Debbie, who was so willing to do what she was told, lie for the party elite, and guarantee Hitlery as the nominee, was through or was she?  Hitlery learned well from Obama. Those who kept their mouth's shut got rewarded.  She was made honorary chairwomen of Hitlery's presidential campaign.  The temporary party chairman fell to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the young mayor of Baltimore, who prevented police action during the riots that devastated Baltimore. Great choice! 
      Noticeable during the chaos of the first day was the absence of the American flag.  In fact, there were more Mexican and Palestinian flags in the venue.   The American (and Israeli) flags were present outside the venue and were being burned by the demonstrators.  After this was pointed out a few small flags appeared the next day.
     The theme of the convention is that America is doing just great and let's continue with the course of the last eight years. Moochelle on the first day and her husband on the third hammered home this point.  It was almost as if Obama was campaigning for a third term and Hitlery was insignificant.  On the second day the mother of Ferguson, Missouri thug Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden spoke to placate the Black Lives Matter movement and pander for the black voteMcSpadden herself was recently accused of crimes. In response to he clamor and controversy that arose over this, the mothers of murdered police officers were hurriedly rounded up and given the opportunity to speak on Thursday. A variety of anti Trump flame throwers also spoke including Elizabeth "Pocahantus" Warren, Joe "Plugs" Biden, and Michael Blumberg.  To counter the mothers of two of the Americans, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, who died at the hands of terrorists at Benghazi, who spoke at the Republican Convention of  Hitlery lying to them over their sons' caskets  and  Mrs. Smith said she held Hitlery responsible for her son's death, the Dems selected a Gold Star family, who just happened to be Muslim ( only 0.02% of Gold Star families are Muslim), screamed about Trump not knowing the Constitution. (They could have screamed at Obama as well for whom the Constitution represents an annoyance rather than a sacred document on which our country was founded.  ( I'd be happy to show Obama and Hillary my copy that is with me ay all times.))
      Besides saying we were doing just fine and that all we needed was more Obamacare, taxes, regulations, gun control, and open borders, the Republican nominee Donald Trump was attacked without mercy. Anti Israel, pro Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Vice Presidential nominee, Tim Kaine looked like a caricature of a bug-eyed mad man as he railed against Trump.  If you believed all the lies, then you're either dumb, uniformed, a victim of the mainstream media, or probably all three.
      During her acceptance speech, Hitlery attacked Donald Trump more than saying anything substantive about what she would do if elected.  Amazingly, Melania Trump got days and days of criticism for allegedly aping Moochelle, but Hitlery got none for plagiarizing Ronald Regan's "America is great because America is good" from a 1987 speech.
      I was amazed that so many people in this country are enthusiastic about voting for a woman who should be in prison, who sacrificed America's security in order to benefit  herself, her husband, and daughter through the "Pay for play" money she squeezed  out of foreign and domestic contributors to the Clinton Criminal Foundation and say nothing canned speeches.  The Foundation has been designed to give about 10% of the donations for good purposes and give the rest to the Clintons to support a lavish life style.  Many of the people support Hitlery though they don't trust her.  Seventy per cent of all Americans do not.  They say she is experienced, but experience as a failure doesn't really qualify does it.  She has two successes, avoiding prison and
      The lies about Trump are that he was anti women, Black, immigrants, and Muslim.  That's not the truth and anyone who says that is a liar.  I have never heard Trump say anything negative about Blacks.  In fact, he wants to get jobs for blacks rather than EBT cards. He is against illegal aliens not legal immigrants,  He wants to restrict Muslims who come from areas rife with terror and who can't be vetted.  Finally as an employer he has appointed many qualified women to high paying important jobs.
      Finally, at the risk of sounding somewhat sexist, I'd like to mention that Hitlery Clinton became the first woman nominated for president by a major political party.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Debbie Does Philadelphia or Does Philadelphia undo Debbie

      One year ago no one gave Donald Trump much of a chance when he announced that he was running for POTUS.  He quickly disposed of most of his competition by running an untraditional campaign going directly to the people with a "Make America Great Again" slogan.  If any other candidate had a slogan, I don't recall what it was.  The Democrats tried to make the Republican convention seem like a disaster.  It wasn't.  Ted Cruz pretty much destroyed his political career as did Jeb Bush and John Kasich.  Trump came out ahead and got a huge bounce after the convention having made a stirring acceptance speech and well represented by his family.  African American speakers were distinguished gentlemen and included Sheriff David Clarke Jr. and Ben Carson, MD.  The mother of murdered diplomate Sean Smith, Pat Smith also spoke and reiterated Hillary's lies, even to a grieving mother.  The convention ended very positively with only the mainstream media commenting on  what a disaster it was.
      Now the Democrats are to take their turn at a convention.  They have lined up far leftist speakers including Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.  Their "victim" speaker is the Lezley McSpadden, the mother of dead criminal thug Michael Brown and a criminal herself.  Everything was to go according to plan and Hillary Clinton was to be anointed.  Then all hell broke loose.  Wikileaks released 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  The emails showed that the DNC clearly did not remain neutral, but supported Hillary Clinton.  They showed that the DNC was interested in exploiting Sanders' Jewish religion in the South either as a Jew or an atheist whatever they though would work best.  The debates were limited in number and scheduled for weekends when no one would be watching.
      Chairwoman of the DNC was Debbie Wasserman Schultz whose only job has been in politics since she graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in political campaigning (with a minor in dirty tricks).  She worked her way through the system in Broward Country, Florida first as an advisor to Ted Deutch and then moved into his seat in the Florida legislature as he moved up the political ladder. Starting in 1992, she served 8 years in the Florida House of Representatives and then due to term limits moved onto the Florida Senate. The Broward County Democrat Party is well known for promoting incompetent women to positions (recall Nicki Grossman, Sylvia Potier and Miriam Oliphant to name a few). Debbie's most important and only piece of legislation was to require pools and spas to have a fence that would prevent children (and pool hoppers) from drowning.  She quickly moved on the the US Congress representing the heavily Democrat and Jewish 23rd congressional district.  She very strongly supported Hillary Clinton during the 2008 election cycle and surprisingly was appointed by Obama to head the DNC.  Her only real victory was getting Obama reelected in 2012, otherwise she has lost the Senate and House to Republicans.  Her main attribute that kept her in her positions that she has no conscious and is willing to not only do what she is told to to do but lie continuously without any guilt whatsoever.
      The culmination of all of her efforts was to be the 2016 Democrat convention in Philadelphia, for which she worked so hard to get Hillary Clinton crowned.  Standing in front of all those Democrat delegates and gaveling in the convention was her dream.  Now she has been replaced by another political hack Stephanie Rawlings Blake, Baltimore mayor to begin the meeting.  Debbie was even booed by her own Florida delegation the morning before the convention is to begin.    Sanders' supporters are understandably miffed and are demonstrating against supporting Hillary.
      Learning well from Obama, Hillary denies any knowledge of her unfair advantage from the DNC, but has promoted Debbie to her honorary campaign chairwoman.  I wonder what salary she will get either directly or under the table for keeping her mouth shut. The Clinton Criminal Foundation is loaded with hush money. So don't feel sorry for Debbie.  If it weren't for Hillary, Debbie would go from chairwoman to charwoman.
      We have also learned that the DNC helped organize some of the anti Trump rallies, a criminal offense, particularly the one in San Francisco.  Trying to ignore the very devastating content of the emails, the Democrats and Hillary are blaming the Russians for hacking, because they want Trump elected, because he does not favor NATO.  Of course Trump has never said that he doesn't support NATO.  He recognizes NATO as a treaty and under any treaty agreement the parties are bound to certain clauses.  He says that European Countries need to put up with their end of the treaty if they want US support. They claim Trump is a racist, anti immigrant, anti Muslim, and anti women.  Another lie.  Trump has hired and promoted women and minorities to the highest positions in his businesses and has never said anything that is anti black.  He is not anti immigrant he is anti illegal immigrant and only wants to bar Muslims from entering the country if they are from warring areas and can't be properly vetted.  Someone ought to remind Obama that protecting Americans including veterans is his primary job, not admitting unvetted Muslims.

     Over the next four days the speeches should be pretty boring, filled with lies, misinformation, and liberal bull shit, but the chaos that has been stirred up should be fun to watch.  Having constructed miles of fencing to protect the delegates, it will be interesting to see what the demonstrators have to say and how the mainstream pro Hillary media will spin it.  Bye Bye Debbie, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Friday, July 1, 2016

You Just Can't Make this Stuff Up

Howard N Robinson MD  Doctor Democracy

      I've been working on a story about the Brexit, and maybe a Texit or even a Flexit, but this other event has come along that has to be told and evaluated.  If you don't know by now,  US AG Loretta Lynch had what was thought to be a somewhat clandestine meeting with former President Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona this past Monday.  It would have remained clandestine until a local reporter uncovered it. There are no videos or photographs of the meeting.  None were allowed. Clinton, who was departing the airport, hung around waiting for Lynch's plane to arrive.  He boarded her plane and the two had a half hour chat.  According to Lynch, the chat was mostly Bill talking about his grandchildren and his golf game. We all know Bill.  Maybe he showed her his "putter." ("I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lynch.") Here's something you may not have known about their relationship.  In 1999 Bill appointed her to her first federal job as the Federal Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.  Knowing this and that Bill's wife is under investigation by the FBI for federal crimes including violation of US Code Title 18 Section 2071, that terms what Hitlery did as espionage could be looked at as obstruction of justice.  Furthermore the FBI investigation has extended to the Clinton Foundation as illegal acts may have been uncovered from reviewing the emails that the FBI was able to recover.  Bill's daughter and mother of his grandchildren, Chelsea, is also a principle of the Clinton Foundation with her parents and could be subject to criminal charges, if foundation illegalities are uncovered.  If that's not enough, Clinton confidante and super slime bag, Terry McAuliffe, is also under FBI investigation.  During the 1990s at Bill's request, US AG Janet Reno shielded McAuliffe from a US Senate investigation for a money laundering scheme to funnel Teamster's Union Funds into the 1996 Clinton reelection campaign.  A number of union officials were indicted and convicted, but McAuliffe was protected.
      You attorneys out there, who follow my blog, know that in legal circumstances even the presence of the appearance of a conflict of interest is enough for recusal from a case.  The two factors,  I  mentioned above, Bill's previous relationship with Lynch and the clandestine meeting are more than enough for Lynch to recuse herself, as if the former were not enough already.  Lynch has several choices.  Recuse herself and allow Deputy AG Sally Yates to handle the case.  Yates is an experienced prosecutor when it comes to federal crimes involving corruption.  Though a Democrat politically, she was appointed by Bush XLI and reappointed by Bush XLIII.  Another option is to appoint a special prosecutor.  That won't happen as Obama would never allow it. A special prosecutor is Obama's worse nightmare as following leads may lead to all the way to the White House where some of the other scandals of the Obama regimes originated..  Even if a special prosecutor is appointed, I hope that it isn't the now unemployed Ken Starr, as he let Hitlery off the hook before, even though there was overwhelming evidence that she was guilty.  Lynch has chosen a third choice and it may be the best, and that's to follow whatever FBI chief James Comey recommends.   That would be great if she and Obama allow it to happen.  I won't hold my breath.  The most political, secretive, and dishonest regime ever, may figure a way out of this.
      Now what originally seemed like a disaster because of the clandestine meeting,  may result in some good coming of it.  Comey has a good reputation and won't cover up the evidence that has been accumulated by his agents.  Still both Bill Clinton and AG Lynch have experienced associates around them, so it is amazing that the incident happened at all.  Bill often has his own mind about things and even leaves his Secret Service contingent behind as he did a number of times when flying to his pal Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island to have sex with under age girls. ("I did not have sex with women, they were underaged girls.")  Bill is so used to cover ups, that  he thought no one would find out.  Lynch was probably put into a difficult position if she refused to meet a former president and the man who originally appointed her.

      It would be great if Billy, Hilly, and Chelsea were all indicted and convicted for a whole slew of crimes.  Despite what he says, and he rarely speaks the truth, the is no love lost between Obama and the Clintons.  Bill's foolish act is now the excuse he needs to torpedo Hitlery.  He can always blame Bill.   Joe Biden is ready, willing, and able if Hitlery is forced to drop out, though she is shameless enough to continue to run.  Other candidates in waiting include  quasi American indian (Pocahontas, Chief Sitting Bullshit)  Elizabeth Warren, Moochelle, and Bernie (who would be "Berned" up if he wasn't chosen to replace Hitlery).

Monday, June 20, 2016

More Updates: Orlando, Global Warming Hoax, Hitlery

Doctor Democracy: Howard N Robinson MD

      The regime's position on the terrible atrocity in Orlando continues to get more obscene.  Today the FBI released the 911 transcript from the night of the massacre, but scrubbed the part that mentioned anything having to do with radical Islam and its supporting organizations.  The outcry was unprecedented from Congress, the media, and general public. References to Islam, Jihad, ISIS, Sharia, and Allah were all expunged. I'm certain our politically correct POTUS would be ever so quick to mention the KKK, if one of its members or admirers ever committed a crime, even spitting on the sidewalk. Late in  the day, the regime was forced to change its mind and release an unexpended version of the tape between Mateen and the hostage negotiator though twenty minutes are still missing. Instead, he continues to harp on gun control and the Conservatives view on gay marriage.  Despite there being no reference to the LGBT community or Latinos by the killer,  Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch hinted that the massacre could have been Trump's fault as it was Latin night at the club.   Muslim terrorism was not even mentioned.   Even a moron would realize that gun control means nothing without enforcement.  There are plenty of anti gun laws on the books that aren't enforced.  Take Chicago, the murder capital of American and Obama's hometown for nearly two decades.  It has the strictest anti gun laws in the nation and yet guns readily available to kill.  Nearly all of the murders that are committed are with weapons that were not legally obtained.  Nearly all of the people committing the murders have criminal records and so legally they could not purchase handguns, semi automatic, or automatic weapons, but they do and are most assuredly not NRA members.  Yet all the left wants to do is criticize the NRA and conservatives.  Several high profile police shootings have unfortunately hampered the police in their aftermath as the murder rate climbs. The mass murder of 49 Americans is horrible, but it pales to the number of murders committed in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles and many other major cities over the last 12 months.  (Last weekend there were 13 murders and 46 wounded in Chicago adding up to 1800 so for this year.)  First degree murder ought to be punished with an automatic death penalty, either one year or one appeal after the sentence is handed down.  Whatever comes first.  If nothing else, it would keep that murderer from ever killing anyone again. Instead, clueless Obama has been releasing and shortening the sentences for drug dealers as the left mistakenly calls this a non violent crime. One of these non violent offenders, who was released in 2010 after serving half his sentence, killed his girlfriend and her two young children with a knife.  So much for drug dealers being non violent.  In fact most of the murders in our cities are tied to drugs in one way or another.  Whether its a fight for turf, acquiring money to purchase drugs, or just plain  ripoffs of money and/or drugs, it is anything but non violent.
      Furthermore, Obama continues to release unvetted Muslims into our communities, and if that is not bad enough, a recent court ruling in Texas said that the US Government is under no obligation to notify a state how many are being located to  a state or where they are settled.  I guess the state will find out when little Mohammed or Fatima get enrolled in school, if they have children or mom and/or dad apply for welfare benefits.  Over 100,000 green cards were given out to Muslims last year mostly from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.  I wonder how many of them were H5B visas and how much they paid Tony Rodham and Terry McAuliffe to expedite them.

      Not only is the far left attacking our Second Amendment rights, but now the First Amendment is under attack and it all involves the Global Warming Hoax.  Now the Massachusetts' AG Maura Healey has gone after Exxon for its anti hoax stance, requesting 40 years worth of documents even though Exxon doesn't do business in Massachusetts.  Twenty other left wing/Democrat AGs want to do the same.  Fortunately the USHoR has stepped in and rebuked Massachusetts and the 20 other AGs, saying that it has the authority not state AGs.  They turned the tables on these fascists, further stating that this is an attack on free speech and scientific inquiry, and wants them to turn over any documents from out side groups.  Like the NAZIs, liberals don't want debate, they want to criminalize it.

      My sources tell me that the investigation involving espionage and corruption of Hillary Clinton is over except for her interview that will take place before the convention.  USAG denies that she has talked to Obama about it and that there is no pressure on James Comey to find for the regime.  Yeah right.  We shall see very shortly.  As I state before her crimes clearly violate US Title Code 18: Section 2071. The punishment is three years in prison, a fine, and removal from office and the inability to ever serve in public office.  I don't think Obama can or will violate the last part of th9s law.

Friday, June 17, 2016

A Brief Update: The Media, Obama, and the Left are Despicable

                                                    Dr. Democracy Howard N Robinson MD      

      I thought that I was through writing about the massacre in Orlando, but the despicable left has added a new and disgusting twist to the explanation for this atrocity that almost made me vomit.  As I pointed out in my first article about the Orlando massacre put the Obama and his far left cronies in a real quandary as to who to support, the GLBT community or Muslims.  Obama, Hitlery, and the left seemed to support Muslims, though they have a violent and miserable record in regard to gay men.  They tried to shift the blame on a lack of gun control.  That did't work out too well.  It was pointed out that the Clinton Library and Criminal Foundation have received over $100 million from Middle Eastern countries that murder and imprison gays. Obama even wants to increase the number and speed of bringing in Syrian refugees with no way to vet them.  The only real passion he has shown, is his hatred for Republicans.  The media and far left have picked up on this and now the New York Times and others blame conservative Republicans who are against gay marriage as the cause behind this terrible events.  They have stripped away the anti gay aspect of Islam from Islam itself. It is much easier for them to accuse and say "conservative Republican" rather that "radial Islamic terrorism" as they don't mind offending Republicans rather than Muslims.   Administration parrot AG Loretta Lynch says she will prosecute anyone who disparages Muslims.  I'd like to see her be as aggressive about prosecuting anyone who violates US Code Title 18, Section 2071. (Look it up, the penalty is three years in prison, a fine, and loss of and inability to hold office.)
      I'm certain that many of you think that Obama is totally divorced from what is happening or just a liar.  He is both.  His ideology always comes first whether the world's events support it or not.  For example, recently Obama made a speech in Indiana, about the great recovery our economy has made under his watch.  Of course, Indiana has well because of the work of its Republican Governor Mike Pence and a Republican legislature.  Yesterday with horrible jobs statistics, Fed Chairman Janet Yelen did not raise interest rates as expected yesterday.  In fact, the economy has continued to contract for nine straight months.  Eleven states including New York and California have more people on welfare than employed.  The average dollars a welfare  family receives are more than the average wages a working family receives.  The destruction of capitalism and the American economy has always been the goal of Obama.  That's what he actually meant when he spoke of transforming America.  Bernie and Hitlery want more of the same. As far as ISIS is concerned Obama continue to tell us that they are on the run.  If that's the case, why do we need to bring any Syrians here?  Establish a safe zone for them in the Middle East. Unfortunately, his own CIA head John Brennan (a Muslim convert himself) has told us that despite some loss of territory and income, ISIS is growing especially in Libya and Africa with over 15,000 affiliate members.  Maybe Obama would know this if he didn't skip 60% of his intelligence briefings or read the written briefings himself.   This lack of interest in destroying ISIS and solving the problem of radical Islamic terrorism has caused the emboldenment of American born Muslims or Muslims living in America to perform acts of terrorism.

      Obama and his pals on the left has done our country a great disservice, denying the obvious, and pushing a radical agenda that will lead to death and the loss of freedom for all Americans.