Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Wins

      I 'd like to think my last minute blog endorsing Trump helped in a small way to put him over the top.  The amazing thing about Tuesday was how strong the Republican Party emerged and the weakness of the Democrat Party was exposed.  The hated mainstream media was embarrassed by the result as none were predicting a Trump victory and their aggressive negative and inaccurate reporting reflected their bias.  Many people rejected the biased reporting and the posting from Wikileaks confirmed the unholy relationships that members of the media had with the Clinton campaign.  Donald Trump sited a rigged system and indeed the Democrats rigged the system against Bernie Sanders with super delegates and supplying Hillary Clinton with debate questions.  The initial DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had her perfidy exposed and was forced to resign.  Ironically she was replace by Donna Brazille, a media harpy on CNN who supplied the debate questions.  In reality, Hillary Clinton was a very flawed candidate with FBI investigations hanging over her and her historic run as the first woman to be the candidate for president by a major political party was overshadowed by the historic fact that she was the first presidential candidate under the shadow of an FBI investigation and potential criminal indictment.  Having failed in 2008 to defeat a relative newcomer for the nomination,  she and her supporters felt she deserved the nomination and presidency in 2016, regardless of the poor job she did as Secretary of State and her use of her position in the pay for play scheme with the Clinton Foundation and her husband's sham speeches.  Hillary Clinton won't be around to run in 2020 or 2024 and its hard to think of anyone that the party could put up as a strong candidate. At the start of the run for President, the Democrat field consisted of only three, two old and all white, where as the Republican field consisted of seventeen, old young, white, black, Hispanic ancestry, and men and a woman.  Any of these candidates could probably have made a good president.
      The Republicans have not held both houses of congress and the presidency at the same time since the Herbert Hoover era in 1928.  Though the RNC was all in for Trump with unconditional support by Chairman Reince Pribus, many Republican elitists failed to sign on and continued to oppose his candidacy up to election day.  Trump used a combination of new and old tactic to win.  Years ago before television and even radio, candidates would criss cross the country on a train making speeches at whistle stops along the way attracting large crowds. In similar fashion,Trump had a huge success with his rallies filling large venues everywhere he spoke and enthusiasm for his candidacy continue to rise.  His campaign spending was far less than his rival demonstrating that one does not need a billion dollars to become president..  He got tons of free advertising as he was available to any news agency that wanted to interview him, even those openly hostile.  His rival gave very few news conferences and then only ones that were carefully orchestrated.
      Almost all the pundits even those in favor of Trump got it wrong.  They failed to understand the terrible effect that the abominable Obama administration has had on the country.  The false unemployment statistics are a good example of government lies. A second grader understands that if you loose an average of 250K jobs per week and gain 150K new jobs per week that the overall result is negative even though the Bureau of Labor Statistic reports that the unemployment rate is dropping. That's because if you are unemployed for more than six months the Bureau no longer considers you unemployed (but you can still collect unemployment benefits).  Tell that to the coal miner who lost his job due to harsh ridiculous regulations 2 years ago.  He is still unemployed as are his friends and neighbors.  By all accounts, the Obama regime's  failed economic policy barely kept us out of a recession with little or no growth in GNP and individual income.  Almost nothing was done to spur the economy. Though the Democrats tried to ignore and gloss over both Obama's and Clinton's corruption. the stench would just not go away and got worse thanks to Wikileaks and some honest reporting.
      Timing also played a big role in the Trump victory, especially with the latest premium increases in Obamacare.  Though every aspect of the Obama regime has been a total failure the last eight years, the worst may be his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare. It passed without single Republican vote and then due to lie after lie.  Delays in implementation in order to get him elected to a second term have now expired and huge premium increases and gargantuan deductibles nationwide cannot be disguised any longer and people who worked began to see that Obamacare was not really about healthcare, but about income redistribution, robbing those who work and giving it to those who won't.  Clinton, who rarely discussed any details of her plan for America, spent much of her time and money attacking Trump, and  that may have also contributed to the demise of her campaign.
      Trump now has an opportunity to "make America great again" by carrying out the plans on which he campaigned.  Like Reagan, he managed to capture the blue collar democrat vote and all of the non white male groups did not come out for Clinton as she had expected.  Many women decided that corruption was a more compelling reason not to vote for her rather then just voting for a woman. In his acceptance speech, Trump mentioned helping the inner cities and though he was called a xenophobe and racist by Democrats, in fact he was never against immigrants, only illegal immigrants, and never against African Americans, that was just a total fabrication.  Liberal pendants have already begun to criticize Trump's economic plan saying that it will add debt. Somehow the more than $10 trillion added by Obama doesn't count especially since the country is far worse off because of it.
      Let's hope that the celebrities and assorted idiots who claimed they would leave the country follow through with their threat.  America would be a far better place without Whoopie Goldberg, Kanya West, Rosie O'Donnell, and their ilk.  Let them poison somewhere else with their venom.  Al Sharpton may not be able to leave, though, as he may wind up in a federal prison for tax evasion.
      By the way I won my bet on the election and will be treated to a delicious dinner next week at a very fine restaurant.


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