Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Russia Hoax and More

      I had thought that I could avoid writing about the whole Russia thing, but it seems to have gotten out of hand, so my take might be worthwhile. I apologize for the length of this article, but events continue to happen on an almost daily basis so I keep adding.
      The Democrats needed some sort of excuse as to why their terrible candidate lost the presidential election and so it was decided that the Russians who at best has an unfriendly relationship with America would serve as the whipping boy.  Obama had always been an expert on dirty tricks to get elected and since he hates President Trump, he offered his team's expertise.   He had double crossed his political mentor, communist Alice Palmer, to obtain an Illinois state senate seat. Then, with the aid of David Axelrod, managed to get both his primary and general election rival candidates to drop their candidacy by having someone commit crimes to unseal and report sealed divorce and child custody records.
      Attempting to gain information about candidates and elections goes on all the time.  I'm certain that the CIA participates in this soft of spying routinely, but Obama and the Clinton took this to another level. During the 1999 elections in Israel,  Clinton sent three of his top campaign advisors to Israel to help Labor Party candidate Ehud Barak attempt to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu.  They included James Carville, Robert Schrum, and Stanley Greenberg.  They failed.  In 2015, Obama's head of field operation during the 2012 election, was hired by OneVoice, a left wing Israeli group, to defeat Netanyahu.  They were also given $350,000 American taxpayer dollars earmarked for the peace process, but spent instead to try to oust Netanyahu. I have recently told you about the Obama regime's efforts to fund antigovernment activities in Macedonia.  Obama, via USAID, sent most of the funding  through the US embassy in Skopje and $9.6 million pledged by USAID to the George Soros sponsored Foundation Open Society Macedonia.  (Look for an update soon.)  Soros wants to change the right leaning government with low taxes, friendship to Israel, right to life policies, and a fence to keep out middle eastern refugees into a Muslim-socialist country getting backing not only from the US, but all of its neighbors including Muslim Albania and Kosovo and Bulgaria and Greece.  If you don't want countries interfering with our elections, don't interfere with theirs.
      I digressed a little, but it was to demonstrate Obama and Democrat hypocrisy.  After President Trump's surprising to the ill informed victory, HRC was livid and needed to formulate an excuse to explain her defeat.  Her partner in crime was Obama, who sought to discredit and diminish the new president as he rightly feared his perverted legacy would be in jeopardy.  So the Russia hoax was concocted.  Many countries try to hack each other and Russia is no exception,  Wikileaks periodically published emails supposably hacked by Russian operatives from the DNC and its officials like Jon Podesta.  These emails showed both the unethical  and criminal side of HRC. The Democrats immediately blamed the messenger.  It was their only hope.  When that didn't work very well, they decided to say the President Trump or people in his campaign or family colluded with the Russians.  Ultimately the FBI under James Comey said that there was no evidence that Russia or anyone else altered the voting results.  That tells the Democrats that if you had behaved yourselves, there would have been nothing for Wikileaks to report.  What even more condemning to the DNC is that the FBI warned them about Russian hacking and they refused to turn their computers over to the FBI.  What else did they have on those hard drives that they wished to keep secret?  Apparently the FBI didn't warn the Republicans as it wasn't necessary.
      Though the Obama regime knew about hacking well before the conventions, nothing was really done about it as Obama expected HRC to win and protect his legacy.  Apparently Obama had been spying on Republicans. In 1993, Bill Clinton requested 1000 FBI files on prominent Republicans, allegedly at a time when he was stocking his cabinet.  The "Filegate" scandal resulted.  The pages of the log of who and when these files were signed out disappeared.  Some years later Bill Clinton was impeached (but not for treason of giving Red China missile guidance technology) and nearly every prominent Republican in the HOR later resigned alleging some sort of misconduct.  Spying on the opposition has always been a part of Democrat presidencies.  Links to Russia, still something of an enemy to America, seemed a likely choice to tie to Republicans and especially the Trump team who were obviously going to get positions in the Trump administration is he won.
      Then the unthinkable happened to the Democrats, Trump won, so Obama's contingency plan was begun.  First they attack General Flynn's appointed to NSA.  Flynn's stellar military career mostly involved military intelligence and he retired as part of Obama's Hitler like  purge of some of our best generals and admirals (Obama's War With the Military, 4/22/16).  During his post military career he had meetings with Russians and Turks, yet The Obama regime did not remove his top secret clearance.  That meant one of three things, either the regime was very sloppy, it thought that these meetings were unimportant, or they wished to preserve Flynn only to be able to attack him later, if necessary.  I'll let you choose, though my choice is number three.  Let me explain. Despite claims of ignorance or sloppiness, that was just used as an excuse by Obama to avoid blame for the many illegal schemes his regime carried out.  Being an agent for the Turkish government certainly would have mattered. so we are left with number three.
      Flynn's unmasking may or not have been a serious crime, but leaking his name certainly is and the best possibilities for leakers are notorious liar Susan Rice and notorious scum bag Ben Rhodes.  Other leaks that have since followed are also crimes and need to be vigorously prosecuted.   Sadly AG Sessions recused himself unnecessarily.  As a senator,  he met many foreign dignitaries and ambassadors.  That was part of his job. If being at an affair with the Russian ambassador is reason enough for recusal, than most of the senators on the committee investigating this should also recuse themselves. Both Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch aggressively shielded Obama from many situations that called for a special consul, Sessions should have done the same over these ridiculous charges.  Now we have an obvious biased special consul extending his so called investigation well beyond what is called for.  Is he that much in need of a job, that he needs to prolong this farce.  In addition he has hired a slew of HRC supporters.  I wonder what he will come up with.  Did a Russian buy a condo from one of Trumps companies, or did he dine at the Russian Tea room?  Ivanka has a sort of a Russian sounding name and Melania is from Eastern Europe, once part of the Iron Curtain.
      I suggest that the Democrats are going to wind up with nothing and will be made fools of themselves. They have no real leadership or ideas.  Their only hope is that Mueller can drag this out until the 2018 election. Meanwhile they are hurting the American people by helping the republicans to create a log jam.
   Now an update.  The shamefully biased MSM has recently begun salivating at a story that Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and met with a Russian attorney before the Republican convention who had contacted them by email and claimed to have the goods on HRC.  As it turned out, that was not the case and it seemed like she was only trying to get adoptions for Russian children reestablished.  The meeting lasted less than 20 minutes and all have testified to that before congress.  Can you imagine John Podesta Now it seems that this attorney with no apparent ties to the Russian government  did have ties to Fusion GPS a company that worked against President Trump by creating a false file that a former British MI6 agent tried to sell to the CIA.  In addition they were hired by the Clinton campaign to promote dirty tricks against Donald Trump.  This meeting was not about getting the goods on Hillary or Russian orphans, it was about entrapment plain and simple and this and the whole Russian Scheme will burn HRC and the Democrats.  There is already rumor the Mueller is actually investigating Russian interference and that he is including HRC in his investigation.  We shall see.
     Another update: Seth Rich, a DNC worker, was murdered last summer.  As it turns out after unlocking his personal computer, contacts with Wikileaks have been found.  He may have been the leaker so was his murder a robbery gone bad or something else? Also a Pakistani IT worker for DSW and other Democrat congressmen was arrested trying to leave the country for Pakistan via Qatar.  His wife had left a few months earlier, was found to have $12000 hidden in her suit case and after $285000 had been wired to a bank in Pakistan.  He and four family members collected $4million in tax payer money as IT workers, an outrageous amount similar to what a chief of staff would make. When evidence was presented of transfer of data from congressional computers to his personal unsecured computer, he was fired by all, but DSW and though he no longer had access to any congressional computers, she nonetheless kept him on the payroll.  Why? Blackmail? She didn't fire him until he was arrested for bank fraud, trying to leave the country.  A laptop computer was seized by the DC Police and DSW threatened "consequences" if it were not returned immediately. Could this be obstruction of justice?  The attorney now representing Imran Awan is DWS's attorney.  Obviously a full investigation is in order. The MSM is ignoring this important story.  Real news is no longer reported.
      One more update: the unmasking scandal continues to grow.  It turns out that the Obama regime unmasked thousands of American citizens especially after the election.  Key unmaskers were Susan Rice and James Clapper, but we have also learned that UN secretary Samantha Powers and all purpose turd, Ben Rhodes also requested unmasking, Rhodes hundreds of times.  Neither has intelligence experience, but both are political hacks.  My sources tell me that Rhodes is the leaker and if so, the filthy scumbag needs to be tried, convicted, and thrown in our worst federal prison.
      Stay tuned more to come.


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