This may be the most controversial post that I've ever written, but I think that this has to be said about the violent clash in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fifty years ago a similar situation was developing in Skokie, Illinois. About 30 Members of the National Socialist Party of America (Nazis) wanted to march in full Nazi garb through the streets of Skokie. At the time Skokie was a predominantly Jewish suburb just north of Chicago. Approximately 5000 Holocaust survivors lived there. Skokie refused issuing a permit and the Nazis, supported by the ACLU, took this all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court found in favor of the First Amendment rights of the Nazis by a 6-3 vote with conservative judges (Burger, Stewart, and Rehnquist) dissenting. The Nazis then decided not to march in Skokie, but did march in Chicago with little fanfare. No Jewish thugs showed up to fight and the event is remembered more for the Supreme Court decision rather than the event itself.
Today August 12, 2017 a group of white supremacist thugs from all over the country obtained a permit by court decision, to march and protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park, formerly Lee Park, in Charlottesville, Virginia. The night before, they marched through the University of Virginia campus with tiki torches, but with little violence. Unfortunately Saturday had a different result. Left wing thugs from far left organizations, some of which sponsored by George Soros like Black Lives Matter, were bussed in to protest the protestors. They did not have a permit. The white supremacists must have been aware that there was a possibility for violence as they arrived with, guns, shields, and sticks ready for battle. The left wing thugs seemed to be armed with bats and sticks as well, as both groups anticipated a violent confrontation. It is impossible to say which side initiated the violence, but once it erupted, the police banned the rally before it arrived at that park and directed them to a larger park. The march was filled with violence and culminated with an automobile deliberately crashing into a crowd of protestors killing one and sending nine others to the hospital. The driver may have been a deranged supremacist from Ohio.
A lesson could be learned from history. If the left wing thugs didn't show up there would had been little if any violence and the event may not have even made the news, as every one knows that the white supremacists are a bunch of deranged haters. But when you have deranged haters on the right and deranged haters on the left getting together, violent confrontation is inevitable.
The MSM and scrum bag Virginia governor Terry McAuliff, as expected, blamed President Trump and the white supremacists, eventhough it takes two to tango. In general the white supremacists were blamed and the left wing haters ignored. President Trump seemed to blame both sides. If anything, George Soros deserves some of the blame, but I'm the only person from whom you will hear this. Another example of the double standard by the MSM.
To be perfectly honest, I know a little a about protesting a protest that could have turned violent. In 1972, while a medical student at St. Louis University, I learned of an anti Israel protest at my campus student union. The local SDS chapter organized a protest by local Arab students against the Israeli victory in the recent war. The SDS chapter and many of the Arabs were students at Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University had a large number of Jewish students and was located in what was then a mostly Jewish suburb, University City. They decided that protesting there would be a mistake, as it would have definitely affected their reputation as they were well tolerated at the time at Washington University . A fellow Jewish medical student and I decided to see what this was all about and headed for the student union to await the arrival of the protestors. A group about twenty to thirty Arabs showed up along with a handful of ragged appearing SDSers carrying signs that I considered obscene with swastikas and cartoons comparing Israelis to Nazis. My friend and I looked at each other, grabbed a sign from an Arab and ripped it off its stick. We then tried to run the protesters out of the student union. Before any of the Arabs or SDSers got hurt, the campus cops arrived and ran them off campus as none were students or faculty members. Obviously it was a mistake on our part to confront these idiots as most students at St. Louis University could have cared less. Now that I'm older and wiser, I have seen the futility of our efforts as it could have turned a non event into something that made the 6 o'clock news.
In summary a group of bussed in white supremacist thugs obtained a permit for a protest and a bunch of bussed in left wing thugs, some of whom were sponsored by George Soros, had a violent confrontation in Charolettesville, Virginia. One person was murdered by a young thug using his automobile as a weapon. The MSM and corrupt Governor McAuliff were quick to blame the white supremacist thugs and President Trump, completely ignoring the left. President Trump correctly blamed both sides. Extremists from both ends of the spectrum, like Crypts and Bloods, don't play well together. First Amendment rights do not give anyone the right to beat the crap out of anyone else or destroy someone else's property.
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