The last year or so has seen the rise of a group of violent hate mongers known collectively as antifa, claiming to be antifascists. Ironically they behave much like Nazi Brownshirts of the late 1920s and 30s in Germany, physically attacking the opposition with fists, bats, shields, bags of urine, and pepper spray. In addition to the violence, they have effectively shut down free speech by those they oppose. Similarly on many college campus left wing students and non students have shut down free speech of conservative guests and organization. Though free speech gives one the right to pretty much say whatever one wants, short of advocating immediate violence, it does not give one the right to prevent the free speech of others by yelling, screaming, or even blocking access to a venue. Since freedom of speech and assembly is part of the Constitution, listed as number one in the Bill of Rights, those preventing or blocking free speech, are guilty of a civil rights violations and the United States Government should do what the government did in the sixties when it arrested, tried, and convicted Southern Democrats who were guilty of violating the rights of civil rights workers and peaceful demonstrators.
Arresting antifa scum on the spot and those preventing on campus free speech and charging them with civil rights violations may help solve the problem. The ACLU will not help them as their law suit against the Village of Skokie, Illinois (National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977), heard before the Supreme Court set the precedent that even a group as vile as the American Nazi Party has the right to fee speech. George Soros may have to bail them out and pay their legal expenses. A jury, after watching the armed violent antifa attacks will certainly find them guilty and sentence them to federal prison. Although I find the white supremacist scum just as bad, we don't usually see them violating the civil rights of others. In fact, if we ignore their marches and protests, they would even become less popular than they already are.
Having come of age in the 60s, I well remember the leftists protests against the Vietnam war. At first a semi violent group was spawned from these mostly campus protests called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). They attacked on and off campus military recruiting mostly vocally with protests and demonstrations, occasionally seizing the administration building at a university. Only a few were arrested. But SDS was not violent enough for some, so a group of disaffected SDSers founded a much more violent group called the Weather Underground and groups with a related name. Bill Ayers and his girl friend and future wife Bernadette Dorhn were part of the leadership. They attacked government facilities and police stations with bombs. Three of its member were killed when their bomb factory in a Greenwich Village apartment exploded. Ayers was arrested but got off on a trial technicality. Bernadette Dorhn went into hiding and only resurfaced years later when it was safe and paid a fine. Ayers gained some civility as a leftists college professor and Dorhn worked for the law firm that hired Michelle Robinson aka Obama. Both were good friend of the Obamas. Barack Obama was immediately accepted by the far left in Chicago through his communist mentor Frank Davis, who edited the communist newspaper, Chicago Star before moving to Hawaii.
George Soros seems to be behind the antifa movement, at least financially. It is thought that he pays these antifa scum $25 per hour and offers free food, shelter, and transportation. For communists, anarchists, and the criminally insane that is good money for getting to beat up innocent people. The FBI ought to investigate his ties to these groups and prosecute him as well. He is not too rich to prosecute, convict, and lock up for the rest of his miserable life.
Soros knows how to benefit financially from chaos and has mingled in the affairs of France and England. He has also tried to oust the current government of Macedonia, with the help of Obama, HRC, Ambassador Jess Bailey and USAID. We tax payers have given Soros' Open Society Foundation Macedonia $9.5 million. Some of the money was used to produce pamphlets of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals translated into Macedonian and to pay for campaigns of recruited candidates (maybe we need a special consul for Obama and his cronies trying to meddle with election in a foreign country).
Naturally the MSM has ignored this issue, only attacking the scum on the supremacist side, but ignoring the antifa and the leftist scum. I urge Attorney General Jeff Sessions to begin arresting those that interfere with the freedom of speech others.
So now we have the Soros black shirt version of the Hitler brown shirts. In addition to locking up members of Antifa, I wish the Justice Dept would look in Soros.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog Doc. Thanks.