Unfortunately, it seems like the main job of most politicians is to get reelected. What's best for America and their constituency comes second. With districts gerrymandered to support one type of candidate, many congressional districts are relatively safe for a political party. So many are more afraid of a primary challenge then that in the actual election. Democrats have been led to believe that the far far left will supply them with the money to pay for a successful campaign. Ossoff, despite outspending Karen Hansen seven to one in the most expensive congressional race ever, lost. The fact that most of the money came from donors outside of Georgia was certainly part of the reason and symptomatic of what the Democrat party has become. Similarly, HRC outspent President Trump by hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with loads of money, a bad candidate with little or no message can't win very often.
As a business man President Trump is interested in efficiency. On time and under budget is mantra of any builder. His cabinet is also made up of highly successful businessmen and women and military men who know how to get things done in an efficient manner. Sadly over the years our government has become very bloated and inefficient. Government bureaucrats fearful of job loss may also be counterproductive to efficiency. Some inefficiency has been built into government by the Constitution. The distribution of power and the rise of political parties tends to slow down the legislative process. This can be a good thing as careful deliberation is necessary for a new legislation that can change America. But in today's political environment, it makes it difficult to get anything done, as many politicians would rather play to those who finance their campaigns then the American people. During the campaign, President Trump vowed to drain the swamp and now those affected by this type of action are very fearful that he might just be successful and that they loose their position and power.
No group has more to loose than the Black Congressional Caucus. If Trump is successful in reversing the cycle of poverty in their districts, likeminded black Republicans might just capture those districts. Most black congressional member represent some of the poorest congressional districts, some like Maxine Waters, have been in Congress for 24 years and although the district she represents remains poor, she has become one of the wealthiest in the district, that is if she actually lived in her poor crime ridden district. I've done my best to try and find net worth of various members of congress, but reporting data is vague and does not include value of residences, though it does include mortgage debt as a liability. Waters, in fact, lives in a mansion worth $4.5 million outside of the 35th California Congressional district, she is supposed to represent. Despite the ease of underreporting net worth, most members of the Black Congressional Caucus are millionaires and are among the wealthiest in the congressional district they are supposed to represent. Yet they keep getting reelected despite their poor performance for their constituency. The reason is simple, victimization . They convince their constituency that being poor is not their fault and that they will make certain they get welfare benefits, medicaid or Obamacare, food stamps. Obamaphones, and other cash payments or subsidies except for one thing, jobs. Education is of course the key to getting out of poverty and the public schools in many of these districts are among the worst. You would think that the Congressional Black Caucus would be screaming for vouchers and school choice. Instead, they back the horrible schools in their district as they get campaign money from the teachers' unions to tow the party line. If they don't, they will have a primary opponent that is backed by the unions. So they push affirmative action and free college. Sounds good, but it does not make up for a poor k-12 education.
The Russia "matter" is in reality a hoax to keep Trump's success from being heralded to all America. Some of the Russia hoax is an obvious set up. It is no coincidence that every time Trump succeeds, the MSM reacts to some supposed scandal. Leftist hypocrisy is rampant with the MSM and elitist DC leftists. They hope that they can draw this out until November of 2018. I heard no cries of impeach Obama, a man who needed to be impeached and hung for treason. No special councils were assigned for any of the massive scandals that rocked his administration. Bill Clinton was impeached, but for the wrong reason. He actually committed treason by allowing a campaign bundler, Bernie Schwartz CEO of Lorel, sell missile guidance technology to the Red Chinese Army for $20 million in illegal campaign contributions. Some of that technology is in the hands of Iran and North Korea. HRC is also a traitor for allowing Russian oligarchs to purchase US Uranium for a $145 million bribe to the Clinton Foundation laundered through a paper Canadian charity and pay Bill a $500 thousand speaking fee. As far as dirt goes, the Clintons, through "filegate," had dirt on every prominent Republican and certainly Podesta with his Media Matters and Center for American Progress cohorts did too. That's part of the rough and tumble of politics.
The Republican need to realize that their majorities may be very fragile, and unless they act now, the resistance and Democrats may win out in the end. Even if it means having a rival in the next primary, doing whats best for America is what they have been sent to Washington to accomplish.
Once again, well written Doc. The pictures were pretty good too!