Drug related deaths are up all across the United States and in some areas at record proportions and are the leading cause of death in white males between the ages of 25 and 34. Opioids are the main offenders causing about 50% of overdose deaths with cocaine, crack, and meth related drugs contributing about 25%. The rest are other drugs including methadone and marijuana products. Although heroin is the main offender, fentanyl, a synthetic and far more powerful drug, is rapidly moving up. Some fentanyl is manufactured in Mexico, but with better border control China has become the main source. Both product, chemicals to make product, and pill presses are turning up all over America with China as the point of origin.
I wonder what Obama was thinking by commuting the sentences of 1625 drug dealers since 2014. He says that he believes that drug dealing is a non violent crime and that black men are given sentences that are too long and don't fit the crime. As usual he is wrong and instead of solving the problem he becomes part of it. Many of the drug dealers he released were both repeat offenders and guilty of gun crimes as well. Obama thinks its okay for drug dealers to have guns, but not the rest of us law abiding citizens.
In Obama's adopted home town of Chicago there is a huge gun related murder rate and much of the crime and murders are drug related. Turf battle are common among gangs who vow for a street corner that might be lucrative. Black on black crime is out of control and no one seems to care. Crimes related to drugs are also on the rise as addicts commit crimes in order to obtain cash for drugs or hold up drug dealers for cash and drugs. So much as a non violent crime.The drug related death rate, both homicides and overdoses will continue to rise with 1625 violent drug dealers back on the streets. Obama seemed more interested in busting criminals out of jail rather than putting them in. Maybe he expects them to be granted their right to vote again. Scumbag and Clinton ally Terry McAuliff, governor of Virginia, tried to unsuccessfully restore voting rights to 200,00 Virginia felons who had served their sentences knowing they would all vote Democrat. Maybe Obama feels the same way about drug dealers. Every vote counts.
The recent Senate hearing have cleared President Trump of any collusion with the Russians, as if there was a smidgen of evidence that it existed. Collusion implies that President Trump or someone on his team asked the Russians to help candidate Trump win the election. Hillary blames Macedonia (see recent blog on Macedonia). What is more likely is that Macedonia tried to get even with HRC and Obama, who colluded with George Soros and the country's left to affect elections to replace the conservative elected government. If Podesta, Debbie, Donna Brazile, and HRC had not broken the law or behaved unethically, there would have been nothing to report. To this, HRC and the Democrats continue to blame the messenger rather than the message. I have discussed Macedonia in a recent blog and suggest that Congress look into Obama's attempt to affect elections in other countries. Israel also comes to mind. The Democrats have nothing to run on and are trying to prolong this nonsense as the main issue for the 2018 mid term elections.
Democrats have suggested the AG Jeff Sessions resign. Sessions has behaved admirably and probably done more to eliminate any appearance of conflict of interest. His so called meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergi Kislov were incidental and in a crowded room where they may have done little more than shook hands. The questioning of Sessions by the Democrats was shameful and they all have very short memories as Obama's first AG Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress and failed to turn over documents subpoenaed by Congress even when a federal judge ruled they had to do so. Now we have learned that AG Loretta Lynch, Obama's second AG, told then FBI chief Comey to mollify his remarks and call the Clinton criminal investigation a "matter." That combined with an attempted clandestine meeting on an airport tarmac in Arizona certainly bears looking into especially since HRC's actions with her server, top secret information, and pay for play with the Clinton Foundation have never been punished and are screaming of privileged treatment.
In my opinion President Trump should never have allowed a special counsel. I think he was set up by Comey and the Democrats. Only if HRC, Bill, Chelsea, Comey, and Loretta Lynch are also investigated and charged will this have any validity.
Thanks Doc. Another beauty. Keep 'em comin'.