No group had more hope or a need for an improvement in their lives than African-Americans. Instead Obama selected far left ideology rather than improving the lives of African-Americans. Unemployment soared during his regime with young African-Americans males leading the group of the unemployed. They became mere pawns in his agenda to destroy capitalism using welfare as one of the pillars of his plan. Most African-Americans would have rather had jobs than EBT cards. He calculated that most African Americans would continue to support him no matter what he did, even if he hurt them economically. By blaming his predecessor and with the help of a complicit mainstream media, he managed to divert ill will from his regime to the previous administration, trying to elicit sympathy for what he tried to convince his supporters was a terrible situation. Little did they know that his ultimate goal was the destruction of capitalism, the middle class, and the American economy. They were mere fodder for his far left vision.
Publicly we ought to celebrate that which unifies us, namely we are all Americans with the same rights and privileges. Privately we are free to practice the things that do make us different like religion or family national origin and customs and even sexuality, but unity represents a huge threat to the left. The Democrats and progressives would rather separate Americans into different groups under the guise of diversity. The emphasis on diversity is key, as it becomes the sedge way to victimization, Everyone is a victim, African Americans, women, gays, lesbians, transgenders, and Muslims except for one group, white men. White men represent the privileged class and are the oppressors and the root cause of evil. No where is this perverted philosophy more prevalent than on our college campuses. Safe spaces, abolishment of free speech, and so called micro aggressions are the most obvious examples. That some white men have succeeded because of hard work and determination doesn't count, its white privilege that's responsible. Blame an outside source for your personal short comings. Communist Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and N.Korea blame America, the Palestinians blame Israel, and two bit African dictators blame their neighbors or rival tribes. This diverts attention from their inadequacies and failures and transfers it to a perceived enemy. Obama used this same strategy to explain why America failed under his regime, when in fact it was his efforts to purposely make America fail.
The worst place to practice diversity would be our educational system, but due to the failings of school boards and teachers' unions, this is not the case. Despite controlling most our major cities for more than fifty years, not only have the Democrats and liberals not ended or at least diminished poverty, they have failed to adequately educate inner city youths. One simple and very valid explanation is that the elected leadership supports the teachers' unions and not the students. The main function of the teachers' unions, sadly, is to keep bad teachers employed. In some cities, bad teachers are not allowed to teach, but gather in offices or warehouses, where they sit all day playing on their laptops, still collecting a salary and benefits. Firing all these worthless teachers would allow funds to be redirected to their original purpose, to actually teaching students with new a better teachers. In addition, time is wasted on lessons that reinforce the philosophy of victimization. Affirmative action has become the solution for liberals to the unsatisfactory education that they have provided. It is also what stands behind the "free" college education movement. Neither affirmative action nor free college make up for a poor primary education. Instead, they represent a racial stereotype, implying that African-American students, just don't learn as well as others. College level Black Studies courses favor diversity and victimization, emphasizing slavery and racial discrimination but neglect many positive contributions of African-Americans to our early history. So its only right that the oppressor, the white man, sufferers. What is a unintended consequence is that the African-American student who doesn't need affirmative action is inappropriately stigmatized. Currently, colleges and universities have contributed to this, providing "safe spaces" for black students only and now even Harvard had a separate graduation for black students. Let me make it perfectly clear, affirmative action does not make up for providing an inadequate grade school education. It promotes victimization and diversity and that is what allows liberal politicians including African American politicians, who have sold out their constituents, to stay in power.
Another good one Doc. I'm still proud to be a white man.