Monday, June 5, 2017

Trump Saves America

      On June 1, 2017 President Donald Trump saved America for the second time (the first was when he was elected).  He backed out of what has to be the worst deal every made.  There was not one positive aspect to the Paris Accord for the United States and in fact I would submit that the Obama Regime is guilty of treason for negotiating an accord that is designed to destroy America.  The anti America left claims it will cost America jobs. Huh.  Nothing will stop America from developing renewable energy technology, and when it becomes economically feasible, it will begin to replace other types of energy generation.  There is absolutely no reason for American tax payers to subsidize the alternative energy industry.  Tesla is a great example.  Elon Musk has designed and manufactured a wonderful automobile (only a few have caught on fire), but I don't own one, yet I have subsidized every one built.  He also owns a solar panel company that is failing due to a poor business model that switches the subsidy from the client who uses the system to his company.  Why would anyone want to do that when they could get the subsidy themselves.  As an elitist Musk, like Al Gore, HRC, Barack and Michelle Obama, flies around on his own private jet and uses convoys of gas guzzling limos, but complains about the carbon foot print of the average Americans.
       According to the horrible deal, reduction in emissions by the United States would be greater than any other country, even though they are low already.  Countries like India and China with the most polluted cities in the world could continue polluting well into the future.  In fact they are allowed to increase their emissions.  A draconian part has the United States and West paying third world countries $100 billion to adopt renewable energy.  How's that going to work, giving the corrupt leaders of Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Angola, Equitorial Guinea,  or Sudan hundreds of millions of dollars?  Europe is destroying itself over renewable energy.  German spent $800 billion on solar and now gets a whopping 0.3 percent of its energy from renewable sources.  Spain spent a bundle on solar energy and lost two jobs for every one created and now has an unemployment rate approaching 20%.
      For a monster like Obama, Paris was perfect.  It responded to a problem that doesn't exist.  It cost America a lot of money, basically throwing it away, and helped our economic competitors.  It stifles our opportunity to reduce dependence at a time when massive amounts of energy sources are coming on line in America.  Instead it wants hard working American to pay a lot more for energy like Europeans.  Because of the failure of renewable energy in Germany, electric  bills are 3 times as high and at least twice as high everywhere else.  Of course, the poor will either pay nothing or get some sort of subsidy, so it amounts to the redistribution of wealth. This is why the left supports it.  It has been said that "green is the new red."
      You all know that I have proven time and time again that the global warming hoax was begun in the 1950 by a Nazi who hated America and capitalism.  It found its way to the UN as a means to weaken America and eventually to Al Gore, who got rich off of it, and finally to Barack Obama who saw it as a means to rain economic hell on America. I suggest you read the paper by the most renown sea level scientist in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are not very bright! This will be my last comment. Toodles!
