As stated in my last post,
Obama has tried to
politicize the
Orlando atrocity, taking sides with the Mu
slim community, and
neglecting GLBT Americans and then pivoting away from the massacre by stating if we only
eliminated the Second Amendment, none of this would have happened. Furthermore, he
attacked Republicans and Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for POTUS for
more vigorously than Muslims, refusing to say the term
radical Islamic terrorism. Hitlery Clinton did pretty much the same,
what difference does it make.
Obama, in a subsequent speech again chided Republicans and Trump and said using the term would do more harm than good. I suppose FDR should have said after Pearl Harbor, "that we were bombed by some guys in planes and that we should try to figure out why they don't like us as it was probably our fault. Using the term Japanese might make other Asians feel bad and hate us." I don't think using the term
radical Islamic terrorism will hurt us at all. In fact
non radical Muslims may appreciate that we distinguish between them and the savages that are also killing and brutalizing them.
Obama further pushed his agenda of
admitting Syrian Muslims, but not
Christians who are being slaughtered in droves, opposing Trump's plan to pause until refugees can be vetted, or better yet establish a safe place for refugees in the Middle East with the
oil rich Middle Eastern counties paying to maintain it. The
House passed a bill in
January for the purpose of
delaying Syrian refugee resettlement, but the
diabolical crook Harry Reid is holding it up in the Senate at Obama's behest, threatening
filibuster. As usual it is the Democrats preventing legislation, but the left wing Obama loving media doesn't report it. Now we learn that
Obama is trying to
speed up immigration of unvetted Syrians, even though his own
CIA, DHS, and FBI admit that terrorists may easily slip in with them as
ISIS has warned. It seems like
Obama is inviting terrorist attacks, rather than preventing them.
disastrous record speaks for itself. Most important is his failure to understand that there is a
Muslim problem. He has had all references to
Muslims, radical Islamics terrorism, and Jihad stricken from FBI, CIA, DHS, and INS training manuals. The puppet Attorney General Loretta
Lynch, in order to r
epress the First Amendment right of freedom of speech, has threaten to
prosecute and persecute those who s
peak against Islam. He (and Hitlery) has also forced the FBI to
withdraw surveillance on
mosques where
treason and slaughter are bred and on individuals like Mateen because he is a Muslim. Furthermore he has l
ied to secure a unenforceable deal with
Iran, giving the
leading sponsor of terrorism in the world
$150 billion to support their
anti American and anti Israel agenda.
Why did
Obama develop this seemingly
pro Muslim stance? The answer, as usual with this monster, is in his past. His
Muslim ties comes not from his father
BHO Sr., who was a non practicing Muslim, but from his adopted father
Lolo Soetero. After divorcing BHO Sr. who rejected her and his new born son (he rejected all eight of his children from four marriages), she married
Soetero, a Muslim from Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population, and moved to Jakarta. Though his schooling began at a Christian school, he soon transferred to the best private school in Indonesia. In order to become a student he needed to become a Muslim and a
citizen of Indonesia. when he was
adopted by Soetero, he immediately became a
Muslim, because in the
Muslim faith a child is the
religion of his father not his mother and so that immediately solved both problems and gave him an
Indonesian passport that he conveniently used to get into
Columbia University as a foreign student and later for
travel to Pakistan, where some
early radicalization may have taken place. For appearance sake,
Obama joined
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's radical church on the
Southside of Chicago, but as he admitted, rarely listened to
Wright"s anti American sermons. He also befriended
Black Muslim Louis Farrakhan, a purveyor of violent hate speech, in Chicago and
anti Israel pro Palestinian Rashid Khalidi who replaced his other anti Israel friend and professor at Columbia the defamed
Edward Said. In addition most of his other left wing and
communist buddies, such as,
Frank Davis, Bill Ayers and
Alice Palmer, had an
anti America, antisemitic, and anti Israel venom. So what would one expect. None of this was ever exposed by the left leaning media and sadly not by the Republican, presidential candidates and PACS as well. Using the
Quran and
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as his two bibles, Obama has slowly but steadily made America
unsafe. He will continue to
blame Bush and use the diversion of
gun control as more Americans will fall due to
radical Islamic terrorism.
The other question, of course, is why does
Hitlery Clinton support a plan similar to
Obama's? After all, she was raised in the Midwest with a
Christian upbringing and is seemingly well educated and served, though ineffectually, as
SoS. For
Hitlery the answer is very simple...
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, and Algeria have contributed a total of more than $100 million to the
Clinton Library and Criminal Foundation as well as millions for unnecessary speeches, all to
buy influence with her in the
Senate, as a presidential candidate, as SoS, and now as a the Democrat nominee and potential POTUS.
Hitlery has to show them some
return on their investment. As
Trump has rightly pointed out, these
Middle Eastern countries have a
miserable record on
women's rights and an even
worse record on gay rights. The left leaning media continues to ignore this and instead says that Trump is anti woman and gay with no real evidence. Hitlery's miserable record stands in stark contrast.
Its all about the dollars. (The
Clinton Criminal Foundation only spends about
10% of its donations on good works. The rest goes to support a lavish life style for Billy, Hilly, and Chelsea. The woman, who claims to have been broke when Billy left office and
had to steal $200,000 worth of White House furniture, can now afford to wear a
$12500 Armani coat while she talks about
wage inequality.)
If you have noticed I have not used the term
political correctness to describe
Obama and
Hitlery's attitude toward
Islam. That would be a distraction from th
e true cause of their disdain for Americans. The ignorant left wing media and the right have been distracted by
political correctness and it serves as a cover for
Obama's treason and
Clinton's greed.