Part 2
Now that we've discussed and learned about how ill prepared and in effected the leader of the team has been, its time to learn about the rest of his t-ball team. The Secretary of State is one of the most the most important representative of America to the World next to the President. Many secretaries of state have been able to advance American interests as effective mediators and framers of foreign policy. The two that come to mind during my lifetime are George C. Marshall and Henry Kissenger. Marshall went from being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II to Secretary of State under Truman. Not only did he effectively manage our war effort, but he chose the right leadership for the job. Post war he formulated the Marshall plan to reconstruct Europe and shield Western Europe from communism. The Berlin airlift stopped the Russians from taking over all of Germany. Kissenger orchestrated the opening of relations with Red China, splitting the then shaky Sino-Russian alliance and softening one aspect of the cold war. These things could not have happened without knowledgeable people who understand what's going on in the world and how to deal with people. Obama has appointed two of the least knowledgeable and effective secretaries of state, even less effective than Madeline Albright, if that can be believed.
When Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State, the Dems and left cheered at this as it brought the Democrat Party together. It also would keep Hillary out of the country much of the time, so she could not organize an effective election campaign in 2012, (Bill also was happy as he could plan his trysts without her interference) On paper it seemed like a great choice, but in reality Hillary was poorly prepared for the job. Other than having met most of the leaders in the world and their wives, she contributed virtually nothing to a rather shaky foreign policy during her husband's regime. She gave her stump speech in a few countries on women's rights, and served as hostess at innumerable state dinners, nothing in her background suggested that she could be an effective secretary of state. Beholden to Obama for bailing out her massive campaign debt, she could not very well argue with the President about policy and instead became another butt licker like so many of his appointees. The "world's smartest woman" was not really so smart. She couldn't even pass the DC bar exam. She, like Obama, has a seemingly impressive, but empty resume. All of her positions including law partner at the Rose Law firm in Little Rock, were not gained because of her hard work, but because she was married to Bill, who was first State Attorney General, then Governor, and finally President. Her most effective legislation as senator was to get the naming of six post offices in New York approved. Finally she has a very obnoxious personality, not one that could build trust and friendship. God forbid she should become president. The country can't afford another president with a thin resume.
Our current Secretary of State, John Kerr,y is another person with an impressive but empty resume. A life long politician like Al Gore, he has usually been on the wrong side of most issues related to foreign policy. He even made what turned out to be empty accusations against our troops in Viet Nam. He reminds me of the Neidermeyer character in Animal House who was shot and killed by his troops in Viet Nam. About his only real accomplishment had been to marry a very wealthy woman, the heiress Patricia Heinz. I wonder who wears the pants in the relationship. Kerry's stewardship had thus far been lack luster.
Susan Rice is also on the NSA team as Ambassador to the United Nations and now as a special appointee.. This idiot, who believed the story about the video causing the tragedy in Libya, was originally Obama's choice for Secretary of State. What she could contribute other than another useless butt taking up space is unknown to me. Chuck Hagel's antimilitary attitude makes him a perfect Secretary of Defense for the regime. Obama says he wants to degraded ISIL but under Hagel, he degraded our military. The military projects power and is an important contributor to foreign policy. American power has been considerably diminished under the regime. Other members of the NSA have demonstrated they they are little more than yes men who, if they have anything to contribute are afraid to do so.
So who is in charge of foreign policy? Iranian born Valerie Jarrett has the last word and runs the show, though others in the political wing of the White House also contribute. Jarrett actually got the Obamas involved in far left Chicago politics and is probably a text book example of cronyism. Typical of many ultraliberals, Jarrett is a millionaire with an overall philosophy that would prevent us from becoming millionaires. She has no experience in foreign policy, but is an expert on dirty politics due to her association with rough and tumble Chicago politics. She is there to protect Obama politically regardless of what is beast for the country. No doubt about it, in the White House, she runs the show.
I've decided in part 3 to list and briefly review many of the total failures of the regime. I think there is virtually no area even his few successes that he hash't botched in some way.
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