Part 3B
No where has Obama-Clinton foreign policy failed the most as it has in the Middle East. Because of his muslim schooling in Indonesia and his way with words (written for him on a teleprompter), he thought he could win the hearts and minds of Muslims by going to Cairo and apologizing for all the wrongs that America has caused Muslims in the past. Interestingly, the only ones that I can think of are our attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, the former for harboring a protecting Al Quada after they attacked us and Iraq after Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait, our ally, and then failed to live up to the agreements with the cease fire. Our support of Israel is also another issue that doesn't hold water. Israel is no real threat to any Arab country that recognizes Israel, since Israel has no designs on empire building by bringing Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan into a greater Israel. Like all people with a Jesus complex, or in the case of Obama a Mohamed complex, he is doomed to fail. And he has failed at every level.
Obama and Clinton and now Kerry don't understand that radical Islam is a medieval religion that rather than becoming a modern religion has morphed into a violent political philosophy that wants to dominate and rule the world through barbarism. We can not make friends with these people. They only understand strength (as do most dictatorial and autocratic regimes). Take ISIS for example. The reason why they are growing so fast is that they can pay their army. In the Middle East poverty and unemployment are very high. Muslim men who are poor cannot marry, forced to live in their farther's house, and can't even afford a prostitute. Their only source of sex is young boys. Now ISIS comes along promising good pay and access to women in the territory they conquer and its no wonder they can raise an army. The establishment of a Caliphate is only an excuse only supported by a few true believers, including many foreigners.
Democratic presidents have never really understood how to use the military to advance and support foreign policy. Almost all Democratic Presidents have violated the first rule of waging war, never tell the enemy when, where, or with what you will strike. Leave all options on the table even if you do not plan on using them. Truman, a president for whom I have some admiration, used the Yalu River as a boundary not wanting to bring Red China into the Korean war. This gave Migs a safe haven and guess what, a massive Chinese army came to the aid of its ally North Korea. The Kennedy-Johnson regimes set boundaries in North Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. All were used by the enemy to their advantage. In fact General Westmoreland had to listen to two academic boobs, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy, who thought they could run the war from their Cozy offices in Washington. Carter degraded our military and failed to see the threat from Khomeni in Iran, abandoning the Shah, favoring an anti America and far more brutal regime that replaced him. We are still paying the price for Carter's error today with Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. Clinton also degraded our military only to use it in Somalia and Serbia. In the war in the Balkans Clinton promised no boots on the ground. He didn't need to. There was an adequate UN force supporting the people of Kosovo, but by leaving all possibilities open, he could have transferred our elite 10th mountain division for maneuvers in Italy right across the Adriatic from Kosovo. This bluff could have helped end the fighting sooner.
Obama has broken all the rules. First and for most he has degraded our military and decimated its current and future leadership. He has delayed on deployment as he did for the surge in Afghanistan. He has set up timetables, about the worst thing we could do. The Korean War was ended in 1953 yet 6o years later there is still an American army there.He has drawn lines in the sand only to ignore them. He has delayed in making a decision allow the situations to get worse, And now he continues with the "no boots on the ground" rhetoric. (He is will to put 3000 pairs of boots on the ground though I'm Liberia where there is an ebola virus epidemic. Soon he was set a timetable. At least he is following my plan to get rid of ISIS. First ISIS needs to be cut off from its financial resources. Watch the army disappear when the cash dries up. This can be done by bombing refineries, roads and bridges, and destroying any pipelines. Threaten to bomb locals where black market oil is available and cut off access to the world banking system for ISIS in general and for those who want to deal in black-market oil. Although a coalition is absolutely necessary, American dominance and leadership are essential. It would be great if the World Court would start calling the ISIS leadership war criminals and threaten to try them when caught and hang their ass, then bury them in a pig's carcass at a secret locale. No 72 virgins for these killers, not even a 72 year old virgin.
Lastly, Obama and Clinton have always seemed to choose the wrong side to support. Hillary initially supported Assad in Syria and the jihad favoring Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Middle East. Fortunately the Egyptian army decided that the Brotherhood was bad for Egypt and deposed these murders. Like wise Obama equates building housing with rocket attacks, terror tunnels, and human shields. Of course Obama and Kerry still consider global warming a bigger threat than ISIS. They are f--king out of their minds. Anyone with half a brain knows that human based global warming does not exist and that the world is going through a cooling phase right now. Sadly Obama is more interested in establishing a communist dictatorship, controlling our lives and minds than establishing a sound and strong foreign policy. To him, foreign policy just gets in the way.
That's it for now. There is still much to say, especially about Libya, but I let the congressional hearings run their course before I say anything, except that it is interesting to note that Hillary Clinton's staff was criminally destroying documents that tie Hillary to the deaths of 4 Americans. Kinda reminds you of Sandy (the burglar) Burger stealing documents tying Bill to 9/11.
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