Part 1
The Obama foreign policy team has been a total failure and it failures continue to multiply. Would you expect otherwise. Obama was voted into office with much hype, but in reality little to back it up. He could talk the talk, but by now it is obvious to all, but cool aid drinkers, that he can't walk the walk or even crawl for that matter. Even a cursory glance at his background showed little experience that he could run or manage anything, much less something as complex as foreign policy. When Obama said, "you didn't build that," he was actually talking about his own lackluster career. One of the reasons he decided on Joe Biden as a running mate was Biden's expertise in foreign policy, though in reality Biden, a life long politician, has been on the wrong side of nearly every issue.
Though his curriculum vitae is filled with positions, elective offices, and honors he has won, in reality it show very little of real accomplishment. He got into Columbia by claiming to be an Indonesia. How else would a mediocre student at Occidental College manage a transfer. Few people remember him from Columbia except his favorite professor, the defamed author of Orientalism and head of the Mideast Studies Department, who gave Obama his only A. After college he moved to Chicago, chosen because it was the hometown of his mentor Frank Davis, an admitted member of the Communist Party of America. Working as a community activist he came in contact with the far far left of Chicago. Seen by Bill Ayres as articulate, unthreatening, and easily manipulated, Ayres had his father, CEO of Commonwealth Edison, but a leftist, secure admission to Harvard Law School and pay Obama's tuition. He was elected to Law Review as it head, a prestigious award, but never wrote a published paper, something almost unheard of for the head of law review at any university, much less Harvard. After graduation, he moved back to Chicago to work for a law firm that was essentially the legal arm of ACORN. The most noticeable case of his law practice was that his name appears as one of six attorneys that represented an ACORN client in Bucyk Robeson vs City Group of Chicago. As it turns out this was a very important law suit as it used the Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) as passed by Clinton and the Democrats to force lenders to provide mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay them back, leading to the home mortgage crisis a dozen or so years later.
Through his socialist, communist, and anarchist contacts, Obama was induced to run for office in Illinois. By disqualifying all of his opponents, Obama became a state senator, double crossing his political mentor, Communist Alice Palmer. He rarely took a stand on any issue voting present over a hundred times. Any new legislation he introduced was written by other politicians who wanted to advance Obama's career. In his US Senate run, his henchmen broke the law...twice, in order to first have his Democrat primary opponent who was leading the race and then use the same tactic to get his Republican opponent who was also way out ahead resign. In both instances, sealed divorce records were illegally opened in violation of the law. As a US Senator, he has no real record to speak of as he was more interested in running for President than promoting important legislation. So here we have a President with virtually no experience and is handled and managed by the far anti America left.
After being elected president, his life becomes even more absurd and bizarre. He is voted the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing nothing (only Al Gore's global warming hoax is worse). With this award under his belt, one might think that Obama could have brought peace to the Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Libya, Sudan, Iran, or even the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. Instead he is seen as a paper tiger who has severely diminished America's influence throughout the world. It could be said that the world has become less safe and less peaceful since he was elected. His way of dealing with important world issue is to delay in making a decision with the hope that it will just go away or resolve itself.
In Part 2, I will expose the Obama foreign policy team as a group of incompetents with virtually no experience or ability in foreign policy and how they lack any understanding how foreign policy is supposed to work. If ISIS represents the jv team, the Obama's foreign policy team is the t-ball team...and loosing.
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