Political correctness was invented by liberals to alter, distract, and confuse reality. For example, illegal aliens are called undocumented workers by the left. Many don't work and are on welfare or exist as common criminals. The fact that regardless of what they are doing here, they are here illegally and in violation of United States federal law. Though the term "illegal alien" describes them to a tee, undocumented worker alters that reality. With that in mind, a drug dealer could be called an unlicensed pharmacist, a chop shop an independent auto parts store, or an identity thief an unauthorized computer geek. Bernie Madoff could be called a savvy investment manager who raised billions on wall street, but now is involved with a long term project at a government facility.
The term African American is also confusing as most negroes, the proper term, and their parents were not born in Africa. I have caucasian friends from South Africa who have children that were born here and may be termed African Americans. African American is not really a racial term. It is a term for country or continent of origin. Now a days Americans are of mixed ethnicities and skin colors so even the terms white, black, brown, tan, red, and yellow may be confusing. When one inquires about race, people tend to identify with the race they think they most closely resemble, or want to be for an advantage. Ultraliberal harpy Elizabeth Warren got a job through affirmative action, claiming she is an American indian. As it turned out she may have a few indian genes as her great great great grandmother may have been an American Indian. She is being touted by the far far left as a presidential candidate in 2016. She may run as the first American indian candidate.
Racist seems to be the politically correct term for anyone who disagrees with or opposes President Obama's crippling policies. Liberals and progressives (the politically correct term for socialists and communists) use this as an excuse so they don't have to debate or respond to appropriate criticism as they know they would loose. Racism seems to be the popular excuse for any liberal that fails to get elected or program that fails. Recently the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee held a secret ballot to determine whether the workers could unionize. The United Auto Workers Union was allow to come into the plant and speak to the workers with out any resistance or threats from VW. The spent millions, but still lost. Liberal have blamed racism as the cause as they claim there is not a huge number of Negro workers at the plant, as if that would make a difference. The workers realized that by unionizing they would take home $3 per hour less, loose some freedom of choice and speech, and did not want what has happened to Detroit to happen to Chattanooga.
Anti woman and anti gay are other terms that liberal like to throw out. Could it be that liberal could be called anti god or religion. To criticize people for their just religious beliefs is unacceptable. Interestingly, Muslims who openly persecute gays and repress women are given a pass as the left is very happy with their anti America tenets. President Obama refuses to even admit that ISIS is an arm of radical Islam. He refuses to use the term radical Islam.our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are called "overseas contingencies". A Muslim army colonel yelling "Allah akbar" while killing and wounding several dozen soldiers at Ft. Hood or a Muslim convert also yelling "Allah akbar" beheading a woman and stabbing another are termed work place violence instead of terror.
The new pc term for global warming is climate change and the substances that were necessary to begin and perpetuate life on Earth are now called greenhouse gasses and are considered undesirable by the left. Recognizing that global temperatures are actually decreasing fractions over the past eighteen years and very harsh and cold winters global warming was changed to climate change except in far left groups that are anti America or with those that are still drinking the Koolade. Climate change has existed long before humans walked the Earth and will continue for millennia to come. Man and, more importantly, the United States have virtually nothing to do with it. Just the other day, President Obama in between rounds of golf with King Abdullah in California blamed global warming for California drought. In fact, the lack of water is due to reservoirs and dams that were designed to preserve the water supply, being misused in order to preserve a tiny fish called the snail darter. Sadly species come and go both naturally and sometimes unnaturally. Image what life would be like if dinsours still existed in the Everglades. A resident of Weston might wake up to find a triceratops grazing in his backyard, or a herd of dinosaurs blocking I75, or a child or pet carried off by a pterroposus. Its a good thing to try to preserve species, but not at the expense of human life.
As a conservative, I respect all religions and ethnicities respect mine, as well as all political views that also respect mine, but any group that wants me dead as far as I'm concerned does not have the right to exist and we as Americans ought to kill them before they kill us, the hell with political correctness.
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