Political correctness was invented by liberals to alter, distract, and confuse reality. For example, illegal aliens are called undocumented workers by the left. Many don't work and are on welfare or exist as common criminals. The fact that regardless of what they are doing here, they are here illegally and in violation of United States federal law. Though the term "illegal alien" describes them to a tee, undocumented worker alters that reality. With that in mind, a drug dealer could be called an unlicensed pharmacist, a chop shop an independent auto parts store, or an identity thief an unauthorized computer geek. Bernie Madoff could be called a savvy investment manager who raised billions on wall street, but now is involved with a long term project at a government facility.
The term African American is also confusing as most negroes, the proper term, and their parents were not born in Africa. I have caucasian friends from South Africa who have children that were born here and may be termed African Americans. African American is not really a racial term. It is a term for country or continent of origin. Now a days Americans are of mixed ethnicities and skin colors so even the terms white, black, brown, tan, red, and yellow may be confusing. When one inquires about race, people tend to identify with the race they think they most closely resemble, or want to be for an advantage. Ultraliberal harpy Elizabeth Warren got a job through affirmative action, claiming she is an American indian. As it turned out she may have a few indian genes as her great great great grandmother may have been an American Indian. She is being touted by the far far left as a presidential candidate in 2016. She may run as the first American indian candidate.
Racist seems to be the politically correct term for anyone who disagrees with or opposes President Obama's crippling policies. Liberals and progressives (the politically correct term for socialists and communists) use this as an excuse so they don't have to debate or respond to appropriate criticism as they know they would loose. Racism seems to be the popular excuse for any liberal that fails to get elected or program that fails. Recently the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee held a secret ballot to determine whether the workers could unionize. The United Auto Workers Union was allow to come into the plant and speak to the workers with out any resistance or threats from VW. The spent millions, but still lost. Liberal have blamed racism as the cause as they claim there is not a huge number of Negro workers at the plant, as if that would make a difference. The workers realized that by unionizing they would take home $3 per hour less, loose some freedom of choice and speech, and did not want what has happened to Detroit to happen to Chattanooga.
Anti woman and anti gay are other terms that liberal like to throw out. Could it be that liberal could be called anti god or religion. To criticize people for their just religious beliefs is unacceptable. Interestingly, Muslims who openly persecute gays and repress women are given a pass as the left is very happy with their anti America tenets. President Obama refuses to even admit that ISIS is an arm of radical Islam. He refuses to use the term radical Islam.our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are called "overseas contingencies". A Muslim army colonel yelling "Allah akbar" while killing and wounding several dozen soldiers at Ft. Hood or a Muslim convert also yelling "Allah akbar" beheading a woman and stabbing another are termed work place violence instead of terror.
The new pc term for global warming is climate change and the substances that were necessary to begin and perpetuate life on Earth are now called greenhouse gasses and are considered undesirable by the left. Recognizing that global temperatures are actually decreasing fractions over the past eighteen years and very harsh and cold winters global warming was changed to climate change except in far left groups that are anti America or with those that are still drinking the Koolade. Climate change has existed long before humans walked the Earth and will continue for millennia to come. Man and, more importantly, the United States have virtually nothing to do with it. Just the other day, President Obama in between rounds of golf with King Abdullah in California blamed global warming for California drought. In fact, the lack of water is due to reservoirs and dams that were designed to preserve the water supply, being misused in order to preserve a tiny fish called the snail darter. Sadly species come and go both naturally and sometimes unnaturally. Image what life would be like if dinsours still existed in the Everglades. A resident of Weston might wake up to find a triceratops grazing in his backyard, or a herd of dinosaurs blocking I75, or a child or pet carried off by a pterroposus. Its a good thing to try to preserve species, but not at the expense of human life.
As a conservative, I respect all religions and ethnicities respect mine, as well as all political views that also respect mine, but any group that wants me dead as far as I'm concerned does not have the right to exist and we as Americans ought to kill them before they kill us, the hell with political correctness.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
The Obama Foreign Policy Team is in Last Place in the T-ball League
Part 3B
No where has Obama-Clinton foreign policy failed the most as it has in the Middle East. Because of his muslim schooling in Indonesia and his way with words (written for him on a teleprompter), he thought he could win the hearts and minds of Muslims by going to Cairo and apologizing for all the wrongs that America has caused Muslims in the past. Interestingly, the only ones that I can think of are our attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, the former for harboring a protecting Al Quada after they attacked us and Iraq after Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait, our ally, and then failed to live up to the agreements with the cease fire. Our support of Israel is also another issue that doesn't hold water. Israel is no real threat to any Arab country that recognizes Israel, since Israel has no designs on empire building by bringing Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan into a greater Israel. Like all people with a Jesus complex, or in the case of Obama a Mohamed complex, he is doomed to fail. And he has failed at every level.
Obama and Clinton and now Kerry don't understand that radical Islam is a medieval religion that rather than becoming a modern religion has morphed into a violent political philosophy that wants to dominate and rule the world through barbarism. We can not make friends with these people. They only understand strength (as do most dictatorial and autocratic regimes). Take ISIS for example. The reason why they are growing so fast is that they can pay their army. In the Middle East poverty and unemployment are very high. Muslim men who are poor cannot marry, forced to live in their farther's house, and can't even afford a prostitute. Their only source of sex is young boys. Now ISIS comes along promising good pay and access to women in the territory they conquer and its no wonder they can raise an army. The establishment of a Caliphate is only an excuse only supported by a few true believers, including many foreigners.
Democratic presidents have never really understood how to use the military to advance and support foreign policy. Almost all Democratic Presidents have violated the first rule of waging war, never tell the enemy when, where, or with what you will strike. Leave all options on the table even if you do not plan on using them. Truman, a president for whom I have some admiration, used the Yalu River as a boundary not wanting to bring Red China into the Korean war. This gave Migs a safe haven and guess what, a massive Chinese army came to the aid of its ally North Korea. The Kennedy-Johnson regimes set boundaries in North Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. All were used by the enemy to their advantage. In fact General Westmoreland had to listen to two academic boobs, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy, who thought they could run the war from their Cozy offices in Washington. Carter degraded our military and failed to see the threat from Khomeni in Iran, abandoning the Shah, favoring an anti America and far more brutal regime that replaced him. We are still paying the price for Carter's error today with Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. Clinton also degraded our military only to use it in Somalia and Serbia. In the war in the Balkans Clinton promised no boots on the ground. He didn't need to. There was an adequate UN force supporting the people of Kosovo, but by leaving all possibilities open, he could have transferred our elite 10th mountain division for maneuvers in Italy right across the Adriatic from Kosovo. This bluff could have helped end the fighting sooner.
Obama has broken all the rules. First and for most he has degraded our military and decimated its current and future leadership. He has delayed on deployment as he did for the surge in Afghanistan. He has set up timetables, about the worst thing we could do. The Korean War was ended in 1953 yet 6o years later there is still an American army there.He has drawn lines in the sand only to ignore them. He has delayed in making a decision allow the situations to get worse, And now he continues with the "no boots on the ground" rhetoric. (He is will to put 3000 pairs of boots on the ground though I'm Liberia where there is an ebola virus epidemic. Soon he was set a timetable. At least he is following my plan to get rid of ISIS. First ISIS needs to be cut off from its financial resources. Watch the army disappear when the cash dries up. This can be done by bombing refineries, roads and bridges, and destroying any pipelines. Threaten to bomb locals where black market oil is available and cut off access to the world banking system for ISIS in general and for those who want to deal in black-market oil. Although a coalition is absolutely necessary, American dominance and leadership are essential. It would be great if the World Court would start calling the ISIS leadership war criminals and threaten to try them when caught and hang their ass, then bury them in a pig's carcass at a secret locale. No 72 virgins for these killers, not even a 72 year old virgin.
Lastly, Obama and Clinton have always seemed to choose the wrong side to support. Hillary initially supported Assad in Syria and the jihad favoring Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Middle East. Fortunately the Egyptian army decided that the Brotherhood was bad for Egypt and deposed these murders. Like wise Obama equates building housing with rocket attacks, terror tunnels, and human shields. Of course Obama and Kerry still consider global warming a bigger threat than ISIS. They are f--king out of their minds. Anyone with half a brain knows that human based global warming does not exist and that the world is going through a cooling phase right now. Sadly Obama is more interested in establishing a communist dictatorship, controlling our lives and minds than establishing a sound and strong foreign policy. To him, foreign policy just gets in the way.
That's it for now. There is still much to say, especially about Libya, but I let the congressional hearings run their course before I say anything, except that it is interesting to note that Hillary Clinton's staff was criminally destroying documents that tie Hillary to the deaths of 4 Americans. Kinda reminds you of Sandy (the burglar) Burger stealing documents tying Bill to 9/11.
No where has Obama-Clinton foreign policy failed the most as it has in the Middle East. Because of his muslim schooling in Indonesia and his way with words (written for him on a teleprompter), he thought he could win the hearts and minds of Muslims by going to Cairo and apologizing for all the wrongs that America has caused Muslims in the past. Interestingly, the only ones that I can think of are our attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, the former for harboring a protecting Al Quada after they attacked us and Iraq after Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait, our ally, and then failed to live up to the agreements with the cease fire. Our support of Israel is also another issue that doesn't hold water. Israel is no real threat to any Arab country that recognizes Israel, since Israel has no designs on empire building by bringing Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan into a greater Israel. Like all people with a Jesus complex, or in the case of Obama a Mohamed complex, he is doomed to fail. And he has failed at every level.
Obama and Clinton and now Kerry don't understand that radical Islam is a medieval religion that rather than becoming a modern religion has morphed into a violent political philosophy that wants to dominate and rule the world through barbarism. We can not make friends with these people. They only understand strength (as do most dictatorial and autocratic regimes). Take ISIS for example. The reason why they are growing so fast is that they can pay their army. In the Middle East poverty and unemployment are very high. Muslim men who are poor cannot marry, forced to live in their farther's house, and can't even afford a prostitute. Their only source of sex is young boys. Now ISIS comes along promising good pay and access to women in the territory they conquer and its no wonder they can raise an army. The establishment of a Caliphate is only an excuse only supported by a few true believers, including many foreigners.
Democratic presidents have never really understood how to use the military to advance and support foreign policy. Almost all Democratic Presidents have violated the first rule of waging war, never tell the enemy when, where, or with what you will strike. Leave all options on the table even if you do not plan on using them. Truman, a president for whom I have some admiration, used the Yalu River as a boundary not wanting to bring Red China into the Korean war. This gave Migs a safe haven and guess what, a massive Chinese army came to the aid of its ally North Korea. The Kennedy-Johnson regimes set boundaries in North Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. All were used by the enemy to their advantage. In fact General Westmoreland had to listen to two academic boobs, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy, who thought they could run the war from their Cozy offices in Washington. Carter degraded our military and failed to see the threat from Khomeni in Iran, abandoning the Shah, favoring an anti America and far more brutal regime that replaced him. We are still paying the price for Carter's error today with Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. Clinton also degraded our military only to use it in Somalia and Serbia. In the war in the Balkans Clinton promised no boots on the ground. He didn't need to. There was an adequate UN force supporting the people of Kosovo, but by leaving all possibilities open, he could have transferred our elite 10th mountain division for maneuvers in Italy right across the Adriatic from Kosovo. This bluff could have helped end the fighting sooner.
Obama has broken all the rules. First and for most he has degraded our military and decimated its current and future leadership. He has delayed on deployment as he did for the surge in Afghanistan. He has set up timetables, about the worst thing we could do. The Korean War was ended in 1953 yet 6o years later there is still an American army there.He has drawn lines in the sand only to ignore them. He has delayed in making a decision allow the situations to get worse, And now he continues with the "no boots on the ground" rhetoric. (He is will to put 3000 pairs of boots on the ground though I'm Liberia where there is an ebola virus epidemic. Soon he was set a timetable. At least he is following my plan to get rid of ISIS. First ISIS needs to be cut off from its financial resources. Watch the army disappear when the cash dries up. This can be done by bombing refineries, roads and bridges, and destroying any pipelines. Threaten to bomb locals where black market oil is available and cut off access to the world banking system for ISIS in general and for those who want to deal in black-market oil. Although a coalition is absolutely necessary, American dominance and leadership are essential. It would be great if the World Court would start calling the ISIS leadership war criminals and threaten to try them when caught and hang their ass, then bury them in a pig's carcass at a secret locale. No 72 virgins for these killers, not even a 72 year old virgin.
Lastly, Obama and Clinton have always seemed to choose the wrong side to support. Hillary initially supported Assad in Syria and the jihad favoring Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Middle East. Fortunately the Egyptian army decided that the Brotherhood was bad for Egypt and deposed these murders. Like wise Obama equates building housing with rocket attacks, terror tunnels, and human shields. Of course Obama and Kerry still consider global warming a bigger threat than ISIS. They are f--king out of their minds. Anyone with half a brain knows that human based global warming does not exist and that the world is going through a cooling phase right now. Sadly Obama is more interested in establishing a communist dictatorship, controlling our lives and minds than establishing a sound and strong foreign policy. To him, foreign policy just gets in the way.
That's it for now. There is still much to say, especially about Libya, but I let the congressional hearings run their course before I say anything, except that it is interesting to note that Hillary Clinton's staff was criminally destroying documents that tie Hillary to the deaths of 4 Americans. Kinda reminds you of Sandy (the burglar) Burger stealing documents tying Bill to 9/11.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Obama Foreign Policy Team is in Last Place in the T-ball League
Part 3A
As I will point out, the entire Obama foreign policy has been a total disaster because it is based on his misguided opinion and hatred of America, resulting in both the disastrous domestic and foreign policies he has tried to put in place. In many instances, the two are intimately related.
His unwillingness to protect and defend our southern border has bolstered the Mexican drug cartels and their ability to both bribe and scare Mexican government officials and police. Combine this with the "fast and furious" scandal and it seems like we are empowering the wrong people south of the border. Promoting the mass exodus of children from Central America is also a significant part of this issue and finally opening our borders to any and all comers also opens our country to diseases of epidemic proportion, ruthless criminals, invading terrorists, and economic peril having to take care of all these illegal aliens (a term the president and his ultraliberal ilk refuse to use). In fact, the regime is letting Mexican and Central American criminals out of prison without deporting them back to their own countries while a decorated marine rots away in a Tiajuna hell hole prison. Here's an idea. Let's tell Mexico that we will immediately deport 100,000 criminals to Mexico City unless our marine is immediately repatriated. Due to Obama's failed policy, Mexico is rapidly becoming a criminalocracy even worse than Columbia was during the eighties. Further to the South, not only is it okay for Brazil to drill offshore for oil, Obama's regime is helping to finance it, while he tires to hinder and delay the same thing off our own coasts.
He has embarrassed and criticized our two best allies, England and Israel. As soon as he took office in 2009, he sent the Churchhill bust, a gift from England, back to the British embassy rather than merely storing it with other objects that are currently not on display. It seems that Obama has been miseducated that England, Israel, and the United States were and are today all imperialistic nations that have exploited other countries for their own benefit. He was also misinformed of that his grandfather was tortured by the British in Kenya, during the Mau Mau revolt in the 1950's. His beliefs are in lock step with the far far left, especially when it come to Israel and the United States. English Prime Minister Cameron seems to have distanced himself from Obama, even though the British have suffered similar beheadings and internal terror attacks. I don't think he trusts Obama (neither do I). Shortly after bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Obama made Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu wait while he ate dinner, a sign of disrespect that he would show to no other leader. The regime continues to equate building houses with launching rockets at civilians and constructing terror tunnels. Support for Israel by Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kerry has been half hearted at best. No one can trust Obama or believe a word he says.
Obama's domestic policy has made it far more difficult to deal with Europe, Nato, and the Russians. Obama is desperate to destroy the American economy, using regulation and delaying tactics. He and Kerry have even tried to claim global warming is the most serious enemy of our country. He is almost correct. It should be that those who believe in human based global warming are the most serious threat to our country. (In reality Global cooling has occurred the last 16 years, there is more polar ice and it is still growing, and the polar bear population around the world is at record highs, except where the eskimos are allowed to kill them.) If the regime had approved pipe lines and coastal facilities the liquify natural gas more quickly, we could easily drive a wedge between Russia and Western Europe that depends on natural gas from Russia. Not only is the US the leading producer of natural gas in the world, but it can produce it far more cheaply. The Europeans pay Russia almost three times per unit of what natural gas costs in the US. Not only would selling natural gas more cheaply to Western Europe eliminate the Russian stranglehold, but it would eliminate one of Russia's major sources of hard currency, making Putin far more willing to listen to reason as he sees the Russian economy devastated. Russia would be forced to back out of Ukraine, put more pressure on Syria and Iran, an quash any dreams it has for reestablishing the Russian empire. Similarly, we have become the leading producer of oil, but it would take Congress to reverse a law they passed during the Carter era banning crude oil exports. If you believe that energy controls the world, than we, with an insightful and strong president could do so. In addition or coffers would be brimming with cash, from taxes and fees from energy exports. We might even eliminate the deficit and reduce the national debt.
In the Far East, North Korea continues to refine its rocketry program and accumulate nuclear weapons. In addition like Iran it exports weapons and technology to bad guys all over the world. China continues to threaten its neighbors as it sees Obama as a total wimp more interested in his golf game that world affairs. If the economies of the US and China were not so linked, they would be even more aggressive. Any threats from the regime have been ignore, because our enemies know that Obama won't follow through.
The discussion of the Middle East will be in Part 3B. This is where Obama's incompetence and failure to understand foreign policy has led to the biggest disasters.
As I will point out, the entire Obama foreign policy has been a total disaster because it is based on his misguided opinion and hatred of America, resulting in both the disastrous domestic and foreign policies he has tried to put in place. In many instances, the two are intimately related.
His unwillingness to protect and defend our southern border has bolstered the Mexican drug cartels and their ability to both bribe and scare Mexican government officials and police. Combine this with the "fast and furious" scandal and it seems like we are empowering the wrong people south of the border. Promoting the mass exodus of children from Central America is also a significant part of this issue and finally opening our borders to any and all comers also opens our country to diseases of epidemic proportion, ruthless criminals, invading terrorists, and economic peril having to take care of all these illegal aliens (a term the president and his ultraliberal ilk refuse to use). In fact, the regime is letting Mexican and Central American criminals out of prison without deporting them back to their own countries while a decorated marine rots away in a Tiajuna hell hole prison. Here's an idea. Let's tell Mexico that we will immediately deport 100,000 criminals to Mexico City unless our marine is immediately repatriated. Due to Obama's failed policy, Mexico is rapidly becoming a criminalocracy even worse than Columbia was during the eighties. Further to the South, not only is it okay for Brazil to drill offshore for oil, Obama's regime is helping to finance it, while he tires to hinder and delay the same thing off our own coasts.
He has embarrassed and criticized our two best allies, England and Israel. As soon as he took office in 2009, he sent the Churchhill bust, a gift from England, back to the British embassy rather than merely storing it with other objects that are currently not on display. It seems that Obama has been miseducated that England, Israel, and the United States were and are today all imperialistic nations that have exploited other countries for their own benefit. He was also misinformed of that his grandfather was tortured by the British in Kenya, during the Mau Mau revolt in the 1950's. His beliefs are in lock step with the far far left, especially when it come to Israel and the United States. English Prime Minister Cameron seems to have distanced himself from Obama, even though the British have suffered similar beheadings and internal terror attacks. I don't think he trusts Obama (neither do I). Shortly after bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Obama made Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu wait while he ate dinner, a sign of disrespect that he would show to no other leader. The regime continues to equate building houses with launching rockets at civilians and constructing terror tunnels. Support for Israel by Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kerry has been half hearted at best. No one can trust Obama or believe a word he says.
Obama's domestic policy has made it far more difficult to deal with Europe, Nato, and the Russians. Obama is desperate to destroy the American economy, using regulation and delaying tactics. He and Kerry have even tried to claim global warming is the most serious enemy of our country. He is almost correct. It should be that those who believe in human based global warming are the most serious threat to our country. (In reality Global cooling has occurred the last 16 years, there is more polar ice and it is still growing, and the polar bear population around the world is at record highs, except where the eskimos are allowed to kill them.) If the regime had approved pipe lines and coastal facilities the liquify natural gas more quickly, we could easily drive a wedge between Russia and Western Europe that depends on natural gas from Russia. Not only is the US the leading producer of natural gas in the world, but it can produce it far more cheaply. The Europeans pay Russia almost three times per unit of what natural gas costs in the US. Not only would selling natural gas more cheaply to Western Europe eliminate the Russian stranglehold, but it would eliminate one of Russia's major sources of hard currency, making Putin far more willing to listen to reason as he sees the Russian economy devastated. Russia would be forced to back out of Ukraine, put more pressure on Syria and Iran, an quash any dreams it has for reestablishing the Russian empire. Similarly, we have become the leading producer of oil, but it would take Congress to reverse a law they passed during the Carter era banning crude oil exports. If you believe that energy controls the world, than we, with an insightful and strong president could do so. In addition or coffers would be brimming with cash, from taxes and fees from energy exports. We might even eliminate the deficit and reduce the national debt.
In the Far East, North Korea continues to refine its rocketry program and accumulate nuclear weapons. In addition like Iran it exports weapons and technology to bad guys all over the world. China continues to threaten its neighbors as it sees Obama as a total wimp more interested in his golf game that world affairs. If the economies of the US and China were not so linked, they would be even more aggressive. Any threats from the regime have been ignore, because our enemies know that Obama won't follow through.
The discussion of the Middle East will be in Part 3B. This is where Obama's incompetence and failure to understand foreign policy has led to the biggest disasters.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Thew Obama Foreign Policy Team is in Last Place in the t-ball League
Part 2
Now that we've discussed and learned about how ill prepared and in effected the leader of the team has been, its time to learn about the rest of his t-ball team. The Secretary of State is one of the most the most important representative of America to the World next to the President. Many secretaries of state have been able to advance American interests as effective mediators and framers of foreign policy. The two that come to mind during my lifetime are George C. Marshall and Henry Kissenger. Marshall went from being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II to Secretary of State under Truman. Not only did he effectively manage our war effort, but he chose the right leadership for the job. Post war he formulated the Marshall plan to reconstruct Europe and shield Western Europe from communism. The Berlin airlift stopped the Russians from taking over all of Germany. Kissenger orchestrated the opening of relations with Red China, splitting the then shaky Sino-Russian alliance and softening one aspect of the cold war. These things could not have happened without knowledgeable people who understand what's going on in the world and how to deal with people. Obama has appointed two of the least knowledgeable and effective secretaries of state, even less effective than Madeline Albright, if that can be believed.
When Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State, the Dems and left cheered at this as it brought the Democrat Party together. It also would keep Hillary out of the country much of the time, so she could not organize an effective election campaign in 2012, (Bill also was happy as he could plan his trysts without her interference) On paper it seemed like a great choice, but in reality Hillary was poorly prepared for the job. Other than having met most of the leaders in the world and their wives, she contributed virtually nothing to a rather shaky foreign policy during her husband's regime. She gave her stump speech in a few countries on women's rights, and served as hostess at innumerable state dinners, nothing in her background suggested that she could be an effective secretary of state. Beholden to Obama for bailing out her massive campaign debt, she could not very well argue with the President about policy and instead became another butt licker like so many of his appointees. The "world's smartest woman" was not really so smart. She couldn't even pass the DC bar exam. She, like Obama, has a seemingly impressive, but empty resume. All of her positions including law partner at the Rose Law firm in Little Rock, were not gained because of her hard work, but because she was married to Bill, who was first State Attorney General, then Governor, and finally President. Her most effective legislation as senator was to get the naming of six post offices in New York approved. Finally she has a very obnoxious personality, not one that could build trust and friendship. God forbid she should become president. The country can't afford another president with a thin resume.
Our current Secretary of State, John Kerr,y is another person with an impressive but empty resume. A life long politician like Al Gore, he has usually been on the wrong side of most issues related to foreign policy. He even made what turned out to be empty accusations against our troops in Viet Nam. He reminds me of the Neidermeyer character in Animal House who was shot and killed by his troops in Viet Nam. About his only real accomplishment had been to marry a very wealthy woman, the heiress Patricia Heinz. I wonder who wears the pants in the relationship. Kerry's stewardship had thus far been lack luster.
Susan Rice is also on the NSA team as Ambassador to the United Nations and now as a special appointee.. This idiot, who believed the story about the video causing the tragedy in Libya, was originally Obama's choice for Secretary of State. What she could contribute other than another useless butt taking up space is unknown to me. Chuck Hagel's antimilitary attitude makes him a perfect Secretary of Defense for the regime. Obama says he wants to degraded ISIL but under Hagel, he degraded our military. The military projects power and is an important contributor to foreign policy. American power has been considerably diminished under the regime. Other members of the NSA have demonstrated they they are little more than yes men who, if they have anything to contribute are afraid to do so.
So who is in charge of foreign policy? Iranian born Valerie Jarrett has the last word and runs the show, though others in the political wing of the White House also contribute. Jarrett actually got the Obamas involved in far left Chicago politics and is probably a text book example of cronyism. Typical of many ultraliberals, Jarrett is a millionaire with an overall philosophy that would prevent us from becoming millionaires. She has no experience in foreign policy, but is an expert on dirty politics due to her association with rough and tumble Chicago politics. She is there to protect Obama politically regardless of what is beast for the country. No doubt about it, in the White House, she runs the show.
I've decided in part 3 to list and briefly review many of the total failures of the regime. I think there is virtually no area even his few successes that he hash't botched in some way.
Now that we've discussed and learned about how ill prepared and in effected the leader of the team has been, its time to learn about the rest of his t-ball team. The Secretary of State is one of the most the most important representative of America to the World next to the President. Many secretaries of state have been able to advance American interests as effective mediators and framers of foreign policy. The two that come to mind during my lifetime are George C. Marshall and Henry Kissenger. Marshall went from being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War II to Secretary of State under Truman. Not only did he effectively manage our war effort, but he chose the right leadership for the job. Post war he formulated the Marshall plan to reconstruct Europe and shield Western Europe from communism. The Berlin airlift stopped the Russians from taking over all of Germany. Kissenger orchestrated the opening of relations with Red China, splitting the then shaky Sino-Russian alliance and softening one aspect of the cold war. These things could not have happened without knowledgeable people who understand what's going on in the world and how to deal with people. Obama has appointed two of the least knowledgeable and effective secretaries of state, even less effective than Madeline Albright, if that can be believed.
When Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State, the Dems and left cheered at this as it brought the Democrat Party together. It also would keep Hillary out of the country much of the time, so she could not organize an effective election campaign in 2012, (Bill also was happy as he could plan his trysts without her interference) On paper it seemed like a great choice, but in reality Hillary was poorly prepared for the job. Other than having met most of the leaders in the world and their wives, she contributed virtually nothing to a rather shaky foreign policy during her husband's regime. She gave her stump speech in a few countries on women's rights, and served as hostess at innumerable state dinners, nothing in her background suggested that she could be an effective secretary of state. Beholden to Obama for bailing out her massive campaign debt, she could not very well argue with the President about policy and instead became another butt licker like so many of his appointees. The "world's smartest woman" was not really so smart. She couldn't even pass the DC bar exam. She, like Obama, has a seemingly impressive, but empty resume. All of her positions including law partner at the Rose Law firm in Little Rock, were not gained because of her hard work, but because she was married to Bill, who was first State Attorney General, then Governor, and finally President. Her most effective legislation as senator was to get the naming of six post offices in New York approved. Finally she has a very obnoxious personality, not one that could build trust and friendship. God forbid she should become president. The country can't afford another president with a thin resume.
Our current Secretary of State, John Kerr,y is another person with an impressive but empty resume. A life long politician like Al Gore, he has usually been on the wrong side of most issues related to foreign policy. He even made what turned out to be empty accusations against our troops in Viet Nam. He reminds me of the Neidermeyer character in Animal House who was shot and killed by his troops in Viet Nam. About his only real accomplishment had been to marry a very wealthy woman, the heiress Patricia Heinz. I wonder who wears the pants in the relationship. Kerry's stewardship had thus far been lack luster.
Susan Rice is also on the NSA team as Ambassador to the United Nations and now as a special appointee.. This idiot, who believed the story about the video causing the tragedy in Libya, was originally Obama's choice for Secretary of State. What she could contribute other than another useless butt taking up space is unknown to me. Chuck Hagel's antimilitary attitude makes him a perfect Secretary of Defense for the regime. Obama says he wants to degraded ISIL but under Hagel, he degraded our military. The military projects power and is an important contributor to foreign policy. American power has been considerably diminished under the regime. Other members of the NSA have demonstrated they they are little more than yes men who, if they have anything to contribute are afraid to do so.
So who is in charge of foreign policy? Iranian born Valerie Jarrett has the last word and runs the show, though others in the political wing of the White House also contribute. Jarrett actually got the Obamas involved in far left Chicago politics and is probably a text book example of cronyism. Typical of many ultraliberals, Jarrett is a millionaire with an overall philosophy that would prevent us from becoming millionaires. She has no experience in foreign policy, but is an expert on dirty politics due to her association with rough and tumble Chicago politics. She is there to protect Obama politically regardless of what is beast for the country. No doubt about it, in the White House, she runs the show.
I've decided in part 3 to list and briefly review many of the total failures of the regime. I think there is virtually no area even his few successes that he hash't botched in some way.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
The Obama Foreign Policy Team is in Last Place in the T-ball League
Part 1
The Obama foreign policy team has been a total failure and it failures continue to multiply. Would you expect otherwise. Obama was voted into office with much hype, but in reality little to back it up. He could talk the talk, but by now it is obvious to all, but cool aid drinkers, that he can't walk the walk or even crawl for that matter. Even a cursory glance at his background showed little experience that he could run or manage anything, much less something as complex as foreign policy. When Obama said, "you didn't build that," he was actually talking about his own lackluster career. One of the reasons he decided on Joe Biden as a running mate was Biden's expertise in foreign policy, though in reality Biden, a life long politician, has been on the wrong side of nearly every issue.
Though his curriculum vitae is filled with positions, elective offices, and honors he has won, in reality it show very little of real accomplishment. He got into Columbia by claiming to be an Indonesia. How else would a mediocre student at Occidental College manage a transfer. Few people remember him from Columbia except his favorite professor, the defamed author of Orientalism and head of the Mideast Studies Department, who gave Obama his only A. After college he moved to Chicago, chosen because it was the hometown of his mentor Frank Davis, an admitted member of the Communist Party of America. Working as a community activist he came in contact with the far far left of Chicago. Seen by Bill Ayres as articulate, unthreatening, and easily manipulated, Ayres had his father, CEO of Commonwealth Edison, but a leftist, secure admission to Harvard Law School and pay Obama's tuition. He was elected to Law Review as it head, a prestigious award, but never wrote a published paper, something almost unheard of for the head of law review at any university, much less Harvard. After graduation, he moved back to Chicago to work for a law firm that was essentially the legal arm of ACORN. The most noticeable case of his law practice was that his name appears as one of six attorneys that represented an ACORN client in Bucyk Robeson vs City Group of Chicago. As it turns out this was a very important law suit as it used the Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) as passed by Clinton and the Democrats to force lenders to provide mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay them back, leading to the home mortgage crisis a dozen or so years later.
Through his socialist, communist, and anarchist contacts, Obama was induced to run for office in Illinois. By disqualifying all of his opponents, Obama became a state senator, double crossing his political mentor, Communist Alice Palmer. He rarely took a stand on any issue voting present over a hundred times. Any new legislation he introduced was written by other politicians who wanted to advance Obama's career. In his US Senate run, his henchmen broke the law...twice, in order to first have his Democrat primary opponent who was leading the race and then use the same tactic to get his Republican opponent who was also way out ahead resign. In both instances, sealed divorce records were illegally opened in violation of the law. As a US Senator, he has no real record to speak of as he was more interested in running for President than promoting important legislation. So here we have a President with virtually no experience and is handled and managed by the far anti America left.
After being elected president, his life becomes even more absurd and bizarre. He is voted the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing nothing (only Al Gore's global warming hoax is worse). With this award under his belt, one might think that Obama could have brought peace to the Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Libya, Sudan, Iran, or even the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. Instead he is seen as a paper tiger who has severely diminished America's influence throughout the world. It could be said that the world has become less safe and less peaceful since he was elected. His way of dealing with important world issue is to delay in making a decision with the hope that it will just go away or resolve itself.
In Part 2, I will expose the Obama foreign policy team as a group of incompetents with virtually no experience or ability in foreign policy and how they lack any understanding how foreign policy is supposed to work. If ISIS represents the jv team, the Obama's foreign policy team is the t-ball team...and loosing.
The Obama foreign policy team has been a total failure and it failures continue to multiply. Would you expect otherwise. Obama was voted into office with much hype, but in reality little to back it up. He could talk the talk, but by now it is obvious to all, but cool aid drinkers, that he can't walk the walk or even crawl for that matter. Even a cursory glance at his background showed little experience that he could run or manage anything, much less something as complex as foreign policy. When Obama said, "you didn't build that," he was actually talking about his own lackluster career. One of the reasons he decided on Joe Biden as a running mate was Biden's expertise in foreign policy, though in reality Biden, a life long politician, has been on the wrong side of nearly every issue.
Though his curriculum vitae is filled with positions, elective offices, and honors he has won, in reality it show very little of real accomplishment. He got into Columbia by claiming to be an Indonesia. How else would a mediocre student at Occidental College manage a transfer. Few people remember him from Columbia except his favorite professor, the defamed author of Orientalism and head of the Mideast Studies Department, who gave Obama his only A. After college he moved to Chicago, chosen because it was the hometown of his mentor Frank Davis, an admitted member of the Communist Party of America. Working as a community activist he came in contact with the far far left of Chicago. Seen by Bill Ayres as articulate, unthreatening, and easily manipulated, Ayres had his father, CEO of Commonwealth Edison, but a leftist, secure admission to Harvard Law School and pay Obama's tuition. He was elected to Law Review as it head, a prestigious award, but never wrote a published paper, something almost unheard of for the head of law review at any university, much less Harvard. After graduation, he moved back to Chicago to work for a law firm that was essentially the legal arm of ACORN. The most noticeable case of his law practice was that his name appears as one of six attorneys that represented an ACORN client in Bucyk Robeson vs City Group of Chicago. As it turns out this was a very important law suit as it used the Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) as passed by Clinton and the Democrats to force lenders to provide mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay them back, leading to the home mortgage crisis a dozen or so years later.
Through his socialist, communist, and anarchist contacts, Obama was induced to run for office in Illinois. By disqualifying all of his opponents, Obama became a state senator, double crossing his political mentor, Communist Alice Palmer. He rarely took a stand on any issue voting present over a hundred times. Any new legislation he introduced was written by other politicians who wanted to advance Obama's career. In his US Senate run, his henchmen broke the law...twice, in order to first have his Democrat primary opponent who was leading the race and then use the same tactic to get his Republican opponent who was also way out ahead resign. In both instances, sealed divorce records were illegally opened in violation of the law. As a US Senator, he has no real record to speak of as he was more interested in running for President than promoting important legislation. So here we have a President with virtually no experience and is handled and managed by the far anti America left.
After being elected president, his life becomes even more absurd and bizarre. He is voted the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing nothing (only Al Gore's global warming hoax is worse). With this award under his belt, one might think that Obama could have brought peace to the Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Libya, Sudan, Iran, or even the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. Instead he is seen as a paper tiger who has severely diminished America's influence throughout the world. It could be said that the world has become less safe and less peaceful since he was elected. His way of dealing with important world issue is to delay in making a decision with the hope that it will just go away or resolve itself.
In Part 2, I will expose the Obama foreign policy team as a group of incompetents with virtually no experience or ability in foreign policy and how they lack any understanding how foreign policy is supposed to work. If ISIS represents the jv team, the Obama's foreign policy team is the t-ball team...and loosing.
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